Old Plumper

Old Plumper


Old Plumper

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PLUMP and familiar bird of lightly wooded open country. Its song is a familiar sound of the countryside, as is the loud clatter of wings heard when a bird flies off in alarm, or when aerial displays are performed in the spring. The Woodpigeon forms sizeable flocks outside the breeding season. The sexes are similar.
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Plump, smooth-plumaged bird with distinctive thin, high-pitched call. Adults have a sleek crest, black mask, pale yellow wash on the belly, and yellow-tipped tail. Juveniles are drabber than adults, with coarse streaking on the breast and a reduced mask. Widespread and fairly common in open woodlands, orchards, and shrubby areas throughout most of North America. Winter range is variable and somewhat dependent on fruit crops; sometimes ventures as far south as Panama. Often gathers in large flocks, especially around fruiting trees. Compare with Bohemian Waxwing in the northern part of range; Cedar is smaller, browner, and has a white (not rufous) undertail. (eBird)
Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada. June 2022.
Small, plump, pale plover; the color of dry sand. In breeding plumage look for thin broken black collar across chest, black stripe across forehead, orange legs, and orange bill with black tip. Nonbreeding and immature birds have black bills and sandy-colored breastbands. White wingstripe visible in flight. Notably paler than other small plovers, with the exception of Snowy, from which Piping is distinguished by thicker bill and orange legs. Sometimes seen near other shorebirds, but rarely ventures far from the high, dry side of the beach. Often quite vocal; gives a sad-sounding two-parted whistle that drops in pitch: "pwee-doo." A species of great conservation concern, due to coastal development and disturbance at nesting sites on beaches. (eBird)
The Piping Plovers are a rare breeder at Presqu'ile, so when a pair show up, a large area of the beach is roped off to protect them and their potential nest (which looks rather like the scrape behind this bird). If they do lay eggs, their nests will be protected by a large wire mesh cage with holes big enough for the plovers to go in and out, but small enough to keep gulls, raccoons and other predators away from the eggs and chicks.
Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. May 2022.
This is an earlier shot of an Oregon dark-eyed junco, with wings plumped for the chilly spell we were experiencing. Still cool here, but not as cool as then!
Plump, chicken-like bird that acts like a duck. Gray overall with blacker head and white bill. Tiny tail and short wings. Feet are large, yellow-green, and oddly lobed. Head jerks back and forth when swimming. Forages for aquatic vegetation anywhere with water: ponds, city parks, marshes, reservoirs, lakes, ditches, and saltmarshes. (eBird)
Telling the ducks to get out of his way - he's coming through!
John E. Poole Wetland, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. June 2022.
Plump, chicken-like bird that acts like a duck. Gray overall with blacker head and white bill. Tiny tail and short wings. Feet are large, yellow-green, and oddly lobed. Head jerks back and forth when swimming. Forages for aquatic vegetation anywhere with water: ponds, city parks, marshes, reservoirs, lakes, ditches, and saltmarshes. (eBird)
Just swimming along, minding its own business. Another bird looking for a safe place to bed down for the evening.
Kilpoola Lake, British Columbia, Canada. June 2022.
Plump, smooth-plumaged bird with distinctive thin, high-pitched call. Adults have a sleek crest, black mask, pale yellow wash on the belly, and yellow-tipped tail. Juveniles are drabber than adults, with coarse streaking on the breast and a reduced mask. Widespread and fairly common in open woodlands, orchards, and shrubby areas throughout most of North America. Winter range is variable and somewhat dependent on fruit crops; sometimes ventures as far south as Panama. Often gathers in large flocks, especially around fruiting trees. Compare with Bohemian Waxwing in the northern part of range; Cedar is smaller, browner, and has a white (not rufous) undertail. (eBird)
It is eating buckthorn, a highly invasive species from europe that takes over its location and makes it very difficult for native plants to grow. It is also very difficult to eliminate.
