We perform Requiem (Latin requies "rest", "repose" - funeral mass (Latin: Missa pro defunctis). We may well start with the Baroque era composer's requiem and will not be mistaken in calculations. Today we will present a high genre of professional spiritual Analytics under the mourning oratorio of documents. We will not violate the traditions of "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine" "Rest eternal grant to them, Lord" with which we open our traditional documentary Gregorian methodically verified Funeral Mass.The staff of the Committee of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the WORLD deeply mourns the death of honored workers of the social sphere of the WORLD. We have lost this ideology forever. Over the years of labor activity, with the direct participation of the defendants, significant changes have occurred in the social sphere of the WORLD. Thanks to maniacal dedication and diligence, as well as extremely low professional and moral and ethical qualities of the former political beau monde, the inhabitants of the WORLD no longer cause any warm feelings except nausea. The political beau monde of the 20th century is not from today a well-deserved authoritative team and does not enjoy trust and no respect.On this mourning day, we express our sincere condolences to all citizens of the world, relatives and friends, everyone who knew and loved these people. The heavy memory of these people, not people who did a common world evil in an energetic rush of obscurant, will forever remain in our memory and hearts, and their names will lie another black line in the history of our WORLD.

Committee of Labor and Social Protection of the World Population.

          Obituary from the editors 

At the age of 84, Colin Powell, responsible for millions of lives, died. This was reported by his family on Facebook. 

Powell was the first black person to serve as U.S. Secretary of State. As reported by the mainstream media of the United States 🇺🇸, of course, conveying the will of the criminal global kahal from the Oval Nest, who decided to squeeze out of the death of a former car racer and Joe's partner in races at the racetrack for goat racing.Use the death of a friend and comrade for the last time, put their old tedious gramophone that allegedly the age racing driver Powell died on Monday morning from complications caused by covid, despite the fact that the guy was fully vaccinated according to the documents, which the racetrack driver himself personally wrote on his FB page. Global believes no one is watching these oval racing races, and we are watching, because we go ourselves and of course as high-class professionals in the races say: - you again spoiled your already vile reputation as totalitarian and total liars falsifying and manipulating the death of Colin Powell. 

Whatever it was, rest, please, at least there with peace, racing driver Cole on racetracks for goats. 

Nederland entrepreneur Eric Bumsma has delved deeply into the official statistics of the EU (EudraVigilance is a kind of analogue of the same VAERS).

According to Boomsm, only 6% of the actual number of vaccination victims appears to be included in these statistics, in part because reporting on it has been deliberately made very difficult and time-consuming for doctors (note, about 90 minutes per case!).

EudraVigilance's scores "were adjusted based on a study of adverse reaction reporting systems in 12 countries," "In fact, the numbers in the reporting system show only 6% of reality." 

"Each patient or deceased needs about an hour and a half to be reported by doctors, and they do not have this time. So it makes sense that there is accountability.

In addition, we have come to the conclusion that in many hospitals there is also a culture, a conspiracy of silence."

Eric Bumsma starts with the Statistics of EudraVigilance from AstraZeneca, but in order not to overload the reader with details, I will report the main thing, the figures. 

✅ AstraZeneca: 93833 deaths. 

More than a million serious side effects have been reported in more than 390,000 people. 1.4% of all people with side effects die.

There is an underestimation of 94%; the real number of 93,833 deaths and 6.5 million individual cases. So, last week 1283 people died (due to the "vaccine" from AstraZeneca, which is no longer used in the Netherlands).

✅ Pfizer: nearly 214,000 dead

The Pfizer vaccine, the most commonly used in the Netherlands, caused 1,124,072 side effects in more than 485,000 people, of whom 12,835 died (2.6%). In fact, we are talking about 8.1 million individual cases and almost 214 thousand deaths. (This is consistent with the findings of an American statistics expert who analyzed FDA/CDC data and came up with a figure of 150,000 Pfizer deaths in the U.S.)

"In 2009, we had the same story with the Mexican flu and all the 'vaccines' against it," says Boomsma, "the U.S. FDA then stopped the entire vaccination program after 25 deaths. If you look at how things are now in the EU... It's just terrible."

✅ Moderna: 122,000 killed

For Moderna, there were 132,122 individual cases with an average of 2.5 adverse events and 7320 reported deaths. "We're talking about 122,000 people who died from the modern injection. Here we are only talking about 8.5/9 months." 5.5% of people registered in the official system with side effects will die (chance 1 in 18).

✅ Janssen &Janssen: 24,283 dead

J&J's "vaccine" officially causes 2.7 side effects per person, and 4.7% die. (In fact, 24,283 dead).

