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Nurse Milking Patient


Nurse Milking Patient
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Nurses are an important part of the healthcare industry, they spend years studying and practicing to devote their life to patient care and attend to their individual needs.
Unfortunately, their role is still underrated and many patients and healthcare colleagues don’t appreciate the role that nurses have in the wellbeing of patients.
In this article, we are going to about ethical problems like how should nurses treat their patients , what is their role in the healthcare industry, and do nurses relieve patients or give them handjobs.
Nurses have a vital role in the healthcare team. They are not only in charge of administering medication and checking the vitals but they also provide relief and increase the well-being of a patient .
Nurses regularly check patients and notice any subtle change in the symptoms that could be a warning sign, they teach the patient about his/her symptoms, how to take care of themselves.
As a nurse like I am , you need to look at patients from a physical, mental, and spiritual perspective to promote wellness. You also provide emotional support not only for the patients but also for the patient’s relatives.
You build a relationship with the patient based on commitment, trust, and support.
The nurse’s main priority is the patient , you are directly involved in the patient’s care and collaborate with other healthcare professionals in the diagnose and treatment.
The patient should trust you and know what to expect with the treatment. Proper patient care has positive effects on the patient like relieving the anxiety symptoms, more acknowledgment of his/her condition.
The answer to the question “ Do nurses relieve patients? ” is a simple “ Yes “.
But do nurses perform controversial relieving methods like giving a handjob to a patient? That’s coming up next.
Nurses are not supposed to provide any sexual relief to the patient , this includes not only handjobs but other inappropriate sexual behaviors like kisses, touching the genital area without gloves, or performing an intimate examination without the right clinical justification.
Working as a nurse , you should never feel forced to give a handjob or perform any other sexual activity to a patient.
If you need to perform a medical procedure in which the penis has to be erected like inserting a catheter the most ethical way to do it is by stimulating the prostate.
In terms of sexual misconduct, there is a guideline from the National Council of the State Boards of Nursing .
It states that sexual misconducts are not only unethical but also illegal and doesn’t include only sexual intercourse, performing a sexual examination with no clinical justification but also includes these behaviors :
Performing inappropriate sexual behavior has a wide range of consequences that go anywhere from sanctions, one-year suspension to revocations .
Certain nurses can volunteer to become sex nurses and help disabled couples that have chronic conditions like muscular dystrophy that affect their motor skills to have sex.
This is a legal activity because the nurse helps the disabled partner to have sex with his/her couple but isn’t performing any inappropriate sexual activity.
Nurses are not only in charge of taking care and promoting the physical health of the patients but also have an important role in their mental health and wellness.
Nurses have to look beyond the physical needs of the patients. Here are some basic things you need to know about treating your patient’s the right way:
It’s important to always follow these guidelines when working with your patients.
The role of nurses goes far beyond administering medication and checking the vitals of a patient.
They are part of an active team of health professionals whose main goal is your health and well-being.
Nurses don’t only pay attention to your physical needs but they also provide emotional-spiritual support and guide you through the process of making decisions.
The right way to treat a patient involves different aspects like communication to understand the situation of your patient and address his/her concerns.
Respect and treat all the patients equally no matter their race, gender and don’t make judgments.
Inappropriate sexual behaviors are not permitted and are considered unethical like giving a handjob or making sexual suggestions .
Patients that receive proper health care will have shorter hospital stays, a more positive view of the recovery process, reduced anxiety symptoms, and overall wellness.
At this point, you should whether do nurses relieve patients or not, and do nurses give handjobs to patients or not.
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Do lady doctors like to touch men's penises during examinations?
Author has 65 answers and 860.8K answer views · 2 y ·
As a female nurse or doctor, did you ever feel a little turned on by a male patient's erection?
Have any nurses ever walked in on a patient masturbating and helped him out?
Are nurses ever required to give handjobs as part of a medical procedure?
Do female student nurses get embarrassed when male patients get an erection in front of them?
As a nurse have you ever been in the room for a physical exam with a male patient and been honestly shocked by the size of their penis?
As a female nurse or doctor, did you ever feel a little turned on by a male patient's erection?
Have any nurses ever walked in on a patient masturbating and helped him out?
Are nurses ever required to give handjobs as part of a medical procedure?
Do female student nurses get embarrassed when male patients get an erection in front of them?
As a nurse have you ever been in the room for a physical exam with a male patient and been honestly shocked by the size of their penis?
What does a nurse do if while bathing a man, he gets an erection?
Can a female doctor get turned on while examining a male patient’s private part?
My doctor helped me masturbate. Is this normal?
Have any female doctors or nurses experienced a male patient ejaculate during a physical exam?
Have you ever had an erection and ejaculation in front of a female nurse?
As a female nurse or doctor, what was your reaction when you were examining a boy’s or a man's penis and it became erect?
As a nurse, have you caught a patient having sex or masturbation? If yes, what did you do?
What happens if you get your penis hard in front of a doctor during a private part inspection?
Do most men get an erection when having a genital examination by a male doctor in front of a female nurse?
Does a nurse help a patient to masturbate?
As a female nurse or doctor, did you ever feel a little turned on by a male patient's erection?
Have any nurses ever walked in on a patient masturbating and helped him out?
Are nurses ever required to give handjobs as part of a medical procedure?
Do female student nurses get embarrassed when male patients get an erection in front of them?
As a nurse have you ever been in the room for a physical exam with a male patient and been honestly shocked by the size of their penis?
What does a nurse do if while bathing a man, he gets an erection?
Can a female doctor get turned on while examining a male patient’s private part?
My doctor helped me masturbate. Is this normal?
Have any female doctors or nurses experienced a male patient ejaculate during a physical exam?
Have you ever had an erection and ejaculation in front of a female nurse?
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Oh yes I do. When I interned as a nurse, I was 19 years old. They made me do the examinations. I was so nervous when I was examining the first penis (the boy was 11). However, that 11 year old already had a 6 inch penis, which is extremely uncommon. The mother made me measure it, so I had to touch it. After I examined the first penis, I was never nervous examining a penis again. However, what was really weird was when I was told to examine the penis of a classmate from college. I did so, and he had a boner at the time. He was at least 9 inches and it was the most pleasuring thing that I had ev
Oh yes I do. When I interned as a nurse, I was 19 years old. They made me do the examinations. I was so nervous when I was examining the first penis (the boy was 11). However, that 11 year old already had a 6 inch penis, which is extremely uncommon. The mother made me measure it, so I had to touch it. After I examined the first penis, I was never nervous examining a penis again. However, what was really weird was when I was told to examine the penis of a classmate from college. I did so, and he had a boner at the time. He was at least 9 inches and it was the most pleasuring thing that I had ever seen in my life. He saw my excitement and he let me play around with his dick. He admitted to me that he was crushing on me, and we would later go back to his place and I had the time of my life.
These women saying we aren't turned on by a clean, well kept Penis are either not actually straight, programmed themselves into this wierd superiority thing about men being animals and such, or have a strong hatred of the beefier, sexier gender, most likely due to not getting men in general, or have been turned down their whole life because of their horrible personality. Yes… we like to see it. We don't want it randomly, nobody does. But a well kempt bundle of joy turns us, on 90/100 of us. Older generations pretend it's gross because of the wierd “sex is not okay” mindset from their era. Don'
These women saying we aren't turned on by a clean, well kept Penis are either not actually straight, programmed themselves into this wierd superiority thing about men being animals and such, or have a strong hatred of the beefier, sexier gender, most likely due to not getting men in general, or have been turned down their whole life because of their horrible personality. Yes… we like to see it. We don't want it randomly, nobody does. But a well kempt bundle of joy turns us, on 90/100 of us. Older generations pretend it's gross because of the wierd “sex is not okay” mindset from their era. Don't worry boys, we like it just as much as you. Please ask first however.

