Nurse Asstr

Nurse Asstr


Nurse Asstr

Copyright 2018 by English Boy , all rights reserved
* * * *
story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced
spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for
purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be
in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not
of legal age in your community to read or
such material, please leave now.Β 

This story is the property of the author. It may be
redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to
be used commercially. Using this material in any commercial
publication, including websites, withough the express permission of the
author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was
written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by
those under the legal age.
This is a story of casual, unprotected sex, and is a
work of fiction. In real life, use a condom, damnit! Unwanted babies,
HIV and all sorts of lesser sexual diseases await the idiot who "dips
his wick" or "rides the rod" with impunity and without protection.
Naughty Night Nurse (MF, con, impreg?)
The following happened to me a few years ago in Autumn.
I had been at a movie theatre (watching Titanic, if you must know) when
all of a sudden my stomach cramped horribly and I doubled over in pain.
Naturally some of you will blame the movie -- I actually thought it was
good, and was seeing it for the second time. Rushing out of the
theatre, I collapsed to the sidewalk and stayed there for a while,
experiencing the closest feeling I'll ever get to childbirth, I'm sure.
I was finally able to drive myself to the Emergency
entrance of the hospital. After being brought into the sick ward and
laid onto a gurney, I passed out.
I woke up a few hours later. The night shift had started
and a VERY attractive nurse was checking the saline drip in my arm.
What a beauty! Bouncy, curly brunette hair framing a gorgeous face, a
tall, slim body with curves that any sports car would have loved to
hug, and breasts that almost put the pillow behind my head to!
She noticed I had woken and was
ogling her...oops! I guess the hospital gown I had been changed into
during my unconsciousness didn't leave much to her imagination either,
as I was starting to tent out. I gave her a weak smile and turned away
in embarrassment.
The rest of the ward was mostly empty, except for a
couple of sleeping forms on gurneys near the nurse's station. I was
mostly alone in my corner of the room. Turning back to the nurse, I
noticed she was lightly chewing her lower lip in a thoughtful way as
she looked at me. Now, I'm not a really handsome guy, I mean I'm not
ugly either, but I'd never been looked at by a woman in quite this way
before. She saw the look on my face and became all business again.
I spoke first, but it came out strangely: " I
think that burger I had for lunch gave me food poisoning." Was that my
voice? I sounded like a cartoon frog!
"Just a minute", she said, heading back to the nurse's
station and around the corner.
I waited, watching intently. It looked like she was the
only one on shift for this ward tonight.
She returned with some ice water, which I drank greedily.
"Slowly", she said concernedly. "Slowly..." She moved my
hands and took the cup, feeding me the water bit by bit. This caused
her to bend over enough to show some incredible cleavage.
Damn, I knew it was probably Florence Nightingale
complex, but I really think I was falling in love with this woman.
"You have a nasty flu strain that
just hit town," she said. "It causes severe stomach cramps. If you can
find something to take your mind off the pain it'll pass faster."
Come to think of it, I hadn't noticed the pain since she
had bent over. Uh-oh, Mr. Wiggly was showing himself again, and the
pleasurable friction against my gown had distracted me from the cramps.
The nurse looked down. "Mmm...maybe there *is* a way to
take your mind off it..." She got up, headed to the other side of the
bed, and pulled the privacy curtain all around the area, cutting off
the rest of the ward from what was occurring. Turning back to me, she
unfastened the top buttons of her tight blouse, showing even more of
her bodacious ta-tas. Mr. Wiggly also showed himself again, now
standing at full (seven inch) attention as if the national anthem was
being played. Pulling up my gown, she raised her eyebrows at my obvious
appreciation of her charms. "Nice..." she sighed, lowering her mouth to
my member.
I couldn't believe how warm her mouth was as it
surrounded my cock, sucking, nibbling, up and down. I closed my eyes,
rapt in the moment. I couldn't believe this was happening. Thank you
Lord, I thought.
After a wonderful few minutes she suddenly removed her
mouth. COLD, my mind yelped, as her saliva started drying on my member.
I looked up. She had pulled up her skirt (no panties!) and was climbing
up on the gurney.
"I've got to have that in me," she said, a lusty look in
her eye. She straddled my lap, facing me, and reached down to secure
her new little friend. I laid back, wondering what I had done in life
to deserve the exquisite feeling of her hot hole slowly surrounding my
penis as she settled into place. "Mmm", she purred.
Reaching back to brace herself with
the back bars of the gurney, she rose up and then down, slowly at
first, then increasing in speed. After a bit of this she leaned forward
to whisper in my ear, "Be sure to let me know when you're going to cum.
This is a really dangerous time of the month for me."
Gulp. I didn't want to get her "into trouble", so I had
no problem with that, although a small part of me liked the idea of
impregnating this flawless beauty, to merge my genes with her perfect
being. No no no! I would definitely let her know. Sigh.
Leaning back, she unbuttoned more of her blouse, letting
her beautiful boobies spill out. Jesus! I couldn't believe how round
they were, with light brown areolae encompassing small, stiff, pointed
nipples. If I could have sat up I would have buried myself in them, but
as it was I just laid back, both witness and participant in the most
erotic thing I've ever seen in my life. Minutes passed. Her boobs were
bouncing up and down in time with her increased tempo and her eyes were
closed now. Her breathing was getting heavier and I was thrilled that I
might be able to give this goddess the orgasm she deserved.
Then I realized that the familiar tingle was beginning
in my loins. I was getting close, but she was too! I had to hold out!
Gritting my teeth, I tried to think about anything but what was about
to happen:

