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A BBC investigation into the increasingly popular live video chat website Omegle has found what appear to be prepubescent boys explicitly touching themselves in front of strangers.
Omegle links up random people for virtual video and text chats, and claims to be moderated – but has a reputation for unpredictable and shocking content.
Global child protection groups are increasingly concerned about predators using the site to gather self-generated child sexual abuse material.
The founder of the website, Leif K Brooks, told the BBC his site had increased moderation efforts in recent months.
According to new research collected by data analyst Semrush, Omegle grew globally from about 34 million visits a month in January 2020 to 65 million in January 2021.
Interest has spiked particularly in the US, UK, India and Mexico.
In the UK alone, traffic increased by 61%, with 3.7 million visits in December from predominantly people under the age of 34 – many of them teenagers.
Omegle has been the subject of recent viral videos from popular social media influencers including KSI, Charli D’Amelio, James Charles and Emma Chamberlain.
On TikTok alone, videos tagged with “Omegle” have been viewed more than 9.4 billion times.
TikTok told the BBC that, as a result of our investigation, it had now banned sharing links to Omegle. The company says its safety teams have not found any harmful Omegle content on its platform but would continue to monitor the videos.
“It’s a trend now on TikTok that everyone’s doing Omegle, so me and my friends thought we’d go back to it,” says 15-year-old Keira from the US on video chat on the site.
“Men being gross is something me and my friends see a lot. It should be better monitored. It’s like the dark web but for everyone.”
In the last six months, many schools, police forces and government agencies have issued warnings about the site in the UK, US, Norway, France, Canada and Australia.
During the approximately 10 hours that we monitored Omegle, we were paired with dozens of under-18s, and some appeared to be as young as seven or eight.
Omegle’s disclaimer states that users should be 18 or over, but there is no age verification process in place.
During just one two-hour period, we were connected at random with 12 masturbating men, eight naked males and seven porn adverts.
There is also the option to find matches based on interests, for example “football” or “movies”.
When we inputted one generic keyword relating to adult material, we were paired even more frequently with people engaging in explicit activity.
We were also paired at random twice with what appeared to be young prepubescent boys masturbating live on the video chat.
One of them identified himself as being 14 years old.
These instances were not recorded, and we ended both chats swiftly before reporting them to the authorities.
A spokeswoman from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the US said: “The speed in which you found possible child sexual abuse material should underscore the necessity of age verification on social media platforms.”
Mr Brooks, the website’s owner, says he has now blocked the use of the keyword, but the BBC has not been able to verify this.
The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), which is responsible for finding and removing images and videos of child sexual abuse online, said the results of our investigation were troubling but followed a recent trend.
“We have found self-generated abuse material elsewhere on the internet which has been created by predators who have captured and distributed footage from Omegle,” said Chris Hughes, hotline director at the foundation.
“Some of the videos we’ve seen show individuals self-penetrating on webcam, and this type of activity is going on in a household setting often where we know parents are present. There are conversations that you can hear, even children being asked to come down for tea.”
In 2020, the IWF said analysts actioned 68,000 reports which were tagged as including “self-generated” child sexual abuse content – a 77% increase on the previous year.
One parent in the UK who we spoke to said her eight-year-old daughter was nearly coerced into sexual activity with an older man on the website.
She told the BBC: “My daughter had seen some videos go viral on TikTok about people being on this Omegle, so she explored this site and there’s no log-in or age restrictions or anything.
“These people were saying she was beautiful, hot, sexy. She told them she was only eight years old and they were OK with that. She witnessed a man masturbating and another man wanted to play truth or dare with her.
“He was asking her to shake her bum, take off her top and trousers, which she thankfully did not do.”
Julian Knight MP, chairman of the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, said the problems on Omegle highlighted a need for more legislation in the UK.
“I’m absolutely appalled. This sort of site has to take its responsibilities seriously. What we need to do is have a series of fines and even potentially business interruption if necessary, which would involve the blocking of websites which offer no protection at all to children.”
Over a period of three months, the BBC tried to reach both Omegle and founder Leif K Brooks several times for comment.
There is no way to contact Omegle through its website or elsewhere online.
Mr Brooks has not spoken publicly about Omegle for several years.
After six emails to a separate company he co-founded – Octane AI – he finally responded.
He said his site was moderated and that his team did block users who “appear to be under 13”.
He also said in an email that he had expanded monitoring efforts in 2020.
“While perfection may not be possible, Omegle’s moderation makes the site significantly cleaner, and has also generated reports that have led to the arrest and prosecution of numerous predators,” he said.
He also claimed that the site’s porn adverts were age-restricted but would not give details about how that was possible without age verification.
He described these explicit pornographic ads as “discreet” and said showing them was a “classic ‘life gives you lemons’ situation”.
“Omegle isn’t intended for prurient interests, and when adults visit Omegle with that intent, it makes sense to direct them somewhere more suitable,” he said.
Mr Brooks did not respond to any further questions.
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Jul 24, 2007



Hectic I thoroughly enjoyed your 'test thread' and tried to post 'hello!' to feck it up. Alas, it was not to be.