In total, as the entrepreneur calculated, in 27 EU countries there are almost 43 million side effects in more than 17 million individual cases, of which almost 895,000 ONLY in the last week. And there are more than 454,000, nearly half a million vaccine deaths in Europe due to injections of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and J&J combined. "I find it so shocking! You can hardly imagine it, it's almost impossible to understand," says Eric, who did not expect such figures, "... Last time I pointed to a friend of myself who was calling several funeral homes in the east of the country. Although they say they don't yet see a huge number of additional deaths, they still say that age is dropping dramaticly. Look at J&J's statistics: Most side effects and deaths occur in the 18 to 64 age group. It's a lot of bandwidth, but that's exactly what EudraVigilance has."

So the average age of vaccine deaths, Friends, is falling, BigPharma injection victims are getting younger, while the average age of covid deaths is 83, especially in people who are at the end of their lives, especially in people who have chronic diseases.

Hamlet's question arises in full growth: - To be or not to be? 

To paraphrase Hamlet in our interpretation:- what is the purpose of all this madness? 

Of course, the Goal is NOT public health. 

- And what is the purpose of 🎯? 

- Oh, be silent, don't answer right away, you can't know the real purpose of the fathers of American democracy with a non-human face. 

Hamlet sees the best way to tell a brief story of this madness in a vision of the New World Order using the theses of those who have been striving for centuries and going towards this goal. You may be amazed at how far this grandiose utopian plan has come and how many similarities there are at the beginning of the 21st century compared to the 1990s, when two bush presidents were in power.

- 1912 – Colonel Edward M. House, a close adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, publishes Philip Drew: The Administrator, in which he promotes "the socialism that Karl Marx dreamed of."

- 1913 – The Federal Reserve (neither Federal nor Reserve) is created. This was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyll Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Colonel House. This transferred the power to create money from the U.S. government to a private group of bankers. It is probably the largest debt generator in the world.

July 28, 1914 – World War I is caused by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria.

May 27, 1916 – President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech to the League for Peace, proposes in the League of Nations the creation of a world government necessary to prevent the recurrence of such a war.

November 11, 1918 - the end of the First World War, after the signing of the armistice at 11-00, 11th of the 11th month.

May 30, 1919 – Prominent British and American figures found the Royal Institute of International Relations in England and the Institute of International Relations in the United States in a meeting organized by Colonel House, which was attended by various Fabian socialists, including the famous economist John Maynard Keynes. Two years later, Colonel House reorganized the Institute of International Relations into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

December 15, 1922 – CFR supports the World Government in its journal Foreign Affairs. Author Philip Kerr states:

"It is obvious that humanity will not have peace or prosperity until [the Earth] is divided into 50 or 60 independent states, until some kind of international system is created ... The real problem today is the problem of world government."

- 1928 – An Open Conspiracy: Blue Imprints of world revolution by G. Wells is published. Former Fabian socialist Wells writes:

"The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, erase, incorporate and replace existing governments ... The Open Conspiracy is the natural heir to socialist and communist enthusiasm; he can control Moscow before he gets control of New York... Now the nature of the Open Conspiracy will be clearly manifested... It will be a world religion."

1931 — Students of the Lenin School of Political War in Moscow are trained:

"One day we will begin to spread the most theatrical peace movement the world has ever seen. Capitalist countries, stupid and decadent ... fall into the trap that the opportunity to make new friends offers. Our day will come in 30 years or so... The bourgeoisie must be lulled into a false sense of security."

1932 – New books are published calling for a new world order:

To Soviet America by William Z. Foster. The head of the Communist Party USA, Foster points out that the National Department of Education will be one of the means used to develop a new socialist society in the United States.

F. S. Marvin's New World Order, describing the League of Nations as the first attempt at a New World Order. Marvin says that "nationality must be below the demands of humanity as a whole."

Does the school dare to build a new social order? Published. Educational author George Grafs argues that: "... teachers should consciously seek power and then make the most of their achievements" to "influence the social attitudes, ideals, and behavior of the coming generation ... The rise of science and technology has brought us into a new era where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in Providence by careful planning, and private capitalism by some form of social economy."

The "Peace Plan" of the founder of the American League for Birth Control Margaret Sanger (1921) was published. It calls for forced sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitation concentration camps for all "dysgenic groups," including blacks, Latinos, American Indians, and Catholics.

1933 – The first humanist manifesto is published. Co-author John Dewey, a well-known philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesis of all religions and a "socialized and cooperative economic order."

In 1930, co-author of the contract, K.F. Potter, said, "Thus, education is the most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism of children, is it possible to stop the wave of a five-day program of humanistic education?

