Olena Popova's creative biography

Olena Popova's creative biography

Ukrainian Choral Society named after Mykola Leontovych

 Popova Olena Valeriivna is a director of the choir "Sounds of Music" and the choir of junior classes, director of the vocal ensemble "Harmony", teacher of the highest category, methodologist, graduate of the State Music College No. 9 named after V. Sokalsky. She graduated from Kharkiv Lyatoshynsky Music School (choral conducting department, class of L.I. Bakumenko in 1997) and Kharkiv Institute of Arts named after I.P. Kotlyarevsky (Department of Choral Conducting, class of Professor A.A. Miroshnikova, 2002), received a specialist diploma with honors and the first master's degree in Kharkov.

  She worked at the department of choral conducting of Kharkiv Music College B. Lyatoshynsky (from 2002 to 2015), author of the program on the subject "Fundamentals of Conducting" with specializations "Singing" and "Music Theory". Now she works at the Children's Music School No9 named after V. Sokalsky, teaches choir of junior and middle classes, directs the vocal ensemble "Harmony".

  For 20 years of working with young and teenage children, Olena Popova has gained her own experience in the methods of vocal and choral education. During these years, many children were brought up in the love of co-creation in the team, artistic and cultural values, mastered vocal and choral skills, broadened their horizons and raised their spiritual levels. Some students, graduates of choirs and vocal ensembles continue their education in secondary and higher educational institutions majoring in music.

  As the conductor of the choir "Sounds of Music" and the vocal ensemble "Harmony", Olena Popova constantly creates translations of vocal and choral repertoire, adapting to the individual capabilities of groups. She actively participates in methodological activities of the city and region. Olena shares her own experience at professional development conferences in Kharkiv and region, conducts master classes in methodological associations of art schools of the region, participates in the jury of regional festivals.

  Olena Popova created a curriculum for the discipline "Vocal Ensemble" and won the "Certificate of the Best Curriculum" of the regional competition for the development of teaching materials (in 2014). Over the years of working with groups, she led her students to more than thirty victories of competitions and festivals of various levels in Kharkov outside their hometown. Thus, the ensemble “Harmony” won the international festivals in Slovakia (2007, III degree), Zaporozhye ("Chords of Khortytsya", 2009, II degree), became the winner of the first degree of the International competitions "Blue Bird" (2012) and the Poludenykh competition (2013) in the Crimea, won the Grand Prix of the III All-Ukrainian competition "Art-Dominanta" (20015, Kharkiv), "Vivat, musica" (Nova Kakhovka, 2018, I place), All-Ukrainian competition-festival "Art Palette of Kyiv" (2016) - winner of the first prize, and All-Ukrainian festival "Christmas miniatures" (2016, Kyiv, third prize).

  Currently Olena Popova in creative collaboration with the concertmaster I.G. Torska-Lytvyn continues active work on education of vocal and choral culture as well as love for choral art with choir groups and vocal ensembles.

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