Office Slut Sex

Office Slut Sex


Office Slut Sex

May 20, 2014
Christian Weston Chandler

May 18, 2014
Behold A Pale Horse -->>>>>

May 20, 2014
Christian Weston Chandler

May 18, 2014
Days of Broken Arrows

May 19, 2014
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Oscar Zach is a red piller who detests white knights/manginas, whom he believes to be the actual source from where feminism draws its power to subvert men in modern society. He enjoys philosophy, archery, target shooting, learning new languages, globe-trotting and the company of non-hypocritical, feminine women.
One of my previous gigs (before I discovered the red pill) was in a multinational media firm predominated by women. In hindsight, I see that office as a soul-crushing nightmare for a red piller to work in because the boss was himself a mangina who was under the influence of his mistresses in the office.
She was a mature, progressive feminist spinster (previously a professional call-girl) from the FSU, whom he had given an insignificant job in the HR after having tasted her ‘goods’. I had subconsciously nicknamed her as Madame du HR , out of her self-confessed outspoken fascination for medieval French courtesans. She was an average looking, thin, long-legged pale woman with a conspicuous plump ass, but notable for her sexual allure and pull over men.
In spite of her ‘job’, a respectable family background and a higher education, she used to prostitute herself for money on weekends—to business clients, male coworkers, or any other rich influential man whom she met and caught a fancy to at work—and sleep her way to money and professional influence. The office had effectively become her brothel to ply her wiles on men.
After being on the same team with her, she expectedly made her move on me (like she did on everybody else), which I rejected out of both personal and professional ethics. But during the time I worked with her, I learnt some valuable lessons about workplace prostitution.
Sleeping with the boss, business clients or coworkers for career gain or influence is prostitution —just as sleeping with a man to influence him to pay for domestic or personal expenses. These girls are no different from the working girls on the street whoring themselves for money. That’s what Madame du HR used to do—and often glamorized her own lifestyle to female interns. They were ‘trained’ by her and graduated as full-blown whores themselves to dominate men by the time they left their jobs.
Madame du HR spent most of her office hours chatting on the phone or idly surfing the web at her desk. In spite of being inefficient and incompetent, and the numerous times she was often reprimanded for her “non-professionalism” by the boss himself (sometimes in front of all the staff), she surprisingly retained her job. The reason? Because of her ass (her sexual exploits).
She often mockingly boasted how sexually ‘addicted’ the boss was to her ass, which afforded her the professional immunity.
Madame du HR’s deadpan justification when I rejected her advances was, “You know what, I am a whore. But I know why I am doing it. It’s just another job , like any another profession.” She had firmly rationalized her choice to whore herself.
It’s common to see a lot of modern women having the Pretty Woman complex (a role model for some)—especially from the FSU , to choose voluntary prostitution (a notorious stereotype with some truth), even though prostitution is a social evil. A lot of women keep sponsors for social benefits and end up marrying them, even while having boyfriends, without any qualms about it.
The ability to compartmentalize between love, sex and friendship is a trait unique to whores and sluts. With her dissociation of sex from emotion, a whore often destroys her own nurturing (emotional) ability to bond through sex – a trait unique to the emotional nature of women.
Whores can thus neither nurture nor bond to a man because their minds are self programmed to detach themselves from their emotional natures. Sexual loyalty is a joke for them while sex or love becomes merely an act or a profession, without emotion.