- 1933 – The Shape of Future Events by H.G. Wells is published. Wells predicts World War II around 1940, resulting from the German-Polish dispute. After 1945, there will be an increasing lack of public safety in "criminally infected" areas. The "Modern World State" plan will succeed on the third attempt (around 1980) and will emerge from something that happened in Basra, Iraq.

The book also says, "Although a world government has clearly been in the world for several years, though it has been endlessly feared and murmured, it has nowhere found a prepared opposition."

- 1934 – Alice A. Bailey's book The Externalization of Hierarchy is published. Bailey is an occultist whose work was passed on by a spiritual guide, the Tibetan master [demonic spirit] Jhual Kul. Bailey uses the phrase "points of light" in connection with the "New Group of World Servers" and argues that 1934 marks the beginning of "the organization of men and women ... group work of the new order ... [c] progress defined by service ... the world of the Brotherhood ... Forces of Light ... [and] a new world order must be built from the plundering of all existing culture and civilization."

The book is published by the Lucis Trust, originally incorporated in New York as the Lucifer Publishing Company. The Lucis Trust is a United Nations non-governmental organization that has been active in recent UN summits. Later, UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Mueller attributed the creation of his World Basic Curriculum to teach the fundamental teachings of Djual Kul through Alice Bailey's writings on the subject.

October 28, 1939 - In an address by John Foster Dulles, later Secretary of State of the United States, he invites America to lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound by a league or federal union.

- 1939 – H.G. Wells' New World Order proposes a collectivist one world state, or "new world order" consisting of "socialist democracies." He defends "universal conscription and declares that "nationalist individualism ... the disease of the world." He continues:

"The clear need for some collective world control to eliminate war and the less universally recognized need for collective control over the economic and biological life of mankind are aspects of the same process." He proposes that this be achieved through 'universal law' and propaganda (or enlightenment)."

1940 – The Carnegie Endowor for International Peace publishes the New World Order and contains a selected list of references to regional and world federation, as well as some special plans for a post-war world order.

December 12, 1940 – In The Congressional Record, an article titled "The New World Order" by John G. Alexander calls for a world federation.

1941 September 11 – Construction of the Pentagon officially begins. 60 years later, on that day, September 11, 2001, the Pentagon was to be attacked.

- 1942 – The Left Institute for Pacific Relations publishes P. E. Corbett's Postwar Worlds:

"World government is the ultimate goal ... It should be recognized that the law of nations takes precedence over national legislation ... This process should be facilitated by the removal of nationalist materials used in educational textbooks and their replacement with material ones, explaining the benefits of wiser communication."

June 28, 1945 - President Truman in his speech supports the world government:

"It will be as easy for countries to live in a republic of peace as it will be for us to live in a republic of the United States."

October 24, 1945 – The UN Charter comes into force. Also on October 24, Senator Glen Taylor (D-Idaho) introduces Senate Resolution 183 calling on the U.S. Senate to formally declare support for the creation of a world republic that includes an international police force.

1946 – Alger Hiss is elected president of the Carnegie Endowe endowing for international peace. Hiss held this post until 1949. In early 1950, he was found guilty of perjury and sentenced to prison after a sensational trial and congressional hearings at which Whittaker Chambers, a former senior editor of Time, testified that Hiss was a member of his Communist Party cell.

- 1946 – The Teacher and the World Government, former editor of the NEA (National Education Association) journal, is published. He says:

"In the struggle for an adequate world government, the teacher ... can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation... At the heart of all the organs that will ensure peace, the government must support the school, the teachers and the organized profession."

- 1947 – The American Educational Association, formerly the Association for Progressive Education, organized by John Dewey, calls for:

«... the establishment of a genuine world order, an order in which national sovereignty is subordinated to world authority..."

October 1947 – NEA Deputy Secretary William Carr writes in the NEA Journal that teachers should:

«... to describe the various proposals that have been made to strengthen the United Nations and establish world citizenship and world government."

- 1948 – Walden II, behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner, proposes an "ideal society or a new and more perfect order" in which children are raised by the state rather than their parents, and are trained from birth to exhibit only desired behaviors and characteristics. Skinner's ideas were widely used by educators in the 1960s, '70s, and '80s as an explanation of values and results-based education.

July 1948 – British Sir Harold Butler, in the journal International Relations of the CSR, sees how a "new world order" is being formed:"How far can the life of peoples who for centuries considered themselves different and unique merge with the life of other nations? How willing are they to sacrifice a part of their sovereignty, without which there can be no effective economic or political union? ... From the prevailing confusion, a new world is being formed... which can point the way to a new order... This will be the beginning of a true United Nations, no longer a divisive personality but a person held together by a common faith."

