Oldest Spanking

Oldest Spanking


Oldest Spanking


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I am a 21-year-old female college student still living at home. A few years ago while studying at college away from home I, along with my roommate and a number of other students in campus rez were expelled for a serious party incident not of our making or fault. We lost the tuition and res money our parents had paid for, not to mention losing a whole year of study. Now after getting kicked out of college, I am back living at home at a local school, I have to obey house rules, including a curfew, just as if I were a damn high-school student. I got the spanking of my life from my mom after my expulsion. I admit I deserved this after my parents lost so much on my education, but to still get spanked every time I come home late, get poor grades or fail to live up to my housework responsibilities is unbelievable. I have two sisters, 18 and 16 who also live at home and still get spanked too. It's only our mom who spanks us and usually with the hairbrush, wooden spoon or belt on the bare. I am NOT accursing my parents of abuse, as other than that they are always loving and fully supportive. She just says she wants what's is best for us and has to discipline us along the way... Seriously. Are there any other kids around my age who still get spanked by their moms???

@kazic: Thanks for telling us about your story. I can assure you your situation, as embarrassing as it may be, is not as unique as you think. I'm a mom, but I also got spanked by my mom when I was around your age. It's not so much the age that matters here but the fact you are still living and studying from home, and that your parents covering for your college expenses as well. They want their money to be accounted for! From that perspective, I would say you are pretty lucky to have wonderful parents like that to not only see you trough your education, but take care to discipline you along the way. Many parents could not even care less about less about what their kids get up to, what they are doing, or what time they come home. You are lucky you have a great mom who cares! Hang in there and hope the rest of your college goes well! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Thank you nayla! nice to hear from someone who sees this from both perspectives, as daughter now mom with your own family to care for. I do feel loved by my parents, but just tired of the old hairbrush routine!

Thanks for sharing your story @kazic! My situation is similar to your one and also "mari's" story below. I'm female, late teens and still living at home with my brothers/sisters, and all still get spanked believe it or not! I have to say I was worried when I read your story as i'm only a few years younger than you and the thought that the spankings would continue even at your age has me now thinking twice about college! My plan has been to study at a local campus when I graduate, so i can live at home and save money. I recently got spanked in front of my own friends. Talk about embarrassing! If my parents are a lot like yours what does this mean for me if I have to be living at home for the next four or five years? Hoping you can share some words of advice. help!!!

What, hitting is never a solution, take the brush off her hand, and hit her, spank her, take ownership in life and f*** off. If you let yourself be spank your still a child, and your mom is a child abuser.. get into the 21st century girl

I didn't get spanked at home past the age of 14, but I went to a school where kids were still spanked with a paddle up to the time they graduated. I got a few swats over the 4 years I was in High School.

Thx for the comment. i guess i feel lucky compared to your situation! you stopped getting spanked at about 14, but u got it at school. Even worse! Never got the paddle as it is illegal to spank at school where I am (YAY!). what was it like and how many swats did you get?

Hi @kazic. found your story interesting but you are not alone for sure. I'm a female in final year of high school living at home with my brothers and sisters. my parents are also on the stricter side and are more old-fashioned when it comes to discipline and keeping strict routines, especially during the school week. I am a year or two behind in my studies due to learning difficulties, but despite this fact and that I am the oldest, I still get spanked frequently as do the others. Though for lesser offences it is usually over the pants. Still hurts all the same! I have a few girlfriends who say they still get spanked from time to time too, since they are still at home and have curfews, etc... When it comes to discipline my mom is usually the one who takes care of it as she stays at home while my dad works. She uses the all of the above you mentioned for spanking, but also uses a carpet-beater she has from her parents for more serious offences. Looking forward to graduating and getting my own place one day where I won't have to worry about this anymore! Sure you feel the same! Just wondering how often you and your sisters get it and how many swats you get..... good luck with the rest of you college studies! mari

