Octavi-OS tucana 2.9

Octavi-OS tucana 2.9



  • Updated to 2.9
  • Based on new trees and kernel (thanks to Alibei and Chema for their help and support during the bringup)
  • Switched to GCamGo as default camera app
  • Added support for call-recording

  • Switched back to AliKernel
  • Kernel upstreamed to 4.14.246
  • Kermel upstreamed to LA.UM.9.1.r1-11100.01-SMxxx0.QSSI12.0
  • Kernel upstreamaed to latest f2fs-stable-linux-1.14.y
  • Enabled LLVM's Polly optimizer


  • Live display profiles don't work, manual color adjustment will do the job

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