Nurse Masturbate

Nurse Masturbate


Nurse Masturbate
Nurse caught me masturbating, how embarrassing is it?
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I'm a 28 year old guy and I had to stay in hospital for a week. I feared getting erections in front of the nurses all the time but to be honest, that couldn't have been further away from my thoughts. I was not in the mood and the hospital environment is far from sexy.
However, the day would inevitably arrive. I started to get raging erections all the time for no reason and my testicles actually hurt. Since I had to stay still for the time I was there, I couldn't even do it in the bathroom.
I was in a private room so I took my chances during a quieter time of the day. I cannot masturbate under sheets or clothes, so I had to lift those. Just I had finished ejaculating, the nurse suddenly comes in. I quickly covered myself up but she surely must have seen what was going on.
Because I had all the mess down there and all over my hand, I was afraid she would come have a look at me. So I asked her if she could come back in a minute. She acted like she didn't understand what was going on and came back later, giving me time to clean myself.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone but it was extremely embarrassing to me. Nurses, is this commonplace? I don't mean from those patients with dementia or who have somehow lost inhibitions, just from "normal" patients.
This is very common lol you handled it well.
It depends on the nurse, to be honest, and how often they have to deal with the situation. I think it’s more the shock of unexpectedly walking in on someone that gets people. Personally, I don’t care.
Funny story, we have cameras in my unit, they don’t have sound and can’t record, they are just there to make sure no one falls out of bed. Each patient is notified about them when they arrive, but apparently one guy didn’t care and started going for it one night. We had a few people who thought it was funny, but his nurse and I just told the camera person to turn the camera away from “the main event” and we’d let her know when to turn it back based on his heart rate. Heck, the guy’s blood pressure was a whole lot better after he was done, so as far as I’m concerned, he saved us a bit of work and probably felt better afterwards. Win-win.
Only bugs me when patients continue to masturbate when I am talking to them.
I walked In on a lady going down on her man. It happens.
It’s not uncommon from what I hear. Not a huge deal to staff but there is no privacy in hospitals
Doesn't bother me at all. I've walked in on it a couple of times, usually with dudes about your age. I just say "oh! Sorry to barge in. I'll come back in 20 minutes" and then leave. I'm usually so busy I forget about it by the end of the day! Don't stress.
It happens. I’d just give them some privacy and return at a later time.
It happens! You're not deliberately doing it in front of staff or anything. We only mind if you do it on purpose to harass us. When you're alone is fine we'll just come back later.
I don't why some nurses are so flustered when this happens. It's a natural part of life yo. You did what you could to maintain some privacy. So whack away I guess. Hahahaha.
I would laugh my ass off and we would never talk about it.... NOWWW, if you were jerking off in the hallway making a big thing of it, I would have to document it in your chart and probably call security if you didn't stop.
Nah, it's all good. I've seen my fair share and don't remember a single one. It happens, you're human!
We are trained to give privacy and ignore it. It's not our job to intentionally embarrass you.
Don't fret about it :) We see all kinds of stuff and honestly, masturbation is probably some of the tamer things.
Happens. I had one patient where after the third time, I would carry a towel into the room to just toss it over his groin and carry on with my task (and him with his - he didn't stop just because I was there, you know).
Happens all the time. If she realized it she may have had a quiet chuckle. Don’t worry about it.
Why not? If there is no actual reason someone shouldn’t be masturbating (I mean, if someone has a roommate, or keeps going into SVT or a-fib, they probably shouldn’t be), who cares? They will feel better, be less snarky to staff, be less stressed. If they feel good enough to do that I know they probably aren’t dying. Some of these people are relatively healthy adults stuck in the hospital for some time.
I mean, someone inappropriate about it is going to have boundaries set, but some embarrassed guy that thought he would have enough time alone to quickly and stealthily rub one out? Nope. “Call me when you’re ready to have your medications,” and I’m out with the door closed behind me.
Why? If he is in a private room and not disturbing or harassing anyone, who cares? Just turn around, shut your mouth and come back later.
Why not? I mean as long as they aren't trying to blatantly expose themselves and they are in a private room, there's no issue.

