Oikos,Tron DeFi, Synthetic Assets Trading & Trustless Token Exchange

Oikos,Tron DeFi, Synthetic Assets Trading & Trustless Token Exchange



Oikos Money is a Tron based engineered resource platform that gives a presentation on chain to fiat monetary standards, products, stocks, and lists. For both individual financial specialists, Organization or Blockchain and Cryptocurrency People group. It is another Generational crypto - Fiat Organization that upgrade simple access of putting into any Cryptocurrency and blockchain Organization by any individual financial specialists or Organization. 


Synthetic Asset is a platform that track the costs of different resources, permitting crypto-local and unbanked clients to exchange P2C (peer-to-contract) on Oikos Trade without liquidity limitations.Synthetic resources (Synths) are upheld by Oikos System Tokens (OKS) secured in a shrewd agreement as guarantee. 


The Oikos Money is an Organization that is intended to supplement customary fiat monetary standards and banking administrations by giving an autonomous carefully designed installment and investment funds instrument with characteristic worth that settle the trust issue, and huge numbers of different issues and difficulties connected today with fiat monetary forms and banking items, as this will empower the organization to accomplish mechanization and smooth out procedures to upgrade individuals' Life all around. Their inside correspondence diminishes expenses and time fundamentally. This Organization is likewise on mission to destroy the utilization of commendable properties or land properties for guarantees as Banks regularly request before advance is allowed rather She structure a platform (Synths Resource) supplanted that key usefulness. 



1. Trust as One of the significant difficulties that has obstructed headway of the global commercial centers is the manner by which to oversee bargain contracts between two individuals who don't have any acquaintance with one another. The Oikos money Organization settle that issue by scrambling its savvy agreement and arrangement exchange data on a common record. In this manner it is highly unlikely one gathering can say that they didn't see it. Besides, the shrewd agreement, which executes the business exchange, is executed through disseminated hubs with not one single purpose of disappointment, consequently, making them totally sealed and totally safe against data misfortune. 

2. Self-governance: The Oikos Money is totally independent. Its fundamental brilliant agreement has no compelling reason to depend on specialists, legal advisors just as different middle people so as to go into a deal understanding. Besides, execution is overseen in the system through a decentralized framework and the rates of blunder are for all intents and purposes zero. 3. Security ​The security of the Oikos Money depends on the blockchain innovation and along these lines 100% protected and secure, as everything is put away in a dispersed system. Thusly, as clarified prior, there isn't one single purpose of disappointment. Cryptography guarantees that the archives are totally protected and frequencies are for all intents and purposes zero as the appropriated record innovation doesn't concede access to programmers. So as to succeed programmers would need to hack numerous 1000 PCs at the same time simultaneously in various geological areas – an assignment that is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to achieve. 

4. Speed Savvy contracts dependent on the Oikos Money are quicker to execute than conventional agreements. The administrative work required so as to go into a deal understanding in a conventional commercial center isn't utilized in the blockchain based Oikos Money commercial center. Using programming, the Oikos Money keen agreements depend on secure programming code so as to computerize assignments and rapidly execute business exchanges in completely mechanized mode. The exchange is prompt, completely mechanized, misrepresentation confirmation, carefully designed, misfortune verification and totally secure. 

5. No Charge back Extortion: One of the principle challenges for merchants in the customary commercial centers is that a purchaser can purchase an item, pay by means of administrations, for example, PayPal and afterward call the organization to turn around the installment subsequently. There are numerous organizations that have been influenced adversely by this technique. The purchaser can make guarantees that the item was never conveyed or was conveyed as quality that they didn't need. Be that as it may, with Oikos Money based shrewd agreements, it is troublesome or close to difficult to change the exchanges after they have been settled upon. Both purchaser and dealer will have a choice of concurring on the details of the proposed deal or exchange, yet after execution the arrangement it can't be turned around. This straightforward characteristic component of Oikos money based agreements brings about an a lot further extent of certainty into exchanges. 

7.Brand Chances: With "tremendous" traffic each day, the immense measure of data shared on long range informal communication locales with the down to earth backing of the enlisting site, the organization will advance the brand. Your image on the competitor. Simultaneously, with only a couple of basic advances, competitors can get to the organization's site to find out about their preferred callings. ​Finally, it is apparent that keen agreements are set to reform the manner in which business is directed and commercial centers are overseen – the hidden blockchain innovation ensures effectiveness, minimal effort, more assortment and progressively expanded sureness of offer, and complete assurance of business contract execution. 



At long last Oikos Money Is to carry fulfillment to clients and to organizations or organizations and all workers and the center of all representative contributing procedures through numerous refinements and high proficiency. Is to Likewise help in progress of businesses,Blockchain and Cryptocurrency People group through its innovation advancemet. 

For more details kindly visit the links below: 

Site: https://oikos.cash 

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Oikoscash-102203241479884/ 

Tweeter: https://twitter.com/oikos_cash 

Message: https://t.me/oikoscash 

GitHub: https://github.com/organizations/oikos-money/ 

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@oikoscash


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Bitcointalk Profile link:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2823384;sa=forumProfile

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