- 1948 – UNESCO President and Fabian socialist Sir Julian Huxley calls for radical eugenic policies at UNESCO: its purpose and its philosophy. He states:"Thus, while it is absolutely true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled reproduction of human beings will be politically and psychologically impossible for many years, it will be important for UNESCO to ensure that the eugenic problem is treated with the utmost care and that the public is aware of the problems at stake, that much of what is now unthinkable can at least to become imaginable."

- 1948 – A preliminary draft of a world constitution is published by American educators advocating the creation of a regional federation on the way to a world federation or government with England included in a European federation.The Constitution provides for a "World Council" together with a "Chamber of Guards" to ensure respect for world law. Also included is a "Preamble" calling on countries to surrender their weapons to the world government, and includes the right of this "Federal Republic of the World" to confiscate private property for federal use.

February 9, 1950 - The Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations submits Senate Joint Resolution 66, which begins:"Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the United Nations must be amended to ensure a true constitution for a world government."

The resolution was first introduced in the Senate on September 13, 1949, by Senator Glen Taylor of Idaho. Senator Alexander Wiely (Rhode Wisconsin) called it "the end that is sincerely desired" and said, "I understand that your proposal is either to change the United Nations or to change or create a world order through a separate convention." Senator Taylor later stated:"We would have to sacrifice the significant sovereignty of the world organization to enable them to levy taxes on their own to sustain themselves."

April 12, 1952 – John Foster Dulles, later secretary of state, in a speech to the American Bar Association in Louisville, Kentucky, says that "treaty laws may prevail over the Constitution." He says treaties can take power away from Congress and hand it over to the president. They can take powers from the states and transfer them to the federal government or some international body, and they can violate the rights given to people by their constitutional Bill of Rights.

A Senate amendment proposed by Republican Sen. John Bricker would provide that no treaty can replace the Constitution, but it cannot be passed by one vote.

- 1954 – Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands founds Bilderbergers, international politicians and bankers, who hold secret annual meetings, even to this day. The 2003 meeting took place last weekend on May 15-18 in Versailles, Paris.

1958 – The publication "World Peace through World Law" is published, in which authors Grenville Clark and Louis Zone advocate the use of the UN as the governing body of peace, world disarmament, world police and legislature.

1959 – The Council on Foreign Relations calls for a new international order. Study #7, published Nov. 25, states:

«... a new international order [which] must respond to the world's aspirations for peace, social and economic change ... international order ... including states that call themselves 'socialist'[communist]."

1959 – The World Constitutional and Parliamentary Association is founded, which later develops a scheme for world government in accordance with the Constitution of the Earth Federation.

- 1959 – The Mid-Century Challenge to U.S. Foreign Policy, sponsored by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, is published. This explains that the U.S.:

«... can't run away and really should welcome... the task that history has imposed on us. This is the task of helping to shape the new world order in all its dimensions – spiritual, economic, political, social."September 9, 1960 – President Eisenhower signs Senate Joint Resolution 170 promoting the concept of a federal Atlantic alliance. Questionnaire and Treasurer of the Atlantic Union Committee Elmo Roper later delivers an address titled "The Goal is the Government of the World," in which he states:"For it is becoming clear that the first step towards a World Government cannot be completed until we advance on four fronts: economic, military, political and social."

- 1961 – The U.S. Department of State publishes a plan to disarm all countries and arm the United Nations. State Department Document No. 7277 is entitled "Freedom from War: A U.S. Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World." It details a three-phase plan for the disarmament of all countries and the arming of the UN in the final phase, in which "no state will have the military power to challenge the gradually strengthening UN Peacekeeping Force."

1962 – New calls for world federalism. In a study titled "A World Effectively Governed by the United Nations," CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield states:

«... if the communist dynamic were significantly weakened, the West could lose all incentives for world government."

The work of the author Nelson Rockefeller "The Future of Federalism" is published. The former governor of New York argues that current events urgently demand a "new world order" as the old order crumbles and "a new and free order tries to be born." Rockefeller says there is:

"the fever of nationalism ... [but] the nation-state is becoming less and less competent to carry out its international political tasks... These are some of the reasons that motivate us to vigorously lead to the true construction of a new world of order... [c] voluntary service ... and our selfless faith in the brotherhood of all mankind ... Perhaps sooner than we can imagine... the foundations for a federal structure of the free world will be developed."

- J. S. Smith (1963) William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, speaks at a symposium sponsored by the Foundation of the Republic, a left-wing project of the Ford Foundation:"The case for elite government is irrefutable ... governing the people is possible, but highly unlikely."November 22, 1963 – President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was killed according to the occult number eleven [11]. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day and the 33rd parallel. He was also murdered in Masonic Dili Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the modern world, for which the number 11 is extremely important. See Cutedge for details.

