October 19 Hug A Girl Day

October 19 Hug A Girl Day

when is national hug a boy day

national hug a boy day


A samurai/bee stinger-themed mutant who appears in one of Ransik's flashbacks. A running gag is his crush on Ransik's daughter, Nadira, and his attempts to win her affection; he would always be promptly rejected. The Cyclobots are Ransik's robotic foot soldiers that were originally invented by Dr. Ferricks. The containers are stored in a fridge-like unit in the Rangers' base, ready for transport back to the future. However, the Lightspeed Rangers arrive to help the Time Force Rangers. He then fought the Rangers and took advantage of the Time Force Megazord's absence to attack Silver Hills as a giant. He starts wreaking havoc on the relatively primitive police force of Silver Hills. Redeye (voiced by Wendee Lee) - A red-eyed female swallow-themed mutant who attacked Silver Hills. Later, he attacked Silver Hills in the sixth episode. Flamecon (voiced by Michael Sorich) - A punk-themed mutant who first appeared in the first episode where he was frozen.| Naturally, the small 'bots were no match for the powerful combiner, but they fought bravely, clinging onto his limbs before being hurled aside. Bumblebee was the second character to appear in the original Transformers animated series, while on a mission to recover a small clutch of energy conductors with Wheeljack. In the second crossover, Bumblebee is among the Autobots sent back in time due to an accident with the spacebridge computer Teletran-3. After the battle is won, Bumblebee encourages Spike to ask Carly out knowing that they have feelings for each other. Bumblebee was featured in the 1985 Find Your Fate Junior books Dinobots Strike Back by Casey Todd and Battle Drive by Barbara Siegel and Scott Siegel. The Decepticons soon invaded the planet in an attempt to take control of the computer, and Goldbug and the Throttlebots joined Dinobots Grimlock and Slag in holding the line against them. Bumblebee tells Prime that he is not evil and he believes in him, then encourages him to fight off Megatron's control also to not give in. Bumblebee and the others then escape before Unicron explodes due to the power of Matrix of Leadership. https://whenisholiday.com/world/when-is-national-hug-your-crush-day-2018.html


national hug a boy day

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