Oily Boobies

Oily Boobies


Oily Boobies

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Connecting people through photography.

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Today I am featuring the juicy new Push-up Add-on for Legacy / Legacy Perky by Nerido that you can find at Collabor88 . Try a demo!
Thank you very much for all your kind comments, sparkly stickers, group awards and likes! 💕 💕 💕
Juvenile - at Atlantic Ocean - close by Ilha da Queimada Grande - São Paulo - at a pelagic incursion.
Thanks a lot for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. Very much appreciated!
© All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved. Please contact me at thelma.gatuzzo@gmail.com if you intend to buy or use any of my images.
My instagram if you like: @thelmag and@thelma_and_cats
Genovesa Island, its sandy coral beach with a great viewpoint of the bay, is one of the Galapagos’ jewels. It is also known as the “Bird Island“ offering the opportunity to enjoy the most representative birds of Galapagos as: Puffball–chicks, white both yellow–crowned and lava herons, Red footed boobies contrasting with the Nazca booby and also the Swallow–tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gulls in the world that will be nesting at the cliff’s edge.
……I didn’t take that many shots on my Fuji’s tending to concentrate on my 365 iPhonaday project, this shot was however and I thought it worked well in mono. Alan:-)
For the interested I’m growing my Shutterstock catalogue regularly here, now sold 120 images :- www.shutterstock.com/g/Alan+Foster?rid=223484589&utm_...
©Alan Foster. All rights reserved. Do not use without permission.……
Genovesa Island, its sandy coral beach with a great viewpoint of the bay, is one of the Galapagos’ jewels. It is also known as the “Bird Island“ offering the opportunity to enjoy the most representative birds of Galapagos as: Puffball–chicks, white both yellow–crowned and lava herons, Red footed boobies contrasting with the Nazca booby and also the Swallow–tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gulls in the world that will be nesting at the cliff’s edge.
Genovesa Island, its sandy coral beach with a great viewpoint of the bay, is one of the Galapagos’ jewels. It is also known as the “Bird Island“ offering the opportunity to enjoy the most representative birds of Galapagos as: Puffball–chicks, white both yellow–crowned and lava herons, Red footed boobies contrasting with the Nazca booby and also the Swallow–tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gulls in the world that will be nesting at the cliff’s edge.
The islet of Eden located just off the northwestern coast of Santa Cruz is the remains of a volcanic "tuff cone" - a type of volcanic feature formed when molten lava comes into contact with cold sea water with explosive results. There is an abundance of wildlife here as you will see.
We are going to go a little further north, leaving the Sombrero Chino island to reach the Bartolomeo island. Both islands, very small, are located near the island of Santiago. The birds follow us during the crossing.
I have received some very kind mail from Flickr friends enquiring after Jonathan and myself and also the plumbing. Starting with the plumbing my very good plumber friend has long Covid so we await his recovery to replace our downstairs toilet that has a cracked basin but we have another so can manage to wait till he is fully recovered. My own tests revealed high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes for which medication has been prescribed but I am holding off and hoping to lose some weight and have been given six months to hopefully reverse things and stave off the meds which unfortunately my family have an intolerance too. Jonathan’s tests were what we (I) wait anxiously for as he still has low oxygen levels several times a day…low enough to mean something serious could be the problem. He had all the tests ECG chest X-ray and full bloods but only one ambiguous text to say one test had come back normal. Telephone enquiries only elicit the response that all test results are now sent by text. We were booked on holiday and Jonathan refuses to wait any longer for the results saying que sera sera…so we kept the already altered twice booking which is for three weeks but the WiFi is totally abysmal even blocking me by saying not only insecure but stopping me using my own discretion. This is uploaded using mobile data but again far to slow to comment and for biggest part even “see” your photos so I shall wait till I return home to hopefully rejoin the Flickr community. Hope you are all well and enjoying the summer..all the best Sue
Comments are still off as I cannot comment on anyone else’s in less than hours if at all ;(
This really brings up way more questions than it answers. Is this meant to recruit dancers or customers, or both?Does the truck serve as a mobile billboard or did it just break down in the parking lot and become a defacto auxiliary sign? Are the dollar signs there to represent the money you will waste as a customer or make as a stripper....or just generally to denote a bling-like atmosphere? Is the age of 18+ for the strippers or the people paying to get in?
Finally, why are there FOUR god damn phone numbers?!?! I mean, really, how many folks do you gotta get in touch with to get a job showing your boobs?
And do they not have area codes.....oh, nevermind....
This is my friend Brandons BMX bike, supporting Boobies!
The ugliest of all halloween costumes.. I give you Ruth !!!
the bra has been stretched out a bit to expose the nipple. carrie bradshaw inspired necklace with happy birthday on it.
In a ;crane' grab machine at Great Yarmouth.
Keep-a-breast.org bracelets supporting breast cancer.
big puffy cloud boobies. what do you see?
13 month old Olivia loves her booby :) Look at the expression on her face! Pure love!
Taken at Urangan Pier, Hervey Bay, Qld
There are seven species of boobies in the world, and while the blue-footed booby is the most famous, known for its funny foot-tapping dance, the brown booby is not only the most common, but also one of the most distinctive, as the only species with so much dark-coloured plumage.
Large seabird of inshore and offshore waters in tropical regions around the globe. Adept and agile fliers with a wingspan upto 1.5 meters, though clumsy in both take off and landing.
Head, neck, and upperparts are solidly brown, except for adult males from Mexican Pacific Coast populations which have a whitish head and often an entirely whitish neck. Adult has a well-demarcated white belly and immature has a variably mottled brown belly that rarely looks solidly brown.
Piquero de Humboldt, Peruvian Booby, Sula variegata.
This handsome brown-and-white booby is common in tropical waters throughout the world, occurring in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans and the Caribbean Sea. Its breeding range overlaps considerably with that of the Masked (Sula dactylatra) and Red-footed boobies (S. sula); all 3 may be found nesting and feeding together along with frigatebirds (Fregata spp.) and other tropical seabirds. Photographed the coast of São Paulo. Best seen Large.
Thanks a lot for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. Very much appreciated!
© All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved. Please contact me at thelma.gatuzzo@gmail.com if you intend to buy or use any of my images.
Visit my instagram if you like: @thelmag
Blue-footed Boobies Courtship Dance
Brown booby at Ilha da Queimada Grande, São Paulo.
Thanks a lot for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. Very much appreciated!
© All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved. Please contact me at thelma.gatuzzo@gmail.com if you intend to buy or use any of my images.
Visit my instagram if you like: @thelmag
Boobys Bay, Near Trevose Head, Cornwall.
A new bird and lifer for me! I was pleased to see the wing touching the water. Taken in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
Thank you for your visit and comments. They are very much appreciated.
I saw this on a car today while I was at the gym.
I believe the first two are Nazca and second two are Masked. Pacific Ocean near Oaxaca Mexico.

SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Today I am featuring the juicy new Push-up Add-on for Legacy / Legacy Perky by Nerido that you can find at Collabor88 . Try a demo!
Thank you very much for all your kind comments, sparkly stickers, group awards and likes! 💕 💕 💕
Juvenile - at Atlantic Ocean - close by Ilha da Queimada Grande - São Paulo - at a pelagic incursion.
Thanks a lot for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. Very much appreciated!
© All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved. Please contact me at thelma.gatuzzo@gmail.com if you intend to buy or use any of my images.
My instagram if you like: @thelmag and@thelma_and_cats
Genovesa Island, its sandy coral beach with a great viewpoint of the bay, is one of the Galapagos’ jewels. It is also known as the “Bird Island“ offering the opportunity to enjoy the most representative birds of Galapagos as: Puffball–chicks, white both yellow–crowned and lava herons, Red footed boobies contrasting with the Nazca booby and also the Swallow–tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gulls in the world that will be nesting at the cliff’s edge.
……I didn’t take that many shots on my Fuji’s tending to concentrate on my 365 iPhonaday project, this shot was however and I thought it worked well in mono. Alan:-)
For the interested I’m growing my Shutterstock catalogue regularly here, now sold 120 images :- www.shutterstock.com/g/Alan+Foster?rid=223484589&utm_...
©Alan Foster. All rights reserved. Do not use without permission.……
Genovesa Island, its sandy coral beach with a great viewpoint of the bay, is one of the Galapagos’ jewels. It is also known as the “Bird Island“ offering the opportunity to enjoy the most representative birds of Galapagos as: Puffball–chicks, white both yellow–crowned and lava herons, Red footed boobies contrasting with the Nazca booby and also the Swallow–tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gulls in the world that will be nesting at the cliff’s edge.
Genovesa Island, its sandy coral beach with a great viewpoint of the bay, is one of the Galapagos’ jewels. It is also known as the “Bird Island“ offering the opportunity to enjoy the most representative birds of Galapagos as: Puffball–chicks, white both yellow–crowned and lava herons, Red footed boobies contrasting with the Nazca booby and also the Swallow–tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gulls in the world that will be nesting at the cliff’s edge.
A new bird and lifer for me! I was pleased to see the wing touching the water. Taken in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
Thank you for your visit and comments. They are very much appreciated.
The islet of Eden located just off the northwestern coast of Santa Cruz is the remains of a volcanic "tuff cone" - a type of volcanic feature formed when molten lava comes into contact with cold sea water with explosive results. There is an abundance of wildlife here as you will see.
We are going to go a little further north, leaving the Sombrero Chino island to reach the Bartolomeo island. Both islands, very small, are located near the island of Santiago. The birds follow us during the crossing.
I have received some very kind mail from Flickr friends enquiring after Jonathan and myself and also the plumbing. Starting with the plumbing my very good plumber friend has long Covid so we await his recovery to replace our downstairs toilet that has a cracked basin but we have another so can manage to wait till he is fully recovered. My own tests revealed high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes for which medication has been prescribed but I am holding off and hoping to lose some weight and have been given six months to hopefully reverse things and stave off the meds which unfortunately my family have an intolerance too. Jonathan’s tests were what we (I) wait anxiously for as he still has low oxygen levels several times a day…low enough to mean something serious could be the problem. He had all the tests ECG chest X-ray and full bloods but only one ambiguous text to say one test had come back normal. Telephone enquiries only elicit the response that all test results are now sent by text. We were booked on holiday and Jonathan refuses to wait any longer for the results saying que sera sera…so we kept the already altered twice booking which is for three weeks but the WiFi is totally abysmal even blocking me by saying not only insecure but stopping me using my own discretion. This is uploaded using mobile data but again far to slow to comment and for biggest part even “see” your photos so I shall wait till I return home to hopefully rejoin the Flickr community. Hope you are all well and enjoying the summer..all the best Sue
Comments are still off as I cannot comment on anyone else’s in less than hours if at all ;(
