Old Middle Ago Granny Slut

Old Middle Ago Granny Slut


Old Middle Ago Granny Slut
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A WOMAN who became a sex worker at age 52 at an exclusive brothel for “mature” ladies tells how it “absolutely changed” her life.
I WAS divorced for one year before I started as a mature-aged sex worker.
I started “work” at the age of 52, I’m 58 now. I worked for two years in Sydney (only on the weekends) at an exclusive brothel for “mature” ladies. It absolutely changed my life.
My husband was terrible at sex, we were together for nearly three decades but he was never sexy to me.
I was attracted to him as a fabulous person, as someone who was like my Rock of Gibraltar. My father was a violent womaniser and this guy was the complete opposite; he was amazing, everyone loved him.
But by the time I was in my early 50s, I’d had enough after such a long time. The sex dwindled off and in the last five years we didn't have sex at all.
So when it was all over and done with, I was sitting at home and the thought of prostitution entered my mind.
“I always wanted to try that,” I thought. And that was it.
I’d always had this curiosity about it, like what goes on? Who are these people? So I decided I’d go in, see what it was about and if I didn’t like it I could always leave.
Becoming a sex worker was just something else I really wanted to try. It was liberating, uber fun and I was paid amazing money as I became the top lady and much sought after.
I was the best actress and no matter what sort of man I saw (hardcore criminal bikies, doctors, TV personalities, “not-quite” 18-year-olds) I made them feel amazing. I became a sexy character that I invented.
I have never had a single stretch mark, I’ve always been very slim and had naturally large breasts. So it was the perfect storm (in a DD cup) for me — as I found my niche there for a couple of years.
For some ungodly reason my body was perfect as was my face and I learnt to act like a sexy vixen after a lifetime of mistrusting and even loathing men. I had the ultimate power over them and it was perfect.
I didn’t need the money, but it was extra cash and I was having a great time, rather than watching Dr Phil or Oprah at home.
Men have always flocked to me since I was a young teenager but I’d been afraid of them and their advances. Being a hooker gave me the power over them that changed my life.
The day I decided to become a sex worker, I took myself over to a mature ladies brothel in Chatswood, in Sydney’s north. I was all dolled up, and when I walked in, they asked if I’d done this type of thing before and if I thought I could do it.
I was sh*tting myself but acting confident.
When I started I had NO idea at all about life as a prostitute, but I soon became an expert.
When a client arrives, the ladies line up and you have a couple of minutes to greet them. There’s a lounge and then men are sat there while we try and build an immediate rapport with them.
We were all dolled up to the nines and we flirted like crazy with the men and made them feel as though they were the best thing since sliced bread.
When he’s seen all the women, he makes his choice, and the receptionist takes you to the room.
I didn’t even know how to put a condom on, I had no idea, so my first ever client had to show me. I literally had no idea.
The first couple of weeks you’re working non stop because the guys like the idea that they can teach you, if you’re new.
We would get these hot guys, totally ripped and muscled. They did nothing for me but they thought they were incredible.
Many of us had regular clients that arrived weekly to see us. One of my clients would take viagra and he’d book me for four solid hours, which was wonderful. He was a sad tragedy, very lonely and inept, but harmless.
Young guys in their 20s would ask me out and I’d decline. Can you imagine what we’d look like together?
We all have our ways to tame the wild men that start getting nasty or want to try and get away without wearing a condom. I would smile a lot and slap one on them before they knew what was happening. Many men want sex with no condom and some of the women would take $100 extra and do just that, but not me. Ever.
We all had regular health checks at clinics but for the women that saw many men and didn’t use condoms it’s probably only a matter of time that they get some hideous disease.
I did fall hard for two men (who never knew about each other) and when I left the brothel I continued to see them as boyfriends.
Both are really wonderful men. Businessmen that treated me wonderfully. We always stayed overnight in top glamorous hotels, never at their home, which of course had me asking whether they were married or not. They both emphatically would say no, that they were divorced.
