Resistance India
MU-NEY Heist Fields

What it was:

MU-NEY HEIST was a RES INDIA operation in which agents from Chennai and Satara did a lot of fielding and re-fielding. The goal was to have a decent standing MU(2.2Billion MU approx) but huge total MUs captured for the agents involved(56+Billion MU). This operation was truly a MU Heist with the sole purpose of maximizing the MU fielded for agents involved, hence the name. The Professor was proud of us. :p

The Professor has spoken!

How it was planned:

This operation was a result of nearly 1.5+ years of planning, replanning, trial operations, and key transfers. A mega operation was discussed by Chennai and Satara agents who attended the Darsana Prime anomaly in Pune, India, planned and reworked multiple times requiring multiple key transfers for every updated plan. This operation was further delayed in 2020 by the Coronavirus. It was not until recently that the Coronavirus issue has stabilized in the fielding locations. We had to wait so that some agents got out of home quarantines.

Key Transfer
Key Transfer

How it went:

The actual operation started early in the morning on Saturday, 27th September 2020 after all lanes were secured earlier. 

The first fields were made at 6 30 AM by the Satara team. After this, the Chennai team flipped anchors and refielded 30+ times over the next few hours. For the final Refield, more layers were added to count for standing MU and contribute to the global score. 

Chennai Fielding team
Satara Fielding Team
Mid-operation screenshot
Screenshot at the end of the operation

What happened after the operation:

These fields stood for nearly a week. So, during this week, the Chennai team flipped and refielded again a few times because the fields were still active. The standing MU from this operation took the Global RES average for the entire septi-cycle close to 2 Billion MU. 

Regional Score
Global Score
Impact on Average Global score for the septi-cycle


Total Mind Units captured: 56+ Billion

Agents involved in fielding:

Satara- herculeas007, SUMEET2121 

Chennai- Gobi130, LoneWolf2439. 

Cross clearance and lane-holding:

anonymous0894, MaruthiPMM, PG1403, BlueLumino, SubZer0OO7, Gobi130, LoneWolf2439.

LoneWolf2439, Gobi130

LoneWolf2439, Gobi130 

Key Transfers:
Gobi130, LordOfDevils.

Report Page