Office Femdom Stories

Office Femdom Stories


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Office Confessions
Office confession stories and sins

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Some years back, I was having sex with a coworker. We worked in a big office building for healthcare, clinical/claims etc and they had a call center component. She and I would go to and had access to space on a coupled of floors where the areas were recently vacated from other tenants that left so there was still some furniture (tables, chairs, even two seater couches etc, left behind) around lunchtime some days and fuck.
One afternoon, while we were in one of our locations , this woman walked right up on us. She was the manager, two levels higher, from my department (she would come up to the space to read, relax and decompress and she heard us). She cursed us out and pretty much let us know we were fired (we did have a union though). We got dressed and she was steadily chirping. So my coworker went to her department and I to mine waiting for the hammer to drop. Well I saw that manager in the hallway the next day and she pulled me to the side and let me know the procedures with management and the union etc. She let me know how disappointed and disgusted she was with me. Well the next day, same conversation, but no meeting with the union. A couple of days later she made me an offer. She liked to work out, (weights, treadmill, cross country machine) in our exercise room some days after work. Meet up with her after her workout and do what she says. I met with her (she was still sweaty from her workout) , we took the stairs to another floor, went to a spot, followed her command and ate that pussy. It was so good for the both of us that I also licked her ass. Her sweaty ass. Next week, we started fucking and kept on for a few months on and off until she got another position out of state.

Hooked up twice with my female boss from work this year. Everyone thinks she is a mean, frigid bitch but what they don't know is that she is a pain submissive and is open to about anything once she gets a good flogging.
She also wears my favorite stockings and heels at work to signal she wants to get together again soon.

I recently got anew administrative assistant. She is a very cute divorcee. Now, I am married and have never really considered cheating on my wife. But, her cute face, hot body and can do attitude had me dreaming.

We worked well together and she got all of her work done. One day she came in and asked if we could have a personal discussion. I nodded and she quickly sat down and started to cry. She let loose about how difficult it was to be a divorcee, with 2 daughters in college. I listened and consoled her. After a while I had her laughing and she was ready to got back to work.

I stood to open the door. She stood and held it closed and gave me a hug. I hugged back and we had a moment. I stepped back and looked her in the eyes and she kissed me. The kiss was on the lips at first but quickly moved on to passionate tongue wrestling.

She reached over and locked the door. and said I was hoping that this was going to go that way. She reached out and rubbed my cock and smiled while she said, “we are going to have some fun.”

I nodded and kissed her while I unbuttoned her shirt. She was wearing a tank top under her shirt and no bra. I quickly removed them and admired her breasts. Breasts that were bigger and fuller than I had dreamt. I kissed my way down her body kissing and sucking everything while I removed her pants and panties. I kissed and licked every fold of her well trimmed pussy. The flavor was wonderful. I licked away and she moaned.

I looked up and she said let introduce Mr Johnson to Ms. Kitty. I pulled down my pants and she viewed my already erect penis. She said that will do. It was good to hear and made me a little bit harder.

She said one more thing. I want to help lube you and dropped to her knees and swallowed my member. She went to town sucking and kissing my cock. After a minute or so she said, “time for the introduction.”

She laid back and I slid it in. It felt perfect. She whispered in my ear, “that’s better.” I pumped away and came. She moaned softly in my ear and said ,” I am coming too.” We laid there for a few minutes and kissed some more.

I let her know that it was awesome, she was awesome. We started to cleanup and dress. It was then she asked can we make this daily. I said hell yes.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and dreading what will say to my wife tonight. But I do not want to stop....
Stop it before its too late.. she is lonely you are not talk to her and request or you introduce her to a good needy friend..
You are a stupid moron. One day your life will fall apart. It is only a matter of time before she blackmails you at best or reports you at worst and your life falls apart. If you are gonna cheat, it makes more sense to do so out of the office first of all and also with someone who does not work with you.
You are a stupid moron. One day your life will fall apart. It is only a matter of time before she blackmails you at best or reports you at worst and your life falls apart. If you are gonna cheat, it makes more sense to do so out of the office first of all and also with someone who does not work with you.
You are a stupid moron. One day your life will fall apart. It is only a matter of time before she blackmails you at best or reports you at worst and your life falls apart. If you are gonna cheat, it makes more sense to do so out of the office first of all and also with someone who does not work with you.

I started a new job fairly recently. It's an office job and I have a lot of new colleagues.
Someone started calling me Dennis on my first day there. My name is not Dennis and is not even lose to Dennis.

But I am really shy and anxious when it comes to social situations, so I did not correct them when they started calling me Dennis.