At the beginning of the “appointment”, you’re handed a whole heap of cash. I thought, ‘holy crap’.
We made $300 an hour and if a guy liked you, after the first hour he would get out his credit card and we’d take it to reception to take some more money out of his account. I only usually liked to be with a guy for an hour maximum though, after that I wanted to throttle him!
The owner loved me, but she had a fierce, unpredictable character that saw her feared by all of us.
She would secretly check up on us; She had men come in as clients and try to get information out of me, like would I meet them afterwards for drinks? Dinner? Sex? I smelled a rat straight away and said that I definitely wouldn’t.
Many of the ladies that start at brothels take numbers from men then ask them to come to their own homes/hotel rooms thereby cutting out the brothel.
People have always said, ‘you’re really sexy’, but I was such a prude in my life before the brothel, that it wasn’t until I’d finished working there that I felt sexy.
When I left I knew that it’d changed me so dramatically. I became obsessed with money when I’d always been unmaterialistic, I became fake and hard around the edges which did not sit well with me at all.
But I absolutely don’t regret doing it as I was such a prude and it set me free.
I’m 60 next year, and reflecting on that time I realise it was all an act, you become this other person. I enjoyed it while I was there but looking back, I don’t know who that person was.
Nobody knows about my time in the brothel, I have grandchildren I wouldn’t want to hurt, but I treasure every moment and I still have women friends who work in the industry. (Some of these ladies are architects, artists, magazine editors and ex lawyers).
I live out of Sydney now. I did work for two weeks in another brothel but it was so absolutely horrific that I just ‘snapped out of it’ and never worked in the industry again. That was five years ago.
I now hold down an office job part-time and live quietly.
— As told to Matt Young. On Twitter @MattYoung
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Here's why they feel sexier now than in their 20s.
Mar 2, 2016, 07:01 AM EST | Updated Aug 29, 2020
Sheryl Roberts, 48 -- "I know I am perfectly imperfect, flaws and all."
"When I was in my 20s and modeling, I was insecure and a follower. I had no identity. I wore whatever was trendy, did what other girls my age did and really tried to be well liked. I had no concept of my own power or sexuality. The biggest difference between the girl I was at 20 and the woman I am now at 48, is now I really could care less about what people that don't know me think about me. Other people's perception is not my reality. I don't want to blend and fit in. That is why I love selling vintage through my business IndigoStyle Vintage. It is the ultimate in personal style and expression. Sexiness exudes from my confidence, smile and acceptance of myself. Not being fearful of exploring, I know I am perfectly imperfect, flaws and all."
Anne Rosenberg, 59 --- "For me now, sexy is alluring and creative."
"So maybe as a child of the 1960s I should have been more, well, of a hippie ... but somehow I never got that memo. I was focused on academics and the rest of my time was filled with riding my horse and doing barn work. My standard attire was a flannel shirt, overalls and boots. It seemed as though sexuality was for others. I was sort of a 'neuter' and whatever feelings burned deep within had to stay there. And now I chuckle to myself to realize that at 20, when the world would have been comfortable with me being sexual and sexy, I was closeted, and now when the world is having a hard time with sexy older women I am blossoming. For me now, sexy is alluring and creative. It is amazing."
Mary Ann Holand, 58 -- "No one but me dictates my sexiness."
"I don't think women truly appreciate their beauty and sexiness until they are older. After turning 50 I felt much sexier than I did in my 20s. In my 20s, I compared myself to others and the standards fashion and beauty magazines dictated. That's a lot of pressure! With maturity comes confidence and the knowledge that our brain is our sexiest organ, not our body! No one but me dictates my sexiness. The journey in getting here shaped how I feel. I am a wife, mother, grandmother and breast cancer survivor (including a mastectomy). This self-awareness of being sexy in my 50s is a gift and one I will cherish in every decade going forward! Wheeeeee -- I'm free to be me!!!"
Shannon Bradley-Colleary, 50 -- "I just say 'yes' more."
