Omorashi Male

Omorashi Male


Omorashi Male

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April 19, 2015 in Omorashi general

I was just wondering if you guys new any anime with wetting, specifically male. I've seen a couple for female wetting, but I'm not really into that. I've searched online a little bit, but wit at there's no guarantee that its well made.
So do you know any male omo anime/manga?
The only one I can think of is Hetalia, but it's rare.
South Italy (Romano) pees on the floor when he can't find Spain's bathroom. It's also mentioned that he was a bedwetter, but he blamed it on squirrels sneaking into his bed (lol!). This was all when he was a kid though...
In the English dub, North Italy mentions getting so scared he wet his pants after watching horror movies from around the world.
Prussia is seen peeing once, no desp though.
That's all I can think of. I feel like there's more.
Hetalia has so much fanfiction about it it's kind of ridiculous. You can find them involving stuff like omorashi and the like as well.
As for straight animation of male desperation, not so much. There's hardly any of female, let alone male.
Yes there is a ton of Hetalia fanfic. Plenty of omo fics as well. There's even a group on deviantART devoted entirely to Hetalia omo.
There's one really old anime I remember seeing reruns of a long time ago. One of the characters, a boy, wets his pants a lot.
There's one really old anime I remember seeing reruns of a long time ago. One of the characters, a boy, wets his pants a lot.

Watch Prison School first season episode 2 If you want to enjoy the story watch the end of ep 1 first. 

There is a little holding and then a kind of wetting. all genuine male omorashi. I whish there was more. I wish someone will male a netflix for male omorashi anime and movies only. 

There's a short scene in DBZ when Trunks end up peeing on Broly : DBZ

For anyone who's curious, that's the movie "Broly: Second Coming", not the show. (Sometimes I do fantasize about Rainbow Dash in his position)

The next movie, Bio-Broly, mentions that Mr. Satan wet his pants at summer camp

Also I'm pretty sure Oolong wet himself in a Dragon Ball episode, though I'm not sure which one.

And, while I'm not 100% sure it ended in a wetting, there was a moment in Season 4 of Yu-Gi-Oh when Weevil and Rex are sneaking aboard a plane inside a bag, and Rex says he has to go to the bathroom really badly. During the flight they get freezing (to the point of getting ice particles in their underwear) and later get tossed around a lot (to the point that Weevil can't even remember who he is for a bit), so I think it highly likely that Rex wet his pants, though again, I don't think it ever specifies the outcome. (correct me if there is anything I missed)

Oh, you mean Tare? he looked different than the manga, he was used for comedic relief, In some episodes, he will get frightened and pees himself, it only happened once in the second volume of the manga and the 2000 OVA (he looked different in the OVAs though.)

Here are the episodes that have wetting scenes:

However in most episodes, he doesn't pee himself when he's frightened, he reminds me of Nat Nerd/Super Nerd from The Garbage Pail Kids Movie when he pees himself at some occasions.

Oh, you mean Tare? he looked different than the manga, he was used for comedic relief, In some episodes, he will get frightened and pees himself, it only happened once in the second volume of the manga and the 2000 OVA (he looked different in the OVAs though.)

Here are the episodes that have wetting scenes:

However in most episodes, he doesn't pee himself when he's frightened, he reminds me of Nat Nerd/Super Nerd from The Garbage Pail Kids Movie when he pees himself at some occasions.

