OFFLINE New York, 15 Walking Tours: An Architectural Guide to the Metropolis by Gerard R. Wolfe reading francais english torrent online

OFFLINE New York, 15 Walking Tours: An Architectural Guide to the Metropolis by Gerard R. Wolfe reading francais english torrent online

OFFLINE New York, 15 Walking Tours: An Architectural Guide to the Metropolis by Gerard R. Wolfe reading francais english torrent

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Book description
The devastating events of 9/11 have brought a renewed interest in the rich architectural history of New York City. This highly acclaimed well-illustrated -carry-along- walking tour provides the updated information that tourists, students, architects, and historians need to fully appreciate the architectural aspects that have made NYC one of the most vital cities in the world. This new third edition features: * 15 walking tours of NYCs most important structures and neighborhoods * Easy-to-use maps for each tour with major landmarks clearly indicated * Nearly 300 vintage photos and engravings * Interesting, little known historical -tidbits- and anecdotal stories on significant buildings * Information on the latest landmark designations * Revised maps and changes in transit information to reflect the effects of 9/11
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