Obesity or overweight - how to check it and fight it. Is BMI a good obesity determinator?

Obesity or overweight - how to check it and fight it. Is BMI a good obesity determinator?


Obesity (Latin: obesitas) is a chronic disease with a complex aetiology that is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that poses a health risk.

The so-called abdominal obesity can lead to serious health problems and significantly reduce the quality of life. Fat that accumulates on the abdomen is much more dangerous than that concentrated in other parts of the body, such as the thighs or buttocks.


However, people with obesity should dose physical activity carefully, so as not to put too much strain on the joints and not to get discouraged from exercising. If you have a chronic condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, determine the type of activity with your doctor. In order for the exercises to be effective, they must be done: systematically - min. 3 times a week, on the same days; for at least 40 minutes, because only after 30 minutes the body starts to burn fat tissue effectively (it is best to exercise at the same time); intense - in the absence of contraindications, your heart rate should be 110-115/min when you are 20-40 years old, and 100-105/min when you are 41-60 years old; at an even pace, which can be increased as you progress. The best physical activities for people with abdominal obesity are walking, light jogging, cycling, swimming, Nordic walking, walking on a stepper, but it is worth moving at every opportunity.

Obesity - what is overweight?

Obesity starts with being overweight. That's why specialists call it: pre-obesity or a pre-obesity condition.

Overweight is a condition in which we supply the body with food far more energy than it needs for proper functioning, including basic metabolism, heat generation and physical activity.

Obesity or overweight - how to check it?

One of the methods that are used to determine the stage of obesity disease is the determination of body mass index, or BMI (Body Mass Index).

BMI determines the amount of body fat in the body. To calculate BMI, divide body weight - expressed in kilograms - by height squared - expressed in meters.

Example: if you weigh 65 kg and measure 1.70 m, your BMI is - 65: (1.70 x 1.70) = 22.4.

But, beware - BMI is not reliable in pregnant women, athletes, people with developed muscle tissue, growing children or elderly people in whom it is difficult to determine height correctly.

Caloric demand - what is it?

Caloric demand is otherwise referred to as total metabolic rate (CPM). In a literal sense, it is the amount of energy (kilocalories) that needs to be supplied each day with food to our body. Knowing the CPM value is essential for planning your diet.

Drugs and supplements 

Obesity is a social problem. Not only adults but increasingly also children and teenagers are struggling with unwanted kilograms. In Poland over 50% of women and over 60% of men are overweight. The summer season obliges them to fight the weight. It is not an easy way, because the excess body can be lost only through a radical change in eating habits. Dietary supplements that relieve hunger and speed up metabolism are also helpful.

What helps in the fight against obesity?

Obesity cannot be gotten rid of "by shortcuts". The struggle with excess weight is hard work filled with streaks of successes and failures, in which an important element is a desire and positive attitude and belief in the benefits of weight loss. Bariatric surgery is often the only fully effective treatment in the fight against obesity. Losing unwanted fat can help:

Dietitian - a person who can not stand the diet, should visit a specialist who will help to arrange a diet plan tailored to their needs and health and will tell them how to eliminate high-calorie products from the menu;

Physical activity - is extremely important, not only for physical health but also for mental health. A common mistake is to take on too much activity too quickly; this results not only in decreased motivation (exercising is difficult, feeling afterwards also) and may expose an overweight or obese person to injuries. It is worth introducing new habits gradually.

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