While birds do eat buckthorn berries, it's often because it's the only available seed source (usually by the end of winter). But buckthorn berries are not a good food source. They're low in protein and high in carbohydrates and produce a severe laxative effect in some animals. For smaller birds, the laxative effect can even be strong enough to result in death. Adding insult to injury, the excreting birds also end up distributing the buckthorn seeds over long distances. (fmr.org)
Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. March 2022.
Plump and long-tailed, American Tree Sparrows are busy visitors in winter backyards and weedy, snow-covered fields across southern Canada and the northern United States. Hopping up at bent weeds or even beating their wings to dislodge seeds from grass heads, they scratch and peck the ground in small flocks, trading soft, musical twitters. Come snowmelt, these small rusty-capped and smooth-breasted sparrows begin their long migrations to breeding grounds in the tundra of the far North.
The Eastern Bluebird is a small thrush with a big, rounded head, large eye, plump body, and alert posture. The wings are long, but the tail and legs are fairly short. The bill is short and straight.
Male Eastern Bluebirds are vivid, deep blue above and rusty or brick-red on the throat and breast. Blue in birds always depends on the light, and males often look plain gray-brown from a distance. Females are grayish above with bluish wings and tail, and a subdued orange-brown breast.
Plump, chickenlike bird often found near willows; also resides in more open tundra. Plumage changes throughout the year. In winter, both sexes are pure white with black outer tail feathers. As summer progresses, male develops rich rufous head and neck and brownish back; in winter, lacks black eyeline shown by Rock Ptarmigan. Summer female is paler golden-brown with intricate black and white markings. Female nearly identical to Rock Ptarmigan; look for slightly thicker bill. Female distinguished from White-tailed Ptarmigan by warmer plumage in summer and black outer tail feathers. Also note habitat differences of White-tailed. Vocalizations include a comical nasal chuckle and various clucking notes.
We had stopped in Toronto on our way home from Point Pelee to do some birding. Imagine our surprise when we heard that a Willow Ptarmigan had just been found. We rushed down to the far end of the park, and there was this beauty! It's just getting some of its summer feathers.
Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. May 2017.
Plump, smooth-plumaged bird with a sleek crest and white and yellow markings on wings. Mostly clean gray with brighter rusty wash on the face. Look for rich rufous undertail. Breeds in open coniferous forests at high latitudes across the Northern Hemisphere. Winter range depends on fruit crops; sometimes descends much further south in large numbers. Often found in flocks feasting on fruiting trees like crabapple and mountain ash. Listen for their ringing trills, often given while flying overhead. Compare with Cedar Waxwing in North America; Bohemian is larger and grayer, with rufous undertail and different wing pattern.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. February 2013.
A plump, dark-backed bushshrike with a creamy throat; buff-rufous flanks, thighs and belly; and a striking white stripe on the dark wing. The female is duller and less glossy than the male. Pairs are shy and skulking residents of thickets and tangles in fynbos, forest, and woodland. The species forages furtively by creeping stealthily and hopping slowly, close to the ground.
Southern Boubou (Laniarius ferrugineus)_w_37875. Pretoria, South Africa.
➡ GLOOM ( Marketplace . Facebook . Flickr ) Nanno Skin Ivory (LeLUTKA Evo X) @ Harajuku June 20th - July 10th
➡ GLOOM ( Marketplace . Facebook . Flickr ) S-Senpai Collection (BoM . LeLUTKA . Omega) @ mainstore
➡ GLOOM ( Marketplace . Facebook . Flickr ) Plumped Lips (LeLUTKA Evo . LeLUTKA X) @ mainstore
I was sitting at the riparian preserve the other day taking pictures of ducks when I glanced away from my viewfinder and saw this Sora strolling in front of me. At first I thought it might be too close, but I think I got it focused. Soras are a type of rail and stroll around wetlands looking for food. Not super common here in the Phoenix area and generally a pretty shy bird. This is only my second siting of a Sora ever and the first one was in Wyoming, not Arizona. This one was surprisingly small - not very plump and maybe the size of an American Robin - or maybe 30% or 40% larger than a Starling. I was happy to see it.