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- Are you crying?
- ….
- Why?
- ….
- You ok?
- …
- I…I have to go…⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
thank you so much! sorry if this is out of character or looks weird, i haven’t played the game
I don’t know if this has been done already but…
Imagine desperate Superheros and Villains.
Like a desperate superhero flying above a town, trying not to lose control and end up pissing all over the unsuspecting people below.
Or a hero in the middle of an intense fight with a bursting bladder, trying to defeat the villain and also keep their pants dry.
Or a hero trying to get their skin tight suit off before they have an accident but they can’t so piss ends up dribbling the inside of their legs and their suit, regretting picking such a tight and inconvenient costume.
Or a hero getting captured and tied up by the villain while they’re desperate. The villain notices their predicament and decides to torture them in a more unconventional way by pushing and poking their bladder, playing sounds of running water, and forcing the hero to drink more and more water.
What about a bladder shy villain getting arrested and put in a holding cell at the police station. They’re really desperate but whatever they do the can’t calm themself​ down enough to be able to go in the very open and exposed toilet in the cell.
Or a villain getting so caught up in their schemes that they don’t realize they have to go until it’s too late.
I fricking died when his confidant rank 5 was called Mishima’s Desperation like hello pls gimme some
So yeah, A desperate cute Yuuki for the soul
Long time omo fan first time omo drawer! Inspired by this part in the game because moon boy is my son and I love him?
*briefly comes back only to post a shitty doodle I’ll never finish*
Oh, no, I don’t need any more lemonade, really! You don’t have to pour me another glass. Ah, well… if you insist… What? No, nothing’s wrong. I’m just fine. I just, um, don’t want to trouble you, is all.
dokey, so Odin is, of course, very hung up on the fact that he is of royal
lineage, and kind of created this “character” for himself as a…I hesitate to
say personality, but that’s kind of what it is. Anyway, since he fancies
himself this powerful, amazing, unbeatable sorcerer, he feels like he has to be
somewhat sneaky about admitting that he is, in fact, just a normal person who
has normal bodily functions, like having to pee on a regular basis. He will
absolutely never admit that he has to pee no matter how desperate he is. He
would rather wet himself (and has, quite a few times) than admit to being
few times he has wet himself, his response is to outright ignore that it’s even
happened. It doesn’t matter if someone is staring right at him watching a
puddle spread under his feet as his pants darken with liquid, he will act as if
it is not happening and pretend he hasn’t heard what the witness said if they
dare to comment. He’s simply too proud.

Oh my goodness, let me just say I love your art. If you're still taking requests, could you draw Kanji from Persona 4? Maybe he got stuck in one of his dresses he sews? Even if you'd rather not, have a great day!