"I've found, after 50, that I just say 'yes' more and this makes me feel beautiful, vibrant, sexy and alive. 'Do you want to help in Syrian Refugee Camps in Lesvos, Greece?' Yes. 'Do you want to take an introductory pole dancing class?' Yes. ' Do you want to have a blind date with your own husband where you pretend to be strangers?' Sign me up! In my 20s I worried I wasn't smart enough, curvy enough, sexy enough to say 'yes' to all the things I wanted to try. (I also felt I should've been better at orgasms. I was pretty sure I was getting a 'C-' in orgasms.) At 50, I just don't have the time or energy for that nonsense. I take it all as it comes, so to speak. 'Can you look in the mirror and love what you see, just for today?' Yes. And thank you."
Barbara Rabin, 67 -- "I'm so much stronger now. And strength is sexy."
"Sexy is self-confidence. It's being comfortable in your own skin. It's looking in the mirror and liking what I see. Someone once told me that older women can't have long hair. And most women don't at my age. But I like long and flowing hair and, to me, it's sexy. You must have a feeling that says 'I like what I see and I'm doing great.' When I was in my 20s, I was all about my career. Now I've lost my husband and had cancer. I'm so much stronger now. And strength is sexy."
Pamela Madsen, 52 -- "Sexuality has become my friend."
"When I was in my 20s, I wanted to be sexually invisible because I didn't trust my own relationship with my body. I was scared to be seen. Now that I am in my 50s, I dare you not to look! I'm not frightened of being seen as sexy anymore, because sexy has gone from fear to empowerment and delight! In my 50s I trust my own 'yes' and my own 'no.' It may have taken a few decades, but now my sexuality has become my friend and I love dancing with it."
Sandra LaMorgese, 59 -- "I can now focus on what makes me feel happy."
"When I was in my 20s, my sexuality was all about image. I had a clear idea of what a sexy woman would do, say, look, and feel, and I spent so much of my energy trying to project that image to others. But now, in my 50s, I have a whole different perspective; namely, I don't feel like I need to act likable and sexy and desirable and free because I know that I already am all of those things. Romantic and sexual partners come and go. It's just how life works. What stays constant, though, is me, which means that my sexuality, my identity, and my sense of self-worth and belonging need to come from inside me first. Realizing this allowed me to let go of so much anxiety about my sexuality because I no longer needed to worry about all the unknown variables that other people brought into the equation. Instead, I can now focus on what makes me feel happy, whole, and loving, and when I find other people who are attracted to these positive qualities, it leads to really fun and life-affirming experiences."
April Johnson, 58 -- "Being sexy now in my 50s is a feeling."
"Beautiful to me means being attractive -- and what makes folks attractive? Being caring, loving, good, considerate. These things create an attraction which makes your inner beauty show as outer beauty. In my 20s, being sexy was dressing a certain way to attract the opposite sex and was about what I thought they thought was sexy. Being sexy now in my 50s is a feeling ... not the clothes I wear. The clothes don’t make me. I make the clothes. It’s me feeling great about me! Me feeling sexy is to please me and make me happy. Happiness rubs off on others! What a great way to spread happiness in the world!"
Robin Hoffman, 50 -- "Bodies are beautiful, but what's glowing within is so much more."
"Sexy at 21 versus sexy at 50, for me, is still a journey. I’ve moved solidly from ‘how does my butt look’ in acid-washed jeans to black yoga pants, but I’m still discovering it’s more to do with where I am than whether that tousle-haired rugby player from English Lit will notice me Friday night. While I wish I was more consistently in this place, I have found my GPS. It’s an inner core that either radiates strength and love or it’s a dark cylinder that magnifies every belly bulge, every criticism. To me, sexy at 50 is peeling those shades back and blasting the light we all have. It’s a celebration of the beauty of spirit versus the celebration of butts and boobs. Bodies are beautiful, but what’s glowing within is so much more."
Felicia Gomes-Gregory, 50 -- "Today at 50, sexy is about my nurturing my inner beauty."
