Older Nude Women Galleries

Older Nude Women Galleries


Older Nude Women Galleries
'Change the message': the exhibition celebrating mature women's bodies
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Bruce was looking for a codependency, and he couldn't have it.

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Jef Rouner (not cis, he/him) is a contributing writer who covers politics, pop culture, social justice, video games, and online behavior. He is often a professional annoyance to the ignorant and hurtful.

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Meredith Deliso

March 16, 2012


Robin Free is admiring a naked photo of herself. In the arty black and white print, the 47-year-old Tomball native is standing with her back to the camera, hand on her hip, hair slightly blowing back like a goddess. She's standing on her toes as if wearing five-inch heels, which she happens to be sporting at the time.
Free is not alone. Other women are showing off naked photos of themselves to friends, family and strangers during a preview earlier this week of "40 Over 40" -- a photography series opening Saturday night at the Museum of Cultural Arts Houston. The show is comprised of portraits of 40 women who are over the age of, yes, 40, wearing nothing but what nature intended.
No one photo is alike -- the willing subjects are of all races and body types, striking unique poses. There's one who has her arms stretched high towards the sky, elongating her body. Another sits with her legs strategically crossed over her lower body, perfectly compositioned. In one long, particularly striking shot, a woman sits with her back to the camera, a tattoo of a bird with its wings outstretched on her lower back subtly visible. There's even a photo of MOCAH founder Rhonda Radford Adams, sitting with her arm back and looking upwards as if having a spiritual experience.
The 40 photos all began with No. 1 -- Tami Shane. Five years ago, Shane was feeling pretty down about her body, but managed to work up the courage to ask a commercial photographer she was seeing at the time to take naked photos of herself before her body "went south."
"I had really bad self-esteem," said Shane, 47, who in her photo is lying on her back, feet straight up in the air, looking at the camera with her finger seductively in her mouth. "But this made me stop comparing myself to everyone else. I'm comfortable in my own skin now."
Jeff Myers, the Houston photographer behind the 40 photos, picked up on something during his shoots with Shane.
"I noticed an aura about her," said Myers. "I thought, do all women over 40 have this aura?"
And so "40 Over 40" was born. Through social media and word of mouth, Myers found 39 other women willing to shed their clothes for his camera. He didn't ask any -- they all volunteered, and he didn't turn anyone away until he reached 40. Using a single light source against a black background, he'd spend about four hours on each shoot and then comb through the hundreds of photos until he found that perfect one. And he didn't do any touch-ups, either, in case you were wondering.
Among the women in attendance during a preview on Wednesday, it was pretty unanimous. What started out with the mentality "Well, I'm not getting any younger" became transformative, liberating, life-changing. There were no regrets, either, even if some had their reservations at first.
"I should have been No. 2," said Free, who was immediately recruited by her childhood friend, Shane, when the project began, but wound up being the 22nd woman photographed in the series. "It took me until 22 to work up the courage to do it."
"40 Over 40" at Museum of Cultural Arts Houston, 908 Wood Street, March 17 through April 17. For more information, call 713-224-2787 or visit the museum's website .

