Nullo Genitals

Nullo Genitals


Nullo Genitals

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John Hawkins created in 2001; built it up to a top 10,000 in the world website; created a corporation with more than 20 employees to support it; created a 3.5 million person Facebook page; became one of the most popular conservative columnists in America; was published everywhere from National Review to Human Events, to Townhall, to PJ Media, to the Daily Wire, to The Hill; wrote a book 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know that was at one point top 50 in the self-help section on Amazon; did hundreds of hours as a guest on radio shows, raised $611,000 in a GoFundMe for Brett Kavanaugh’s family and has been talked about everywhere from The New York Times to Buzzfeed, to the Washington Post, to Yahoo News, to the Rush Limbaugh Show, to USA Today.

After seeing the unjust way that Brett Kavanaugh was treated during his hearings and how a lifetime worth of good work was put at risk by unprovable allegations, John Hawkins decided to create a men’s website. Welcome to Brass Pills!

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In a world where you’re supposed to pretend that changing your gender is a lifestyle choice as opposed to a mental illness, I guess “Nullos” are just the next logical step. I was blessedly unaware of their existence until I read about this guy ,
Trent Gates, a 23-year-old man who identifies as “non-binary” and is attracted to men, revealed in an interview published by a tabloid this week that he removed his own testicles and penis in an attempt to become a genital-less “nullo.”
…“It really didn’t feel like part of me. It’s along the lines of being trans, but not quite,” the Washington, DC resident told Metro US about why he chose to perform the surgery. According to Gates, he only used ice water to numb himself during the first surgery.
He told Metro he was inspired by the example of another famous “nullo” – the term for individuals in an extreme body modification subculture that idealizes the surgical removal of genitalia – named “Gelding.” Gates said after seeing a photo of a “nullo” online he decided he wanted to join the community one day.
Gates, who rejects the label of transgender, said he chopped off his his testicles at his apartment. The removal of his penis occurred in a hotel room in North Carolina. His instrument of choice during both procedures was a sanitized knife, followed by a visit to a hospital where a surgeon treated him and gave him painkillers.
“I used a ceramic (knife) because its sharper than the steel, less ripping and tearing,” he told Metro.
Gates revealed that he “didn’t have a problem with the pain” and used a numbing agent and took oxycodene when he removed his testicles. Mental health concerns raised by doctors were another cleared hurdle for the IT worker, who was subjected to psychiatric exams.
“They made sure I got psychiatric treatment just to make sure I was sane and that it was a good decision,” Gates said. “The therapists and the psychiatric staff said ‘Yeah, yeah, he’s good, he’s sane…miraculously.’”
When I first read that he supposedly was looked at by therapists and they gave him the go ahead, I wanted to say, “There’s no way that is possible,” but is that true anymore? I mean we have men going to therapists and saying, “Please cut my genitals off because I have always been a woman” and they’re nodding along with that, so why not this crazy sh*t? Is one crazier than the other? I’m thinking “no.”
Remember Marshall Applewhite? The nutty Heaven’s Gate cult leader who convinced his followers to castrate themselves and then talked them into killing themselves so they could catch an intergalactic space flight? If he went to a therapist today, would he tell him he is crazy or would say, “Oh gee, if you believe you should castrate yourself so you can fly off with aliens, then it must be true because it’s what you believe?” Was Marshall Applewhite crazier than the guy who castrated himself or the guy who believes he’s a woman? They’re all delusional, but at least no one is going to promote Marshall Applewhite’s behavior as normal to your kids….yet. Give it a while and who knows? We’re all living in crazy town now and the longer people are immersed in our degenerate culture, the more people are going to get lost…
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Gareth Milner
Senior Digital Producer

tuesday 08 February 2022 - 08:51

Seven men were recently arrested after reports of castration procedures being broadcast live online.
They were held in Finsbury Park, north London, in December, when Metropolitan Police officers spent four days searching a home in the area.
Amputations were allegedly carried out in a basement flat and broadcast on a pay-per-view channel that was promoted via a Twitter account.
A 44-year-old nicknamed “The Eunuch Maker” was part of those arrested amid claims he carried out dozens of castrations on men.
The practice is linked to a subculture where men become “nullos”, short for genital nullification, by having their penis and testicles removed.
Poster boy of the Nullo movement Mao Sugiyama likely served as inspiration for the alleged horrific actions in Finsbury Park.
10 years ago, Japanese artist Sugiyama, had his testicles and penis removed and served to the highest bidder.
Though the genitalia were not removed merely for display, they were offered as a meal for around £800.
He stated he was free of venereal diseases and even wore a chef’s uniform whilst carefully frying his penis, testicles and scrotum on a gas cooker.
Whilst the meal was split between five diners it remains unknown whether they received hearty portions, or if the delicacy was more of an appetiser.
Guests were charged £160 for the meal which was garnished with fresh parsley, two were believed to be a married couple, have they found the secret to a happy marriage?
GB News has contacted DCMS for comment regarding how the Online Harms Bill could combat such horrendous issues.