"When I was 25, being sexy was a learning phase. My ideas were defined by outside influences (magazines/books/tv), men, and mostly, the 'village of women' who raised me, especially my mother. I was always taught that you could be a lady and 'sexy' with your clothes on. Today at 50, sexy is about my nurturing my inner beauty in addition to cultivating the outer beauty. When a woman is empowered both spiritually and physically, is confident, and truly knows her self-worth and loves others around her, being and feeling sexy is easy! I am approaching my 50s as a new journey in my life in which the four most important things to me now are to 'live, love, dance and have faith' into the next decade!"
Constance Boardman, 57 -- "Feeling sexy now is a lot less about your body."
"Feeling sexy now is a lot less about your body. All those silly things you worried about when you were young -- things related to looks -- are indeed just silly. For awhile there, in my early 50s, it was hard for me to feel sexy. The changes in your body hit you all of a sudden. But now I know that sex is actually fun and that you shouldn't worry about all the minutiae of what you look like. It has been an adjustment to be OK with the fact that my body may never be the same as it used to be. But I'm sort of over all that now."
Beauty Has No Age Limit See Gallery
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Warning: This post contains erotic imagery and may not be suitable for work environments.
Sometimes, to be a woman over 50 is to feel invisible. It’s walking into a bar or restaurant and no longer being on the receiving end of an admiring glance. It’s feeling like people on the street are looking past you, as if you aren’t even there. Ask a middle-aged woman, and she might say these slights have whittled away at her self-confidence, tricking her into believing the best years are behind her.
We live in a culture that often equates beauty and energy with youth. But we’d like to turn that way of thinking on its head. We believe women can be smart and sassy, beautiful and confident ― and that they can continue to shake things up in the world around them ― whether they’re 50 or 75 or 100.
With that idea in mind, Huff/Post50 photographed 11 very sexy women between the ages of 48 and 67. A few are cancer survivors. A few are grandmothers. A few are single and a few are married. But what they all have in common is that not one is a shrinking violet. They feel better about themselves today than they ever have. We asked each woman to wear whatever makes them feel sexy, and to talk about what being sexy means to them now compared to when they were, say, 21. The resulting photos are stunning ― and entirely un-retouched.
For more images from the photo shoots click through our gallery of outtakes!

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The hottest, most beautiful wife in the world on our honeymoon July 2009.
She drives me crazy! My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
She was just chillin' on the balcony, but she had me speechless just because of these unbelievable legs. My wife is gorgeous, and these legs, my God these legs.
My beautiful hot wife has the most amazing, athletic, gorgeous legs you're ever going to find.
Oh, do I really need to get up .... or should I just stay bed today.......
It's dark and quiet in here and whats said will stay in here 💕
For this round I made this long set of tags, that you can use under you eye, I did it for personal use but since a lot of you asked me about it, there is it. ♥
20 different labels in left and right
Angel, Cutie, Baby, Mine, Yours, Cumslut, Puta, Slave, Whore, Bitch, Milf, Slut, Toy, Demon, Emo, Player, Psycho, Dead, Depressed and Monster.
In the future I intent to make more label options tho~
I hope you guys like it, and good shopping. ♥
Inithium Kupra & Kups (original shown)
Just when you think it's going to be a quiet evening 😍
We have no set plans yet, any suggestions?
Maybe we should all meet up at that new club downtown...... or ?
My beautiful wife Rhonda, headed back to our stateroom after a night out in an evening gown on a recent cruise vacation Fall 2010.
One of my female friends... I've managed to use the perfect sunlight
and captured this shot of her amazing soles while extensive shoeplay.
My husband said I was the sweetest, hottest, sexiest, most beautiful wife in the world when we were on our honeymoon last July.
(Description written by my adoring Hubby)
My beautiful wife drew quite a bit of attention while I photographed her wearing an exotic bikini while she strolled around the pool at the Loews Hotel on South Beach
Lindsay Lohan Tits
Thefappening.So Shut Down
Big Oiled Tits Pics

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