Nurses Wear

Nurses Wear


Nurses Wear

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What nurses wear in patient care settings is a long and hotly debated subject. Years ago we all wore white uniforms and shoes and the females – caps. We stood out and were easily identifiable as nurses. Then the trend became to wear scrubs and nurses faded into a generic sea of healthcare workers, indistinguishable in many cases from techs, aides, physician residents, therapists, housekeeping staff, unit secretaries, etc.
Once scrubs became the norm, we started to get “creative” with various patterns, sports team logos, cartoon characters, hearts and logos, etc. With or without the patterns, it remained hard for patients and visitors and even some staff members to know who’s who. The name badges we wear are often covered with sweaters or lab coats or flipped over so our name, credentials and title are obscured.
Many hospitals have gone to color-coded scrubs so that both patients and staff can tell who’s who. Read about one such hospital that instituted this change
My husband was recently hospitalized and the facility he was in used this system. I can’t tell you how great it was to know who the nurses were at a glance and to be able to immediately identify who walked into the room or know who to flag down in the hall when we needed something. It’s an idea whose time has come.
I work at one of Boston’s larger academic institutions. The policy is that we all wear hospital-issued blue scrubs. OK, these scrubs are scratchy and ill fitting and wrinkled when you go pick them up, but I appreciate the concept behind them. 1. Nurses are supposed to come to work in their civilian clothes, put on clean scrubs for the shift, then take them off and drop them at the laundry before leaving the hospital. When I think of the bugs I can pick up at the hospital and spread to the world on my commute home, I understand this approach. 2. If all nurses wear blue scrubs, all physicians wear seafoam green scrubs, all aids wear dark blue scrubs and all janitorial personnel wear kelly green scrubs, no one is ever confused about who to ask for medicine and who to ask for a clean bathroom. Admittedly, I have my own blue scrubs I bring to work and change into. I’m allergic to the chemicals and starches our hospital uses in theirs, plus the scrubs are ill fitting and wrinkled, making me feel much less professional than a person in well fitting and pressed clothes. But many of my contemporaries wear cutesy scrubs with hello kitty and cartoon hearts and teddy bears on them, which I think is unprofessional in an adult-care setting. We wouldn’t be allowed to wear corporate logo clothes or childish patterns in the business word setting, why should we wear our favorite sports logo in a hospital setting and be taken seriously? Scrubs are wonderful in both their comfort and increased utility (it’s easier to pull someone off a stretcher and onto a bed when you’re wearing pants, isn’t it?). But we work in an environment where our patients and their families shouldn’t have to struggle to know what member of their healthcare team has just walked in the room…. they’re in the hospital for a reason and isn’t that struggle enough? Creating a color coded uniform policy is an easy way to bypass this confusion, contributing to our shared goal of maximizing a person’s comfort and knowledge of their environment while undergoing a stressful event in their life. Of course, I also believe in having your nametag visible at all times and promptly identifying yourself each time you encounter your patient. These are simple things that make a big difference! I say bravo to hospitals that are instituting this policy as I’ve seen firsthand the difference it makes.
What happened to professionalism? It’s gone out the window. My husband was in the hospital in 2006 and most recently 1 month ago and received the most unprofessional care I’ve ever witnesses. Thanks to their negligence I buried him on May 5. I’ve been an RN for 36 years and while I know there are good RN’s out there, there seems to be a gross shortage of them in central IN. I got copies of the nurses notes and there were shifts with no documentation. The notes from his last day were filled with untruths, disputed documentation of my statments to his nurse, and notes that didn’t describe his actual condition at all. It seems to me, with the white professional appearance went the ability to care.
I work at a trauma center in Louisville, KY. I am an RN. I also have my SANE license and FNE certification. Us SANE nurses received a call yestersday stating that the SANE nurses and FNE nurses were no longer allowed to wear those credentials within the hospital unless thery were here for an exam. They stated that it was confusing to the patient’s. These are credentials were earned. Others in the hospital display CCRN, RNC, etc. What are your thoughts>?
Maureen, It is challenging to respond to your post without knowing all the particulars. You don’t say who called or why the decision was made. I don’t even know what department you work in. I would need to know what the policy/local regulations are related to SANE nurses in your facility and local area. Because there are so many variables, I suggest that you contact the national office of the International Forensic Nurses Association and/or local network of forensic nurses to see how other nurses/facilities are handling this.
When I was a student in the late 80s, only OR staff wore scrubs. RNs wore white pants (starched of course) and a solid colored top. 20+ years later, I can’t even find non-scrub nursing uniforms. I think the lack of professionalism and compassion stem from the profession itself not having the power to decide what makes a good nurse, not weeding out those who lack critical thinking skills, and not having a standardized point of entry for the profession. Many people hae chosen nursing as a second career-after their original job went overseas or their plant closed. For many people, nursing is seen as a paycheck-not a profession. Everytime I see nurses in scrubs with Tweety bird, flowers, peace signs, whatever, I’m convinced that soon the entry level for “professional” nurses will be a high school diploma or GED. If another RN shows up to an interview with jeans and flip flops, I’m not even going to waste my time speaking with them.
I finally did it after 22 years. I am now an ICU and We nurse and ER Nurse for four legged and furry and appreciative patients who do not eat big macs, smoke and drink, over eat, do not exercise and then want you to dix them. Could care less about you education and just want pain meds and a warm. Blah, blah, blah, blah, heard enough stop stuffing your face, get off disability, be a productive member of society, stop procreating. Sad that people make me cringe. The best things in life are FURRY!!!
March is National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month. Twenty-six years ago, my husband was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Twenty-six years ago, I became a
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Sea Girt, NJ (January 2022) – The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) announces that Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, CSP, FAAN will be the Endnote speaker at
Recently while traveling, I enjoyed breakfast at a chain restaurant. Several tables were occupied, and I noticed only one server doing all the front-end work:
Donna Cardillo PO Box 15 Sea Girt, NJ 08750 Phone: 848-241-3166 E-mail:

