Oklahoma Anonib

Oklahoma Anonib


Oklahoma Anonib
Last updated {{ '2021-11-01T15:27:22.576Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)
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Estilo Selecciona un estilo... Hispachan Hispablue Hispabook Hispanaranja Hispasecta Hispagirl Hispahack Hispademon Hispanight Hispaenie Hispagris Hispamierda Hispasexy, AnonIB

Oklahoma, Imagine That! r/ oklahoma
[Meta Thread] In light of recent news, a reminder to stay civil.
Oklahoma GOP candidate said it’s “totally just” to stone gay people to death
Should I report my neighbor’s animal abuse?
They sound like a stable individual.
1 Deputy Killed, Another Deputy Wounded In SW OKC Shooting
Norman HS Teacher placed on leave for sharing Public Library QR code
Welcome to the subreddit for the State of Oklahoma. Please remember to go vote in the Oklahoma Primary on June 28th and the General Election on November 8th.
Be civil towards others, even if you disagree with them.
Title of post must match to the title of the linked article.
News articles must not be more then a month old at the time of posting.
Self posts of newsworthy items must contain a link to a trusted 3rd party source in the text body.
Do not flamebait, muckrake or brigade r/Oklahoma.
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I hope OK Republicans can see that Ryan Walters is wholly unqualified and would spell the demise for public education in our state. Don’t believe me? Ask a public educator. He’s vowed to reject federal funding to our schools, which makes up roughly 11% of their funding. His wallet has been padded by Epic and other charter schools. Your public tax dollars would go to fund private school students. If you have a shred of empathy for public school teachers and students, please don’t let this idiot anywhere near the State Dept. of Edu.
I was in the backyard with my dog, when my dog and my backyard neighbor’s dog started barking at each other through the fence as per usual.
But this time, my backyard neighbor came out and started cursing (and using racial expletives) at the dog and beating it with what sounded like a metal pole. The dog was obviously yelping in pain and fear.
I completely froze in shock. This is a sensitive situation because I share a fence with this person, and I am afraid of provoking them because our houses are in such close proximity and they are clearly violent and abusive.
I will also mention that I’ve witnessed Oklahoman’s around my residential neighborhood also beat their dogs casually (but not with a weapon) and I sense that it is part of the culture here.
I am disgusted and at a loss for what to do.
These rules will be enforced when r/oklahoma is hosting an AMA.
Rule 8.1:Questions are for our guest to answer. Users may asks our guest questions as long as it's contained in a single top level comment post. Statements should be kept to a minimum. If the guest answers their question(s) the OP may ask a single follow-up question for clarification.
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Rule 8.3: No trolling, bad faith, or distasteful comments/questions The AMA is to be treated seriously with questions/responses asked in good faith. A question/comment deemed as trolling, bad faith distasteful, or "gotcha" will be removed. the moderators will have final say what is deemed a violation of this subrule.
Rule 8.4: Guests are expected to follow all of r/oklahoma 's rules. During an AMA guests are considered redditors and are subject to the rules of r/oklahoma . Any violation of the rules by a guest will have their AMA terminated.
The moderation team of r/oklahoma will not tolerate the wishing of harm and/or death against anyone. Violators will receive a minimum 30 day suspension or a permanent ban based on the severity of the threat. Credible threats will also be reported to the admins and/or law enforcement. Please report all infractions using rule 3 as the reporting option immediately.

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