Okusama Ga Seitokaichou+

Okusama Ga Seitokaichou+


Okusama Ga Seitokaichou+
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Type Manga Volumes / Chapters 13 / 70 Release Date 27. Aug 2011 Main genres Romantic Comedy Country of Origin Japan Adapted From Original Work Target Group Male
✅ Who is your favourite character from the Straw Hat Pirates?
Release Date: 27.08.2011 ‑ 27.08.2018
Mangaka: Yumi NAKATA Author & Illustrator
Synonyms: My Wife Is the Student Council President
A short plot summary about the manga “Okusama ga Seitokaichou!” would help many anime and manga fans decide whether they want to watch this show or not. Do you know what “Okusama ga Seitokaichou!” is all about? Then feel free to add a description to our database using our entry form . We’re looking forward to your contributions! Source: www.anisearch.com/manga/16627
Hayato Izumi ist niedergeschlagen, denn eigentlich wollte er sich zum Schülerratspräsidenten wählen lassen. Doch er wurde von Ui Wakana geschlagen, die bei ihrer Kampagne versprach, „die Liebe von allen Restriktionen auf dem Schulgelände zu befreien“ und dabei mit Kondomen um sich geschmissen hat. Nun muss er ihr als Vizepräsident bei der Umsetzung dieses Ziels helfen. Zu allem Überfluss lädt Wakana sich auch noch selbst bei ihm zu Hause ein, um dem völlig verdutzten Hayato dann auch noch prompt klarzumachen, dass sie seine Verlobte sei. Anscheinend waren die Eltern der beiden gute Freunde und haben deren Ehe „arrangiert“ als sie total betrunken waren. Allerdings waren Hayato und Ui damals erst 3 Jahre alt. Ui ist zwar völlig unerfahren in der Liebe, dafür aber fest entschlossen die Verlobung durchzuziehen. Wird Hayato ihren Versuchungen widerstehen können? Quelle: www.anisearch.de/manga/16627
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" Seifuu High School , the newly opened school I am attending, has a new student council president like none we have ever seen." — Izumi Hayato

Izumi Hayato , as member of the student council strongly opposes the president Wakana Ui 's "strong push for the liberation of love" at their school. But her charm reaches her fellow students and also the other student council members: treasurer Fujisaki Karen and secretary Niikura Ayane .

When Ui makes an appointment with Hayato late in the evening, little does he know what is in store for him: Ui's irresponsible mother in Canada OK'ed not only that Ui take up residence in Hayato's apartment, but also live there as his wife. This came about because Hayato's father apparently asked Ui's parents many years ago to have their daughter marry Hayato.

And so Hayato's bizarre life with the student council president and self-appointed wife begins...

— written by foo2

TV Series, 2016, 12 eps, 3.98 (1163) , 6.15 (1170)

OVA, 2016, 1 ep, 4.14 (614) , 6.15 (619)

Same setting with a teacher/student relationship
TV Series, 2005, 13 eps, 3.45 (1383) , 6.33 (1409)

by rhymesmatter on 2020-07-20 18:27

This was absolutely brilliant! SO underrated, seriously! The plot is pretty much the sudden-girlfriend(wife)-appearance and doesn't really edefine the setting. However the execution is done perfectly! The male lead Hayato is a perfectly regular, horny teenager but the difference from other male leads of the genre is that he ACTUALLY acts like one. As everyone said this is indeed borderline hentai as Hayato does NOT hesitate to pin Yui down and go crazy with her. Equally Yui is THE BEST waifu. Period! She's top tier. It's impossible not to love her whole persona.

Adding some good comedy, an actually proactive challenger to ''fight'' against Yui, giving you a good love triangle and woila. Must watch there and there. My one negative for this series was the 8 min episodes factor which was PAINFULLY small for my taste. I just wanted more! But the fact this is so small makes it even more of a reason NOT to miss this!

Watched 2 seasons and OVA. Borderline porn, yeah. But it's also airy and funny. So, if you know what hentai is, then nothing to worry about here.

This is great. Devilishly funny borderline hentai anime. Yes, it is borderline hentai ecchi action. But, to be honest, who cares when you have a censored version and an uncensored version available? Everyone's the winner with this one.

Regarding the anime itself, apart from the obvious 18+ tits and ass aspect, you also have a cute romance story, likeable characters, and hillarious situations. Voice acting wasn't bad, either. I found the disciplinary committee president Misumi Rin to be especially funny, as the typical disciplined on the outside, but unintentionally perverted on the inside, character. The only downside: episodes are too short, making the whole anime look like a pilot, including the second season.

Overall, a remarkable watch. Needless to say, it is for the wild ecchi fans.

by DeadlyEmbrace on 2017-01-04 18:33

Incredibly sweet with a little bit of ecchi just to make things more interesting.

by dwhitedragon on 2016-10-08 02:22

This is really funny. Yes like the other comments mention it does sometimes get borderline hentai. But I also like how he reacts like a normal guy not always that denying his interest!!

Borderline hentai teasing you hard. with light comedy and romance thrown in. Quick and eventful episodes. Definitely recommended for ecchi fans. :D

This was a fun short entertaining watch that even though it got really perverted at times, the comedy and characters is what made this series fun to watch. Just a heads up though, the ecchi at times does get borderline hentai.

Recommeded for prevy anime.