It's been 3 weeks now and most of them started calling me that.
Well, I guess I am a Dennis now.
If you want real sex, send me message here:)

There is this woman in our office that I just cannot stand. She is always complaining and she is really overweight. She is always complaining about the shitty office equipment and if she has nothing to say about that, she is complaining about her weight and crying loudly that she needs to lose weight. I have a sweet tooth and have always some chocolate or other sweets with me and I know started asking her if she'd like some. Of course, I am all smiles and friendly, because I only want to share my good stuff, ya know?
She always declines, but I see how she's struggling and that fills me with so much joy.
Please forgive me for my disgraceful attitude.
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
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Brian arrived at work late, which was not all that uncommon for him.
Tossing a few Good Mornings and Hey Theres off to fellow workers at Endershot
Foshion, he headed up the stairs to his office. The job was a good one:
personal assistant to Roya Malek, a very attractive sales and customer service

As he stepped off the last of the stairs and headed for the office suite he
worked in, he saw Roya (Ms. Malek) at the end of the hallway in discussion with
a sales rep. Noticing movement, she glanced up at him and frowned once before
returning to her associate.

Inwardly Brian winced. He knew he would have to shape up. He knew it, yes,
but actually doing so was the problem. In previous jobs he had been able to
slide by in certain areas because of tolerant bosses who also did a lot of
frowning but never took action. Ms. Roya Malek, he was coming to believe, was
not such a boss. Although pleased with the quality of his work, which was
generally very good, she had mentioned several times now her displeasure with
tardiness, procrastination, and general untideness. He had only had the job
for a few months and had already received three such warnings and a note in
his file.

He really did want to change, particularly since he needed this job to
support his painting. At 26 now, he figured that he'd better get in line
before he was an unemployed failed painter rather than an employed aspiring

As he strolled past Christy, the 21-year-old blond and beautiful clerk who
assisted them, she smiled only slightly and nervously before scurrying off to
run some errand. As he watched her leave, a nervous flutter hit his stomach
and his attention turned away from Christy's fine posterior and returned to his
lateness. I'm in trouble today and she knows something, he thought. Oh shit.

Sitting down at his desk he felt a slight weakness of knees and dryness of
mouth. Fired? No, he could not be getting fired because he would change, Ms.
Malek, he really would. Please, please, please.

Switching his computer on with slightly sweaty hands, he watched the
startup screens with disinterest. As he was opening his scheduler to see what
he had to do today (and should have done yesterday), the boss-lady herself
walked in.

"Brian," she said with that slight Persian accent which he normally found
so alluring. "We need to talk about some issues. I have to make a phone call
and then I'll call you in so don't go anywhere." With that she strode into her
own office and closed the door.

The fluttering in Brian's stomach suddenly turned into a cold sinking
feeling that settled somewhere between his balls and his behind. Damn. Even
if he got to keep his job, he had the feeling that Judgement Day had arrived
and he would either have to shape up or ship out.

After ten minutes of pretending to review his workload, the intercom on his
phone beeped and Roya summoned him in. Aware that his hands were slightly
trembling, he headed in to find his boss leaning back in her chair looking

"Please have a seat," she said. As he sat, she paused to answer her own
intercom. As she discussed something with a colleague, Brian took in the
situation and it scared him. For one thing, she had him dead to rights and he
knew it. For another, her striking good looks were matched by equally striking
attitudes. The athletic 38 year old divorcee was known to be very nice but
very firm, particularly with men. She often said (according to office rumor)
that "I love them dearly, but most of them need direction."

The phone conversation was over. The eyes, a mixture of will and
compassion, turned on him.

"Several times now I've spoken to you about problems with your work ethic,"
she began. "And now it's to the point where I have to take action."

He cleared his voice to speak but she raised a strong, slender hand to cut
him off.

"No Brian, " she said. "You're going to say you're sorry and I'm sure you
are. You'll say that you will change and I'm sure you want to." She paused.
"But you've said those things before and they don't happen, do they?"

"Okay then," she continued, leaning forward. "Now at this point I should
probably let you go but I don't want to do that. I like you Brian and I think
you have terrific potential but you need discipline in your life. You need it
here and you need it for your painting or you'll never get anywhere."

He nodded. This was a speach he'd heard before from numerous sources.

"The problem being, Brian, that you don't seem able to apply that
discipline yourself and the types that I can give throught the company haven't
worked either. So if you want to continue with this job your discipline will
come from me and it will be unofficial but I imagine quite effective. I will
teach you how to conduct yourself and when you fail I will deal with you
myself. I'm willing to do this because I understand that young men sometimes
need to be led by the hand and occasionally put over a lap."

Uh oh. Brian hadn't heard that speech for a good number of years.

"I am not making this offer because I enjoy hurting people or want to abuse
you, Brian. But the fact is that my only other recourse is to fire you."

Well, that pretty much laid it out in the open. Brian flashed through
several emotions at once: fear of being fired, fear of being spanked, and fear
of the fact that the idea of his levely boss spanking him had already sparked
an impressive erection. As he had many times in the past, Brian found himself
submitting to a strong female will and placing himself in her hands.