Reviews For The Easily Distracted: Glorious

5 Ways to Fix the Final Boss Fight in Elden Ring

Jef Rouner

August 23, 2022


Reviews For The Easily Distracted: Glorious

5 Ways to Fix the Final Boss Fight in Elden Ring

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Women As Old As 78 Get Transformed Into Pin-Up Girls, And The Result Will Surprise You
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Even in your twilight years, you are still entitled to feel attractive and sexy, if you wish. Chrissy Sparks, from Birmimgham, UK, is a master of incredible boudoir photography, and is able to bring the best out in any woman using make-up, lighting and editing techniques.
“I want everyday women to have access to a full photoshoot experience and magazine cover style images that models usually do,” Chrissy told the Mirror. “Through my work, I celebrate women of all shapes and sizes and believe that with the right posing, lighting and styling, I can bring out the best in a woman’s beauty.”
From her Birmingham studio Dollhouse Photography , which has over $250,000 worth of lingerie, corsets, dresses, costumes and other accessories, Chrissy and her team shoot women of all ages. It is, however, the older ladies that have the most startling transformations. “After the photoshoot I work on the photographs in post-production,” she says. “I remove cellulite, muffin tops, scars, bruises, spots and uneven skin tone. “I also reduce lines & wrinkles, smooth the silhouette and enhance muscle tone.”
“The reasons they want a shoot are varied – it could be something just to make them feel sexy. I have a knack at assessing a client’s face, skin and posture to look past signs of ageing and capture images that bring out the best in a woman.”
“Most mature clients want to look well for their age and are not interested in chasing after their youth.”
While Chrissy acknowledges that many of her clients arrive very nervous and with body hangups, she says that the results of the photoshoots often do wonders for self-esteem. “The reactions have been everything from bursting into tears of delight, thank you cards and gifts, and many heart warming accounts of how the shoot has boosted their self esteem and confidence,” she says.
“Seeing the women so happy with their images makes the long hours and huge personal investment into the business worth every bit.”
Scroll down to check out the incredible images for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!
Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing!
Greta is a Photo Editor-in-Chief at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication.In 2016, she graduated from Digital Advertising courses where she had an opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals. In the same year, she started working at Bored Panda as a photo editor.Greta is a coffeeholic and cannot survive a day without 5 cups of coffee... and her cute, big-eared dog.Her biggest open secret: she is a gamer with a giant gaming backlog.
It's a good way to remind that inside every grandma lives a young and wild girl XD
When I wake up I feel 18, until I pass the mirror
When I wake up I feel 50 years old, until I pass the mirror. Then I feel like 60 years old. And then I remind myself, that I'm still in my thirties. I'm not an early bird at all. ;)
My mother always said she thought that was why people's eyesight went bad - so you couldn't see the wrinkles. Then magnifying mirrors were invented... Rats.
Everyone looks better when you photoshop their wrinkles away. What's the point of this?
It's not only Photoshop, but also make up, poses, lighting... Result is great :)
Yes...exactly. You can see in their poses, that wearing make-up and nice lingerie, gave them much more confidence.
It's a ton of photo shop and picture editing. The only thing that's even close to the original picture is the general shape of these women. No amount of makeup is going to make their skin that tight. I get why someone would want to have these done, but in reality it's just someone that is still insecure as an older adult. How do you get to that age and still feel so unhappy with your own body? We live in a time when people who do these things are heralded a being strong for doing these ridiculous things to feel beautiful. But then society does the same thing when an old person goes on America's got talent to do an "Old timey cabaret type dance" for fun. So society decides that everything is positive for some random reason and that all of these things people do are empowering. Well these photos are anything but, they are completely fake. I hear people rag on beautiful models and say that they're mostly airbrushed and fake. But when an older lady this it's empowering? This is the same thing period, people don't get to decide that what's empowering for one person is fake and unrealistic for another. This just goes to show how society is now collectively insecure and needs the world to shape around their brittle emotions.
sometimes people forget what they used to be what they used to look like. they look happy in there pin-up pictures why take it away from them. you live in the digital age you should be used to photoshop none of these women are nor have they seen there former selfs in this detail EVER! and its way more then photoshop there was a a very talented photographer behind all the pics photoshop can only do so much its not the miracle tool you think it is you still need a good shot with great lighting and centered to turn out the results after you edit the picture.
Agreed: This is totally idiotic. So the point is to make us think: "Wow, they are so old and ugly before they are artificially airbrushed!" If being airbrushed into a young body and face makes these women feel better, then I feel very sorry for how terrible they must feel about themselves in their day-to-day lives.
It's just to make them feel young again, and remind themselves age is a state of mind.
"Editing techniques" is definitely right...
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Exactly ! It's just like sticking facetuned pics of old people onto young girls bodies...
It's a good way to remind that inside every grandma lives a young and wild girl XD
When I wake up I feel 18, until I pass the mirror
When I wake up I feel 50 years old, until I pass the mirror. Then I feel like 60 years old. And then I remind myself, that I'm still in my thirties. I'm not an early bird at all. ;)
My mother always said she thought that was why people's eyesight went bad - so you couldn't see the wrinkles. Then magnifying mirrors were invented... Rats.
Everyone looks better when you photoshop their wrinkles away. What's the point of this?
It's not only Photoshop, but also make up, poses, lighting... Result is great :)
Yes...exactly. You can see in their poses, that wearing make-up and nice lingerie, gave them much more confidence.
It's a ton of photo shop and picture editing. The only thing that's even close to the original picture is the general shape of these women. No amount of makeup is going to make their skin that tight. I get why someone would want to have these done, but in reality it's just someone that is still insecure as an older adult. How do you get to that age and still feel so unhappy with your own body? We live in a time when people who do these things are heralded a being strong for doing these ridiculous things to feel beautiful. But then society does the same thing when an old person goes on America's got talent to do an "Old timey cabaret type dance" for fun. So society decides that everything is positive for some random reason and that all of these things people do are empowering. Well these photos are anything but, they are completely fake. I hear people rag on beautiful models and say that they're mostly airbrushed and fake. But when an older lady this it's empowering? This is the same thing period, people don't get to decide that what's empowering for one person is fake and unrealistic for another. This just goes to show how society is now collectively insecure and needs the world to shape around their brittle emotions.
sometimes people forget what they used to be what they used to look like. they look happy in there pin-up pictures why take it away from them. you live in the digital age you should be used to photoshop none of these women are nor have they seen there former selfs in this detail EVER! and its way more then photoshop there was a a very talented photographer behind all the pics photoshop can only do so much its not the miracle tool you think it is you still need a good shot with great lighting and centered to turn out the results after you edit the picture.
Agreed: This is totally idiotic. So the point is to make us think: "Wow, they are so old and ugly before they are artificially airbrushed!" If being airbrushed into a young body and face makes these women feel better, then I feel very sorry for how terrible they must feel about themselves in their day-to-day lives.
It's just to make them feel young again, and remind themselves age is a state of mind.
"Editing techniques" is definitely right...
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Exactly ! It's just like sticking facetuned pics of old people onto young girls bodies...
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