Oikos is a Tron port of Synthetix: an engineered resource stage that gives on-affix introduction to fiat currencies,commodities, stocks, and files. Engineered resources (Synths) are upheld by Oikos Network Tokens (OKS) secured in a savvy contract as guarantee. Synths track the costs of different resources, permitting crypto-local and unbanked clients to exchange P2C (peer-to-contract) on Oikos Exchange without liquidity impediments.

Manufactured resources by and large term is an advantage which is said to give a specific degree of introduction to a benefit without essentially holding the fundamental assets. Engineered resource additionally can be refered to a blend or mix of benefits which have indistinguishable qualities from another advantage. While oikos stage in rundown is a stage that is set to add decentralized qualities to manufactured resources.

Oikos offers an undeniable trustless token trade that permits clients to exchange any Tron-based token with no imperative withdrawals or stores. The Oikos trade liquidity pools has practically no recompense for slippage for the various assortments of exchanges. Only anybody with right standing can contribute by either expansion or deduction of liquidity to gain mouth-watering commissions as OK S token rewards or trade expenses..

The trade is one of a kind in all aspects, it offers an exceptionally displayed easy to understand interface that is equipped for changing over the diverse engineered resources. All synth resource have a 100% reinforcement worth of OKS (token), each movement inside the limits of the stage spins around the quirks of the OKS token.


Oikos permits any client to make new Synths by marking their OKS token at 750% Collaterization proportions. For a client to have the option to give 100 USD worth of Synths, they should stake $750 worth of OKS token. Whenenever Synths is given, a portion of worldwide obligations is being appointed to them which must be reimbursed to open their marked tokens. Thee Global obligations is comparable to the complete estimation of the USD estimation of the Synths in the dissemination. Each time new Synths are given, individual obligation are recalculated or taking care of the obligations. The shakers are compensated in the framework because of the reality they are facing challenges to settle the system.They get prize in 2 different ways. From the Synth trade expenses and through the inflationary OKS gracefully.


  • The OIKOS stage is a completely decentralized framework, which has been created to improve the advanced resource industry, by making a framework which administers engineered resources, upheld by the framework's token to the clients. It utilizes the quickly improving advances, in the journey to guarantee that productivity is accomplished on the framework and that the clients get the best out of their speculations. These manufactured resources is a venture type which lets clients control their speculation, without really holding the benefits. This is progressively similar to tokenizing the advantages, as the client rather holds the local token of the Oikos stage, as a portrayal of their real resource. 
  • Oikos stage is made on the Tron system and use the keen agreement to make sure that the exchange procedure is computerized.
  • Value information is acquired through different confided in sources and accumulated to make a strong value prophet instrument. 
  • Engineer apparatuses make it simple to make applications utilizing Oikos administrations. 
  • Exchange more than 30 diverse Synths from different classifications. 
  • Join liquidity pools to gather charges on TRX-TRC20 sets. Exchange TRX for any TRC20 without wrapping. 
  • Liquidity-delicate robotized evaluating utilizing steady item equation .



Oikos has just conveyed one of the most mind boggling and helpful conventions based on Tron to date. Be that as it may, the potential for oversight safe manufactured resources is still to a great extent undiscovered. Further enhancements to the instrument just as utilitarian overhauls and new Synths will immensely expand the utility of the stage. Development to a decentralized administration procedure will likewise decrease foundational hazard and increment the drawn out feasibility of the undertaking.

Website: https://oikos.cash/

Medium: https://medium.com/@oikoscash

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5243484.0

Github: http://github.com/oikos-cash

Telegram: http://t.me/oikoscash

Twitter: http://twitter.com/oikos_cash

Discord: http://discord.gg/qjuqy6X

Litepaper: https://docs.oikos.cash/litepaper/

Bitcointalk Username: Honeymoonj

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2803611 

Telegram Username: @Accessk

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