Olympia Dukakis Lesbian Movie

Olympia Dukakis Lesbian Movie


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A lesbian couple escape from their nursing home and head up to Canada to get married. Along the way, they pick up a young, male hitchhiker.
A lesbian couple escape from their nursing home and head up to Canada to get married. Along the way, they pick up a young, male hitchhiker.
The film is an adaptation of the 2010 stage play of the same name by Thom Fitzgerald, who did his own adaptation for the screen.
Stella: Y'know, I saw this TV show: Rosie O'Donnell took a bunch of dykes on a cruise to Nova Scotia, then this flock of lesbians got married there.
Stella: That's what they call us when we're in a group; a gaggle of gays, a flock of lesbians. Like in nature.
Dot: Stella, are you proposing to me?
Ain't Life Sweet
Written and Performed by Penny Lang
Destined to be one of the great movie love stories
The brief synopsis of this story is that it's about two old lesbians living in Maine who pick up a hitchhiker. That's not a very good synopsis. This movie is about two people who have loved each other and lived together for 31 years. Age and a selfish granddaughter threaten to end the relationship so these two octogenarian ladies decide to run away in an old, red pickup truck through the back roads of Maine to Canada where they can be married. Along the way they pick up a young, male hitchhiker who happens to be a modern/exotic dancer from New York. This trio then takes an unlikely road trip with a series of misadventures and adventures through the beautifully photographed landscape of eastern Canada.

Olympia Dukakis plays a role you might never expect to see: a crusty old lesbian with the mouth of the saltiest sailor. She is magnificent. Brenda Fricker plays the blind, wise old woman. You root for her every step of the way. A very funny Ryan Doucette plays the hitchhiker. You'd never know this was his first movie.

This movie places everything you expect from a romantic comedy/drama and pours it into new vessels not previously used to hold this vintage. The movie has already played in theaters in every country but the US. In the US, the Lifetime cable channel purchased it, so the language is not likely to survive un-bleeped. Not to worry, it appears on DVD in July, 2013 so you can see it as the author intended: sweet, salty, and well done. (We just saw this movie in San Jose, CA as part of the Camera Cinema Club.)
Olympia Dukakis, Oscar-Winning ‘Moonstruck’ Actress, Dead at 89
Olympia Dukakis, Oscar-Winning ‘Moonstruck’ Actress, Dies at 89
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Olympia Dukakis Lesbian Movie

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