Please please any headcanons on Odin or Ryoma

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  "Is it time to go yet?" Ethan asked the others "Where is Marco? He should be packed and ready!" He asked the others, and they shrugged. They were about to go on a long car trip, and Marco wasn't ready at all. He probably was still in bed wrapped up in a blanket and loudly snoring. All three of them were just standing and waiting. There was Ethan, Lewis, and Ryan who was the only one old enough to drive. "Go wake him up Lewis," Ethan asked.  "Why do I have to do it?" Lewis asked him, he didn't want to wake him up. Just because Marco was his little brother didn't mean he had to talk to him. He groaned as he entered the home and went to the teenager's bedroom.  His eyes were wide open, he was surprised at what he saw. Everything was absolutely clean and in place. He expected the teen to have the worst room. Crumbs and stuff everywhere. Lewis was shocked. He walked over to the teen and tried to wake him up.  It had been five minutes and Lewis was frankly tired of this, he picked him up while still asleep, and brought him to the car, and put the blanket over him.  "Finally let's go," everyone jumped into the car, and they drove off from their home. They were ready to head out for an adventure! ---  Marco started to wake up, everything was blurry. He was still half asleep. The first thing he did was just sit and listen to the conversation that was going on between the three other people in the car. He then started to question where he was, he didn't remember getting in the car. He didn't ask them though, he just stayed set in his seat. He stared out the window as they passed trees, farms, and other areas. They even passed by a lake. Seeing all that water reminded him of his need to use the restroom. 'It's nothing, I'll go when we get gas' he said as he layed his head down to rest on his pillow, curled up in his blanket, and went to sleep. --- "Where are we?" Marco asked, "How did I get in the car?" he forgot they were on a trip, and finally spoke up. "Ah, you're awake. I took you from your room in placed you in the car, it explains why you are just wearing boxers and a sweater. Unfortunately I forgot your bags, so we'll have to stop by the store on the way there." Marco felt like Lewis would never stop talking. "Right now we just passed a city called Springfield. We got gas back there so we might not stop until we get to our destination." "You stopped for gas? How long ago?" Marco asked. He hadn't forgot about his throbbing bladder. It felt worse now. He didn't want to grab himself, but he was forced to when a wave of desperation hit him. "Nnng..." "Are you okay, you don't look so good, your face is all red," Lewis asked him, "Plus you are shaking." "I'll be fine..." Marco told him, he went back to looking out the window and Lewis kept watching him. An hour went by and they still were not at their destination. He really needed to use the bathroom now. He was dying for it. He hated Ryan for buying a hybrid car, so they wouldn't have to stop for long periods of time. "Gah!" He screamed out as a leak dribbled out of himself. Everyone in the car looked back at him, Ryan started to focus on the road after the outburst and Ethan turned back to stare out his window. Shit... I won't be able to hold it, somebody help me! he thought to himself, he absolutely needed to go right now! "Okay, you have been looking uncomfortable for a bit now! I think you might be feeling sick. I think I might have throw up bag for you somewhere in this car," Lewis told Marco. "NO! I promise, I'll be fine!" he yelled. He actually wasn't fine. He felt like he was going to burst any second now. "I just... really, really, really need to use the loo. I didn't want to bother you guys, plus I was embarrassed, and I thought I could make it until we get to our destination, but... I can't hold it in any longer. I'm really sorry for not telling you earlier," his eyes started to tear up. "Well, there are no cities for tens of miles and this turnpike has railings on both sides. I am sorry bud, try your best to hold it," Ryan explained. Lewis never liked to see his little brother in pain. It made him feel guilty. He tried to look around the car, under the seat, in his bags, anything he could piss in. Marco was embarrassed to death. He was so scared that he would have an accident in front of everybody. He wouldn't show his face to 'anyone' if that happened. There was a sudden spurt that rushed out, leaving a little dot on his underwear. He kept on holding with all of his might, he clacked his legs together and just stared down, too embarrassed to see his friends and brother's faces. Marco started to tear up, he kept grabbing harder. He saw a stream go through his fingers and pool around him. He heard the tapping of the warm yellow liquid on the leather seat. Oh god, he was actually peeing himself! In front of his older brother and everyone, and in the car too! He couldn't hold it, and he kept going, kept on peeing. He kept grabbing his crotch, but it was futile. Spurt by spurt it escaped from him, and the urine started to pool under him. The puddle started to grow larger than the seat, and it started going off the edge of the seat. The urine falling to the rubber carpet on the car floor sounded like fingers tapping on a table. Lewis jumped as soon as he heard it. He smelt the liquid, he heard it hitting the seat, and saw it pool around him, and worse of all, he saw the tears crawling south, down his burning red cheeks, and hearing the cry of his younger brother. "Ryan, stop at the next exit, Marco is peeing himself," Ethan told Ryan, but Ryan didn't believe him.

Skylox: Car Trip And Duct Tape - Yaoi Fanfic
Note: This is set in a world where it is like our own, but everything looks like minecraft. You even look like your own skin.

  "Ty! You ready to go?" Adam called from downstairs. Adam and Ty were about to head to the mountains for a camping trip. Ty was visiting Seattle for the week, and they decided to have some fun while he was here.
  "I'll be right down!" Ty yelled to Adam. Once he got downstairs, bags all packed and ready to head out to the camp site, deadlox looked tired. Adam could only find that adorable. "What are you looking at?" Ty responded. Adam's gaze was blankly staring at Ty. He nervously looked away. Adam put his shad
Since I think so many of the characters in Special A! Most of the guys in that show are my pick for omorashi. I love all of them. Except for Chitose's brother... I forget his na- YOHIDO? Yohido right? Yahiro, well... same thing! Also Takishima's little brother Sui is so cute! I love him. I really love the twins too, Jun and Megumi! Oh yeah, these stories involve "if this happened" stuff. The first story is if Yahiro came in earlier than usual.

Chitose Saiga

  "How were the Special A's?" Yahiro asked his little brother, who was coming towards him. He was coming back from anot
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