
What is Oikos?

Oikos is a stage that empowers the formation of total resources over the graceful tie that is presented to different resources by following their genuine costs. 

Oikos objective is to get probably the best trade on the blockchain showcase. 

Right now, Oikos has propelled the Swap Token stage which is a solid, quick trade that is advantageous for clients. With a decent interface and an all-around organized design, you can rapidly understand this is likely the best stage at any point utilized by you right? 

Oikos token is OKS which has a significant job to build up the undertaking, OKS proprietors give liquidity to the framework by setting OKS tokens and summing up exchanges exchanged on the Exchange Oikos 

For Synth issuance, Oikos needs 750% collateralization. So on the off chance that you have to mint a hundred manufactured US dollars (USD), as insurance you'd require the practically identical of US$750 of OKS tokens. This makes a huge guard for Synths in return. Oikos is dropping a total of 1,000,000 OKS tokens to their open individuals. Visit airdrop page, Users need to top off straightforward social undertakings and present their subtleties to get free OKS tokens. Clients additionally, need to demand their companions to get a 100% reward for every referral on the normal symbolic assignment. 

Obligation is driven 

Clients 750% OKS security is bolted up when someone mints new Synths. The client requires repaying a lot of the overall obligation with the consuming Synths to open the client's guarantee. The 750% insurance need affirms that Synths remain collateralized through remote market value varieties. 

How OiKos functions 

Oikos was created dependent on Tron stage. It engages and gives referrals to one of a kind propderties through their actual expenses. The specialized assets (Synths) bolstered by the Oikos Community Tokens (OKS) are made sure about in a staggering arrangement as an assurance. Synths sing the expense of an assortment of sources, permitting close by clients and cryptocurrencies to change the% (peer concurrence on) Oikos rather without liquidity limitations. 

OiKos is an incredible distributed trade when you trade won't slip because Oikos Minters offers an indisputable and crafty level, permitting level-level customers to mint and eat Synths. , the level of collateralization of the administrators, and a value class created through Synths. 

Go to: https://swap.oikos.cash/trade 

This development energizes extended resources in which genuine resources are made on the Chain in an untrustworthy manner. As referenced in past sections, fiat monetary forms like USD and GBP can be made on the Chain including different kinds of money related instruments. The capacity to make Fiat Collalityize Stable — monetary standards, for example, Tether, USDC, and others without holding genuine resources recognized in the Oikos stage 


Oikos has just conveyed one of the most unpredictable and valuable conventions based on Tron to date. Be that as it may, the potential for restriction safe manufactured resources is still generally undiscovered. Further enhancements to the instrument just as useful redesigns and new Synths will boundlessly expand the utility of the stage. The development of a decentralized administration procedure will likewise decrease fundamental hazards and increment the drawn-out suitability of the undertaking. 

Truly, this is the finish of the article for more data

Website: https://oikos.cash/

Oikos Exchange: https://oikos.exchange/

Lightpaper: https://docs.oikos.cash/litepaper/

Github: https://github.com/orgs/oikos-cash/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/oikos_cash

Discord: https://discord.gg/qjuqy6X

Telegram : https://t.me/oikoscash

Writer's Information:

Bitcointalk username: Dapo10

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2831596

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