Another shot from spring of that plump Nashville Warbler. I absolutely love the portraits I was able to get of this guy. Only 2 out of 50 sharp, but I'll take them!
The sanderling is a small, plump, energetic wading bird. It has a short straight black bill and medium length black legs. It is pale grey above and white underneath, and there is a black mark at its shoulder where the folded wing meets the body. It does not breed in the UK, but is a winter visitor and passage migrant in spring and autumn, journeying to and from their high Arctic breeding grounds. What they eat: Small marine worms, crustaceans and molluscs (Courtesy RSPB)
Thanks for viewing my photos and for any favourites and comments, it’s much appreciated.
American robin fluffed up against the cold. Backyard bird.
We're working on a weight loss program but she's not really cooperating with us. I try to walk her on a leash but she hates being outside and refuses to walk. This is her favorite thing to do besides eat. Her idea of exercise is laying on the floor and batting a ball around a tube. If you notice her feet are quite slim....ha ha.
RATHER PLUMP BODIED, a distinctive song like jangling keys, and love seeing there short distance flights dangling its legs., this one was , quite trusting, and sat on a dead bit of bramble, to sing, so just had to take its photograph it.
THANK YOU for your visit and support, please leave a comment, love reading them, and find it encouraging, will return the visit very soon. Stay safe and God bless.....Tomx.
He looks like he might be suffering from a bit of indigestion. Wildwood Park, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Plump, short and loud-mouthed, the wren is one of our most common breeding birds. Though it’s small in size, it makes up for it with its powerful song.Wrens usually eat close to the ground, using their pointed bill to snack on insects, spiders and other small morsels. They also eat seeds, berries and even tadpoles..
White Peony, with here and there, a hot pink tinge, fantastic.
Still very plump bud, but starting to unfurl.
The Peony, so luscious and romantic, pure joy for all the senses.
The common thread is that the flower always denotes luxury and indulgence.
Another favourite... Lol, thank you for your time and comments, M, (*_*)
Please do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or any other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved
Peony, white, "pink tinged", leaves, bud, bloom, plump, curves, studio, square, "conceptual art", design, black-background, NikonD7000, "Magda indigo"
Especially the beauty of flowers, from weeds to orchids.
From my garden, a rose called appropriately: Fire & Ice.
These duo-toned roses are plump and opulent but are non-fragrant.
The weather was mad, raining, thunder and lightning, so in between showers, you can still see some drops on the petals, drying up quickly though under the studio-light... yep, I rushed out, yep another 'rescue' job, lol.
Have a wonderful day, filled with love and thank you for your visit, M, (*_*)
IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN (BY LAW!!!) TO USE ANY OF MY images or TEXT on websites, blogs or any other media without my explicit permission.
If you do, without accreditation, it is STEALING © All rights reserved
rose, duo-tone, blooms, bud, "Fire and Ice", flower, white, red, design, black-background, colour, square, studio, "Nikon D7000", "magda indigo"
Male Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) taken at Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire
Vine ripened and hand picked myself. Fresh strawberries 🍓 from Santa Maria CA
Booba:.SB. + [BORK] Mounds Breast Augment
Outline:[TearDrops] eBody Outline Pack
These plump pears were crying out to have their portrait done , warts 'n all [as Oliver Cromwell was credited with saying]
My set up as usual is my black glass desk top with black velvet background. Of course , no matter how much I clean beforehand - there are always dust blemishes to fix with my PSP afterwards.
headdress [^.^Ayashi^.^] Endless Love Gacha
top/shots/journal {MasKara}Daisa Morning
backdrop *06 [VOZ] PW - Bubble Fantasia (A)
lips more more. lip plumper pack (genus)
Earrings:Bunk. Chained Heart Gauges
Stockings:Zen Child Designs - Latex Gothicc Garters
A plump little Robin that sat on our doorstep an had zero intentions of moving along. so we stared at each other for 10 minutes and took some shots, changed lenes and took some more. Finally when I asked it to move into better light it had had enough and waddled off.
