Nuns Are Pregnant 2021

Nuns Are Pregnant 2021


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Answered 4 years ago · Author has 355 answers and 2M answer views
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
Has anyone ever had a relationship with a nun?
What are some surprising things about being a nun?
How does a nun live her life without any pleasures? Don't they want a nice phone, family etc.? Do they miss these, at least emotionally?
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 1K answers and 3M answer views
How does an INFJ wrongly accused of a crime react?
Do they fall apart? Start a movement? Get the revealing memoir Wheels of Injustice on Amazon to find out.
Updated 4 years ago · Author has 24.6K answers and 9.5M answer views
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 78 answers and 78.1K answer views
What are some things nuns can't do?
What happens when a nun or priest decides to leave the church?
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 95 answers and 365.7K answer views
This pillowcase is quickly becoming the must-have gift of 2020.
Consumers all over want to get their hands on the Blissy pillowcase.
Updated 1 year ago · Author has 586 answers and 3.1M answer views
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Updated 1 year ago · Author has 957 answers and 5.3M answer views
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 1K answers and 3M answer views
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 1K answers and 3M answer views
Why would a person become a cloistered nun in modern times?
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 591 answers and 621.8K answer views
Answered 5 years ago · Author has 275 answers and 541.8K answer views
What are some surprising things about being a nun?
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
Has anyone ever had a relationship with a nun?
What are some surprising things about being a nun?
How does a nun live her life without any pleasures? Don't they want a nice phone, family etc.? Do they miss these, at least emotionally?
What are some things nuns can't do?
What happens when a nun or priest decides to leave the church?
Why does the Catholic church not want to allow priests or nuns to marry?
What do nuns wear under their habits, what do they wear to bed, and do they ever go to the beach?
What is the strictest order of nuns?
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
Has anyone ever had a relationship with a nun?
What are some surprising things about being a nun?
How does a nun live her life without any pleasures? Don't they want a nice phone, family etc.? Do they miss these, at least emotionally?
The Innocents is a French-Polish film set near the end of WWII. A French Red Cross nurse is serving in Poland and she encounters a nun who begs her to come to the abbey for medical services. It has to stay a secret, though. Why? Because of the shame.
The nuns were raped multiple times by Soviet soldiers. Most of them became pregnant through absolutely no fault of their own. The trauma haunted them. And yet the Mother Superior saw it as a failure to uphold their vows of chastity before God. Because of that, this was one of the saddest films I’ve seen - the victims blamed themse
Thank you for the A2A. I have an inkling that the question may be an attempt to get at the religious Catholics around here. Okay, I’ll bite.
Like anyone else, nuns and priests (and lawyers and doctors and police officers and firefighters, and other professionals) are human and have the same sinful nature as everyone else. Most of us (nuns and priests, anyway) continually work on our faults and take frequent advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which gives us strength and the grace for that fight.
That being said, I have never seen or reliably (first or second hand) heard of a pregnant n
Actually, to be perfectly honest, most people have never seen a nun. A nun is a religious woman who is totally cloistered (they do not go outside their convent). I have a sneaky suspicion you are asking about religious Sisters. They are both addressed as Sister, but Religious Sisters work outside their convent in a school, hospital, or other setting.
I think you are asking if anyone has ever seen a pregnant Sister. I know that there were problems in Africa, I believe back in the 1970’s when several convents were attacked and the Sisters were raped, and the Vatican was dealing with more than a f
During my years in the Community I never saw a pregnant nun. I knew of some who left the community after becoming involved with a man. If a nun were to become pregnant, she would immediately be released from her Vows.
Most stories you hear are anti-Catholic diatribes concocted by bigoted people. Stories are based on anti-Vatholic propaganda, some based on events of a few hundred years ago.
As a former member of a Catholic order of nuns (I was the monastery cook), this is question I can answer.
Because I asked the Superior about a priest’s strange behavior at mass and some doctrine, she had me leave abruptly. Years later, I read that the order of priests next door (who taught us) took in pedophiles and alcoholic priests from all over the nation. I don’t think the superior knew, but she was a difficult authority figure in other ways.
Even as one who spent time in a clearly flawed monastery, I cannot endorse what is being said about nuns being sadistic, masochistic, or using methods
Children born by nuns? Yes, many cases over the centuries.
