Nurse Femdom Stories

Nurse Femdom Stories


Nurse Femdom Stories
Apologies for lack of posts over recent days. I had a crazy week at work and then, on Friday, I got my 2 nd shot of the Moderna vaccine. I’m very much looking forward to resuming a more normal social and kinky life, so that’s a positive thing in the long run. Unfortunately, its most immediate effect was to knock me out for 24 or so hours.
I’ve had a lot of needles stuck in me over the years . This one was probably the most important of them all and also the least painful. I felt there should have been a balloon drop or fanfare when it happened. Or at least a chance to high five people as I left. A poky little back office in a Safeway pharmacy – just around the corner from the deli section – seemed an odd place to get the magical juice designed to stop a global pandemic that’s killed millions.
For anyone into the more fun kind of medical play then check out Mistress Euryale and in particular her Vermilion clinic . She’s a Hong Kong based pro-domme with a lot of medical fetish clips available . Above image is from her Vermilion clinic twitter feed .
When I first saw this Jay Em image I just figured it’d be an amusing one to feature in my series of medical themed posts. The above post title then flowed pretty naturally from the subject matter. However, no sooner than I’d written the title than the thought struck me – “I bet that’s a real thing. Spanking Therapy. It sounds exactly like the kind of thing that somebody would offer.”
It turns out I was right. In fact it’s available from multiple sources. There’s the Spanking for Wellness site, that offers therapeutic spanking in a non-sexual atmosphere. There’s the Spanking Therapist who combines ‘supportive counseling with a structured spanking plan’. For those in NYC, there’s the NY Spank Clinic which offers to help with stressful and emotional difficulties in life. For those wanting a little more discipline with their therapy, there’s Ms. Aria who offers to ‘help people who need assistance breaking habits, changing their behavior, resolving issues, achieving goals, or simply letting go of tension.’ And those were just the ones I found in a few minutes searching.
Personally I’m more a fan of the playful and sexual side of spanking. But for those who want to combine personal growth with heavy blows to the buttocks, it’s nice to know their are options out there.
I’m very happy as I got to play with Lydia tonight. After my recent posts on medical issues and kink, I did have a fleeting thought that the Gods of coincidence and comedy might choose to screw with me, and target me for an emergency room trip. Fortunately Lydia is far too talented and careful for that to happen, so I got to enjoy some sensory deprivation and heavy bondage with no ill effects.
I’ve joked with dommes in the past that if I do wind up in ER, I’m going to be the one moaning quietly to myself on a hospital trolley, while they’ll be out front explaining exactly what perverse sexual practices landed us there. However, I also have a mental picture of it playing out like the overdose scene in trainspotting . I’d get poured into a cab with a twenty in my top pocket, and end up unconscious in front of the local ER. That would be a terrible way to end a session, but great fodder for an X-rated Bob Newhart * style comedy sketch. I picture a calm but slight puzzled doctor phoning my next-of-kin to try and figure out how he should diagnose a naked and collared man with an electrified buttplug at one end and a dreamy smile at the other.
I’m not sure what’s wrong with the gentleman in this picture, but at least he has no shortage of helpful nurses to try and diagnose the issue. Unfortunately I don’t have a source for the image
* If you’re unaware of Bob Newhart’s comedy then I’d suggest checking out his sketch Defusing a Bomb . That should give you a good idea of what you’ve been missing.
Writing about kink and doctors in yesterday’s post reminded me of an old Max Fisch thread that describes an amazing medical story. It starts with two members of Max’s forum attending a play party. They don’t know each other at all, either in real life or online, and just happen to be at the same event. It ends with one, a doctor, saving the other’s life. And not in a vague ‘that activity looks risky’ way, but in an urgent ‘blood clot in the brain’ way. It’s a cool story and well worth reading . I don’t think the problem arose directly because of kink, but it was certainly lucky that a kinky doctor was around. If you follow the thread to page 2 you can also read her response to the thread (post from SurferDoc).
The medical professional in the image below doesn’t look quite as conscientious or caring as SurferDoc proved to be. I’m not exactly sure what she’s up to, but it doesn’t look good for our helpless and immobilized hero.
I’ve not run across this image before. From the image name it would appear to be an Eric Stanton drawing, and it does look a bit like his style.
Kink and fantasy medial scenes are a pretty natural pairing. Kink and actual medical professionals can be a bit more problematic. The Daily Beast has a good article on that topic entitled ‘ Coming out kinky to your Doctor, in Black and Blue ‘. It covers some of the risks and dilemmas involved in sharing exactly where that bruise or rope burn came from.
