Nurse Pee

Nurse Pee


Nurse Pee



General Nursing



I have actually had a real break to eat and drink
Nice... way to mock nurses who really dont have time to pee. Are you in management?
Nice... way to mock nurses who really dont have time to pee. Are you in management?
I have updated my Facebook and posted another ridiculous "nurses save lives" or "nurses are with you the 95% of the time your doctor isn't" or the "I'm a nurse I don't have time to pee" meme.
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I have spent the last 2 hours doing my job and hanging drips of medications to save peoples lives. I have spent hours holding hands with patients and talking to their loved ones. I have passed the bathroom 20 times but I have not taken the chance to pee (all of 15 seconds). I have had ridiculous patients ask for ridiculous things and have fetched blankets and water for patients but I have not taken the time to pee. Now I sit in the break room, or the nurses station, or in the hall ******** to my colleges about not being able to pee. I have actually had a real break to eat and drink but yet I will ***** about not being able to pee. I have updated my Facebook and posted another ridiculous "nurses save lives" or "nurses are with you the 95% of the time your doctor isn't" or the "I'm a nurse I don't have time to pee" meme. Now; now you ask me to hang the medication or come to the trauma! I haven't had time to pee!!!

Specializes in ER, Med/Surg.

Has 8 years experience.

472 Posts

Time management; you're doing it wrong.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing, Pediatrics.

Has 10 years experience.

277 Posts

Specializes in Palliative, Onc, Med-Surg, Home Hospice.

Has 6 years experience.

896 Posts

Take the time to pee! Your kidney's will thank you.
A patient can wait for his blanket!
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think you guys get this.
hint: OP is saying, "we all have time to pee if you get off your phone and quit moaning"

Specializes in Oncology, Medicine.

Has 7 years experience.

430 Posts

Nice... way to mock nurses who really dont have time to pee. Are you in management?

Specializes in OB-Gyn/Primary Care/Ambulatory Leadership.

Has 16 years experience.

14,276 Posts

If you literally don't have time to pee on a regular basis, then you need to work on your time management. If you literally cannot take 45 seconds out of your day to pee, then you have poor prioritization skills.
hint: OP is saying, "we all have time to pee if you get off your phone and quit moaning"
I'll be honest, (and it's embarrassing): the satire flew straight over my head. It flew so high that I can't even see it anymore.

Specializes in OB-Gyn/Primary Care/Ambulatory Leadership.

Has 16 years experience.

14,276 Posts

Yeah, I can't stand the "nurse as martyr" image.
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Nurses’ Bladder 2015-02-10 2015-02-10 Marcus Engel 200px 200px

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If you’re a nurse working on the floor, you’re probably familiar with this term. If not, here’s a definition: Nurse’s Bladder: the training and ability to hold one’s pee for a 12 hour shift.
Is this healthy? A urologist would probably say no. But, said urologist may not have half a dozen call lights and bells ringing, grabbing for every bit of multi-tasking energy a nurse can muster. When sick patients have needs, bodily functions of caregivers often get pushed to the back burner.
A few days ago, a friend introduced me to her cousin; a med surg nurse, Julie, out of Pennsylvania. My friend told the tale of a recent trip to an amusement park with Julie…
“The other three girls in our party? It seems like we spent half the day waiting in line for the restroom. Not Julie! She told us she has a nurse’s bladder.” For every three or four bathroom breaks the rest of the group had, Julie had only one.
I wasn’t surprised…in fact, I find this is pretty common in the profession of caregiving.
To most nurses, it probably seems like no big deal. But, I ask you…how many other jobs can you think of where one doesn’t even get to perform bodily functions for such an extended period of time? It’s hard to think of a single job outside of health care.
What’s the point of me bringing this up? Simple recognition and affirmation. Every chance I get, I’m sharing with non-health care folks just how hard professional caregivers work. And why do they do it? They (you) simply want to help. Help patients like me, help people like me. We are all indebted to those of you who put our immediate needs ahead of your own.
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Home Working as a Nurse Do Nurses Relieve Patients? Learn the Facts