Here’s one true story which a 2016 movie describes it in a chilly and heart breaking way called Agnus Dei (The Innocents).
The events unfolds during the final stages of WWII (1945) when nuns were giving birth to babies which was later discovered to be the result of rape committed by Soviet soldiers after invading a Benedictine Convent in Poland.
In Warsaw , December 1945, a nun known as Sister Maria approaches a young French female student doctor, Mathilde Beaulieu, serving with an army unit. She says ther
Yes. Some nuns and sisters do regret the step they took.
These days it far less frequent that it was in the years right after Vatican II [ 1 ] . Back then it was far easier to become a religious(*) and far harder to leave. The result was far too many sad, frustrated and bitter religious.
Today the process of admission and initial formation before permanent vows takes at least six years, often more. It is also not nearly so difficult to leave. There is also a much larger space to meet the needs of individual religious.
A religious who has regrets suffers terribly. I knew someone like that. She was full
I can try to tell you why I became a cloistered nun. There are certain things we all have in common, but there will be as many specific answers to “Why?” as there are cloistered nuns.
I was a Poor Clare , a member of the Order of Saint Clare that was founded around the year 1212 by Clare of Assisi ; I was in the Jerusalem monastery that was founded in 1888. The reasons were multiple.
(La vie de sainte Claire. Copy of an early painting.)
I will skip over the first part of my story because you can read it in other answers I’ve written. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Those answers probably don’t reflect the extent to which Franci
You're kidding, right? As a young boy from the 1950s who was taught by nuns, it never entered our mind. We were more concerned with what she had up her sleeve. It could be chalk, a ruler, or erasers. Each could be launched with deadly accuracy at a misbehaving kid…which was usually me. I always wondered if they could float above the floor since I never heard them coming up behind me. A bra? Who cared? That's like asking if monks and friars wore boxers or briefs. OH and I was taught by friars for 4 years. Underwear selection never came to mind. Just duck and cover. LOL
During a troubled childhood, I was fortunate enough to attend a convent school run by nuns who were intellectual, energetic, and highly emotionally sophisticated women. They provided the consistency and love I needed at the time. I returned to my Catholic elementary school as a college film student to make a documentary about the nun who was the school principal (the film did not get made because my subject developed shingles, but that's another story).
In thinking about how to answer this question I consulted with two former classmates, still friends. None of us are practicing Catholics a

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Answered 1 year ago · Author has 1.2K answers and 3.2M answer views
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Can a woman who has had children become a nun?
Is there a place nuns go if they get pregnant?
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
Updated 3 years ago · Author has 925 answers and 537.8K answer views
How does an INFJ wrongly accused of a crime react?
Do they fall apart? Start a movement? Get the revealing memoir Wheels of Injustice on Amazon to find out.
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 77 answers and 24.7K answer views
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 65 answers and 22.2K answer views
Is there a place nuns go if they get pregnant?
What is the meaning of being married to a nun?
If a nun is violated and gets a child, can she keep the kid?
What happens when a nun or priest decides to leave the church?
This pillowcase is quickly becoming the must-have gift of 2020.
Consumers all over want to get their hands on the Blissy pillowcase.
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 2.7K answers and 861.6K answer views
Updated 1 year ago · Author has 586 answers and 3.1M answer views
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Updated 1 year ago · Author has 957 answers and 5.3M answer views
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 1K answers and 3M answer views
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 171 answers and 199.1K answer views
What are some common misconceptions about being a nun?
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 591 answers and 621.8K answer views
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Can a woman who has had children become a nun?
Is there a place nuns go if they get pregnant?
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
How does a nun live her life without any pleasures? Don't they want a nice phone, family etc.? Do they miss these, at least emotionally?
Why does the Catholic church not want to allow priests or nuns to marry?
If a nun is violated and gets a child, can she keep the kid?
How do I leave as a nun? I regret becoming a nun, and I want to leave being one.
Can a woman become a Catholic nun if she has children already?
What are some things nuns can't do?
What do nuns do as human beings to "cope" with any natural sexual urges. Are they permitted to self-gratify?
Can a woman who has had children become a nun?
Is there a place nuns go if they get pregnant?
