Nurse Piss

Nurse Piss


Nurse Piss
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Nurses’ Bladder 2015-02-10 2015-02-10 Marcus Engel 200px 200px

© 2018 Marcus Engel | Web Design By Gravitate

If you’re a nurse working on the floor, you’re probably familiar with this term. If not, here’s a definition: Nurse’s Bladder: the training and ability to hold one’s pee for a 12 hour shift.
Is this healthy? A urologist would probably say no. But, said urologist may not have half a dozen call lights and bells ringing, grabbing for every bit of multi-tasking energy a nurse can muster. When sick patients have needs, bodily functions of caregivers often get pushed to the back burner.
A few days ago, a friend introduced me to her cousin; a med surg nurse, Julie, out of Pennsylvania. My friend told the tale of a recent trip to an amusement park with Julie…
“The other three girls in our party? It seems like we spent half the day waiting in line for the restroom. Not Julie! She told us she has a nurse’s bladder.” For every three or four bathroom breaks the rest of the group had, Julie had only one.
I wasn’t surprised…in fact, I find this is pretty common in the profession of caregiving.
To most nurses, it probably seems like no big deal. But, I ask you…how many other jobs can you think of where one doesn’t even get to perform bodily functions for such an extended period of time? It’s hard to think of a single job outside of health care.
What’s the point of me bringing this up? Simple recognition and affirmation. Every chance I get, I’m sharing with non-health care folks just how hard professional caregivers work. And why do they do it? They (you) simply want to help. Help patients like me, help people like me. We are all indebted to those of you who put our immediate needs ahead of your own.
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These nurses enjoy giving each other enemas but first for safety precautions they put on a pair of latex gloves then they watch as their naughty patients get what they deserve. These nurses enjoy giving each other enemas but first for safety precautions they put on a pair of latex gloves then they watch as their naughty patients get what they deserve. These nurses enjoy giving each other enemas but first for safety precautions they put on a pair of latex gloves then they watch as their naughty patients get what they deserve.
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Stories about you or someone you know getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated, this forum doesn't really have to abide by the rules from the forums above, feel free to share stories about you (or someone you know) getting stripped by whatever or however.
Back in 2005 I suffered from congestive heart failure and spent five days in ICU until they could get all the built up fluids out of my lungs and body. I never pissed so much in my life. The same day I showed up to the ICU a real mouthy attractive woman was there for a medical emergency directly across from me. (Doctors think she was there to score pain meds claiming there was something wrong with her bladder) I could see into her room and hear everything that junkie complained about.

The entire time the woman was nuisance screaming, throwing food, and having multiple temper tantrums getting on the ICU nurses' nerves. Every time the nurses checked on me they would tell me they wished all their patients were as nice as me. I was always joking with the nurses making them laugh and telling them how I appreciated everything they were doing for me.

A few days later the nurses came to prep the junkie lady for her operation. Before they went to prep the junkie lady they opened my privacy curtain along with all the other patients. Each time they opened up curtain wide I heard the nurse say, "Watch this."

When I watched the nurse go back to the trouble maker junky's room the nurse barely moved the privacy curtain allowing everyone in the round room to peer into the junky's room. I saw one of the nurse's helping the woman get out of hospital gown then removed the woman's panty's revealing a black monster bush the likes I haven't seen since the 1980's. The nurse looked up to see if we were all looking and of course we were. She gave us a wicked smirk before she started going to work on the hot trouble maker junky woman's monster bush after the nurse made the woman spread her legs.

Standing so not block everyone's view the nurse began denuding the woman's bush down to the stubble. When the trimmer went to work it looked similar to a sheep getting sheared. The nurse collected all of the cut bush hair placing it into a kidney shaped pan. Then came the lather and the razor, the nurse made the junky woman's vulva as smooth as a baby's butt.

I thought the show was over then the nurse told the woman to get onto all fours to remove any hair near the woman's asshole. Watching the nurse rub shaving foam around the woman's exposed ass was funny because the junky woman was squirming around. When the nurse ran the safety razor around the woman's anus the nurse left the junky woman on all fours with her freshly shave cooch sticking straight up in the air for all of to see as the nurse cleaned up the mess.

While one nurse cleaned up another nurse quickly went around to close everyone's privacy curtains so the woman never knew she was the center of attention for all the staff, patients, and the giggling porters who came to wheel her to the operating room. I have to admit it was quite a show.
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