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最新の作品 あらゆる動画 モバイルフレンドリー トップページがわかりにくい 海賊版?
OhYeah1080 は サイトを閉鎖しちまった。. 代わりのサイトをThePornDudeで探してくれ! ThePornDude !

全体的に問題なさそうだが、ほんの少し、小さな問題を見つけてしまった。More Videosボタンや、ページを前後に移動するメニューが見つからない。どういうことだ?もっともっと、誰も見たことが無いような領域にさかのぼるには、どうしたらいいだろう?そのトリックを説明しよう。上にスクロールしてヘッダーを見よう。そこに、ブラウジングボタンがある。Newest Videosをクリックしてくれ。すると、新着動画が出てくる。この並びの場合、新しいものから古いものへと、何ページにも渡ってでてくる。このレビューを書いてる時点で、4000ページも出てきた。マジか?




Porn Dudeでは2022年最高のエロサイトをレビュー。サイトは無料、有料問わず、クオリティ順に並んでるぞ!
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最新の作品 あらゆる動画 モバイルフレンドリー トップページがわかりにくい 海賊版?
OhYeah1080 は サイトを閉鎖しちまった。. 代わりのサイトをThePornDudeで探してくれ! ThePornDude !

全体的に問題なさそうだが、ほんの少し、小さな問題を見つけてしまった。More Videosボタンや、ページを前後に移動するメニューが見つからない。どういうことだ?もっともっと、誰も見たことが無いような領域にさかのぼるには、どうしたらいいだろう?そのトリックを説明しよう。上にスクロールしてヘッダーを見よう。そこに、ブラウジングボタンがある。Newest Videosをクリックしてくれ。すると、新着動画が出てくる。この並びの場合、新しいものから古いものへと、何ページにも渡ってでてくる。このレビューを書いてる時点で、4000ページも出てきた。マジか?




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PORN GEEK REVIEWS THE BEST PORN SITES OF 2022. All the free and premium porn sites are safe and sorted by quality!

