OCT27-28 Cognitive Update

OCT27-28 Cognitive Update


(VIDEO) Informe semanal: El flanco débil: el "portaviones Wall Street" | EIR

Israel pounds Gaza with U.S. “heavy” bunker-busting bombs. Erdogan speaks of a Cross vs Crescent war. (Gilbert Doctorow)

World Plummets into Eschatological Frenzy: Unraveling the Implications (Simplicius)

Como se llevan a cabo las operaciones psicológicas con la participación de periodistas europeos. Y RTVE en la vanguardia | Geoestrategia.es

Bataillon Revanche, hip-hop, bandéristes forcenés et néonazis français | Profession Gendarme

Courting Armageddon vs. cultivating peace. A spat at the UN Security Council shows the contrast between two very different approaches to war and to peace (Alex Krainer)

Western Media ‘Cancel’ the Ukraine Conflict as Palestinian Genocide Exposes Their Lies and Fake News

Gaza death toll reaches 8,000 | The Electronic Intifada

(Spanish) (AUDIO) Editorial: ¿Está cometiendo Israel un genocidio en Gaza? - 27/10/23

Do you remember?

(VIDEO) L'interview politique intégrale de Dominique de Villepin, ancien Premier ministre, sur RMC

MoA - An Interview On Gaza With Dominique De Villepin (As Translated By Arnaud Bertrand)

Iran-Russia set a western trap in Palestine (Pepe Escobar) | The Cradle

Ukraine gegen Israel (Hans-Jürgen Geese)

India’s solidarity with Israel is untenable (MK Bhadrakumar)

Detrás del Gaza-cidio: inevitable escalada, según el ex diplomático británico Alastair Crooke | Alfredo Jalife

The Gods Are Going Against the Chosen People — Mammon Against Israel, Mars Against the Pentagon (Yves Smith) | Naked Capitalism

First Nord Stream, now Balticconnector: What is happening to European Baltic gas pipelines? (eugyppius)

Ningún ser humano puede existir (Saree Maksidi)

"The Penny Drops - The World Is Multi-Polar": My Two Cents (Karl Sanchez)

Le gouvernement réduit la distance de tir au LBD de 10 mètres à 3 mètres, les gendarmes s’inquiètent | Profession Gendarme

Presidente Lula de Brasil: esto es genocidio, no guerra | EIR

Las fuerzas militares occidentales que se concentran en el sudoeste de Asia son para la guerra, no para la "disuasión". | EIR

(VIDEO) Entrevista com Dominique de Villepin, ex-primeiro-ministro da França, na RMC. [Imperdível !]

The Only Lights in Gaza Now Are Israeli Bombs (Sam Husseini)

Israeli targets journalists, kills their families as Big Tech & Biden admin silence Palestinians | The Grayzone

Exterminate All the Brutes. All settler colonial projects, including Israel, reach a point when they embrace wholesale slaughter and genocide to eradicate a native population that refuses to capitulate. (Chris Hedges)

(VIDEO) The Miracle of Kindness: What I learned from the Palestinians (Chris Hedges)

'Poverty in America Has Strong Structural Roots That Some People Profit From' | FAIR

Notorious “Secret Team” Headed by CIA Agent Theodore Shackley Was Involved in the Kidnapping and Assassination of Italian Premier Aldo Moro, Italian Parliamentary Investigations Show | CovertAction Magazine

The Banality of Price Fixing. Software-enabled price fixing schemes are pervasive in the economy, and are likely driving high prices. Why is it so hard to challenge these conspiracies under antitrust law? (Lee Hepner)

La mobilitazione a Roma per "una giusta pace" un grande smacco per i media di regime (L'antidiplomatico)

Why was I censored on Twitter for supporting Palestine? (Thomas Fazi) | UnHerd

Nerve gas false flag potential in Gaza, Biden dismissing Palestinian deaths, Jews against Zionism (Vanessa Beeley)

Israel threatens to assassinate Syrian President Assad. If Hezbollah enters the Palestine Israel war - there will be repercussions according to Israel (Vanessa Beeley)

Is There Hope for a Diplomatic Settlement Between Israel and the Palestinians? (Larry Johnson)

There's Only So Much Propaganda Spin You Can Put On The Murder Of Thousands Of Children (Caitlin Johnstone)

How To Use Demagoguery... (Andrei Martyanov)