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Nurses are an important part of the healthcare industry, they spend years studying and practicing to devote their life to patient care and attend to their individual needs.
Unfortunately, their role is still underrated and many patients and healthcare colleagues don’t appreciate the role that nurses have in the wellbeing of patients.
In this article, we are going to about ethical problems like how should nurses treat their patients , what is their role in the healthcare industry, and do nurses relieve patients or give them handjobs.
Nurses have a vital role in the healthcare team. They are not only in charge of administering medication and checking the vitals but they also provide relief and increase the well-being of a patient .
Nurses regularly check patients and notice any subtle change in the symptoms that could be a warning sign, they teach the patient about his/her symptoms, how to take care of themselves.
As a nurse like I am , you need to look at patients from a physical, mental, and spiritual perspective to promote wellness. You also provide emotional support not only for the patients but also for the patient’s relatives.
You build a relationship with the patient based on commitment, trust, and support.
The nurse’s main priority is the patient , you are directly involved in the patient’s care and collaborate with other healthcare professionals in the diagnose and treatment.
The patient should trust you and know what to expect with the treatment. Proper patient care has positive effects on the patient like relieving the anxiety symptoms, more acknowledgment of his/her condition.
The answer to the question “ Do nurses relieve patients? ” is a simple “ Yes “.
But do nurses perform controversial relieving methods like giving a handjob to a patient? That’s coming up next.
Nurses are not supposed to provide any sexual relief to the patient , this includes not only handjobs but other inappropriate sexual behaviors like kisses, touching the genital area without gloves, or performing an intimate examination without the right clinical justification.
Working as a nurse , you should never feel forced to give a handjob or perform any other sexual activity to a patient.
If you need to perform a medical procedure in which the penis has to be erected like inserting a catheter the most ethical way to do it is by stimulating the prostate.
In terms of sexual misconduct, there is a guideline from the National Council of the State Boards of Nursing .
It states that sexual misconducts are not only unethical but also illegal and doesn’t include only sexual intercourse, performing a sexual examination with no clinical justification but also includes these behaviors :
Performing inappropriate sexual behavior has a wide range of consequences that go anywhere from sanctions, one-year suspension to revocations .
Certain nurses can volunteer to become sex nurses and help disabled couples that have chronic conditions like muscular dystrophy that affect their motor skills to have sex.
This is a legal activity because the nurse helps the disabled partner to have sex with his/her couple but isn’t performing any inappropriate sexual activity.
Nurses are not only in charge of taking care and promoting the physical health of the patients but also have an important role in their mental health and wellness.
Nurses have to look beyond the physical needs of the patients. Here are some basic things you need to know about treating your patient’s the right way:
It’s important to always follow these guidelines when working with your patients.
The role of nurses goes far beyond administering medication and checking the vitals of a patient.
They are part of an active team of health professionals whose main goal is your health and well-being.
Nurses don’t only pay attention to your physical needs but they also provide emotional-spiritual support and guide you through the process of making decisions.
The right way to treat a patient involves different aspects like communication to understand the situation of your patient and address his/her concerns.
Respect and treat all the patients equally no matter their race, gender and don’t make judgments.
Inappropriate sexual behaviors are not permitted and are considered unethical like giving a handjob or making sexual suggestions .
Patients that receive proper health care will have shorter hospital stays, a more positive view of the recovery process, reduced anxiety symptoms, and overall wellness.
At this point, you should whether do nurses relieve patients or not, and do nurses give handjobs to patients or not.
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Setting: busy med/surg/tele/neuro floor.
Hx: LPN x5 years in acute rehab; RN on current floor x1 month post preceptorship.
Giving report to day nurse trying to hurry and get home so I can do my 30 minutes of rowing (yay!) so I can come back tonight and do it all over again. Giving report on my CBI patient, which has been wide open all night so I've been in there nonstop. No biggie, I need the steps. I emptied the Foley 30 minutes before change of shift but, of course it needs emptying again while we are giving beside report. So, as I'm giving report to the dayshift nurse, I start to empty the bag into the 3000ml canister that sx provided (thank you!). Then, because I'm not really paying full attention to the canister, I feel wetness on my leg.
Never in my adult life did I ever think I'd say I had pee pee pants... I quickly moved on, hoping the more experienced nurse did not notice. Rushed home and had the hottest shower in the world.
Anyone else want to share their embarrassing experiences?
Good news, it was CBI, so it was probably only 25% pee. 😂 I’ve done it more than once myself.
I was emptying a Foley one time right before shift change and somehow the spigot popped out of the graduated cylinder and aimed itself right into my shoe. Pee pee shoe. Grossest walk out of the hospital ever...
I had a colostomy bag explode on me.
I was heavily pregnant and got down to empty a foley. I couldn't stand back up! My patient was able to lend me a hand up...thank goodness
Hooked a patient up to dialysis via CVC. Started the pump. The CVC came out of the incision so blood is shooting out of the incision AND the catheter. (Placement was confirmed. Had been using it all week. No idea why this happened). At that exact moment the patient’s family walked in.
Quick thinking. I threw a blanket over the patient so it didn’t look like a murder scene. Turned off the pump and lifted the blanket just enough to stop the bleeding and clamp the dialysis lines while they made small talk.
CBI in a c.diff rule out PPE gown dips into the cannister I am emptying the urine into! Not as bad as my own scrubs, but yuck.

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