- puppies (that grow into dogs; dogs go into heat and do it doggy style
-- ARGH!)

- ugly women (that get plastic surgery and turn into hot babes -- ARGH!)

- baseball (a womens team, caressing long wooden bats -- ARGH!)

I wasn't going to be able to hold out! I had to tell her to get off of
me before the worst happened.
"Uh...I'm gonna..." was all I got out before she quickly
brought her mouth to mine and gave me the most passionate, wet, tonguey
kiss in my life. Her thighs clamped around mine as she started to grunt.
"Mmmph...MMMPH!" Our muffled groans merged together,
both from pleasure and my sudden panic. Her hips were moving even
faster, though the up-and-down motion was shallow...she was into the
short strokes!
Her pussy went nuts around my cock, milking it,
demanding my liquid sacrifice. She was cumming, and HARD! I gave up,
the pleasure spreading up my shaft as I spurted my pent-up seed inside
her clasping cunt. Oh GOD, it felt SO GOOD to empty myself into that
warm, moist tunnel! Feeling my throbbing ejaculation within her, her
eyes flew open to meet mine, then closed as she renewed our
tongue-wrassling with vigor. Her pussy again undulated around my shaft
as multiple orgasms wracked her body. After another 30 seconds she
stopped, quivering and panting heavily atop me. My stomach cramps were
long gone. "Guess life's a craps shoot, huh?" she whispered. I wasn't
sure if she was referring to the circumstances that brought me to her,
or the possibility of new life growing within her womb. Wondering, I
fell back to sleep.
The nurse dismounted the cute patient (well, a puppy-dog
kind of cute, she thought), pulled her skirt down and re-buttoned her
blouse. Checking his saline drip to make sure it hadn't come loose, she
also checked his pulse to make sure she hadn't done anything permanent
to him. It had happened before.
Speaking of permanent, she was glad she had put her
diaphragm in prior to her shift. She had been so horny the last couple
days due to her fertile time of the month that she thought she might
slake her lust on a fly-by-night patient, and she just had. I'm sure
his pleasure was enhanced by the "danger" of the coupling, she thought
to herself wryly.
Walking back to the nurse's station, she felt the man's
cum start to run down her thighs. Hmm, she thought, *did* I put the
diaphragm in tonight, or am I thinking of yesterday's shift? Uh-oh...
Taking a detour to the washroom with a small ironic
smile on her lips, she prepared to find out.