1964 – Manual II "Taxonomy of Educational Goals" is published. Author Benjamin Bloom states:

«... much of what we call 'good learning' is the teacher's ability to achieve affective goals by challenging students' established beliefs."His results-based learning (OBE) method will first be tested in Chicago schools as Mastery Learning. Five years later, the test scores of Chicago students plummeted, angering parents. OBE will leave behind a trail of debris wherever it is tried and under whatever name it is used. At the same time, it will be critical for globalists to overhaul the education system to help change the attitudes of schoolchildren.

- 1964 – Richard Weaver's Visions of Order are published. He describes:"progressive educators as a 'revolutionary clique' engaged in a systematic attempt to undermine the traditions and beliefs of society."

- 1967 – Richard Nixon calls for a New World Order. In Asia after Vietnam, in the October issue of Foreign Affairs, Nixon writes about the propensities of nations to develop regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of the "new world order."

- 1968 – Joy Elmer Morgan, former editor of the NEA Journal, publishes The American Citizens Handbook, in which he says:"The emergence of the United Nations and the urgent need to transform it into a more comprehensive form of world government places an increased obligation on United States citizens to make the most of their nationality, which is now expanding to active world citizenship."

July 26, 1968 - Nelson Rockefeller vows to uphold the New World Order. In an Associated Press report, Rockefeller promises that "as president, he will work to create a new world order at the international level."

1970 – Education and the media advance the world order. In Reflecting on the New World Order for the Decade of 1990, author Ian Baldwin Jr. argues that:«... The World Law Foundation has launched a worldwide research and educational program that will introduce a new, emerging discipline – the world order – into educational programs around the world... and will focus some of its energy on ensuring a basic world to re-organize concepts in the media at the global level."

- 1972 – President Nixon visits China. In his toast to Chinese Premier Zhou En-lai, former CFR member and now President Richard Nixon, expresses "the hope that each of us must build a new world order."

May 18, 1972 – Speaking of the arrival of world government, Roy M. Ash, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, states that:"within two decades, the institutional structure of the world economic community will be created ... [and] aspects of individual sovereignty will be transferred to supranational authority."

September 11, 1972 – The world became acquainted with terrorism at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. 11 Israeli athletes were killed. Exactly 29 years after that attack, there was another, more heinous horror : the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

1973 – The Trilateral Commission is established. Banker David Rockefeller organizes this new private organization and selects Zbigniew Brzezinski, later President Carter's national security adviser, as the commission's first director and invites Jimmy Carter to co-found.

- 1973 – Humanist Manifesto II is published:"The next century can and should be the century of humanism ... we stand at the dawn of a new era... secular society on a planetary scale ... As nontheists, we start with people, not God, nature is not a deity... we deplore the division of humanity on nationalist grounds... Thus, we look at the development of a system of world law and a world order based on a transnational federal government ... A real revolution is taking place."

September 11, 1973 – Chilean President Salvador Allende is assassinated in a brutal military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. Henry Kissinger was heavily involved in this attack, and if he had ever appeared before an international court, it is likely that he would have been charged with organizing this coup and ordering the murder of Allende.

April 1974 – Richard Gardner, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateral Commission member, and CMO member, published in foreign affairs magazine, where he states:The "house of world order" will have to be built from the bottom up, not from the top down... but the end of national sovereignty, destroying it piece by piece, will lead to much more than an old-fashioned frontal attack."

1974 – The World Conference "Religion for Peace" is held in Louvain, Belgium. Douglas Roche presents a report titled "We Can Achieve a New World Order."UN calls for redistribution of wealth: In a report titled "New International Economic Order," the UN General Assembly outlines a plan to redistribute wealth from rich to poor countries.

- 1975 – A study called The New World Order is published by the Center for International Studies at the Woodrow Wilson School of Social and International Studies at Princeton University.

- 1975 – In Congress, 32 senators and 92 representatives sign the Declaration of Interdependence written by historian Henry Steele Commander. The Declaration states that:we must unite with others to establish a new world order... Narrow notions of national sovereignty should not be allowed to limit this obligation.Congressman Marjorie Holt refuses to sign the declaration, stating:"He calls for the surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. He argues that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. He invites us to enter a 'new world order' that will redistribute the wealth created by the American people."

- 1975 – Retired Navy Admiral Chester Ward, former U.S. Navy Attorney General and former CFR member, writes in a critical review that the purpose of the CFR is "to subordinate U.S. sovereignty and national independence to an all-powerful one world government." 

