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Annabelle, 24 - "So I have had a few different partners over the past three months since I decided to join Nympho Date to experience casual encounters.
Meeting up and getting naughty with guys who are either younger or older than me is actually fun, and I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Will, 32 - "I had the pleasure of dating a 27 year-old nympho named Georgina. When we got together, she waited all of about seven
minutes before asking me “So when are we going back to your place?” It was a great day."

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demands of a serious girlfriend. I've kissed long-term dating goodbye a year ago, and since then I've been looking for naughty girls
who just want to have some fun. Thankful to be a member of nymphodate.co.uk!"

Iris, 34 - "Well, for a woman I'd say it's just normal to think about having some fun under the sheets. But for me I think about it and
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Beatrix, 24 - "Most of the women my age are just seeking love and romance with a long-term partner. But for me, that's just way too boring.
When it comes down to it, I just want to strip down and get in bed with someone, that's where the thrill is. Let's face it, the point of dating
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need it? Thanks to Nympho Date, I have met tons of guys who have fulfilled my desires for physical meets, and I'm quite excited to meet and
date more open-minded partners!"

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 2015/11/28 08:57am (Read 12,797 times) 

Just seen an ad so wondering what the results are, but i am not hopefull its any good. Sounds too good to be true.




It's a scam pretty much. You have to pay to read messages so i think 99% of people join thinking it is free (as advertised) but never upgrade so if you message them they cannot read the mesaage. Also when someone new joins the website prompts them to write a message which is then spammed to all members or all local members anyway so it looks like you have received lots of messages. I upgraded to view them (only paid for a month but it isn't cheap either at £30) and that is when I discovered that. Since upgrading have not received any messages of those type so am assuming it is only sent to basic members so they falsely think they have received messages.
Also on member profiles it does not state who is a full member and who is a basic member so you have no idea when sending if they can even read the message.
I have emailed their customer support about all of this so will be interesting to see what they say in reply.




this round robin system is common on all sites they use it to generate a ton of messages which are sent to numerous males so they see a full inbox of messages to prompt them to sign up .then when they paid up they open their full mailbox and see just general spam messages which are not to them but just say hello bla bla bla





I paid for membership for a few months so that I could read messages.

All messages I received were blatantly fake and from bogus accounts. Just insincere generic 'me so horny' messages.

I sent tons of messages. Never a single reply or profile view back, so I stopped paying.

Within 24 hours of my membership downgrade and privileges being removed I suddenly receive 9 replies back?! Even from messages over 1 month old! That can't be coincidence. It's a scam to make me rejoin, surely?!

Or are messages not actually delivered until you stop paying?




typical scammer format to get your CC details then you cant get rid of them




A warning to anyone thinking of joining nymphodate.. It is a complete waste of money.
You have to upgrade to reply to your msgs which you will be sent a promo offer which in my case as I didn't want to commit to a year was £17 a month.. But unbeknown to me that rate was supposedly only for the first month, it then rises to over £29. A matter which I am still in disagreement with them as I was unawere that this increase would happen.. I have asked them twice to show me where it says that on the msg sent to me. So far they have failed too so I may sue them through the small claims court.
Now to the members
Every day you will recieve pics and in some cases a list of likes dislikes and a brief profile but wether they actually are members or if they can reply to you is unknown to you.
Many times you will recieve a msg to say a female has sent you a msg, but when you open the msg you will find the member has been de activated!!! The other msgs you will recieve are generic ie sent to everyone.
I have sent hundreds of msgs and recieved one.. Yes one single reply from a genuine female who naturally enough turned out to be a waste of time.
Even if you have the most obscure likes and find a perfect match its highly unlikely you will recieve a reply.
So in total and utter waste of time and money







This site is complete rubbish, not one personal message in 6 months, all spam, to the point I think it's not even real people sending these messages just a team of sick people preying on users to give them some hope. Total let down, would not recommend, definitely a scam.




I signed up and payed through the text pay system. I have text stop to the message which said if I do so it won't continue to charge but I'm worried it will? I'm assuming that I have to un subscribe from membership also which I've attempted but it doesn't give me that option it only gives the option to delete the account where the help section says the Un subscribe button will be.? I've only been on the site a day and already regret paying. So hope it's not going to cost me again.







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Help for finding online dating services and dating apps.
A warning to anyone thinking of joining nymphodate.. It is a complete waste of money.
You have to upgrade to reply to your msgs which you will be sent a promo offer which in my case as I didn't want to commit to a year was £17 a month.. But unbeknown to me that rate was supposedly only for the first month, it then rises to over £29. A matter which I am still in disagreement with them as I was unawere that this increase would happen.. I have asked them twice to show me where it says that on the msg sent to me. So far they have failed too so I may sue them through the small claims court.
Now to the members
Every day you will recieve pics and in some cases a list of likes dislikes and a brief profile but wether they actually are members or if they can reply to you is unknown to you.
Many times you will recieve a msg to say a female has sent you a msg, but when you open the msg you will find the member has been de activated!!! The other msgs you will recieve are generic ie sent to everyone.
I have sent hundreds of msgs and recieved one.. Yes one single reply from a genuine female who naturally enough turned out to be a waste of time.
Even if you have the most obscure likes and find a perfect match its highly unlikely you will recieve a reply.
So in total and utter waste of time and money
I signed up and payed through the text pay system. I have text stop to the message which said if I do so it won't continue to charge but I'm worried it will? I'm assuming that I have to un subscribe from membership also which I've attempted but it doesn't give me that option it only gives the option to delete the account where the help section says the Un subscribe button will be.? I've only been on the site a day and already regret paying. So hope it's not going to cost me again.
I am: Straight Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Asexual Couple Group
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Motorul de căutare #1 din lume - Găseşte siteul de matrimoniale perfect pentru stilul tau de partener

Pe site-ul Nymphodate, criteriile de bază ale căutării includ:

Doar cu poză
Online acum

Căutările extinse sunt disponibile folosind niște criterii mai specializate.