Personally if there was ever an issue I needed to discuss, or I was directly questioned about it, I’d be open with my doctor. After all if I’m willing to share my kinks with a professional dominatrix, why not a medical professional? I also assume that doctors see unusual stuff all the time, and whatever I’ve done is going to be old news to them. I once spent an instructive few hours browsing a forum for medical interns. They were sharing crazy stories from the emergency room, and it was pretty clear that whatever kinky shenanigans I got up to, it was never going to top what the average trainee doctor sees on a regular basis.
Of course I’m lucky. I have good healthcare, live in a liberal city and have a wide choice of doctors. If my choices were more limited I’d perhaps feel differently.
The image is of the wonderful Eleise De Lacy of Femme Fatale Films .
As I mentioned in previous posts, I was in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, the day before I flew down, a nasty bug hit me. It wasn’t enough to knock me out entirely, but it did leave me feeling pretty rotten. That presented a conundrum. Normally if I’m sick I don’t play. Bottoming in a scene takes a lot of energy, which I don’t have if I’m unwell. I want to ensure that I’m warm, rested and hydrated, not naked, beaten and sweaty. However, in this case I had a limited window of opportunity. I’d set up sessions with Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li , and I was only in town for a handful of days. I didn’t want to miss out on getting together, and I didn’t want to mess them around by cancelling. They were happy to deal with the less than healthy me, but how would I cope?
In the end I came up with what I thought was a cunning plan: I’d try and make my reactions to the session work for me. Specifically, I’d try and use the endorphins generated to power through my vacation. I normally have a post session buzz than can last for hours or even days. So I figured I’d leave my body to fight the nasty virus, while I floated through the trip on a BDSM induced high. I’d still have the symptoms, but maybe I just wouldn’t care.
With my cunning plan in place, the next question was: What type of session should it be? Ideally it needed to be something calm, meditative and involve a lot of lying down on my part. I wanted the endorphins, but I also had a sore throat, so anything involving heavy pain and screaming was a non-starter. Given a fuzzy stuffy head, heavy breathplay was out, as was any kind of gag. Ultimately I decided piercing was the perfect solution. Painful and ritualistic enough to get me juiced with all the right brain chemicals, but not extreme enough to stress my body or drain my energy.
Unfortunately, I’m sad to say that while the theory might have sounded good, in practice my plan was slightly less cunning that I had originally thought. On the plus side, the immediate reaction was all I had hoped for. Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li did a brilliant job and I left appropriately floaty. That lasted for several hours and allowed me to do typical vacation stuff with my friends. At that point, I then crashed, and crashed hard. It wasn’t sub drop. I guess it was virus drop. Or getting-needles-through-the-genitals-while-sick drop. I basically ended up wiped out for 48 hours, and feeling worse than I had before the session. Just to double check my data, I ran the whole experiment again a few days later and got exactly the same results. Great for the few hours while the initial endorphin hit lasts, terrible after that.
In conclusion I’d suggest that if you’re sick and have a critical job interview or task to accomplish, then BDSM may help. Get yourself tied and tortured in your preferred fashion immediately beforehand, and you’ll float through feeling great. But if your goal is simply to get better as fast as possible, I’d avoid getting down with your kinky self. That is unless your kink involves warm drinks, restful naps and watching daytime TV on your couch.
This image is by the Australian photographer Peter Coulson . I do have some personal shots taken from my San Francisco sessions that I’ll put together for a later post.
Finally, to finish off this run of medically themed posts, a drawing from the great Namio Harukawa . A lot of his work is very explicit in its themes, but I like this one for it’s slightly more restrained approach. It could almost be a normal nurse/patient scene. Almost. He’s looking just a little too entranced with the curvy vision in front of him, and she’s not exactly maintaining her distance. Sure enough, in later shots , it gets a little more explicit .
Yesterday’s post on the reality of medical facilities got me thinking about the origins of fetishes. Scott left a comment about his recent medical procedures and how unerotic they were, which aligns with my personal experiences of hospitals. Yet, the medical fetish seems to be a very popular one. I think that offers a great illustration of just how complex fetish origins can be.
Looking at ‘simple’ fetishes like feet, latex or stockings it’s tempting to come up with a very reductive explanation, involving just the right mixture of the item in question, a female figure of desire and an impressionable child. A suitable blend of positive elements and poof, fetish wiring imprinted into the brain. But how does a child subvert something as unpleasant as a hospital stay into an erotic charge later in life? That’s not an obvious ‘positive’ origin at all. One might guess that fear, female authority figures, clinical intimacy and a focus on the body all play a role. But it would seem impossible to boil it down to some sort of Pavlovian response to basic stimulus.
I’m not really a fetish person, but like a lot of areas of human sexuality, I do find them fascinating to ponder. They may manifest themselves in a similar fashion (fetishized+fetishist=fun), but their origins must be highly variable and complex.
This seems to be a suitable image to continue the medical femdom theme. I found it on the iHonorHer blog . I believe this is Stephanie Seymour from Vogue France in 1995 .
