Omegle Vichatter Little Girls Video

Omegle Vichatter Little Girls Video


Omegle Vichatter Little Girls Video
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Stranger: mkay ima tell u already, im NOT HORNY! :}} You: whew, neither am i. Stranger: woho im glad (: You: i cant be horny, as i am a skeleton. Stranger: oh really, and how is it to be a skeleton? :) tell me moarr You: oh, it gets kinda boring sometimes, your main job is to scare people. Stranger: thats suxxx, huh? You: yah, glad we have internet conection. Stranger: yea thats really impressive You: i wish i could be alive again. :( Stranger: well.. i dont think u'll be alive in a near future Stranger: that blows for ya You: i asked a genie to be alive before i was a skeleton. i didnt exactly get what...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like Pokemon. You: Hey Stranger: hi You: what's up? Stranger: just playing pokemon You: Ha, me too You: what game? Stranger: alpha sapphire You: Nice Stranger: I'm -BLANK- You: So, -BLANK-. I have a bad sense of trying to look at genders when I only see there name You: so, are u a boy? Stranger: I'm male You: Okay, like I thought You: so, do u watch the anime? Stranger: used to stopped after sinnoh You: Oh You: why? Stranger: just lost interest in the anime You: Oh You: so u carried on into games, then Stranger: yes You: do u have any cards? Stranger:...
You: *giggles evilly* You: Meow. Stranger: Bark bark You: From the ashes of my favoriete characters I rise! Stranger: Where did u took this quote from? You: My brain. Stranger: hmm awesome! Stranger: What does it mean? You: Idk, I just pushed random word suggestions on my phone. You: And this came out. You: Sooo... yeah. You: XD Stranger: haha Stranger: Maybe it means that u will like be anew legend, made of some fallen heroes... stuff... You: That would be awesome. Stranger: yeah You: Do u know how to play the Smash the Keyboard game? Stranger: nope Stranger: its something like this? Stranger: eklrv ffjneklwçFJEKLSWÇDR...
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