Căutările regionale sunt disponibile pentru a identifica oamenii interesați de întâlniri din locația ta.
De obicei, pe site-uri mari de matrimoniale poate fi greu să primești atenție de la alți membri. Acest lucru este din cauză că sunt prea mulți membri cu profile similare, fapt ce face dificilă ieșirea în evidență. Din fericire, Nymphodate oferă o Listă Prioritară plătită în rezultatele căutării, care face ca profilul tău să fie văzut în mai multe căutări.
În plus, ai opțiunea de a crea un video pentru profil care te poate ajuta să ieși în evidență și să te separi de alți membri.

nymphodate com îți oferă abilitatea de a bloca alți membri din a te mai contacta.
Acest lucru poate fi folositor dacă primești prea multe răspunsuri de la membri de care nu ești interesat.

Ai și opțiunea de a invita și/sau a intra în conversații private cu alți membri.
Nymphodate oferă de asemenea un chat cu cameră web. Un chat cu cameră web este o prefață frumoasă și sigură pentru o primă întâlnire.

Plan pentru perioadă de probă: Premium Membership (Trial) 3 Zile cost $2,61 Dacă nu îl anulezi înainte de terminarea perioadei de probă, vei fi automat înregistrat în planul recurent. 6 Luni cost $118,26 Poți plăti acest plan cu: Card de credit. Acest plan nu este recurent, nu trebuie să faci nimic. Plan: Premium Membership Acest plan este recurent. Trebuie să îl anulezi pentru a opri plățile. 3 Luni cost $78,80 6 Luni cost $118,26 1 An costuri $197,10 Poți plăti acest plan cu: Card de credit. Nu există Planuri de Monede.

Nymphodate are un formular de înregistrare mediu cu un total de 8 câmpuri obligatorii.

Acest site are un design web complet receptiv, pentru a putea fi folosit pe orice computer, laptop sau telefon inteligent.
Dacă folosești acest site cu un telefon smart, există o versiune optimizată pentru mobil.
Totuși, încă nu este disponibilă o aplicație mobilă.

Site-ul nu îți permite să vezi profile dacă nu te-ai înregistrat ca membru. Asta îți oferă un nivel de bază de intimitate.
Din moment ce nu există o cale de a-ți masca imaginile pe Nymphodate, oricine te poate vedea.
De obicei, poți încărca o serie de poze pe profilul tău.
Totuși, toți membrii îți pot vedea fotografiile.
Unele site-uri oferă un buton de panică ce le oferă utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a fi redirecționați imediat pe alt site.
Această funcție nu este disponibilă pe Nymphodate.
Toate datele de pe nymphodate.com sunt trimise printr-o conexiune SSL, fapt care face imposibilă din punct de vedere tehnic interceptarea mesajelor tale de către altcineva.

Dacă decizi să achiziționezi un abonament premium pe Nymphodate, atunci este important să știi cum/când îl poți anula.
Pe acest site îți poți anula abonamentul premium doar offline. Nu se accepta anulările prin email sau web. Astfel, anulările sunt puțin mai dificile.

Acest site de matrimoniale le oferă posibilitatea membrilor de a-și anula abonamentul plătit dar în același timp să-și păstreze profilele online active.
Pentru a-ți îndepărta profilul de pe acest site, ai două opțiuni. Dacă îți dezactivezi profilul, acesta va fi ascuns, iar membrii nu vor mai putea să îl vadă. Această opțiune îți oferă posibilitatea de a te loga și a-ți reactiva profilul oricând. În mod alternativ, îți poți închide contul, iar profilul tău va fi șters. Odată șters, un nou profil trebuie creat dacă vrei să mai folosești site-ul în viitor.
Pe Nymphodate nu îți poți dezactiva contul,
dar tu
îți poți închide contul.
Totuși, dacă decizi să îți închizi contul, poți face asta fără costuri.
În pus, poți mereu să îți anulezi abonamentul la listele/distribuțiile de pe email.


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Site-ul de matrimoniale "Nymphodate" este in categoria Întâlniri pentru sex.
Acest site îi primește pe cei cu
heterosexuali ca orientare sexuală.
Fondat în 2009, și are acum 13 ani.
Pagina frontală a acestui site nu conține imagini pentru adulți.
Acest site face parte dintr-o rețea de site-uri de matrimoniale, care împart aceeași bază de date a profilurilor utilizatorilor.

Din nefericire, nu există cupoane sau reduceri disponibile.

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La fel ca la majoritatea site-urilor de matrimoniale, termenii de serviciu (TOS) sunt destul de lungi.

24.06.2020 : Video added 12.06.2020 : Capturile de ecran de pe site-ul/aplicației de întâlnire au fost actualizate. 23.11.2019 : Link-urile externe din site-ul/aplicaţia de întâlnire au fost actualizate.

Web Analysis for Nymphodate - nymphodate.co.uk

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The UK's premier Nymphomaniac dating site. Search thousands of hot Nymphomaniacs in your area who are looking for fun times. Date a Nymphomaniac.
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