O. Henry "A Chaparral Christmas Gift" (5/6)

O. Henry "A Chaparral Christmas Gift" (5/6)


О. Генри "Рождественский подарок по-ковбойски"

When night came the five or six rooms of the ranch-house were brightly lit (вечером: «когда пришел вечер» /все/ пять или шесть комнат дома на ранчо ярко осветились). In one room was a Christmas tree (в одной из комнат стояла елка: «рождественское дерево»), for the Lanes had a boy of three (так как у Лейнов был трехлетний сынишка), and a dozen or more guests were expected from the nearer ranches (и не меньше дюжины: «дюжина или больше» гостей ожидалось с близлежащих: «более близких» ранчо).

At nightfall Madison Lane called aside Jim Belcher and three other cowboys employed on his ranch (с наступлением ночи Мэдисон Лейн отозвал в сторонку Джима Белчера и трех других ковбоев, работавших на его ранчо; to employ — держать на службе, иметь в штате).

"Now, boys (ну, ребята)," said Lane, "keep your eyes open (будьте начеку: «держите свои глаза открытыми»). Walk around the house and watch the road well (ходите вокруг дома и хорошо присматривайте за дорогой). All of you know the 'Frio Kid,' as they call him now (все вы знаете Малыша из Фрио, как его теперь зовут), and if you see him, open fire on him without asking any questions (и если увидите его, стреляйте в него без лишних вопросов: «не задавая никаких вопросов»). I'm not afraid of his coming around, but Rosita is (я-то не боюсь, что он появится, но Розита боится). She's been afraid he'd come in on us every Christmas since we were married (она боится, что он попытается ворваться к нам каждое Рождество, с тех пор как мы женаты; come in on smb. — обрушиваться, наваливаться, досаждать кому-либо)."


When night came the five or six rooms of the ranch-house were brightly lit. In one room was a Christmas tree, for the Lanes had a boy of three, and a dozen or more guests were expected from the nearer ranches.

At nightfall Madison Lane called aside Jim Belcher and three other cowboys employed on his ranch.

"Now, boys," said Lane, "keep your eyes open. Walk around the house and watch the road well. All of you know the 'Frio Kid,' as they call him now, and if you see him, open fire on him without asking any questions. I'm not afraid of his coming around, but Rosita is. She's been afraid he'd come in on us every Christmas since we were married."

The guests had arrived in buckboards and on horseback, and were making themselves comfortable inside (гости приехали на повозках и верхом и начали располагаться в доме; comfortable — уютный, удобный).

The evening went along pleasantly (вечеринка проходила хорошо; pleasantly — весело, радостно). The guests enjoyed and praised Rosita's excellent supper (гости с аппетитом ели и хвалили превосходный ужин Розиты; to enjoy — получать удовольствие, наслаждаться), and afterward the men scattered in groups about the rooms or on the broad "gallery," smoking and chatting (а потом мужчины разбрелись маленькими компаниями по комнатам и на широкой галерее, куря и беседуя; to scatter — разбрасывать, рассыпать, раскидывать; рассеиваться, разбегаться; to chat — непринужденно болтать, беседовать).

The Christmas tree, of course, delighted the youngsters (рождественская елка, конечно, восхитила детей: «самых молодых»), and above all were they pleased (а больше всего они были довольны) when Santa Claus himself in magnificent white beard and furs appeared and began to distribute the toys (когда появился сам Санта-Клаус в великолепной белой бороде и мехах и начал раздавать подарки; to distribute — распределять, раздавать; toy — игрушка).

"It's my papa," announced Billy Sampson, aged six (это мой папа, — объявил шестилетний Вилли Сэмпсон; aged — достигший такого-то возраста, в таком-то возрасте; age возраст). "I've seen him wear 'em before (я уже видел, как он надевал этот наряд: «я видел, как он носил их /эту одежду и бороду/ раньше»)."

Berkly, a sheepman, an old friend of Lane (Беркли, овцевод, старый друг Лейна), stopped Rosita as she was passing by him on the gallery (остановил Розиту, когда она проходила мимо него по галерее), where he was sitting smoking (где он сидел и курил).


The guests had arrived in buckboards and on horseback, and were making themselves comfortable inside.

The evening went along pleasantly. The guests enjoyed and praised Rosita's excellent supper, and afterward the men scattered in groups about the rooms or on the broad "gallery," smoking and chatting.

The Christmas tree, of course, delighted the youngsters, and above all were they pleased when Santa Claus himself in magnificent white beard and furs appeared and began to distribute the toys.

"It's my papa," announced Billy Sampson, aged six. "I've seen him wear 'em before."

Berkly, a sheepman, an old friend of Lane, stopped Rosita as she was passing by him on the gallery, where he was sitting smoking.

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