"Okay," he answered in barely a whisper.

"Good," Roya said. "Now get back to work. Finish today's projects as well
as yesterday's. By the time you get that done it should be
Yes. Seven is when we'll get started. I'll be in meetings all day so I won't
be around, but I expect the work to be done. At seven I'll be here and so will
you. You'll get what you deserve for your behavior so far and we'll set some
ground rules and a plan for the future. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am," he replied while standing and turning to leave. She followed,
then hurried off to a meeting with a notebook in her hand.

The day passed. Brian poured himself into his work like a madman while his
thoughts raced around in his head. Over and over he tried to put his mind in
order and forget about what was coming but to no avail. After five pm the
place began to thin out as people wen home. By seven the second floor was
completely empty.

Roya entered the room, looking haggard from a day of meetings. At the
sight of here, Brian's heart began beating more rapidly and that cold sinking
feeling returned.

"Just give me a moment, Brian," she said as she headed for her door. "And
please lock our door."

Like a shamefaced, nervous schoolboy, he moved to the outer office door and
turned the lock. From Roya's office he could hear her making dinner plans with
someone. Then there was silence.

Trying to get a handle on his nerves, Brian took a few dep breaths and
walked into her office. She pointed at the door and he closed and then locked

She was still wearing the snug-fitting gray skirt down to her knees along
with black pantyhose, but had removed her jacket leaving only a white blouse.
She looked, in no uncertain terms, stunning, and Brian once again felt the
pulse of an erection mounting.

At her direction he took a seat. She explained to him then the new rules.
From now on he would be on time to work and would complete his projects
promptly. He would report to her regularly about what, how, and when he was
doing so that she could properly instruct and correct him. If he failed to do
these things she would decide upon and dish out the appropriate punishment.

"Do you understand?" she asked.

"All right then, let's do this." She stood and made her way around the
desk. She had removed her pumps and now stood only on her stocking-clad slim
feet. She had also picked up a large, flat hairbruch from the desk. "Take
your shoes and socks off," she ordered.

As he complied she went to an antique wooden chair which she kept in a
corner as decoration. It was tall, had no arms, and creaked slightly as she
placed it near the center of the room.

"Now take off your pants and underwear", she ordered. Her demeanor was
growing more and more serious by the moment.

He undid his slacks, slid them to the floor, and stepped out of them. The
gray athletic boxer shorts followed them. Brian stood there now, feeling more
exposed and nervous than perhaps ever before, particularly since his organ was
still partially erect.

Roya, however, did not seem to notice this as she sat down on the chair
after pulling her skirt up until he could see a hint of white panty beneath.

"Come here," she commanded as she brandished the brush.

He did as he was told. She spread her legs apart and indicated that he
should kneel down between them which he also did. Then she patted here left
leg suggestively.

Brian then found himself being led over her knee, which was warm, muscular,
and due to the stocking felt strange against his skin. His penis was now
causing some discomfort and he wiggled a bit to adjust himself.

He was supporting himself with his hands against the floor, his legs
extended out on the other side of her leg: all in all a very embarassing
position. His heart began to jump a bit and his breathing got heavier.

"Just relax," she told him firmly, "and hold position while I'm spanking.
The more you struggle and the louder you are, the worse I'll make it" Then
she draped her right leg over his, effectively pinning him in place. She
rubbed his buttocks for a few moments and then began slapping lightly with the

Just when he had gotten used to the slight stinging, Brian heard a loud
SMACK as she delivered a healthy swing. The sound was immediately followed by
a flash of hot pain on his left buttock and he gasped. A similar blow to the
right cheek did the same.

She kept up that intensity for about five more strokes and then began to
spank very hard and very quickly. Unable to remain silent any longer, Brian
began to cry openly. His entire bottom felt like it was on fire and the spanks
kept comming. Sobs escaped from his and his legs began to twitch.

"Hold still," she said firmly. "You deserve this and more and you'll get
more." As if to emphasize her point she began to hit harder, making her way
across both of his buns in a methodical pattern. His crying grew louder and he
winced at the harder blows.

"Good," she said without ceasing. "You need to be, now be quiet and take

Eventually he began to relax. The pain was still amost unbearable, but
struggling wouldn't help him so he simply laid there and sobbed while she
administered the punishment.

The spanks became less frequent, then lighter. Finally she stopped,
letting him relax and cry for a few moments. Her hands massaged his rump
soothingly and when she finally spoke there was some kindness mixed with the

"That's it, Brian, you're all done," she said. "Don't get up just yet,
though. Rest a bit. She removed her leg from around his and he tried to calm
down while his tears subsided.

"Are you going to work with me like we agreed?"

"And you understand that we'll do this again whenever you don't?'

He stood up slowly, every motion bringing a fresh round of hot pain below.
He put his boxers and pants back on, another painful process. Roya allowed him
so tim
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