Jul 14, 2008




I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster

You: -_ You are connecting with an Omegle Chat Operator. Please wait a few moments while we connect you _ -
You: -_Connected_-
You: Hello Stranger! I am Dave, one of the Omegle Chat Staff, is there anything I can help you with?
Stranger: woww
Stranger: is this for real? are you really working omegle?
You: Yes I am, there's a group of us who regulate the Omegle chats after security concerns were raised several months ago.
You: Have you heard of chatroulette?
Stranger: lol yah of course
You: Well, this is why we are here. It's become a risk to allow all chats to go unsupervised, we just can't be sure the content and direction of the chats are safe.
Stranger: that makes sense actually. alot of weirdos here
Stranger: not as bad as the other place but still
You: Is English your first language?
Stranger: no no but i think i speak very well
You: Have you had any problems or issues with any recent conversations?
Stranger: yes! I had a racist guy abuse me for about 5 mins
You: May I ask when this was, I can bring up the log and ban his IP Address so he can not make that mistake again.
Stranger: awesome!!!! i think it was about 2 nights ago maybe
You: Okay, I'm going to bring up the chat and review it now.
Stranger: i told him i would have the last laugh hahaa
You: Okay, I have seen the chat, and have banned him as a consequence, please bare with me.
Stranger: no problems man thanks for all of this too
You: I've just checked a few of your older chats, it appears you aren't that innocent either.
Stranger: what?!!? when?! no i never do bad on here
You: I can see you've called yourself John in many of these chats, we do not encourage or allow users to post links to pornographic content, or insulting minorities
Stranger: wow! no please listen you got it all wrong here, im minority
Stranger: my names not john though and i never done any of that i swear it
You: John, I can see your chats as clear as day, you can't complain of racism one day, then insult an entire continent the next.
Stranger: no no i dont even know what that is!!
Stranger: he was the racist not me, i just said i would laugh is all
You: Not laughing now though are you John?
Stranger: not anymore no
You: John, by Omegles rules I have to report your IP Address to both your ISP and the ISPACT (Internet Security Protocols & Anonymous Counter-Threat)
Stranger: wait wait wait please i dont know what these means
You: This means your recent activity on Omegle and your internet in general will come under review. Your ISP will build a case, and if ISPACT act on it, then you will be in severe trouble with the law.
Stranger: honestly please i only mess around on here a little bit, cyber and insults is all
Stranger: i have never in my life sent pornographic stuff, and im not a racist please dont do this
You: John, why should I believe you? You couldn't even admit this is your name.
Stranger: i admit it i do. its john alright
You: Alright John. I'm going to put you on a probation period.
Stranger: what does this mean for me
You: This means all of your internet usage will be under temporary review, this doesn't just mean Omegle, but everything.
Stranger: oh my god why is this happening
You: I strongly recommend you stay off the porn sites, as I can see you use them alot, and focus on contributing something sensible to the internet.
You: Do I have your word?
Stranger: you do, you do. word. its not me who uses the porn stuff, my sister also uses computer so i dont know
Stranger: i will contribute just please dont do anything
You: This is your last warning John, okay?
Stranger: yes i am sorry, no more!
You: No more.
Stranger: no.
You: I'll be watching you John. Now get out of here.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Mar 10, 2010





I'm so gorgeous they want to put me under arrest!


Jan 17, 2008




A never-nude? I thought he just liked cut-offs.

You: Well, hello there, may I ask, male or female?
Stranger: hey. female here!
You: Wonderful to speak to you, miss stranger. Are you well?
Stranger: yes lol...a bit posh for omegle
You: Well, as they say, politeness is next to godliness.
Stranger: do they say that?
You: I do. I used to follow a different philosophy, but my life changed.
Stranger: ok sounds a bit serious
You: You could say it was an awakening of sorts.
You: Would you be up for acting out a little role play?
Stranger: sexual ??
You: That's entirely upto you, my sweet.
Stranger: ok yeah but i want you to lead
You: Not an issue. I turn on some music, pavarotti's voice circles the room, creating a warmth inside both of us. I take your hand and place a gentle kiss on the surface.
Stranger: oooo, i let out a moan
You: I survey the view from my balcony, life is good, I remove my pipe and my monacle, and let of a rich, hearty laugh.
Stranger: what are you laughing at?
You: I turn around, slowly, I can almost hear your heart thumping against your chest.
You: My mask slips off slowly, I see your mouth open in shock, as I say,
You: feckin ell love, its me DANNY LIVE UNTIL I DYER.
Stranger: danny dyer? omg not again
You: NAH
Stranger: well this was a big turn off
Stranger: feck off
Stranger: did you see what i said?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Jan 13, 2008




Kebab Shop

Hectic, this is brilliant. Each one, fecking funny. Mad Props G.


Mar 17, 2008




The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music


orderly disembarking on planes


Nov 8, 2009



Just read the whole thread, and my stomach hurts from laughing.


Jun 8, 2006





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