Home Workwear for Nurses What Do Nurses Wear? 5 Things You Should Know

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Nurses serve an integral role in the hospital. They provide valuable assistance to the doctors responsible for saving lives in the hospital.
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As such, nurse uniforms were designed to keep their patients, themselves, and their coworkers safe from germs and contaminants.
If you have ever been to a hospital or seen one in a television show or movie, you would have noticed that all nurses were wearing the same thing .
These are their medical scrubs that protect their bodies and their patients while they do their work.
Medical nurses are provided with various protective wear when conducting their duties in the hospital or clinic.
Their medical scrubs differ from department to department.
Furthermore, they may vary depending on the rank of the nurse or their given responsibilities.
Nurses are also given face masks and shields to protect them from infectious diseases.
While nurses primarily use their medical scrubs around the hospital, you may be wondering about any accessories or footwear they may have.
Some nurses are allowed to have things such as watches and gloves to assist them in their duties.
In addition, they have a pocket on their scrub uniform shirt to keep anything they may need inside of it.
Subsequently, nursing essentials and other medical equipment vary depending on the department they work in.
This article will highlight what do nurses wear throughout their responsibilities in the hospital.
Medical scrubs are the most common form of clothing for nurses.
It serves to make nurses easily identifiable to assist whoever may need it. Furthermore, medical scrubs are sterilized constantly so that they do not spread disease.
Scrubs were designed with ease of cleaning in mind so that they may always be disinfected.
They are almost always in solid colors so that nurses can quickly identify when it is dirty with contaminants.
These uniforms comprise a pair of pants and a shirt.
Nurses are also required to follow medical clothing guidelines when choosing their scrubs .
Scrubs are composed in a particular way using a blend of materials. Most scrubs are made up of cotton, spandex, or polyester.
Cotton is the most popular choice and is often regarded as the best in surgical settings.
The material is thin and loose to provide a wide range of movement.
This material is also very easily cleaned and disinfected .
It may be confusing as to why cotton is the fabric of choice.
While certainly, the cotton fabric may seem contradictory with its ability to absorb contaminants and dirt, the cotton canvas is an entirely different material.
It is naturally resistant to water which protects the nurses.
As previously mentioned, medical scrubs differ depending on various factors. They are most commonly in bluish or greenish colors, but this is not a requirement .
The medical scrubs that nurses wear depend on where they work. Their employer or facility that they work in may require a certain kind of medical scrub.
Different departments also usually feature other scrubs to identify who works in these areas quickly.
Senior nurses also may be given a different color shade than their subordinates.
The same goes for doctors who are often given a different color altogether. It is important to note that these are not definite rules but rather an industry norms.
Other hospitals have other color coding and requirements for their medical scrubs.
Smaller healthcare facilities such as clinics may not require their nurses to wear a specific type of shoe.
They may opt to have them wear any comfortable sneakers or tennis shoes that they want.
More extensive healthcare facilities such as hospitals, however, often have a shoe requirement.
In hospitals, nurses are usually made to wear slip-resistant clogs like you would wear if you were working in a restaurant.
Like their medical scrubs, nursing clogs serve a valuable purpose .
Clogs are comfortable with adequate support to keep nurses happy throughout their long days.
They are also slip-resistant so that they do not fall on any slick floors or surfaces in the hospital.
Nurses are responsible for caring for patients, and a fall would impair their ability to do so and maybe even harm the patient.
Furthermore, clogs allow for the easy recognition of any stains or liquids that may have gotten on them.
Finally, the material clogs are primarily made of also allows for easy cleaning and disinfecting.
Some hospitals or departments may require nurses to use athletic shoes when needed.
Athletic shoes give excellent mobility to nurses that need them .
They are also lightweight and comfortable, so it is easy on their feet.
These shoes are reserved for the more active nurses who work in emergency areas or areas that need them to move around a lot.
Some nurses are required to wear medical caps on their heads as a part of their uniforms.
However, you most likely will not see a nurse wearing a medical hat in the reception area or other parts of the hospital.
Medical caps are used on nurses who work in the surgical departments where medical operations happen.