Oh Yeah 1080! In the old days, they would call me a hopeless romantic. I’m always trying to get the girl by watching her, trying to figure out the best way to court her; you know just getting to know her. Unfortunately, CHADS have made it nearly impossible to court a lass in the traditional manner. Male feminists like myself have to use our best ninja stealth methodologies to court a female without her knowing about it. That’s what I have been doing for my Asian goddess whose name I still do not know and I decided to take it up to the next level.When getting ideas on how to court this lass a few days ago I came across OhYeah1080.co. It’s a free tube site that only showcases Japanese adult videos (known as JAVs to the non-plebes) and I have to say the men over in the land of the rising sun are bold and straightforward. I wish most societies operated in this manner instead of playing little cutesy games that a CHAD would enjoy! I decided to be more forward like the men of her culture hoping she would respond to me.One of the best ways to psychically get to know someone is to eat a part of them. From hiding in her house before I knew her bathroom was next to her bedroom. To ensure I wouldn’t disturb anyone I snuck through her window and tiptoed into the bathroom. My plan was to get some of the hair out of her drain using a tool I stole from under mother’s sink. I put the tool down the sink and began to pull it out slowly revealing piles of hair. After a few minutes, the sink was full of hair and my feast was ready to begin!I began eating her hair by the handfuls! I couldn’t believe how delicious it tasted and I only wanted more! I finished the hair that was in the sink and began to hunt for more. I searched the bathroom drain and even the toilet. I found more hair than I could choke down: unfortunately, I stopped up the drains somehow and her bathroom began to flood.I didn’t know what to do! I woke everyone up and knew that within seconds they would all come into her bedroom and see what I had done! So I did the only thing I knew how: I jumped off her bed as she was waking up, flew through her window, and fell three stories onto my back. I think I may be crippled but that’s okay: after eating her hair I know more about her than she knows about herself…And it’s all thanks to OhYeah1080! Check it out with me and come see for yourself why it inspired me and how it can inspire you too! Sort by JAV uncensored or censored only
Uncensored JAV is kind of like the holy grail of Asian adult content. Typically, JAV has featured censored genitals. I’m not going to name which genitals have been censored but let’s just say the places you pee-pee from have long been covered up by blurs. As a male feminist, this does not compute! Beauties should be able to show off their works of art: no matter their race or where they live!So I have been over the moon to discover that uncensored JAV content exists and I have to say it is glorious! It’s over at OhYeah1080 and they have made it simple to search only by uncensored JAV. Yes, you get to see these angel’s hairy vaginas wide and agape while a gentleman – probably a samurai or someone of great honor – relieves her of her stress and reminds her what a goddess she truly is by making her orgasm.Oh, the Japanese men know how to treat a lady properly! They even keep their penises from getting too large so they don’t hurt the woman’s internals. What gentlemen!OhYeah1080 also allows visitors to search censored JAV. You may want to do that if you’re you know…into fascism, censoring women, against women’s rights, that sort of thing. If you believe a female should be able to show off every inch of her body without a government telling her what can and cannot be seen then join with me: *Stands up and salutes* As for me and ThePornDude, we salute all the ladies of the world especially Japanese females! Sort by latest, most viewed, most liked, most commented
Like most free tube sites, OhYeah1080 makes it easy to conveniently sort videos. You can sort videos by latest, most viewed, most liked, and even most commented. This makes it easy to find some of the hottest and best content OhYeah1080 has to offer. It’s a good idea to sort a few different ways to get an idea about the best that the site has to offer though it could be easier to find exactly what you are in the mood for (more on that in a moment).You can also view the featured videos of the moment. On the homepage, simply click left-to-right on the top to see what is being featured. If you find something you like, clicking and viewing the video is simple and quick. Despite most videos being full-length, the videos still load fast and I never experienced any buffering issues. This makes it easy to jump in-and-out of videos at your leisure. Tons of videos (especially uncensored JAV)
I am pleased to say that OhYeah1080 has so many videos to watch you’re not going to possibly be able to watch them all. As stated, most of these videos are full-length clips and movies so you are getting the full enchilada instead of a small plate of mother’s famous red beans and rice (three grains of rice, two beans). This is definitely a good thing if you are looking for a place to find a lot of uncensored JAV. Or if you want to view censored JAVs because you’re a Communist that hates free speech and female rights, hey they have that for you too! Video titles don’t accurately describe the video
Unfortunately, the video titles on OhYeah1080 don’t tell me anything about what’s actually in the video. Perhaps it’s because I am merely a simple white male feminist that doesn’t understand everything about Asian culture yet. Whatever the reason may be, the video titles feel roughly translated and do not tell me a darn thing about what’s in the video! For example, the uncensored Tokyo Hot videos tell me the series name and the episode title but that’s where it ends. There is no indication of what kind of content neither is in the video based on the title nor is there a description explaining anything after clicking on the video.Perhaps OhYeah1080 thinks visitors already know what they’re getting but they are mistaken. I have no idea what’s in any of these videos and it makes it a chore to actually know what to expect. If I wasn’t already salivating at the thought of uncensored JAV I may even pass up on this great resource of a site. Can’t browse through pages
Another missed opportunity comes when you discover that you cannot browse featured and new videos past the first page. Whereas most free tube sites feature a page indicator at the bottom of each page so you can browse at your leisure, OhYeah1080 doesn’t offer this. There is absolutely no reason why they can’t add this! Unless you know what to look for in the search bar, you’re going to miss out on so much content simply because it’s impossible to browse for anything. This makes me crazier than waiting for the remake of Final Fantasy VII!!! Can subscribe to RSS feed to get new videos in RSS Reader
An answer to this problem is to use an old school solution and subscribe to OhYeah1080’s RSS feed. If you still use an RSS Reader like it’s 2004 you can get updates to the newest videos as they’re posted on OhYeah1080. This at least allows you to stay in-the-loop about what’s being posted on the site without hoping that something new has been featured. Until OhYeah1080 allows you to browse by page it’s a decent solution. Unable to browse by category
OhYeah1080 also doesn’t allow you to search via category. Clicking on a video at least shows a few tags you can click on to find more videos but that’s the only easy solution to going down OhYeah1080’s rabbit hole and seeing what’s offered. Adding just a few vanilla categories would make it easy to at least browse for new videos and it would make OhYeah1080 feel more organized. It would also allow me to view uncensored Hentai and gaze at the talent of the animators! Can download videos directly from OhYeah1080
One thing that OhYeah1080 gets totally right is allowing visitors to download JAVs directly from the site. It can be difficult to find uncensored JAV so allowing male feminists like myself to download them for offline use is a godsend. I have downloaded terabytes from OhYeah1080 so far and I have made the ultimate Asian uplifting playlist: over 48 hours of beautiful uncensored JAVS, and I cannot wait to telepathically compliment every one of them! And they’re beautiful Japanese goddesses: since they’re so enlightened, maybe one of them will respond to me telepathically!

Sort by uncensored or censored JAVs.

Sort by latest, most viewed, most liked, and most commented.

Lots of videos (especially uncensored JAVs).

Can subscribe to OhYeah1080’s RSS feed to be alerted of new videos.

Can download videos for offline use.

Unable to browse via categories.

Video titles do not describe what videos are about, no descriptions in the video.

Can’t browse by page when looking at featured videos.
Find a better FREE JAV porn tube site than OHYEAH1080.COM on PornGeek !
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