After I rejected her, I faced intrigue and double-standards within the office (due to her sexual influence on the male management).
She made sure to make my office life miserable. Whores need attention because of their fragile egos, while real women need respect. And I had unknowingly implied to her that I rejected her because she was a whore (thus bruising her ego), even though I didn’t call her one.
Things became tense if she saw me even casually complimenting a female client or coworker—I was often given inexplicable disciplinary talks in the boss’s cabin about professional ‘etiquette’ (while she continued to whore herself to men with impunity right under his eyes ). I then realized the depth of a mistress’s power in an office.
I’ve seen many men falling for this bait which usually entails a hidden trap—female control over men—not only in that office, but also in other real life situations.
Madame du HR embodied that– she aggressively pursued men whom she wanted to control (using sex). The men who fell for her sexual bait predictably ended up as her slaves.
A no-brainer which most of my male colleagues there failed to follow. The result was forced subservience to her, who dominated them by often threatening to reveal their shenanigans with her to the boss. She used fear as well as sex to control them.
It’s often said never to mix business with pleasure, but what’s more idiotic is the stupid dog which shits in its own bed. The man who fucks the boss’s mistress becomes a toy boy pup of sorts, whose professional life then becomes a minefield with the detonation trigger in the hands of the eaten forbidden fruit (the mistress).
A lot of businessmen offer their mistresses a job in their firms. The ensuing problem for the male staff is that they then have to actually report to two bosses: the actual male boss and his mistress. Looking at her behavior, I sometimes wondered whether the boss had deliberately hired her as a spy, to seduce the male staff on purpose so as to create both a professional fear (for fucking her) as well as to pry out their personal secrets (which he could then exploit to dominate them).
For the man refusing to sleep with such women, working in such places is where you often have to be reluctantly subservient to a glorified prostitute, not to mention the countless double standards and intrigues you’d have to endure for scorning a whore who wants to call the shots in the office. Yet you simply can’t afford to piss her off. Offices where whores rule are actually mangina producing factories.
Needless to say, after two years, I quit that soul-crushing job to regain my freedom again. A lot of my ex-colleagues still say to me that in retrospect how I could’ve possibly risen to higher ranks within that office had I not rejected her. I reply that not all pussy is worth the risk . Sometimes there’s a choice in life between a piece of ass, and peace of mind. I t’s better to choose the latter to maintain your freedom and dignity .
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True. Sexual harassment from female superiors, or managers is quite common. Been in a similar situation when my superior’s wife tried to get me to fuck her while doing ‘errands’ for her – which my superior asked me to do . When I refused, I was harassed later incessantly by my superior (I think she lied to him saying that I made a move on her). Women always lie and manipulate powerful men under their control to hurt men who’d reject them.Office mistresses or whores of the boss are just the tip of the iceberg.
The link in this article about Miss Ohio 2012 thinking that Pretty Woman is a positive role model for American women, is a shocking indicator what American women have become.No wonder American women are all whores and sluts.Not to mention women from other parts of the world. Welcome to the civilization of whores and sluts.
Not too bad for a state beauty pageant winner. She probably slept with the judges to win the crown, based on her speech full of conviction.