The following is probably
a work of FICTION.
It was sent back in time in a quantum bottle.
So who really knows for sure? ...
Feel free to reprint or
take credit for it
(as if I could stop you), but please don't make
any changes, or I won't write anything new!
by TooMuchTime (
Copyright(c) 2002, TooMuchTime.
All rights reserved.
By the time Jason climbed
off his bike and walked it over to the rack, he was sweating like crazy and
could barely feel his legs. It had taken him nearly an hour to pedal up the
hill to the high school -- in August heat, no less. But with both his parents
at work and no friends who drove, it was the only way to get to his sports physical.
He couldn't wait until next year, when he'd be 16 ... old enough to get a permit
and start driving himself places. Jason leaned his bike against the rack, then
chained it, pulled his backpack down to carry in one hand, and wobbled on numb
legs toward the front door.
As he walked down the halls
toward the nurse's office, Jason noticed how creepy a school was during the
summer. Too quiet. His sneaker squeaked once when he didn't lift his foot high
enough, and it almost sounded as loud as somebody screaming. There had been
only a few cars in the parking lot when he rode through it, and there was nobody
in the hallways now. For some reason, he thought there would be teachers here,
preparing new torture methods or something.
At the nurse's office,
Jason was greeted by a row of empty chairs outside the door. Strange, he thought,
and glanced at his digital watch. Five minutes to eleven. Shouldn't there be
other guys from the team here already, waiting for their physicals too? He wandered
hesitantly into the open door, and said, "Hello?"
A female voice answered
from the back room. "I'll be right out!" Jason stood there a moment,
fiddling with the loose arm on his glasses. Then once he realized he might be
standing there a while, he decided to sit down in one of three chairs lined
up in front of the desk, where a small placard read, "Nurse Meyers".
He remembered hearing last year that Nurse Richmond might retire. Apparently,
she had.
Meyers, he thought. That
name sounded familiar to him. It took him only a few seconds to remember why.
There used to be a big family of Meyers that lived just up the road from them.
They moved away a couple of years ago, though, and now a yuppie couple lived
there. During grade school, Jason had walked to that house more than once, to
hit them up for fund-raisers, and despite having four or five high school kids
of their own, they'd always been good about buying whatever he brought around
-- candles, calendars, magazine subscriptions.
What he remembered most
of all about the Meyers, though, was one of the daughters. When he'd been ten,
starting puberty and first becoming aware of just how much he appreciated looking
at the female body, he used to bike aimlessly past the Meyers house three or
four times a day in the summer, and for one reason only -- to see if the gorgeous
blonde daughter would be sunbathing out on the side lawn, as she often did.
She'd even answered the door once when he'd come collecting, and he fell in
love with her immediately.
Jason never knew the daughter's
name, but she was a true All-American Beauty in every sense of the word. Long,
wavy dirty-blonde hair and a tall thin frame, some freckles on the nose, with
round hips, a healthy chest, and a wide, genuine, country-girl smile. Unfortunately,
though, he only got a couple of months to ogle at her in a bikini. Because at
the end of that summer, she disappeared. He always figured she must have gone
off to college. Yet still, for months afterwards, despite his disappointment,
she continued to fuel dozens upon dozens of masturbation sessions.
Even now, five years later,
a smile crept onto his face as he thought about her.
And then, the door to the
back room opened, and there she was -- standing in front of him in a green running
singlet, dark blue shorts, and sneakers. Her skin was tan and her face slightly
red from recent exertion, as she dried her face with a hand towel. "Sorry
for the wait," she said, smiling. "I just finished running some laps
out on the track. I haven't had a chance to get cleaned up yet."
"It's ... okay,"
Jason said, still reeling over the fact of who she was. She looked exactly like
he remembered, but even better, if that was possible. Her breasts were roped
in by a sports bra, but looked every bit as big to him as they used to (a D
cup for sure). The thin shorts she wore rode up high on her, as running shorts
tend to do, and made her impossibly long and well-developed legs seem even longer.
Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and it wagged over her head as she now
used the towel to dry off the back of her neck.
"So what can I help
you with?" she asked.
"Um ... my physical.
For cross country."
"Today?" She
walked over to her desk, and shuffled through some papers.
"I think so."
Jason opened his backpack, and fumbled for the letter he'd received weeks before.