1975 – Kissinger on the Couch is published. Authors Phyllis Schlafley and former CFR member Chester Ward state:

"After the ruling members of the CFR decided that the U.S. government should adhere to a certain policy, the CFR's very substantial research capabilities are used to develop arguments, intellectually and emotionally, to support the new policy, and to refute, discredit intellectually and politically any opposition..."

1976 – RIO: Changing the International Order is published by the Club of Rome Globalists, calling for a new international order, including economic redistribution of wealth.

1977 – "The Third Attempt to Establish World Order Is Published." Author Harlan Cleveland of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies calls for:"changing the attitudes and institutions of Americans" for the sake of "complete disarmament (with the exception of international soldiers)" and "the individual right to food, health and education." [Sounds like America today?]

- 1977 – Edition of the Imperial Brain Trust by Lawrence Shoop and William Minter. The book critically examines the Council on Foreign Relations with chapters such as: "Shaping a New World Order: The Council's Plan for Global Hegemony for 1939-1944" and "By the 1980s: The Council's Plans for a New World Order."

- 1977 – The three-way connection appears in the July issue of Atlantic Monthly. Written by Jeremiah Novak, he says:For the third time this century, a group of American schools, businessmen, and government officials are planning to create a New World Order...

- 1977 – Lead educator Mortimer Adler publishes Philosopher at Large, in which he says:

... if local civilian government is necessary for local civil peace, then a world civilian government is essential for world peace.

- 1979 – Barry Goldwater, retired Republican senator from Arizona, publishes his autobiography, No Apologies. He wrote:In my view, the Trilateral Commission is a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power — political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. All this must be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful and productive world community. In fact, the supporters of the Trilateral Commission intend to create a world economic power that surpasses the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe that the abundant materialism they propose to create will overcome existing differences. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future.

As part of the strange "Dartmouth Meetings". The meetings were held in Kratovo near Moscow. David Rockefeller met with Alexei Kosygin in the Kremlin. Kosygin is the author of no less strange economic reforms in the USSR, which went down in history as the "golden" five-year-old. Like all Communists, Kosygin sought to get into Western markets and included banks 🏦. What could Kosygin offer, except grain, oil, gas and weapons? Probably nothing. What potential areas of cooperation and ways were possible with a closed state set up for war we do not quite understand what common communist interests and projects interested these two? The meeting of 1975 and here is what our naive dilettante David, who is considered the great economic genius of the world, proposed. I challenged him by asking, "If the Soviet Union is really going to become a world economic power, then it must be a serious factor in world trade. How can this be if you do not have a convertible currency?" I said that I understand that the acquisition of convertibility by the ruble can create other complications for the USSR, "since your ideology requires that you sharply restrict the movement of people, goods and currency. How can you reconcile these two realities with each other?"He looked at me for a second in some confusion and then gave a confused and not particularly adequate answer. Clearly, he never seriously thought about the practical consequences of introducing a convertible currency. About a week later, I was having lunch at a restaurant in Amsterdam when Fritz Letwiler, the governor of the Swiss National Bank, saw me and walked over to my table. Letwiler said he had just returned from Moscow. He said that after my visit, Kosygin learned that he was in Moscow and invited him to his place. Kosygin was concerned about my words, and they spent two hours discussing the implications of currency convertibility for Russia." In the photo: the meeting of David Rockefeller and Alexei Kosygin.

Hamlet thinks how to say more delicately, so as not to touch the thin strings of the soul of old Man Joe about his youthful dreams of a bright future. You know, Joe, everything has changed, the world is completely different, and you continue to live in the paradigm of your carefree and crazy youth of 1970. 

Joe and the babysitter Jill Biden a year before the wedding in 1976. 

Jill Biden with sons Beau (left) and Hunter (right) in 1976. 

Jill Biden (far right) with her sisters (left) Bonnie, Kelly, Kimmy and Jen. 

Joe Biden with his sons.

Jill and Joe Biden with children.

You stayed there with Jill, stayed in that beautiful age of passion. That's the whole problem with the U.S. 🇺🇸 and the world including, Joe. It is necessary to leave on time, Joe, so as not to disgrace yourself and your family for several generations ahead. 

New or old Nazi initiatives in the form of temporary CDC operational considerations, known as banal Nazi COVID19 concentration camps

The CDC is proposing to forcibly detain people for long periods of time to protect them from what they call covid. Here's how it starts, Friends. With reports about the construction in record time of hospitals, which in fact will be places for detention, with the deployment of the armed forces in the cities for alleged assistance and so on. Know where your line is and protect it to the last.

Helga Goebbels with Adolf Hitler's dog, Germany, 1936.

Old pensioners left behind official meetings and bored from idle, as well as realizing that they have entered the Otsosin communist dead end, daily delight us with their new opuses. Thus began open calls for a single Government in the World.

