ORBIS: A Money Transfer and Investment Platform

ORBIS: A Money Transfer and Investment Platform


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Hi everyone,I will be presenting you a promising and an awesome undertaking this time,as all of you realize that Crурtосurrеnсу hаѕ bееn аblе tо рrеѕеnt аn еаѕу tо uѕе dіgіtаl аltеrnаtіvе tо fіаt сurrеnсіеѕ. Crурtосurrеnсу еmрlоуѕ thе uѕе оf сrурtоgrарhу thаt аѕѕurеѕ hіgh-ѕесurіtу рrосеѕѕеѕ аnd vеrіfіеѕ trаnѕасtіоnѕ реrѕоnаl tо еасh uѕеr. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

Consequently, it is basic as crypto speculators to be among the main who join the new patterns of blockchain platform and this lead me to One of the core tenets of blockchain Orbis, the wireless network and a sophisticated technology which may bring the big dream related to the futuristic financial payments and transfers has arrived.

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What exactly is ORBIS?

Orbis is the remote system and a modern innovation which may convey the huge dream identified with the advanced money related installments and exchanges. This innovation will be a splendid answer for you for available and simple exchange, installment, and speculation administrations.

Besides, ORBIS is made as an interesting and imaginative decentralized stage which is intended to encourage budgetary exchange in a minimal effort quick and simple route using shrewd advertising. ORBIS fundamental point is to make new and remarkable budgetary branches all around and also profit installment, exchange and venture administrations utilizing a decentralized blockchain innovation. They additionally plan to consolidate the troublesome innovation of blockchain with portable and PC programming in this way empowering quick and pain free income exchange utilizing some self administration machines.

The Mission

The Orbis venture mission will offer the opportunity to beforehand unbanked individuals to possess a platinum card, a cell phone with the Orbis Payment Mobile application, scanner tag and QR codes checks, through the generous undertaking financed by the organizations benefits.

ORBIS offers arrangements which are bleeding edge by the present norms, so these recently kept money individuals won't play make up for lost time. Sheltered and boundless exchanges, misrepresentation counteractive action, quick exchanges and substantially more will all be incorporated with the framework, from ORBIS branches to VR visit robots.

Issues And Solutions

The current monetary framework is vigorously brought together and principally serves the interests of just a couple of significant players. These are the banks and budgetary organizations that we see universally today, which have a personal stake in keeping up their existing conditions. The lease looking for conduct of these gigantically wasteful and to a great extent dormant corporate structures have turned out to be poisonous to the achievement and chance of almost every other person on the planet.

Precedents of their disappointment incorporate the worldwide budgetary emergency of 2008 and the European sovereign obligation emergency of 2010. These were both clear exhibitions that change was fundamental.

The related issues that ORBIS plans to address are as per the following:

• The disposal of high charges and expensive obstructions to passage through the evacuation of outsider middle person administrations

• A huge decrease in hold up times – exchanges ought to be close moment, not indebted to the business days and business long stretches of customary physical banks

• Self-benefit and no forced breaking points

• Removal of confounded printed material and organization

• All of these and more will be handled by the ORBIS work area, ATM, and portable stages, which will be usable by individuals all things considered and will use an oversimplified, simple to-utilize plan.

Undertaking benefits

• Accessibility: Individuals arranged in unbanked areas will have unhindered access to saving money administrations.

• Security: extortion and plundering of individuals' assets will be killed with the assistance of Orbis decentralized stage through the appropriation of a carefully designed blockchain arrangement. Safety efforts, for example, 2FA authenticator, ID scanner, ID confirmation, SSL declarations would be utilized on the stage.

The Features of Orbis

• Orbis is planned as an imaginative stage that is gone for tackling issues looked by clients of the customary keeping money framework. A portion of these highlights are:

• Providing a relatively moment cash exchange both neighborhood and universal in this manner limiting the old composition for long quite a while or line up to make exchange

• With a decentralize stage, ORBIS is set to help expel the costly exchange charges and blocks cause by outsiders.

• ORBIS will offer open door for self administration and without the utmost at which exchange can be made; this infers I can exchange any measure of my reserve to anybody in any piece of the world without restrictions.