Israel 'could allow' police to shoot Palestinian protesters. If passed, Israeli police could be allowed to shoot at protesters - notably Palestinian citizens of Israel - during 'emergency' hours and those 'blocking' roads and town entrances. | The New Arab

The 'Genocide Moment' (Gareth Porter)

From Auschwitz to Gaza. Connecting the Dots in the Big Leagues of Mass Murder and Genocide

MoA - The MoA Week In Review

That’s Not Enough (Ray McGovern)

(VIDEO) Miko Peded, activista y escritor judío

The Counterculture Everyone Forgot (Charles Hugh Smith)

Christian Drosten is a threat to freedom of speech and academic freedom (Dr Simon)

Sunday Sermon: Images & Questions (Karl Sanchez)

Testimonios del 7 de octubre revelan que el ejército israelí "bombardeó" a ciudadanos israelíes con tanques y misiles [Max Blumenthal – The Grayzone, 27.10.2023] | L'Hora

‘Priority to the living’: Gaza’s civil defence forced to leave hundreds of victims under rubble | Middle East Eye

Moldavia rinde homenaje a los nazis rumanos que invadieron la URSS en 1941 | mpr21

Las mujeres no somos propaganda de guerra (Manifiesto feminista antimperialista) | mpr21

Europa no es capaz de lanzar un satélite al espacio sin la ayuda rusa | mpr21

Delawarde: «Les Etats-Unis agissent désormais, sans l’ombre d’un doute, en proxy d’Israël» | Observateur Continental

Manifestación de jóvenes judíos ocupó la Grand Central Station de Nueva York para pedir un alto el fuego es noticia internacional | EIR

12 imágenes retro de mujeres soviéticas que harán que te enamores

Megafábricas rusas: Kamaz, la gigantesca planta donde nacen los camiones más famosos de Rusia

(VIDEO) Corbyn, Diane Abbot, Mick Lynch and UNISON speaker at Palestine Demonstration, London October 28

Israel marcha aceleradamente hacia el aislamiento (Marcelo Ramírez)

Burning Books for Fun and Profit (Todd Hayen)

Economics and Empires 5. Who’s in charge of the West? | Black Mountain Analysis

Gaza Hospital Bombing, Part 1. The Investigation | Black Mountain Analysis

(Spain) La Universitat de Barcelona renuncia al lenguaje inclusivo: "El uso del masculino no excluye a las mujeres"

Los Verdes y la izquierda de Alemania cierran filas con Israel

"No se podía saber"

La vaccination Covid est un génocide plus silencieux et plus efficace que la guerre | Geopolintel

Genetically Modified Organons. They lied. They know they lied. And now they know that we know they lied. (Dr Ah Kahn Syed)

Whatever is in the biochemical weapons bearing Pfizer and other pharma labels, is there because US SecDefs and their WHO-BIS handlers ordered it to be there. Military contractors who work in the information space are erecting firewalls between that truth and the public, using “adulteration,” “contamination” and civil suits against Pfizer to delay/deflect. (Katherine Watt)

(VIDEO) "Terapia Génica para Inmunizar: Una Tecnología Peligrosa, Dañina y Persistente", Dra. Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse (28-10-2023)

Falta intencional de revelar sobre muertes e inseguridad de las inyecciones contra K0 B1T | CYSN

Washington County, Idaho, Resolution to Advise AGAINST Use of Genetic Biologic “Vaccine” Platform Technology On the Child Vaccine Schedule (Sasha Latypova)

The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism (Simon Elmer)

Virtue and Terror: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Volume 1 (Simon Elmer)

The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Volume 2 (Simon Elmer)

NEURO-COVAX: Italian Network Finds Neurological Side Effects Very Common after COVID-19 Vaccination. 31.2% Experienced Tremors, Insomnia, Muscle Spasms, Headaches, Paresthesias, Vertigo, and Diplopia (Peter McCullough)

Do the LNPs adsorb apoE for cell/tissue-specific delivery of contents? What this means and why it matters (Jessica Rose)

Exclusiva: Culpa a los protocolos COVID de la muerte de su madre. Ahora este cineasta utiliza su cámara para contar las historias de otras víctimas | CHD

SV40. On contamination, monkey viruses and their parts | Lies are Unbekoming

My "Coronavirus Hysteria" media response from February 1st, 2020. Back then, I said this to a media outlet (Denis Rancourt)

A doctor’s insight into vaccine injury (Thomas Lane)


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