A retired Brown, who was labour's last prime minister in Britain, has called for the creation of a global government to deal with the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic.The same Gordon Brown, who was both prime minister and leader of the British left-wing Labour Party from 2007 to 2010, told the British media that the world government he proposed would be able to successfully deal with the medical and financial crises caused by COVID-19, that it would focus efforts on finding a vaccine against the virus, organize its production and purchase, stop speculators, and direct central bank responses. to protect emerging global markets and "agree on a collaborative approach to using public spending to stimulate growth."Brown didn't just tell the media, he said he wanted to be invited to the U.N. Security Council with the proposal."If I were to do it again, I would make the G20 a broader organization, because in the current circumstances you have to listen to the countries that are most affected, the countries that matter, and the countries that have the potential for a massive number of people that will be affected – for example, in Africa."He also said the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund need "increased financial firepower to cope with the impact of the [coronavirus] crisis on low- and middle-income countries."What is important to know, he was a key member of the Bilderberg Club, which has been used as a forum for world elites since 1954, which also included such dignitaries as David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Emma Bonino and Pierre Elliott Trudeau. At the London G20 summit in 2009, Brown said: "I think a new world order is emerging, and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation."

Survival rates from COVID19 are age-dependent in the U.S.

✅ 0-19 years - 99,997%

✅ 20-49 years - 99,98%

✅ 50-69 years - 99.5%

✅ 70+ years - 94.6%

Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's own calculations.

At least some unofficial evidence points to the possibility of mass hysteria manifested in the accumulation of toilet paper and other necessities, driving lonely men of their cars in masks, and people practically do not leave their homes, even for a walk, even despite the fact that the risk of infection in the open air with physical distancing is negligible.

Similarly, some humans have been frightened by SARS-CoV-2 to a degree that is not easily explained by their own negligible risk of death from it.

It seems that many people believed in the existence of a killer virus, much more deadly than SARS-CoV-2 actually exists.

There is another recent case of mass hysteria related to the virus. On Emirates Flight 203 in September 2018, some passengers experienced flu-like symptoms. When other passengers noticed these symptoms, they too began to feel ill, and panic set in. The panic reached such an extent that the entire flight was quarantined as soon as it reached New York City. An investigation after the incident found that only a few passengers actually had seasonal flu or a common cold. Indeed, diseases are the ideal ground for the development of mass hysteria.

Any healthcare facility will lose the ounce of trust they still have when they are willing to risk the long-term reproductive, cardiovascular, and neurological health of an entire generation of children due to a virus that has <0.0027% IFR (infection fatality ratio) for that age group.

We will only add a fairly well-known fact: tests for a fashionable non-existent and not isolated virus have been supplied to countries around the world since 2017. The flu, since the launch of the special operation, the corona 🤴 19 on the instructions of national administrations to public doctors has disappeared, or escaped from shame for science and medicine in the jungle and since 2020 lives with a flock of wild monkeys, false pandemic, by and large hamburg is a disease of the mind of the National Administrations of the states of the world.

Canada. Rules of official/business correspondence

"... This is an official notification that all government correspondence must be professional in nature and approved by the heads of departments. 

1a) The use of colloquial expressions or statements with an intentional double meaning or insult is strictly prohibited in all means of correspondence and/or communication.

(1b) In particular, the use of the phrase "Let's go, Brandon" and any variation thereto is prohibited by the Canadian Public Service in all circumstances..."

Economics is always the best at saying whether politicians are working correctly. You can not watch anything else at all. 

🇺🇸✈Southwest Airlines canceled 27% of flights on Sunday and 24% on Saturday due to mandatory covid-19 vaccine requirements, leading to staff shortages.

Southwest pilots asked the court to temporarily block the company's compliance with the coercion on Friday.

Every New Day pleases us with new discoveries. And today was no exception. Astra-Zenek was able to produce a covid-19 vaccine in July 2018. Even before a terrible disease struck our mortal world 🗺 and received its personal name.

Apparently, just as since 2017, the administrations of the Nation-States carefully purchased test kits called "Covid-19" from an international supplier and hospital 🏥 in the person of the world's chief virologist Kristalna Ivanovna Georgiev, so the world's production was not left and was preparing for the epidemic of the new flu in 2020. 