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Nurses are an important part of the healthcare industry, they spend years studying and practicing to devote their life to patient care and attend to their individual needs.
Unfortunately, their role is still underrated and many patients and healthcare colleagues don’t appreciate the role that nurses have in the wellbeing of patients.
In this article, we are going to about ethical problems like how should nurses treat their patients , what is their role in the healthcare industry, and do nurses relieve patients or give them handjobs.
Nurses have a vital role in the healthcare team. They are not only in charge of administering medication and checking the vitals but they also provide relief and increase the well-being of a patient .
Nurses regularly check patients and notice any subtle change in the symptoms that could be a warning sign, they teach the patient about his/her symptoms, how to take care of themselves.
As a nurse like I am , you need to look at patients from a physical, mental, and spiritual perspective to promote wellness. You also provide emotional support not only for the patients but also for the patient’s relatives.
You build a relationship with the patient based on commitment, trust, and support.
The nurse’s main priority is the patient , you are directly involved in the patient’s care and collaborate with other healthcare professionals in the diagnose and treatment.
The patient should trust you and know what to expect with the treatment. Proper patient care has positive effects on the patient like relieving the anxiety symptoms, more acknowledgment of his/her condition.
The answer to the question “ Do nurses relieve patients? ” is a simple “ Yes “.
But do nurses perform controversial relieving methods like giving a handjob to a patient? That’s coming up next.
Nurses are not supposed to provide any sexual relief to the patient , this includes not only handjobs but other inappropriate sexual behaviors like kisses, touching the genital area without gloves, or performing an intimate examination without the right clinical justification.
Working as a nurse , you should never feel forced to give a handjob or perform any other sexual activity to a patient.
If you need to perform a medical procedure in which the penis has to be erected like inserting a catheter the most ethical way to do it is by stimulating the prostate.
In terms of sexual misconduct, there is a guideline from the National Council of the State Boards of Nursing .
It states that sexual misconducts are not only unethical but also illegal and doesn’t include only sexual intercourse, performing a sexual examination with no clinical justification but also includes these behaviors :
Performing inappropriate sexual behavior has a wide range of consequences that go anywhere from sanctions, one-year suspension to revocations .
Certain nurses can volunteer to become sex nurses and help disabled couples that have chronic conditions like muscular dystrophy that affect their motor skills to have sex.
This is a legal activity because the nurse helps the disabled partner to have sex with his/her couple but isn’t performing any inappropriate sexual activity.
Nurses are not only in charge of taking care and promoting the physical health of the patients but also have an important role in their mental health and wellness.
Nurses have to look beyond the physical needs of the patients. Here are some basic things you need to know about treating your patient’s the right way:
It’s important to always follow these guidelines when working with your patients.
The role of nurses goes far beyond administering medication and checking the vitals of a patient.
They are part of an active team of health professionals whose main goal is your health and well-being.
Nurses don’t only pay attention to your physical needs but they also provide emotional-spiritual support and guide you through the process of making decisions.
The right way to treat a patient involves different aspects like communication to understand the situation of your patient and address his/her concerns.
Respect and treat all the patients equally no matter their race, gender and don’t make judgments.
Inappropriate sexual behaviors are not permitted and are considered unethical like giving a handjob or making sexual suggestions .
Patients that receive proper health care will have shorter hospital stays, a more positive view of the recovery process, reduced anxiety symptoms, and overall wellness.
At this point, you should whether do nurses relieve patients or not, and do nurses give handjobs to patients or not.
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So your patient got an erection, is that right? He covered himself and you left the room, how do you feel harrased?

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I feel so embarrased to share this story, but I can't stop thinking.
I was helping a young male patient to take a shower. He was washing himself, and I was just helping his back, but suddenly he grabbed the towel, covered the area, and told me that he has something. I didn't see or realize anything until he told me so.
I just told him that it's okay and will bring a male nurse to help. I left the shower and brought the male nurse to finish the job. I took care of him until the end of my shift.
I know that it was out of his control, and he was apologetic, but I feel like I got harrased somehow and can't stop thinking about my behavior. I try to be nice and sweet to my patients, but I don't do anything special to male patients. I'm not sure and kinda feel down...

Specializes in Med/Surg & Hospice & Dialysis.

Has 6 years experience.

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So your patient got an erection, is that right? He covered himself and you left the room, how do you feel harrased?

Specializes in Trauma/Critical Care.

Has 10 years experience.

208 Posts

Did he make a pass at you, a comment, a gesture??
I do not mean to be harsh, but if he did not, then you will need to develop a tougher skin, because as a bedside nurse, I assure you, you will encounter similar situations in the future.

Edited Jan 15, 2012 by Nccity2002


Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Has 11 years experience.

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6,837 Posts Not harassed at all. The poor guy was embarassed it sounds like and wanted you to not only not see it but wanted you to leave. How does that make you harassed??

Has 13 years experience.

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I have to say when I worked in Urology I saw more than my fair share of erections.. Believe me, most of the men were more embarassed than I was. He did not harass you. He was embarassed to. This will happen. You will have to learn to deal with it.
Men can have reflexogenic and psychogenic erections, a man can experience a reflexogenic erection in response to touch when washing himself, or a psychogenic erection in response to erotic thought. When a patient experiences a reflexogenic erection (as was the case in the situation you describe), reassure him that it is a reflex response and is nothing to be embarressed about. Either carry on with what you are doing or ask the patient if they would like to be left alone for a moment. There is no need to send a male nurse in to take care of a patient who has experienced a reflexogenic erection. Once you become better informed about sexual health, you will feel more comfortable in these situations.

Edited Jan 15, 2012 by dishes


Specializes in ED/ICU/TELEMETRY/LTC.

Has 20 years experience.

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You need to realize that as a nurse you will have to deal with all bodily functions. Some voluntary, some not. You should act professionally, not take it personally. You were not even close to being harrassed.

Specializes in LTC.

664 Posts

Girlie, the man was more embarressed then you..harrasing would *not* be covering up and making a pass at you. You have to act like penises don't exist when you're a unfortunately cannot be a blushing flower. When ya put in a catheter, ya gotta grab hold of it, you can't think that you're the cause of the other nurse said, it was an accident, just like when a man gets an erection in the morning...just..happens sometimes. I woul dhave just plowed through, he probably felt bad he embarresed you enough to have to get a male nurse. I would have just said, "I'm sorry, we're almost done" Or "I'm sorry, we're done anyway I'll leave you a moment and get your clothes ready" and just ended the shower a bit short.
it's not because he's a male and you're a female, he could have gotten an erection if a man was washing him down too. Has nothing to do with the fact you're a girl and you "did something special"
Besides the fact you left a patient, however stable, in the shower alone......

Has 5 years experience.

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Harrassed, no way. Men get erections if the wind blows, I commend the patient for covering himself and letting you know he was uncomfortable.
The way you described it, sounds the opposite, like he tried to establish modesty, rather than harass you. I can assure you, you would understand the difference, had he really attempted to harass you.

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.

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