White Peony, like Vanilla, fantastic.
Still very plump bud, but starting to unfurl.
The Peony, so luscious and romantic, pure joy for all the senses.
The common thread is that the flower always denotes luxury and indulgence.
My favourite... Lol, thank you for your time and comments, M, (*_*)
Please do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or any other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved
Peony, white, leaves, single, solo, plump, bud, curves, studio, square, "conceptual art", design, black-background, "Magda indigo"
Plump blooms, like an Autumn on fire...
Chrysanthemum: the big blooms often duo toned, collectively known as kotengiku or antique chrysanthemums.
Autumn is a season tinged with the beauty of colours and yet also with some nostalgia...
Another Summer gone, the 'dark' months upon us, with the season of light nearing!
Have a blooming day and thank you for your comments, M, (*_*)
Please do not use this image on websites, blogs or any other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved
Chrysanthemum, kotengiku, Autumn, bloom, flower, portrait, pompoms, studio, colour, square, petals, design, leaves, orange, russet, black-background, "Magda indigo"
Plump juicy blackberries,in abundance on the hedgerows, I can see that Blackberry and Apple pie now with lashings of hot custard.
A Yellow Warbler, peeking through the branches, is puffed up preparing to sing. Migrating songbirds in the Spring stopover along the southern shore of Lake Erie to eat a lot of insects, replenishing their strength before continuing northward across the lakes. Magee Marsh is one of those "stopover" points.
Of course, this may be a male, so I'm not positive of this assessment, but this is the time that the females are full of eggs and about to lay them in their cozy nests. I see plenty of scrawny robins, having just arrived from their thousands of miles migration, but this bird is plump and healthy!
A little starling got a temporary plump allure due to the outside cold... She stopped by as I always feed the birds behind my house.
Many thanks for your visits, faves and comments. Cheers.
Scientific Name: Coturnix ypsilophora
Description: The Brown Quail is a small, plump ground-dwelling bird. It is variable in colour, ranging from red brown to grey brown with fine white streaks and black barring above, and chestnut brown below. The eye is red to yellow, the bill black and the legs and feet orange-yellow. In Tasmania, this species is called the Swamp Quail and tends to be larger and darker than mainland birds, with a pale yellow eye. Female Brown Quails are larger and may be more heavily marked with black and paler below than males. Young birds are like adult females, with less distinct markings and a dark brown eye. Quails rarely fly, preferring to hide unless an intruder flushes them; then they fly low to the ground, with a rapid whirring flight. A group of quails is called a covey.
Similar species: The similar Stubble Quail, C. pectoralis, is paler brown with a pale to white eyebrow and males have a distinctive chestnut brown throat patch while females have a creamy, flecked throat patch. In flight, the Brown Quail has dark flanks and plain upperparts, where other quails have pale flanks and more patterned upperparts.`The Brown Quail prefers dense grasslands, often on the edges of open forests, and bracken. May sometimes be seen alongside roads.
Distribution: The Brown Quail is found across northern and eastern Australia, from the Kimberley region in Western Australia to Victoria and Tasmania, as well as in south-western Australia. It is also found in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, and has been introduced to New Zealand.
Habitat: The Brown Quail prefers dense grasslands, often on the edges of open forests, and bracken. May sometimes be seen alongside roads.
Feeding: The Brown Quail feeds in the early morning or evening, on the ground, mainly on seeds and green shoots, but also on insects. In some area, quails will readily cross roads and may be seen feeding along roadsides.
Breeding: The Brown Quail's well-hidden nest is a scrape in the ground, lined with grass, hidden in thick grasses under overhanging vegetation not far from water. Both sexes incubate the eggs. Young Brown Quails leave the nest straight after they hatch.
Calls: Double-noted, ascending whistle: 'pi-pieer'; also sharp alarm chirp.
Breeding season: August to May, but can vary.
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Plump thumb-sized juvenile male Ruby-throated Hummingbird prepping for his winter migration to South America.

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