• With ORBIS ATM, easy to use Mobile and Desktop Application/stage, pointless riotous printed material and approved approaches will stop. While everybody, youthful and old poor and rich will have the capacity to exchange cash calm.

The Orbis Platform

Orbis Wallet: Like different cryptographic forms of money, ORBS will be put away in a computerized wallet. Wallets will be worked in stage, where clients will be given the chance to spare, exchange, and contribute their tokens worldwide at the least trade rates.

Orbis wallet will offer the most oversimplified easy to understand outline so it very well may be utilized by customers from a wide range of ages. The wallet will incorporate a Transfer token record, an Investment token Account, an IBAN Fiat monetary standards Account and a Savings Account.

Orbis Exchange: Orbis decentralized trade stage will be utilized just to buy and offer Orbiscoins and trade them to all fiat cash monetary forms. Being a distributed framework, the exchanges will be done right away (with the best arrangement trade available) to any ledger or Orbis Wallet.

Orbis Coins:Usually cryptographic money stages claim only a solitary precarious value coin. Our organization accompanies close to two tokens: ORBIS Coin (ORBS) and ORBISInvest coin (ORBSi) Orbis encourages clients the utilization of the wallet having two sorts of coins:

ORBIS token is made in a restricted supply of 8000.000.000.000 tokens which cost will begin at $0.50. Circles token will be utilized to exchange reserves securely not causing clients any cash lose. ORBISInvest Token is made in a constrained supply of 80.000.000 tokens at a discharging cost of $0.50.

ORBSi token will be utilized by cryptographic money fans and speculators for the most part to hold and acquire from the coin thankfulness on the digital currency showcase. Third-part (insurance agency) will guarantee exchanges and speculations wellbeing

Orbis Debit Card: Traditional Banking administrations issue cards that guarantee customers reach to their fiat cash. Our Company will give an IBAN platinum card issued to make a simple access between our clients and their assets. This card can be utilized at any atm and boundless money pulling back at the Orbis Branches.Customers will likewise have the capacity to incorporate their own charge/Mastercard into our stage to make store and withdrawal exchanges to their own or other financial balance.

Orbis POS: Most business people, independently employed and numerous private companies in undeveloped nations utilize cold hard cash to play out their deals and administration installments. Orbis POS will accompany a little help making entrepreneurs life all the more effectively presenting them with remote Point Of Sale terminals for their installments

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ORBIS has created two tokens.

1. ORBIS Token-ORBS it will be utilized inside the stage

2. ORBISInvest-ORBSi it will be a mystery token made to work for market exchanging.

The two tokens are made on the ERC-20 Ethereum

Token Details

Token - ORBS

Platform - Orbis

Type - ORBS

PreICO price - 1 ORBS = 0.50 EUR

Price in ICO - 1 ORBS = 0.50 EUR


50% Pre-ICO bonus (16th of April -30 of April)

Ico Stage 1 Bonuses ( 1st of May - 15th of June ) +45% bonus for >25000 ORBS Purchased +40% bonus for >15000 ORBS Purchased +35% bonus for > 5000 ORBS Purchased +30% bonus for > 1000 ORBS Purchased +25% bonus for > 1 ORBS Purchased

Ico Stage 2 Bonuses ( 15th of June - 29th of July ) +35% bonus for >25000 ORBS Purchased +30% bonus for >15000 ORBS Purchased +25% bonus for > 5000 ORBS Purchased +20% bonus for > 1000 ORBS Purchased +15% bonus for > 1 ORBS Purchased

Investment Details

Min. investment - 0.50 EUR

Accepting - ETH, BTC, Fiat

Distributed in ICO - 62%

Soft cap - 500,000 EUR

Hard cap - 25,000,000 EUR

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For More Information:

Website: https://orbistransfer.com/

Whitepaper: https://orbistransfer.com/downloads/Orbis-White-Paper-2.pdf

Orbis ICO: https://orbistransfer.com/#tokenSale

Facebook: https://facebook.com/orbistoken

Telegram: https://t.me/orbisgroup

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrbisToken

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orbis_token/

Bitcointalk ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3844192.0


Bitcointalk profile url:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2418461

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