Bet Julia Roberts is one of her role models too, and so are Erin Brockovich (single moms), Eat Pray Love (Older women falling in love), Ocean’s trilogy and Duplicity (Gold digging and deceit). ROK needs to do a post on Julia Robert’s roles over her career, as considering her influence on women, most women look upto her as a feminist role model.
“Pretty Woman” is every woman’s wet dream. Whore rewarded as Cinderalla. The guy in this video nailed the concept. His only mistake was apologizing for calling her a whore. That’s when Julia Roberts started crying in the movie too. When Richard Gere called her a whore. But that’s exactly what she was. A hollywood boulevard , tattoo parlor and cheap lingerie avenue whore where they embrace public urination. Yet beauty pageant women aspire to this.
Females, especially within the work environment should not be trusted.
Avoid them, and document, document, document.
Is there any department more worthless than HR? It’s time employers stopped hiring HR people based on worthless social science degrees. It attracts the wrong people, who in turn hire the wrong people.
HR exists because Government mandates that you hire more women in the workforce.Since most women cannot actually contribute to a productive economy via their Masters in Shitology,Human Resources is where they land up.Most of the HR personnel in any sizable company are parasitic;it is a form of Corporate welfare,whereby the productivity derived profits,from every other department, are used to pay the Salaries of these vermin,while their own contributions are in fact a drain on the profit margin.
China openly practices gender discrimination in the workforce,a contributing reason perhaps to their competitive advantage.
Interestingly, chick drama associated with HR has become too much of a hassle for (smarter) companies. They’re beginning to outsource all that BS compliance garbage to third-party firms (something like 25% of the Fortune 500 have done this). Contract HR has nowhere near the power of an in-house solution, and if they do start acting up, they’re gone.
Genius. If my business ever gets big enough to have an HR department forced upon it, I’m going to outsource it 100%. Thanks for the tip Ex-drone.
It certainly gives them a significant competitive advantage over those companies that doesn´t.
My fathers investment company switch to a third-party firm in 2003, and a lot of others within the Banking sector did around that time. It is just fare easier, and cheaper to have them handle all that junk, “as he use to say.”
They still toe the Corporate line because they are contracted to do so. They will gladly hang you out to dry because the plantation owners want they. Outsourced HR will do anything to keep the contract. Your ass does not matter.
This is the motherfucking truth if I’ve ever seen it.
I saw a federal job posting for an HR specialist that was in the 6 six figures. I couldn’t fucking believe it.
Governement does not forbidde a zero tolerance policy for them whoring their way instead of working their way, now does it?
Neitehr does it forbidde that the emplyed women are age 50 or more.
Don´t give them any favors in exchange for sex = massive increase in effectvity = increase in profits
Honor Rapists – HR. To rape the honor of working men.
Storage for useless bints hired due to government mandates. “Human Resources”.
These were originally used as admin assistants to hiring managers … but those managers got away with not doing proper jobs evaluation of new hires for their departments, and sluffing it off to the useless admin bints.
Someone got the stupid notion of making them their own department, and suddenly hiring was done like the American dating scene, where the best liars and most studly men got the job.
Smart companies are dumping HR, putting pay management back into accounting, and race/sex hire compliance in Legal. And then making Managers do their fucking job and evaluate new people they want for their departments.
Jobs for the usually talent-less girls. It’s also a good way for managers and higher status staff whom are in the know about the dramas, bitchiness and lack of talent in females whom land a job via positive discrimination or affirmative action as you call it across the pond, to siphon them off into roles involving meaningless and unimportant tasks so they don’t fuck the rest of the company up.
HR is a construct of feminism in the workplace, and is ruled by feminist. Since there is no real substance to HR, other than to CYA management against feminist attacks in the workplace, any woman can work in HR.
Before women in the workplace, there was no HR and no “need” for HR to protect the sensitive sensibilities of females in the males domain.
Nonsense. Before this newspeak term,HR, it was called Personal.They handled the prole employees. Anyone in a substantial position was never interviewed and was just hired on the recommendation of a board member.
I nailed a useless HR bitch for her line of questioning when looking for suitable employees. Before an interview, and on the phone, she would ask questions like “where do you see your self in 5 years?” and “what are your weaknesses?”
We are looking for GOOD people. You don’t ask someone their goddam WEAKNESSES… when you are trying to find their STRENGTHS. What are you expecting them to do, list off the shit they are BAD at so you can make a decision to NOT hire them(?), you stupid, stupid bitch.
When a company asks you “what are your weaknesses” tell them exactly that. In a polite way, of course.
• “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
Jesus Christ, a five year goal is MUCH too limiting. If you had asked me that stupid question 5 years ago I never would have been able to IMAGINE where I am now. You make 6-month goals and then you re-evaluate and make changes if required.