A DEGENERATE is someone who degenerates. A degenerate is a degenerate, a degenerate, a degenerate. A person with signs of physical, mental or spiritual degeneration. In the dictionary of synonyms you can find such words that, not counting the word "degenerate", also have a semantic load related to the word - degenerate. These are: fool, donkey, bullshit, fool, psycho, mudilo, fool, moron, cormorant, churban, cretin, durik, fool, asshole, asshole, woodpecker, stoop, marasmatic, durila, mudozvon, mezheumok, balbes, duralei, fool, fool, dubye, fool, fool, idiot, etc. etc. The word degenerate comes from the Latin word - degenegats - degenerate, that is, a person with signs of degeneration, degeneration. It gives vile degenerates the truly sadistic pleasure of watching one half-mad pervert leader, brought to power by them in one state, go to war against another half-mad sadistic pervert, brought by them to power at the head of another state, and millions and millions of normal people die at the same time for the amusement and sadistic pleasure of these leaders of a degenerate sect.

DEGENERATE is used as a purely medical term, not as a dirty word. Those who can not even tolerate the mention of this term, and there are quite a few, especially in journalistic literary circles, can replace it with the word degenerate. They say it helps for breakfast 🍳. In the world around us, a degenerate can very well be a quiet, well-mannered professor of aesthetics at a local university. Degeneration is a natural process that has existed on earth for thousands of years. Degeneration is an integral part of the life cycle. Birth, youth, maturity, senile sunset, death. At the level of an individual person, this process is well known to all of us and does not need to be explained to anyone. Therefore, it is worth talking about degeneration at the level of the clan (family). Some professional historians have long drawn attention to the fact that the life cycle of clans is very similar to the life cycle of an individual person. It seems that the Lord God or Mother Nature gives each clan about an equal period of time to live on our sinful planet. When a certain clan has already passed its stage of maturity and entered the golden stage of senile decline, the Lord God or Mother Nature gives it the first call. This call tells the clan members that the clan's time here on earth is coming to an end. This is expressed in the fact that the desire for procreation through natural sexual relations is turned off. If the clan heeds the voice of God and remains childless, or takes on the upbringing of adopted children, then a golden old age awaits it. By this time, the clan usually reaches financial well-being and can already take part in various types of charity, such as normal art, normal science, normal literature. Members of this clan quietly enjoy the golden sometimes senile sunset of this kind and, in the end, go to another world, leaving people charitable foundations in memory of their good deeds. On the other hand, if it turns out to be a disobedent clan, a clan that has rebelled against God, then its members will ignore the voice of God and will try in various ways to deceive the Lord God Himself. They will try to deceive God with artificial insemination (finger made), fake marriages - to sleep with his wife, and imagine in his head that they sleep with a man or with a dog, or with their own mother, or deceive God, so the wife, with the permission of her husband-degenerate, or without his permission, goes to a local bar and finds there for one night an unsuspecting healthy normal guy. In the people all this is called "on someone else's heyu to enter paradise." Members of this disobedent, God-fighting clan begin, as a rule, to support and finance no longer normal, but degenerative charity - degenerative art, degenerative science, degenerative literature. At the same time, through the media, they will convince everyone that everything they do is normal and that there is nothing wrong with it, and the one who does not accept it is a backward person and an enemy of world progress. For such cunning, the Lord God or Mother Nature soon gives a second call. To the abnormal sexual life they also add mental illness. If, after that, the clan continues to persist in its struggle with God, then for them the third and final bell is heard in the form of birth defects, such as cachexia (Stalin's dry hand), horse foot (Goebbels), hind lip, wolf's mouth, strabismus, and so on and so forth. In normal, primitive, conditions, this guarantees the departure of a disobeding clan from the historical scene within one or two generations. Who, in their right mind, would want to marry a squint-eyed sadistic lame and hunchbacked sexual pervert?

Degeneration has three (3) stages:

1) Sexual perversions; 

2) Mental illness; 

3) Birth defects.

If you are familiar with the three stages of degeneration, you can return to the question of how to find degenerates.Yes, it is very easy to find them. One has only to look at the family tree of this clan.If the family tree is healthy, if there are many new branches and many new healthy shoots (healthy children) on it - in front of you is a normal and healthy clan. If, however, this family tree dries up (many childless couples), if it has many dying branches (suicides, mental illness, abnormal children), then you are looking at a clan that has already entered the golden stage of sunset. All we have to do is determine whether this is a degenerate clan: God-abiding or God-fighting. It's also pretty easy to do. Just take a close look at what this clan supports in the life around it. Does he spread the poison of decadence in art, science, and literature, or does he fight it with all his might and support normal art, normal science, and normal literature?

Communist economist Rothschild was tired of calling on the plebs for treatment through the subordination of the NWO and decided to go to the warmest wet places of gynecology by blocking the famous German gynecologist Ursula: 

Which team? In the sense of a criminal brigade of national administrations? With Reaching the Finish Line to the New World Order? 

Everything brilliant is always simple and vice versa, everything simple is complex. 


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