Are there or were there children born by nuns as a result of sexual activity by associated priests? If so, what happened to them?
How does a nun live her life without any pleasures? Don't they want a nice phone, family etc.? Do they miss these, at least emotionally?
This may not be the situation you had in mind, but I know several nuns with children. Most of the nuns are widows but a few are divorced or never married to begin with. There are a lot of differences in the details about how this is handled from order to order, but one thing is consistent: the children are all grown before the mother takes vows.
Being a professed monastic is a noble calling but being a good parent is even nobler. Once the children are grown and self sufficient the parents can consider other paths, but while their children are children, being a parent always comes first.
Obviously, if a nun who is vowed to practice chastity becomes pregnant, something has happened which is not acceptable. I have never known this to happen, but it probably has at sometime in 2,000 years. Assuming this child was the result of a consensual relationship, this is my guess - she would be dispensed from her vows and hopefully find someone to live with who helps her during her pregnancy and after as she raises the child. Hopefully, this would be the father of the child. But - maybe not. The one reason a Sister or nun can be removed from religious life is what is called “public scandal
I don't know what happens if they willingly get pregnant. I suppose they can decide to leave the church and raise their child, but it would be considerd that she broke her vows, and it would be a sin. However, there is a rule about nuns, who got raped and got pregnant. During the world wars, unfortunately, it happened a lot.The invading soldiers raped many women, nuns among them. So the pope made a law about this case: they could freely leave, he undod their vows, so they weren't obligated to keep them anymore. They could raise their child and marry someone. They could also choose to give up t
God doesn't punished anyone if he or she has a child since marriage is universal goal for the manhood. But some of denomination practiced the culture of virgin nun.Society still respects them if they have babies too since now a days we can find married nuns too.
Nothing….many nuns become nuns after their children are grown .I was going to be a nun in the Franciscan order. I did not but still regret it. I found pure joy in the church.
I already answered a similar question.
Answer to If a nun is violated and gets a child, can she keep the kid? by Anita Mair Anita Mair's answer to If a nun is violated and gets a child, can she keep the kid?
As a former member of a Catholic order of nuns (I was the monastery cook), this is question I can answer.
Because I asked the Superior about a priest’s strange behavior at mass and some doctrine, she had me leave abruptly. Years later, I read that the order of priests next door (who taught us) took in pedophiles and alcoholic priests from all over the nation. I don’t think the superior knew, but she was a difficult authority figure in other ways.
Even as one who spent time in a clearly flawed monastery, I cannot endorse what is being said about nuns being sadistic, masochistic, or using methods
Children born by nuns? Yes, many cases over the centuries.
Here’s one true story which a 2016 movie describes it in a chilly and heart breaking way called Agnus Dei (The Innocents).
The events unfolds during the final stages of WWII (1945) when nuns were giving birth to babies which was later discovered to be the result of rape committed by Soviet soldiers after invading a Benedictine Convent in Poland.
In Warsaw , December 1945, a nun known as Sister Maria approaches a young French female student doctor, Mathilde Beaulieu, serving with an army unit. She says ther
Yes. Some nuns and sisters do regret the step they took.
These days it far less frequent that it was in the years right after Vatican II [ 1 ] . Back then it was far easier to become a religious(*) and far harder to leave. The result was far too many sad, frustrated and bitter religious.
Today the process of admission and initial formation before permanent vows takes at least six years, often more. It is also not nearly so difficult to leave. There is also a much larger space to meet the needs of individual religious.
A religious who has regrets suffers terribly. I knew someone like that. She was full
You're kidding, right? As a young boy from the 1950s who was taught by nuns, it never entered our mind. We were more concerned with what she had up her sleeve. It could be chalk, a ruler, or erasers. Each could be launched with deadly accuracy at a misbehaving kid…which was usually me. I always wondered if they could float above the floor since I never heard them coming up behind me. A bra? Who cared? That's like asking if monks and friars wore boxers or briefs. OH and I was taught by friars for 4 years. Underwear selection never came to mind. Just duck and cover. LOL
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Have you ever seen a pregnant nun? - Quora
What happens if a nun has a child? - Quora
The Pregnant Nun - YouTube
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Nuns Are Pregnant 2021

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