• “What are your salary expectations?”
FUCK YOU. Not falling for that one. Are you telling me you pay your employees whatever they EXPECT? No. As the hiring company you have already decided what the maximum amount is which you are willing to pay the right person for this role. My “expectations” have nothing to do with it. So all you need to do is find the RIGHT person and offer that person that amount. Then that person will decide whether or not they are willing to do that job.
I said that in an interview – got hired – and turned down their offer and told them why —>> “Because the first question out of your HR person’s mouth was “what are your weaknesses” “. All of these questions tell me you are not looking for the RIGHT person, you are looking for the WRONG person. But you are going about it beautifully.”
I hate HR idiots and recruiters and don’t tolerate them anymore.
They are utterly useless.
This is the general problem here, experience and actual work in the field trumps everything else. In Britain the police force undergoes more “human resources” type training that anything else, learning how to be “tolerant” and politically correct. This reduces the productivity of the police force, so in response the government passed tons of legislation and allowed for new technology (CCTV cameras around every corner) to combat crime and “anti social behaviour”. Because of the now feminized police force, we need a police state to compensate.
When it comes to families, you have some disgusting fat feminist who popped a kid out at the age of 40, after being ploughed by some diseased degenerate. Yet she will be a head social worker, telling others how to raise their kids. Why not hire the farmer’s wife, who has raised 4 healthy kids throughout her life and is still with the same man for 30 years.
Good good, let the police state shoot itself in the foot!
The less effective they are, the better for the peoples of Britain and of course, all the more opportunities for whatever vigilants to do the work the police is forbidden from doing.
I would say in such difficult conditions, you will find a small group of quality individuals being created and formed. But on the most part people wouldn’t know what to do if shit hit the fan. Some of the ethnic minority communities, Sikhs, Muslims would be able to cope. But then again, they haven’t been placed in cuckold like say working class whites have been.
HR basically protects the company from liability issues and from its own employees.
AMEN! I worked for many years at a City Government job and saw HR go from an employee service to Employee overlords. By the time I left (because HR laid everyone off, department by department) HR was considered “Executive Level”. They only pandered to the management and any meeting with them usually meant someone was going to get diminished. They wasted the most money out of all the City departments, HR workers worked less than any other department, had bonuses, and were immune to lay offs or cut-backs – because they were given those responsibilities and City Administrators exercised NO OVERSIGHT. All the years of cut backs and lay offs and not a soul was ever laid off in HR… and they continue to take 3 hour lunches, have aerobics classes during City working hours and on City property, and purchase whatever they want for their offices (40″ flat screen monitors to do spread sheets? Really?).And they are NOT union workers, which makes me wonder why Unions get all the flack when HR and administration are the places with the most waste and government abuse.
I wont say too much but the author is on the money with this.
A pretty girl can royally fuck up the whole office and even damage productivity but if the mangina and feminazi bosses call the shots she is immune to responsibility for her own actions…
The cute girl in my office can (1) show up to public meetings drunk (no exaggeration), (2) talk shit to the mangina boss in plain sight of everyone, (3) give the office a poor reputation through horrible public relations, (4) doesn’t have to report her work like everyone else, (5) gets more help than anyone else hands down, (6) lies to and manipulates the mangina boss to get out of any responsibilities, (7) etc.
This one time on an international flight she texts me that she wants to kill herself because she hates planes. I jokingly text her back that she should… we’ll try and resuscitate her when we land. All the sudden the mangina boss shows up where I’m sitting and LITERALLY threatens to punch me in the face because I’ve deeply upset Sarah who is crying… He simultaneously revealed that they were sitting together in first-class. I basically brace for a fight and realize how right my intuitions were. He obviously backs off, in part because it would ruin his reputation amongst my co-workers, and also because he’s so out of shape he couldn’t take me if I was blindfolded. Here’s the kicker… this office-whore (for lack of nicer verbiage), ends up tucking herself on my shoulder for some of the flight and the mangina boss is quite clearly furious…
Needless to say… I’m getting my degree and getting the fuck out… everything I said is absolutely true. Offices can be breeding grounds for miserable manginas and the circus for any redpill guy… Well any guy who has any integrity really…
Maybe some offices are better than others but this article is truth.
I realize I wrote at the top of my post “I wont say too much” and then wrote a long post… trust me I could go on with stories from this office space.
“All the sudden the mangina boss shows up where I’m sitting and
LITERALLY threatens to punch me in the face bec
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