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After Colorado nurses were suspended for mocking a dead patient's genitals, we couldn't help but wonder: how often does this happen, really?
Last week, Denver7 news reported that five nurses at Denver Health Medical Centerwere suspended for allegedly mocking the unusually large package of a patient who died in their facility. The nurses in question are alleged to have opened the man’s body bag to admire his big penis after the patient was deceased. Yikes.
When we heard this story, we had one question: how common is this sort of thing, really? We know that doctors and nurses are supposed to remain clinical and objective, but they’re human, too. So are they regularly checking out their patients' junk? And if so, are they going so far as to show off their, um, unusual attributes to their colleagues? And is there specific ethical guidance given in the case of genital abnormalities, like a particularly large penis ? To get answers, we asked people on the front lines: nurses, doctors, and medical students.
Broadly speaking, the answer is that it's pretty unusual for nurses to show a dead patient's penis to their co-workers. “Honestly, we see so much of the body and so many variations that it all starts to blur together," a working nurse practitioner told Men's Health . "[A penis] becomes no more remarkable than a kneecap is to anyone else.” (Due to the sensitivity of the subject matter, most of the people we spoke with chose to remain anonymous.) Which is to say that despite what you might think of your penis, it is unlikely that there’s anything going on down there that would register with doctors and nurses.
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This is, in fact, a fairly large part of medical experts' training: in medical school, nurses and doctors are shown the most extreme examples of graphic medical cases and deformities, so they are able to maintain their professionalism when confronted with these instances IRL. “In training, we were shown some particularly bad images,” said the nurse practitioner, “so you don't ever make your patient uncomfortable by looking shocked.” Additionally, since nurses are usually the ones doing bedside care and administering catheters, they're not super likely to be fazed by a large penis.
That said, it's not unheard of for doctors and nurses to cross professional boundaries. Men's Health spoke with an attending physician with five years of experience who could recall numerous examples of his colleagues making inappropriate comments about patients' bodies. “I even remember being told that some guy had really swollen testicles " on an MRI, he said. Additionally, dark humor abounds in the ER and trauma surgeons often use such jokes as a coping mechanism to deal with the extreme nature of their work. So while what happened in Denver is unusual, it is quite possible that if you have particularly interesting genitalia, the subject will come up in conversation in a break room.
The question of whether it is appropriate to joke about a patient's genitals because more cut and dry after a patient dies. Respect for cadavers is taught from the earliest stages at medical school. Anna*, a medical student based in New York City, told Men's Health “our cadaver is our ‘first patient.’ We are supposed to treat them with respect." That said, she added, "anatomy professors will draw your attention to medical abnormalities. For example, my cadaver had such an abnormally small penis that my anatomy professor called him a 'she' by accident."
It turned out that this was likely due to a medical abnormality, and that the cadaver was likely intersex. "Once that was established, students from other tables were encouraged to come look at our cadaver," she said. In such cases, if a medical abnormality is involved, "it seems like it's fair game to ogle" for educational purposes, Anna said. "But I haven't heard of anyone going around talking about penis size or different vaginal shapes or anything like that. My understanding is that that would be considered highly unprofessional.”
So if you’ve got a particularly noteworthy set of genitals, it’s certainly possible your medical professional will discuss them with their colleagues out of earshot. But going so far as to show off a dead body for non-professional purposes is clearly out of bounds. As the nurse practitioner we spoke to said of the Denver nurses, “if they were doing what they were accused of doing, they likely deserve to be fired.”

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