Hi mari! thanks for sharing your story. just posted a comment above and my situation is similar to yours. F/late teens studying at home. You made ne feel better as I could not believe you get spanked with a carpet beater. can't imagine what that feels like! thankfully my mom just sticks to the old kitchen spoon or belt! sorry if this comment appears twice as my stupid browser crashed while posting

Hi 'mari'! trust this is just a screenname so none of your friends (or mom!) sees your comment! thanks for your kind words and support. Nice to talk with someone who understands what it is like to get spanked at our age. I have to admit I never heard of the 'carpet beater' for spanking so I had to google it! OMG that must sting!!!! Feel bad for you. As for your questions about how often we get it, it depends on our behavior and my mom's mood! Sometimes I have been spanked several times in one week, other times I have been several weeks without anything. Once when I was about 16 I got it from my mom 3 times in just a day. All for separate offences! In terms of the punishment itself, it depends on age and the offence, (for me and my sisters), but usually anywhere from 10 to 50+ swats. Short sessions are over the clothes, then for longer sessions the pants/skirt come down, longer still then it's on the bare for the final stretch. Extra punishment given if we move around too much or 'try putting our hands back there' for protection. Like you said, clothes on or off, f'n hurts the same! What I hate the worst is when you have to pull them down mid-session - feels like your skin is ripping right off when you bottom is already on fire! So I rather just get it on the bare to begin with and just get it *%#@! over with, as they have to come off later anyway until the flames stop burning! So happy I didn't go to a school where they spank, especially with paddles! I could never take that. Thanks for the comment mari and good luck with your school work (and mom's discipline!). Feel free to write again, but maybe register on this site so I can be sure I am commenting with the same person each time!

For a women, there is no point at which she becomes to old for spanking. Once she is married, her husband takes over that duty from her parents.

Hope I still don't have to go through this whenever I settle down and get married!

Hi I am a 30 year old Male living with my mum after a divorce. I admit that I started treating the house like a hotel. In the end my mum flipped and put me over her knee and took a hairbrush to me on the bare. Since then I am back to the same routine we had when I use to live there. Ie curfew, chores, grounding bedtime and sore behinds ! Much as I hate to admit it it does keep me grounded (no pun intended) and it really is motivating me to get back on my own two feet. I sometimes donโ€™t know what is worse, the embarrassment or the fact she can still bring me to tears with just her hand!! In her words you are never too old

My wife and I were out on our own for three years before her parents talked us into moving in with them. The idea was to live, rent free, with them long enough to save up for buying our own small place. My wife was the eldest and the first to marry. I knew that the younger ones still got spanked but I saw us as fully grown. The first time I witnessed a spanking I was shocked. I grew up with spankings too but that stopped when we became teenagers. These siblings-in-laws were big enough to resist but submitted to bare butt spankings out of parental respect. I felt these rituals were demonstrations of power just as much as discipline or respect. Eventually, they started spanking my wife like she was still a kid. The difference was that they never spanked my wife when I was home and they often spanked her for what I was to blame for. I had very mixed thoughts on this issue. When I finally had a long chat with my In-Laws over my bride getting spanked, they surprised me when they eagerly desired that I MAN UP and spank her myself, in front of them. So went the remaining time we lived with them. Most of the spankings she got were for my own infractions. I only spanked my wife a couple of times, once we moved back out on our own, before I realized what we were doing and stopped it.

We spank our kids. These days you've got to have them on side and truly believe it's good for them.

Easy one: move out of the house and do not take any money (either loaned or given) from you parents. Get a job like everyone else and live independent. Spanking is what happens to children. By definition you are still a child. This one isnโ€™t sexual.

No. Your mum is a perv and gets off on paddling your ass.

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Subject: Oldest age for over the knee spanking
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Date Posted: 03:56:44 05/31/14 Sat

What was the oldest you got spanked over the knee?

Mine was when I was 13. Until this age over the knee was my Mum's favoured spanking position although I was sometimes spanked bending over. My Dad didn't spank as often but also used both over the knee and bending over.

