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Bizarre! 48-year-old father marries his son's ex-wife in UP

Bizarre! 48-year-old father marries his son's ex-wife in UP

The revelation came when the son filed an RTI at District Panchayati Raj Office to collect information about his father who had left house and was living elsewhere.


Updated on: July 04, 2021 10:29 IST

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Bizarre! 48-year-old father marries his son's ex-wife in UP
In a bizarre incident, a young man has found that his ex-wife is now his step mother and what is more, he even has a 'brother', fathered by his father.
The revelation came when the son filed an RTI at District Panchayati Raj Office to collect information about his father who had left house and was living elsewhere.
He filed the RTI after his father stopped giving him money and was living separately in Sambhal.
According to sources, the son had got married to a girl in 2016 and both were minor at that time.
Six months later, they got separated and though he tried for a reconciliation, the girl insisted on a divorce on the ground that the boy was an alcoholic.
When the son finally learnt that his father had actually married his ex-wife, he lodged a complaint at Bisauli police station and both the parties were called for a meeting on Saturday.

"We are trying for mediation though both, father and son were rather aggressive during the meeting on Saturday.
"The complaint is under investigation and police are taking action as per the law," said the Circle Officer, Vinay Chauhan.
Meanwhile, the girl who is now the 'mother' of her ex-husband, has refused to return to him and said that she was very happy with her second husband.
"We have not been given any documents of the first marriage when both were minor. A case cannot be registered, as of now. Both the parties will receive notice for further sessions," the circle officer said.
The father, in his late forties, is a sanitation worker.
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Follow me on Twitter @deardeidre or write to Deidre Sanders , The Sun, London SE1 9GF 
I’VE been having sex with one of the dads from my son’s pre-school – even though I’m good friends with his wife.
My boyfriend is 30 and got relocated with his job to a new town. I’m a stay-at-home mum with our three-year-old boy.
I registered him at a local pre-school and I made this new friend of another mum who has a little girl. We’re both 26 and have loads in common.
I was round at hers one lunch-time when her husband walked in. He is 29 and sex on legs. He has an amazing body and looked like a male model in his sharp suit. He flashed me a smile and said: “Hi. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
I kept thinking about him. That evening, when my boyfriend was in a pair of joggers and playing on his Xbox, I wondered how my life had come to this.
My friend’s husband was at the pre-school gate the following day.
He explained his wife had an interview and said: “I’m rubbish at entertaining my daughter. I don’t suppose you fancy a coffee, do you, while the children play?”
I sat with him all afternoon and when I got up to leave, he gave me his phone number. He texted later that day saying he’d loved chatting to me.
Our texts continued over the next few days, then we started flirting.
The following week we dropped the kids off at pre-school and as his wife had another interview we sloped off back to his house.
Once inside he kissed me and we ended up having sex. It was exciting. The sex was short and sweet but so good. It’s carried on too. I feel guilty. I’ve tried ending it but each time I see him, my knees go to jelly and I’m drawn back in.
The other mums seem to know something’s going on. They’re barely speaking to me. I think I’ve fallen for this man but I know I’m risking everything.
DEIDRE SAYS: So far no one has got hurt but your bit of fun could bring misery all round if you get rumbled.
You’ve every chance of enjoying a new life here so don’t spoil things. A man has turned your head which can happen even in the strongest of relationships – but it’s whether we act on it which counts.
Your lover may genuinely fancy you but your friendship with his wife certainly won’t survive a messy affair and, believe me, he’s not going to leave her any time soon.
You don’t want a reputation as a marriage wrecker. Be firm and tell him it’s over. Don’t be alone with him and arrange alternative play-dates for your daughter.
My e-leaflet of 50 Ways To Add Fun To Sex can help you discover that the excitement you feel you’re missing out on is achievable with your boyfriend.
I’M being charged with assaulting my ex – even though she started it.
I’m not a violent man. I’m 35 and my ex-wife is 32. We have a boy and a girl. I pay her more child maintenance than I have to every week even though the kids stay with me half the time.
We argued about who was picking up our son one afternoon and she got so angry, she pushed me on my back into the passenger seat. I pushed back with my foot.
She went mental and I shouted back – but I didn’t lay a finger on her. She then called the police.
She’s pressing charges for violence and I can’t see the children at the moment. It breaks my heart. Yet I’ve done nothing wrong.
DEIDRE SAYS: Your ex was the instigator of the pushing and shoving but it was a mistake to react in the heat of the moment.
You could suggest keeping in touch with your children through texting or Skype but do this through your ex’s lawyer. Don’t approach her directly or you could make the situation worse for yourself.
Get advice from Families Need Fathers (fnf.org.uk, 0300 0300 363).
NEARLY half of men worry they are too small sexually but 85 per cent of women are happy with their partner’s size.
It’s skill not inches that makes a good lover – but a lot of men take some convincing. My e-leaflet Manhood Too Small? should reassure them.
For your copy, email problems@deardeidre.org
MY first love got in touch saying he’d been looking for me non-stop for 15 years but he’s gay and a vicar.
I’m a 31 year-old woman and this man, who is now 33, was my school crush. He found me through social media and we arranged to meet. He told me he was in a same-sex partnership.
He said he couldn’t have a relationship with me because it was wrong – but then said: “My eyes give away my feelings, don’t they?” I could tell he still loved me.
When we said goodbye he went to kiss me and then leapt back and almost ran down the road.
He’s been on a retreat but texting. I’m single and desperate to pick up where we left off all those years ago.
DEIDRE SAYS: This has, “Don’t go there,” written all over it. He is clearly struggling with his sexuality and/or his commitment to his partner but you will only get hurt if you allow him to drag you into this.
Tell him that you’re only interested if and when he is free and sure he’s straight.
Give yourself a time limit – say six months or so. If he doesn’t contact you to say he’s now single, my e-leaflet called Moving On will help.
I CAN’T stop thinking about the guy my girlfriend slept with after we split up ten years ago.
We got back together after I heard she was single again. As a teen she was friends with a guy I never liked but she said I was paranoid and there was nothing in their relationship.
We were having a pillow talk after sex one night recently and she confessed that the guy we’d argued about did become her lover after we split up. I’m insanely jealous about it. It was a long time ago but I can’t stop thinking about them. We are both 30.
DEIDRE SAYS: She didn’t cheat on you and feeling so jealous of something that happened so long ago can be toxic for a relationship.
Keep reminding yourself she’s with you. She loves you and this guy is history. Neither of you can change your past.
This is about insecurity. My e-leaflet, Dealing With Jealousy, will help you stop the past ruining the present.
MY partner has piled on so much weight I no longer find him sexually attractive.
He has really let himself go since we moved in together three years ago.
He is only 28, I am 27. In the past year we have had sex just twice because I cannot bring myself to do it, even though I love him.
I have tried to talk to him but he gets upset and calls me shallow. He agrees to diet and join a gym but always makes excuses when it comes to it. I worry about his health as there is diabetes in his family.
He wants us to try for a baby but I worry about being left a single parent.
DEIDRE SAYS: You need to get your point over more clearly so that he has to take what you say on board.
He wants to start a family. Tell him why you hesitate. Say you will try for a baby when he is at a healthier weight.
My e-leaflet How To End Weight Worries will help him.
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