ONLINE Michaels Irish Magic by Brian Hunt (Goodreads Author) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

ONLINE Michaels Irish Magic by Brian Hunt (Goodreads Author) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

ONLINE Michaels Irish Magic by Brian Hunt (Goodreads Author) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

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Book description
Patrick is down on his luck and penniless when he comes across an ancient thatched cottage in the deep countryside of County Kerry. There he meets an old woman who invites him to join her for lunch, and he gradually becomes enchanted by the spirits of previous inhabitants.His luck changes from the first day he sets foot in the flower-filled gardens of the cottage, and although he doesnt realise it, his life will never be the same again. On each visit, he finds himself transported back to another time, where he seems to lose control over his mind and body to another person from the past - the iconic Michael Collins.He becomes friendly with the landlord of the pub where he has taken a room, and with his magical change of luck, the customers all flock around him like bees settling on honey-dew. Even the landlords wife and daughter are enamoured with him! His business luck changes and all seems wonderful for him, but the magic at the cottage keeps drawing him back.The day comes, when he has an opportunity to find true happiness with the girl of his dreams.
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