At 14 though I had a bit of a growth spurt and I was a bit to big to fit over Mum or Dad's knee properly so all of my remaining spankings were given bending over.

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[> Subject: Re: Oldest age for over the knee spanking

Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 10:15:46 05/31/14 Sat

The last time I got spanked over the knee was when I was eight. Mom pulled my pants down to my knees and took me over her knee in the living room. She blistered by bare bottom good with a hairbrush. She caught me eating in the living room while I was watching tv (a major no no). I don't really remember but I think I may have had a "reaction" some boys get sometimes when they get or are about to get spanked because after that spanking, she never turned me over her knee again, but she continued spanking my bare bottom until my last one at fifteen.

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[> Subject: Re: Oldest age for over the knee spanking

Date Posted: 10:21:17 05/31/14 Sat

Size is the big factor. My older brother also got his last over the knee spanking at 13 due to a growth spurt, but I was still going over my parents' knees bare bottomed at 15 because I was small for my age and didn'treallyshoot up until I was almost 16. I complained constantly that it wasn't fair, but to no avail .

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[> [> Subject: Re: Oldest age for over the knee spanking

Date Posted: 22:27:14 07/09/14 Wed

Ben I feel you, I'm small for my age too. I'm 15 and I got it over the knee until this year when I managed to convince my older brother who is my guardian that it was stunting my growth. Not sure if he really believed me or if he just took pity on me but it really seems unfair to be treated like a little kid just because of your size.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Oldest age for over the knee spanking

Pete for Jack
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Date Posted: 22:33:26 07/10/14 Thu

Hi Jack,

How do you get spanked now?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Oldest age for over the knee spanking

Jack to Pete
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Date Posted: 19:15:23 07/26/14 Sat

I get spanked with a saddle cinch over my brother's knee or the bed sometimes bare and sometimes over my underpants, after a while it hurts just as bad with your pants up I think.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Oldest age for over the knee spanking

Pete for Jack
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Date Posted: 07:01:52 07/28/14 Mon

Hi Jack, When you have to get a spanking where does it usually happen, in your room?

Who usually gets you ready for your spanking, does your brother take down your pants and underpants, or does he tell you to pull them down

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Oldest age for over the knee spanking

Jack to Pete
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Date Posted: 13:21:20 07/30/14 Wed

He punishes me in his room, I wish he would do it in my room, it's scarier to go into his room to wait I don't know why, even the smell makes me nervous.

I have to pull my pants down, I usually try to stall but stalling doesn't really help because he gets irritated but I can't just do it lol.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Bare bottom

Pete for Jack
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Date Posted: 18:21:24 07/31/14 Thu

Hi Jack,

When your brother has to spank you does he tell you if it is going to be bare bottom before you have to get ready for your spanking?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom

Jack to Pete
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Date Posted: 10:26:39 08/01/14 Fri

Usually he tells me to get my bare butt over his knee and then there's no talking him out of it, but sometimes he gets so mad he doesn't say anything and just grabs me and goes at it, then sometimes if I act really sorry he will only spank me on my underpants so I try to make him really mad so that happens.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: saddle cinch

Pete for Jack
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Date Posted: 16:20:43 08/01/14 Fri

Hi Jack,

"...so I try to make him really mad so that happens." Do you mean you try not to make that happen!

If you stall pulling down your pants does your brother sometimes just pull them down himself?

Where is the saddle cinch kept, is that what is usually used to punish you?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: saddle cinch

Jack to Pete
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Date Posted: 12:07:32 08/02/14 Sat

Hi Pete,

It's actually better when he loses his temper because he feels guilty and sometimes I can talk him out of a worse spanking. When he's more controlled I get spanked for longer and usually bare. I don't know, it's weird.

If he's calm he will wait forever til I pull them down, if he is really pissed he will pull them down himself but when he's mad he usually just starts whipping me over my pants forever until he calms down.

He keeps the saddle cinch on top of his dresser, lately that's all he punishes me with but he's used other things like a switch and a ping pong paddle.

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