Oblivion relaited OC's

Oblivion relaited OC's

🌙☁️ mjar

Nevena Hlaalu

Main info:

dunmer (dark elf), she\her, bi

muscular, strong arms, height 6 ft 73 (203 cm)

A strong, independent woman, traveler, earns by accompanying lonely merchants along the paths of Cyrodiil. Living with her soulmate, a khajiit named M'jar (he's a real disaster).


She was born in the lands of Morrowind in a wealthy family of merchants. Her family was a part of the House of Hlaalu, but Nevena did not follow the path of trade. Because of her powerful physique, she always was an outsider among the graceful dunmer women from a young age. 

She was trained and served as an Ordinator at the Ghostgate, but at some point decided to leave her homeland. She travels with her newfound soulmate, a khajiit named M'jar.


From the outside she seems unapproachable, cold and closed, but inside she is an extremely gentle soul. Secretly, she is really kind to the disadvantaged homeless, especially to representatives of the races which are oppressed in Morrowind - the Khajiit and Argonians. But don’t think that it’s easy to fool her. Nevena is suspicious and instead of words sometimes she chooses to simply hit the offender in the face.

She is very protective of her khajiit companion, pulling him out of various troubles. She values him more than her life, but she will never admit it out loud.

Important features:

- There are always tribal tattoos on her face (they are identical to the ones on the face of her khajiit friend) - Nevena and her friend became one clan, so they united their "drawings" on their faces;

- She loves the red color and dressing warmly even in hot weather;

- She almost always wears her hair in a messy bun in front of strangers, but when alone with herself or with her friend, she can let her hair down. When down, her hair reaches to her lower back and looks uneven due to the sword cut;

- She likes to drink strong wine and at such moments she becomes more tactile and sometimes cries.


Main info:

khajiit, he\him (but he always talks about himself in the third person), bi

nimble, agile, with a springy step, height 4 ft 89 (149 cm)

A short one with fluffy hips, a fashionista, a traveler and a swindler. Makes a living by baking potato bread and hiding everything that is bright and expensive in his pockets. Living with his soulmate, a dunmer named Nevena.


He was born in Elsweyr in a big poor family, the youngest of eight brothers. Since childhood, he was the most problematic kitten, constantly getting into trouble. He tried to be useful to the family and often stole vegetables from the market, or tried to earn extra money, but was too small and fragile for physical work. He was mainly his mother's support in household chores, which is why he often became an object of ridicule for his brothers and get the nickname "little sister". 

He escaped from his native sands too young, without even having time to receive an “adult name.” He cannot return home because he is a criminal - he left the country illegally. In Cyrodiil he deals with petty thefts, often moves from place to place, many took him for a homeless tramp. After meeting Nevena, his life became more stable and his nights - much more comfortable. Now he keeps his friend company, doing legal business with her, accompanying travelers as security. But still, sometimes he cannot resist stealing.


He's charming and he knows it. He easily fills silence, knows how to ingratiate himself with people and win them over - only thanks to this he never went to prison because of his endless thefts. Easy-going, carefree, but not an idiot. He can be an incredibly loyal friend, never forgets kindness in his direction and will come to the rescue as best he can. Doesn't hold on to money and parts with it easily. Generous and friendly.

Important features:

- There are always tribal paintings on his face (they are identical to the ones on the face of his dunmer friend) - M'jar and his friend became one clan, so they united their "drawings" on their faces;

- He has very fluffy, dense fur on his thighs, which means regular pants don't fit him well;

- Rarely takes off his hat because of his sparse mane, wears a long, very thin ponytail instead of growing hair like normal khajiit;

- Loves trinkets and jewelry, tries to dress up for any occasion;

- Knows how to bake potato bread thanks to his mother, loves the taste of this pastry and bakes it himself. He always has a loaf in his bag, which he will definitely offer to any friendly stranger. It's yummy.

Liosha gra-Kotak

Main info:

orc, she\her, lesbian

soft, warm, slow, height 5 ft 84 (178 cm)

Secretive lady, antiques seller, selling illegal goods from under the counter. 




It’s hard for her to get along with people, but she knows how to seem like a pleasant conversationalist. She values things much more highly than her acquaintances, but if you win her favor, you won’t find a more loyal friend. 

She loves her pet skeever named Umka. She taught him to quietly steal other people's wallets with coins and sometimes has fun in this way, visiting taverns. 

Likes to eat delicious food, likes dunmer women and walk along the bridges of Cheydinhall.

Important features:

- She is my orcsona;

- Does not particularly like tactility, prefers that others not touch her;

- Burr a little.

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