I’m back in Seattle after a vacation packed with a little more incident than I was hoping for. My mother is in town from England for a few weeks and I thought I’d show her the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately she got a little too up close and personal with some of the beauty, after slipping and falling on the beach. Two days, two hospitals and many hours later, she was sporting a cast and couple of metal pins to hold a broken wrist bone in place. Not a great souvenir to bring back from vacation.
I have to say that if you ever want to cure somebody of a medical or nurse fetish, just make them spend time in some real medical establishments. I wasn’t the one being treated, but I did get to kill a lot of time just hanging around different bits of the hospitals. They’re horrible places. Beige and grey throughout, with drab utilitarian furniture, scuffed surfaces and condescending public service posters plastered everywhere. The only gleaming white and visually interesting places – like the ICU or operating theater – are the spots you’ll only experience in really bad situations when sexy fun time is definitely not in your thoughts.
The nurses varied from brusque and surly through to efficient and helpful. But none had me rushing out to fake up a minor injury to get treated. I saw more eye catching women in 10 minutes in downtown Vancouver than I did in 10 hours at nurse central. My favorite was the highly officious one who insisted on getting my agreement on the $600 initial fee before starting treatment. This while mom was moaning in pain and going into shock. I’m not sure what poor foreigners are supposed to do if they injure themselves in Canada. Just moan quietly and try not to bleed too much before they can get home?
Anyway, just because reality sucks, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the fantasy. Here’s an image from Peter Coulson featuring a nurse and patient depicted as many of us would wish them to be.
Here’s a little artwork I came across on my random ramblings through Japanese BDSM blogs. I believe the artist is Haru Kano and he has a blog featuring his femdom and fetish artwork . There’s also a thread containing more of his work available at this image board . His style is quite distinctive and in some cases reminds me a little of Namio Harukawa . For example, this face sitting shot definitely puts me in mind of some of Namio’s work.
The image below of a slave getting a good wash and scrub down isn’t something that would normally appeal to me. I’m typically not a fan of humiliation type play. However, I do like his bound kneeling posture, and it’s very hard to not be taken with a trio of attractive aggressive Japanese nurses.

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Femdom stories is a broad term but in this category of Femdom Destiny, you are about to find some of the best femdom stories ever published. List of available stories is often updated so I suggest that you bookmark this page and mark it as a resource of great female domination stories. There are almost all niches covered, from humiliation to the brutal torture. Between available stories, you will find short and long ones. It is up to you to pick your favorite type and you should know that here you will read stories published by amateur and professional femdom writers. I think that variety of resources is very important for a good reading experience so you should leave comments below each story. You can also suggest some good stories you liked and send us by e-mail so we can publish them in this femdom stories section. Enjoy your reading.
Enthralled and Enslaved is the new story by Steve Rulesh. I’ve just got it and decided to publish it. This is probably one of the longest femdom stories recently, so prepare yourself to spend some quality time reading, it is definitely worth. You can also leave comments below and vote at the bottom of the … Read more
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Stanley Roberts wasn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Anyone with an ounce of brains could tell that much from the fact that he was twenty-four years old and sitting on the couch watching pro-wrestling. Stan was just barely smart enough to grasp the fact that it wasn’t real, but he still loved watching … Read more
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He stood transfixed. The tile floor made every word, every shriek of laughter echo. The humid air from the steam bath seeped through the rest of the locker room, making him dizzy. Or maybe it was the sight of those women ‑ all those women. Half‑dressed, wrapped in towels, dripping wet, laughing, playfully touching each … Read more
I don’t know why I forgot to wear men’s briefs that day, perhaps I was just so used to the comfortable feel of silk panties I didn’t even think about it when I got dressed. Maybe I had an unconscious desire to be caught; literally to have my little secret uncovered. So here I was … Read more
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Part One – The Banana I was only 12-years-old when the high school girl who lived next door caught me masturbating into a pair of stockings. I thought I was well hidden in the bushes between out two houses, but I didn’t realize that my performance was taking place just below her bedroom window — … Read more
It all started when I got a new job at the Hathaway Corporation. I’d just graduated and now held a doctorate as well as my first degree. I was pleased with my new position as Head of IT at this large PR company. It had taken me a long time to find a decent job … Read more
Kate pulled her keys out of her purse, relieved to be home after a long day at the office. As she unlocked the front door he smiled, thinking of how many times she had lapsed into random sexual fantasies during many of the more boring meetings she had been in that day. It was certainly … Read more
I remember the day well. It was the day after the afternoon visit by Miss Emily, the day when you had asked me to consent to being punished by Miss Emily and not yourself for my failure to curtsy to her when I had curtsied to you. I had consented. Miss Emily had been harsher … Read more
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