Object Assign Vs Spread

Object Assign Vs Spread


Object Assign Vs Spread
I came across this discrepancy when learning about “the store” in redux, in which you are never supposed to mutate the state, but instead have to create a new copy of the state object and adjust the copy. The curriculum was teaching us to use the Object.assign method, but I personally love the readability and elegance of the “three dot” spread operator method so I decided to do some research and see what the difference was, if any.
There were a few things that sparked my research.
That is why in Redux we always want to use an empty Object (“{}”) as the first argument, since we are trying to make a new copy and do not want to mutate the current state object.
2. Why does everyone keep using the term “verbose”?
VERBOSE: Containing more words than necessary
Javascript is not the only language I am continuously learning but that is exactly how I would describe the Object.assign() function if I’m trying to make a copy of an object.
Ironically, the official javascript MDN docs use the “spread operator syntax” (aka the three dots) to describe what Object.assign does. If that doesn’t prove how much more readable the spread operator is I don’t know what will.
Object.assign is definitely verbose here.

Object . assign vs Object Spread in Node.js | www.thecodebarbarian.com
object . assign () vs spread operator | by Corinne Kelly | Medium
Object assign vs ...- spread syntax - possible solutions? · Issue #2921...
What is difference between spread and object . assign ? - DEV
Spread syntax (...) - JavaScript | MDN | Spread in object literals

7iomka opened this issue
Dec 10, 2017

const _ = require ( 'lodash' )
const walk = require ( 'pug-walk' )

const pugPluginObjectRestSpread = ( ) => ( {
preLex ( str ) {
return _ . replace ( str , / \. \. \. [ a-zA-Z_ ] \w * ,?/g , match => `/*__OBJECT_REST_SPREAD__: ${ match } */` )
} ,
postCodeGen ( str ) {
return _ . replace ( str , / \/ \* __OBJECT_REST_SPREAD__: ( . * ) \* \/ /g , ( _m , group ) => group )
} )

module . exports = pugPluginObjectRestSpread


mentioned this issue

Feb 3, 2019

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Is there now a solution with which we could use
- params.navigation = {...navigationDefaults, ...params.navigation}
instead of es5 version
- params.navigation = Object.assign({}, navigationDefaults, params.navigation )
I use pug with express. For js files I use babel as transpiler...
But with pug I don't know, how to implement that..
Help me please!
I can write custom functions and filters through locals, but this only creates another level of abstraction (
I think, this could be achieved through a new option, i.e. acornOptions , that is passed to acorn wherever it's used. The same approach is used in rollup ( https://rollupjs.org/#acorn , scroll up a bit), for instance. @ForbesLindesay @TimothyGu what do you think?
droooney, Do you have any example or at least a clue how this could be written, and where to write?
There is no such opportunity now, because pug (or rather the dependency packages) parses the js code using acorn . What I suggest is add a new option - options for acorn - that gets passed to it, so that you could pass plugins to it, for example.
This will be a fair bit of work, but would be a nice thing to get working:
I also stumbled upon this issue while trying to write mixin code:
The error is somewhere inside acorn code. I can see in node_modules that I have acorn 5.7.3 version downloaded. Object rest spread is supported from 5.4 version.
Error is non descriptive so copying it here wouldn't help a lot, but it bothers me that it fails on a code that should be supported by acorn in the version I have inside node_modules .
I tried to find some acorn reference in this repo, but there is barley any, only in pug-lexer and it's only a comment, no require or anything else to help me track the error. In package.json there is dev dependency for acorn version of 3.0.4 or above.
I have found a solution to this problem in case your hosting env supports object rest spread functionality. You can use this plugin:
This plugin is changing the code in 2 lifecycle methods. First, we are looking for any mentioning of spread syntax inside preLex string. If we find any mentioning we will comment out that part of the code. This allows us to parse code correctly during lex phase and during code generation. Lex doesn't have the ability to parse object rest/spread syntax nor does it have a generation step (it will error somewhere inside acorn dependency).
Once we have final template function string, we are looking for any mentioning of object rest spread comments inside postGen method and then returning the original code.
Because I'm running my code inside Node version that supports object rest/spread syntax this code works. It will also work on the client side if it supports this functionality, but there doesn't seem to be a possibility to transpile it to ES5 code to enable it for older clients.
Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

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