Nurse Sleeping

Nurse Sleeping


Nurse Sleeping

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Ann E. Rogers, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., associate professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, and the Center for Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. E-mail: ude.nnepu.gnisrun@sregorea
Caffeine should be used therapeutically. Caffeine should not be consumed on a regular basis or when alert. Instead, caffeine consumption should occur only at the beginning of a shift or about an hour before an anticipated decrease in alertness (e.g., between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.). To reduce the possibility of insomnia, caffeine consumption should stop at least 3 hours before a planned bedtime. 202
Nurses should be allowed to nap during their break and meal periods. Naps should be short, e.g., less than 45 minutes, to reduce the likelihood of awakening from deep sleep and experiencing sleep inertia. 143 Some nurses may prefer to take a shorter nap, and have a 15-minute wake up period before they resume patient care.
Nurses, particularly those who start their shift at 11 p.m. or midnight, should consider napping prior to starting their shift. Not only are nurses who work at night required to be awake and vigilant when their body temperature is lowest and their sleep tendency is greatest, they are typically awake longer before the beginning of their shift than workers on other shifts. 203
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