These caps serve to keep hair and any contaminants contained within them from falling out onto patients.
During surgical situations, any contaminants that fall into a patient’s hollow body can quite literally mean their death.
The medical caps are almost precisely the same as a standard shower cap. The difference is that medical caps are made of the same material as the medical scrubs nurses use.
Aside from medical caps, most nurses are required to wear a face mask as well .
The face mask protects the nurses from any diseases or germs that their patients may be carrying. Pretty much most nurses will be seen with face masks on as hospitals are hotspots for illnesses.
An outbreak can happen fast if the proper care and protection are not taken seriously.
The gloves worn by nurses are called medical gloves or surgical gloves. The chances are that you have come across this in your lifetime during science class.
Medical gloves are primarily made up of the material called latex .
What these gloves provide is protection against any chemicals or contagious bodily fluids from patients.
Latex is entirely water-resistant, meaning that it cannot soak up any liquids .
Liquids that come in contact with the surgical gloves come off without passing through.
These gloves keep the hands of nurses and healthcare workers wholly safe and dry on the inside.
Nurses are made to handle many dangerous and harmful substances that may put themselves or others in danger throughout their duties.
As a result, these gloves allow them to hold and touch these substances without risking any contact with themselves .
In addition, cross-contamination is put to a halt with these gloves as they are disposed of immediately after use.
Nurses typically use medical gloves in many situations around the hospital. It is required to be used when in the operating room or performing anything on the patient.
Whether it is changing clothes or injecting them, a nurse must wear medical gloves to ensure no contamination occurs.
They are also used when sterilizing medical equipment so that no contaminants the nurse may have on them may transfer to the equipment.
Medical-friendly watches have been a staple of nursing for some time.
Nurses need to keep on time when it comes to a patient’s schedule, such as feeding, medicine, and other activities.
Watches allow nurses to stay on schedule and monitor a patient’s health accurately .
Many tasks performed by a nurse require precise timing and serious deadlines.
Without a watch, their timing would become inaccurate and put the patient at risk.
Not all watches are safe for nurses.
Some may be prone to contamination or not water-resistant. However, watches have been designed explicitly for use by medical professionals .
The watch straps are made of easily sanitized materials and ones that are not easily contaminated.
Furthermore, the watch heads themselves are waterproof so that no harmful substances may go inside.
These days, most nurses utilize smartwatches due to how much functionality they provide.
Smartwatches allow nurses to set alarms, perform precise timings, and schedule events all on their wrists.
They can even receive notifications and phone calls on their smartwatches if they are needed.
These watches are great for connecting the network of nurses and doctors to serve their patients better. It also makes the job easier for these essential healthcare workers.
Medical clothing and accessories for nurses are designed with purpose and functionality in mind. Nurses have the vital job of keeping people alive and healthy.
Because of this, it is essential that their clothing and accessories allow them to perform at their best while staying protected themselves .
Medical scrubs protect these healthcare workers from any germs or contaminants and are easy to sanitize.
Furthermore, the caps that they wear protect patients from any germs that might be in their hair. See also: Can Nurses Have Colored Hair?
Gloves and shoes are also designed to keep the nurses working at their best and safest.
Lastly, watches make sure that a nurse is never late to provide their essential assistance.
Protection, comfort, and functionality are the key components of nurses’ clothing and accessories.
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Nurses wear clothing designed to protect themselves and their patients. The exact type of clothing that a nurse wears will depend on the facility in which they work, as well as their role within that facility, but it typically includes the following:
Most types of nurses wear scrubs in the workplace.
Scrubs are simple uniforms that are easy to clean and disinfect. They often have solid colors that help patients to identify the nurses (and nurses to identify stains), but there are more colorful options available. These non-traditional designer scrubs tend to be worn in low-risk settings or wherever the dress code allows.
Most scrubs are made from a blend of polyester and cotton. It creates a uniform that won't fade or harbor bacteria and is very easy to clean. Scrubs can also be made from rayon and spandex bl
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