"Hm. No, I think you
might be a day off. Yup, says here cross country physicals are tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
Jason finally found the letter, looked it over, then leaned forward and handed
it to her. "See, right there -- it says Monday the 8th."
Nurse Meyers looked it
over as well, then at the calendar on the wall. "Yeah, but ... today's
the 7th. I guess the secretaries got the day of the week wrong. It should have
been Tuesday the 8th."
A sympathetic look washed
over her face. "It's okay," she said. "It was a natural mistake."
"Yeah, but apparently
I was the only one who made it."
She chuckled at this. "True.
But you may not be the last one."
Jason stood. "Well
... okay then. I guess I'll come back tomorrow."
"Do you need to call
somebody to pick you up?" the nurse asked, and gestured to the phone.
"No, it's okay. I
rode my bike up."
"Really? How far?"
She glanced down at the letter in her hand and answered her own question. "Wait,
you live on Hackney Road?"
"I used to live on
Hackney Road. With my family. Before they moved."
"Yeah, I thought you
looked familiar," Jason said, trying to play it off as cool as possible.
"I think you used to be the next house up from ours. On the other side
of the stream."
"Right, right."
Her face blossomed with recognition. "Your family had all the dogs. The
"Greyhounds. My parents
bred them."
"Oh, right. And I
think I remember you too. You used to ride your bike past our house all the
Jason blushed again. "Yeah,
well. All my friends lived like a mile away."
"Well, you certainly
grew up," she said, in a way that couldn't help but sound a bit patronizing.
He knew he wasn't very tall for his age. Not the shortest kid in his class,
but hardly a giant either, and thinner than most, no matter how much he ate.
Increased metabolism, they called it. The nurse herself was taller than he was
by at least a few inches. "I mean, you used to be a little kid," she
said, as if to qualify.
All he could think to do
was shrug in response.
"Wait, you rode your
bike all the way up that hill from Hackney? That must have taken forever!"
"About an hour. The
ride home is easy, though. All coasting."
"I bet. But then you
have to do it again tomorrow."
"No. That's not fair.
The secretaries made the screw-up. I tell you what. Let me get a few things
together here, and I'll go ahead and give you your physical right now. Then
you'll be free and clear."
"You don't have to.
I can come back tomorrow."
"That's silly. All
I'm doing here today is paperwork, and I've got most of it done. Besides, if
I do yours now, it's one less I have to do tomorrow. Just have a seat in the
back room there, take your shoes off, and I'll be ready in a few minutes."
"I insist," she
said, smiling. Jason felt himself swoon. He was in love with her all over again.
As he ambled into the back
room, he saw a low cot to the left, and figured that's where she meant for him
to sit. To the right was another door, which let into a small bathroom. Along
the back wall were a metal counter, locked cabinets, a shiny sink -- all the
makings of a doctor's examination room. He made his way to the paper-covered
cot and sat down, the paper crackling under his weight. Then he took his sneakers
off. Not long after, he heard the nurse close the outside door, a moment before
she walked into the room carrying a clipboard and stethoscope.
"Alrighty, let's start
with the easy stuff first. Why don't you step on the scale over here, and we'll
get your height and weight." Jason did as he was told, stepping up onto
the wobbly scale, which for the time being made him just marginally taller than
Nurse Meyers. Although they were now face to face, he tried not to make too
much of a point of staring at her as she maneuvered the height rod up and tapped
it down on the top of his head. But halfway through the process, she reached
up under her breast and aggressively scratched under her armpit -- half-cupping
her boob as she did so -- and Jason found he had a hard time keeping his composure.
"Okay," she said.
"Looks like you're five-six and a half." Then she started fiddling
with the weights on top of the scale, and again, had to interrupt what she was
doing to perform another not-so-subtle cup-and-scratch, this time with a kind
of annoyed expression on her face. "And your weight is ... one-twenty-one."
She wrote both numbers down on the clipboard. "Okay, go ahead and have
a seat." Again, she dug under her armpit, this time on the other side.
"You know what, can you excuse me for just a minute? I'll be right back."
With this, she put the clipboard down on the metal counter and stepped into
the small bathroom, closing the door behind her.
Jason wasn't sure what
was going on. Maybe she had poison ivy or a bug bite or something. He just sat
there with his hands in his lap, waiting. A few minutes later, the nurse emerged
from the bathroom with something in her hand, and bee-lined immediately for
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