This really brings up way more questions than it answers. Is this meant to recruit dancers or customers, or both?Does the truck serve as a mobile billboard or did it just break down in the parking lot and become a defacto auxiliary sign? Are the dollar signs there to represent the money you will waste as a customer or make as a stripper....or just generally to denote a bling-like atmosphere? Is the age of 18+ for the strippers or the people paying to get in?
Finally, why are there FOUR god damn phone numbers?!?! I mean, really, how many folks do you gotta get in touch with to get a job showing your boobs?
And do they not have area codes.....oh, nevermind....
This is my friend Brandons BMX bike, supporting Boobies!
The ugliest of all halloween costumes.. I give you Ruth !!!
the bra has been stretched out a bit to expose the nipple. carrie bradshaw inspired necklace with happy birthday on it.
In a ;crane' grab machine at Great Yarmouth.
Keep-a-breast.org bracelets supporting breast cancer.
big puffy cloud boobies. what do you see?
13 month old Olivia loves her booby :) Look at the expression on her face! Pure love!
I saw this on a car today while I was at the gym.
I believe the first two are Nazca and second two are Masked. Pacific Ocean near Oaxaca Mexico.
Taken at Urangan Pier, Hervey Bay, Qld
There are seven species of boobies in the world, and while the blue-footed booby is the most famous, known for its funny foot-tapping dance, the brown booby is not only the most common, but also one of the most distinctive, as the only species with so much dark-coloured plumage.
Large seabird of inshore and offshore waters in tropical regions around the globe. Adept and agile fliers with a wingspan upto 1.5 meters, though clumsy in both take off and landing.
Head, neck, and upperparts are solidly brown, except for adult males from Mexican Pacific Coast populations which have a whitish head and often an entirely whitish neck. Adult has a well-demarcated white belly and immature has a variably mottled brown belly that rarely looks solidly brown.
Piquero de Humboldt, Peruvian Booby, Sula variegata.
This handsome brown-and-white booby is common in tropical waters throughout the world, occurring in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans and the Caribbean Sea. Its breeding range overlaps considerably with that of the Masked (Sula dactylatra) and Red-footed boobies (S. sula); all 3 may be found nesting and feeding together along with frigatebirds (Fregata spp.) and other tropical seabirds. Photographed the coast of São Paulo. Best seen Large.
Thanks a lot for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. Very much appreciated!
© All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved. Please contact me at thelma.gatuzzo@gmail.com if you intend to buy or use any of my images.
Visit my instagram if you like: @thelmag
Blue-footed Boobies Courtship Dance
Brown booby at Ilha da Queimada Grande, São Paulo.
Thanks a lot for your visits, comments, faves, invites, etc. Very much appreciated!
© All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved. Please contact me at thelma.gatuzzo@gmail.com if you intend to buy or use any of my images.
Visit my instagram if you like: @thelmag
Boobys Bay, Near Trevose Head, Cornwall.

Roger Krastz Published: July 20, 2015
2022 XXL Mag , Townsquare Media, Inc . All rights reserved.
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Men have a love affair with the female breast that goes back to the beginning of time and with the world living in a digital space, the female breast has become one of the most searched about topics on the internet.
While guys go out the way to look for a female with voluptuous breasts, accounts on Instagram such as @bouncing.boobs and @bustyboobss have captured the essence and the beauty of breasts by highlighting some of the best gifs and video clips of bouncing boobs.
With that said, here are some of the most voluptuous bouncing breasts found on Instagram for your delight!
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bouncing.boobs) on Jul 12, 2015 at 8:00pm PDT
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bouncing.boobs) on Jul 2, 2015 at 9:02pm PDT
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bouncing.boobs) on May 21, 2015 at 9:20am PDT
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bustyboobss) on Mar 5, 2014 at 7:24am PST
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bouncing.boobs) on Apr 25, 2015 at 10:17pm PDT
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bouncing.boobs) on Apr 12, 2015 at 10:46am PDT
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bouncing.boobs) on Apr 7, 2015 at 7:21pm PDT
A video posted by Bouncing Boobs (@bouncing.boobs) on Mar 12, 2015 at 7:27pm PDT

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