1st off the tv is from At-x so it's uncensored,
Secondly it;s borderline and (they alway stop just in time)= a good tease (which is good for u)

Right dose of comedy, romance, ecchi and school life. Very nice and fast watch.

by huanghongyie on 2015-11-06 07:56

this series just know how to tease & tempt the audience + some silly comedy. like it.
want another season please.

First off, warning.. its ecchi but very border-line Hentai. So try not to watch it like in a crowded train like I did on 1st ep.

But I will be honest, I think its brilliant. Its fun, it funny, its cheerful, its cheeky, naughty, cute, its full of fanservice ecchiness, and it give me the "awwww" moments. And couple that into a short 8 min clips per episode - you get a tightly packed burrito bursting with ogasmic happiness!

The only downside was, I did not get enough of it - and it ended just as quickly as it started.
It really made my day after finishing it, and left a big smile on my face. So I am gonna rate it 8/10 and highly recommended!

Have an itch for a bit of ecchi? Short on time? Then by all means give this a go. This is, quite literally, an instant girlfriend ecchi-based comedy that is borderline hentai. Right off the heels of Shimoneta, I can say that this seitokaichou is pretty much as aggressive as Anna, only much naughtier as well. Amazingly, they are able to put together the semblance of a story and give decent character expositions (both personality and skin-wise) despite each episode only lasting eight minutes- seven if you take out the OP and ED. While the show isn't going to win any awards for depth, it has an honest sense of warmth between the characters that is all but lacking in most current-generation harems. If you can deal with all the skin ship in the show and have an hour and a half to kill, this is indeed an interesting way to spend it. Animation: Compared to full-length shows, the animation is a bit spotty. However, compared to most 4-koma shows, this is superior. Thus, you get the best of both worlds in a way, pretty decent quality and not too much story fluff. As for characters, there are a lot at first but all of them are unique in appearance and behavior enough to work your way through them. Don't expect that much in terms of character expressions, though expect quite a few elated expressions; the bird chicks coming out of character heads is interesting. This show does have a lot of ecchi, and by that I mean suggestive positions, soft-core rubbing, and topless nudity on top of your standard bouncy and upskirts- definitely not for your tablet on a plane flight. Sound: The show opens with a short, upbeat light rock piece with a fair melody, and ends with an even faster-paced rock piece sung by Ayana Taketatsu. The BGM is mixed extremely lightly, the vocals and effects dominate the sound in general, don't expect any particularly memorable pieces. The VA cast is fair overall, but really, you'll be listening mostly to Ayana Taketatsu so expect a"stimulating" performance to say the least. Story: The story follows our standard nice, studious lead Hayato, who happens to be forced into living with the student council president Ui. However, Ui isn't satisfied with just being in the same apartment, she's looking for more from her darling. Not really a bad deal is it? All Hayato has to do is hide everything from the school's discipline committee- but it appears the leader there is a bit horny herself... This somewhat nonsensical excuse to watch ecchi doesn't really have much of a focused plot, most episodes are for the most part episodic. I guess from an ecchi perspective, everything is "short and sweet". To the extent where you soon run out of episodes before you know it. Character: As mentioned above, the characters are indeed interesting. Unlike your typical harem lead, Hayato actually has some balls and is more than willing to respond to girls' attempts at getting his interest. Even more, his relationship with Ui is, admittedly, kind of cute; it has a fuzzy feeling that is reminiscent of what we saw in Dannaken. The two grow in, let's just say, many ways through the short show. There are definitely more supporting characters than truly necessary but for the most part the show sticks to the main couple; the others do make for some good jealousy episodes though. Value: If you're looking for pretty serious ecchi, this is a dirt cheap time investment. On top of that, there are actually pretty good characters too. Overall, it's an entertaining way to kill an hour and a half.

by kentan

on Tuesday, 02.03.2021 18:11

· Japanese production no description set


· · student government no description set


nopan The character foregoes underwear.

2 eps
applies to episode(s): 8-9

episode appearance
appears in ep: 1-12

episode appearance
appears in ep: 1-12

episode appearance
appears in ep: 1-3, 5, 9

episode appearance
appears in ep: 2-5, 7-9, 11

episode appearance
appears in ep: 1-3, 5, 9

episode appearance
appears in ep: 3-4, 9-11

episode appearance
appears in ep: 1, 5-7, 11-12

episode appearance
appears in ep: 1

episode appearance
appears in ep: 1

episode appearance
appears in ep: 7-8, 12

episode appearance
appears in ep: 12

episode appearance
appears in ep: 9

episode appearance
appears in ep: 6

episode appearance
appears in ep: 6

episode appearance
appears in ep: 2-3

episode appearance
appears in ep: 4

episode appearance
appears in ep: 3-4

episode appearance
appears in ep: 2

episode appearance
appears in ep: 2

episode appearance
appears in ep: 2

episode appearance
appears in ep: 2

episode appearance
appears in ep: 4

episode appearance
appears in ep: 4

Explanation by AymiDB on Wednesday, 15.07.2015 08:48
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Okusama ga Seitokaichou!
( a10970 )

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My Wife Is the Student Council President
Okusama ga Seitokaichou!
( a10970 )

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My Wife Is the Student Council President

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The Student Council President Marries into a Family

Student Council President and Dinner at Home

Student Council President and the Hand-Holding Experiment

Shelter from the Rain Without the President

The Student Council President`s Family

The Vice President and the Two Infirmary Devils

Sawatari-san`s Midsummer Presentation

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