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Genital Nullification or Eunuch procedures involve the removal of testes or all external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the abdomen to the groin.
The removal of the penis is desired by some males. Occasionally ‘ Eunuchs’ desire penis removal later, after having been so for several years. The removal of the penis involves and requires significantly greater skill than the removal of the testes.
Advanced techniques of nullification include severing the ‘suspensory ligaments’ to drop the penis before amputating it, to produce a urinary outlet lower down for convenience. A new urinary opening may be made between the root of the penis and the anus, but this involves advanced incision and suturing skills.
Such an opening reduces the need to remove more of the penis itself to lower the urinary opening for convenience. Where do you pee from? During the surgery, a catheter is placed in the urethra, where it remains during post-op and healing for about five days. A tiny (or large, depending on the exact style of the operation) pee hole remains.
Genital surgical procedures for Trans women undergoing sex reassignment surgery do not usually involve the complete removal of the penis. Instead, part or all of the glans is usually kept and reshaped as a clitoris, while the skin of the penile shaft may also be inverted to form the vagina (some more recently developed procedures, such as that used through Dr Suporn Cinic who use the scrotum to form the vaginal walls, and the skin of the penile shaft to form the labia majora). When procedures such as this are not possible, other procedures such as colovagnoplasty are used which may involve the removal of the penis. Some trans women have undergone penectomies, however, this is much rarer.
Issues related to the removal of the penis appear in psychology, for example in the condition known as castration anxiety, which happens as a result of a man having anxiety as to whether he may at some point become castrated.
Some men have undergone penectomies as a voluntary body modification, but professional opinion is divided as to whether or not the desire for penile amputation is a pathology, thus including it as part of a ‘body dysmorphic disorder. Usually fantasy, as in castration, but at other times gender confusion or hatred, or even psychosis can result in penectomy.
Males who consider themselves third sex will sometimes want an emasculation, i.e., they opt to have their penis and/or testicles removed.
Male members in the sect of Skoptsy (Russian: скопцы, “castrated”) were required to become castrated, either only the testicles (“lesser seal”) or also the penis (“greater seal”).
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In 1994, a South Florida man who goes by the name Gelding was surgically castrated. In 2011, he had his penis removed as well. He's a " nullo ": A cisgender man who removes his external genitalia completely as a form of body modification , and he recently agreed to answer our questions—from "why?" to "what do balls taste like?"

Gelding is a nudist and describes himself as a submissive
bear . Apart from his desire to use a pseudonym, he let it all hang out (so to speak) when I reached out to him and graciously answered every question I had.

Is nullo your preferred term to describe yourself and others like you who are castrated and have removed their penis?

Yes, the reason that we use that it is not transgender. It's simply nullification of what you've got. A friend of mine Mack in San Francisco likes to use the term "mascunull", because I remain as masculine as they come with fur and so forth. But I no longer have the parts.

What are some misconceptions people have about nullos?

A few men don't know their own physiology to the point where they think if they lose their balls they can't come any more. And that's false. If you look at the physiology you see that the fluids are made by the seminal vesicles and the prostate. Very little of the fluid and the content is produced in the testes. I still unload.

But the active ingredient for impregnating someone isn't there.

Do you get a lot of people who think you're trying to become a woman?

Absolutely. And it's mostly the medical profession who sees the sexes as either male or female. And anyone who wants to alter any part of that is in some way suffering from gender dysphoria. They don't like themselves for some reason and they want to change gender. And that's absolutely false.

It's not a dysphoria. I see it in the positive way of working
toward something, rather than away from something. Many of the guys instead of putting a negative feel on it see it as a positive. Being castrated is a positive to them. Rather than removing something that they dislike, they are moving in the direction that they want. I went through a long set of psychological evaluation sessions with a psychologist here in town, because that was necessary in order to have the penis removed.

You've previously discussed your 1994 castration. However, I didn't find anything on your penis removal in 2011. Can you talk about that?

I knew I was uncomfortable in having frankly large male parts. I would quite often sit on my own balls because they were loose unless I wore something tight and held them in I would sit on them and squash them. That got me into trouble playing soccer in college when they forced us to wear these hard plastic cups. What happened was I fell on a guy's upright knee with the weight of another player behind me, so two of us fell on the knee. The knee happened to hit the middle of the plastic cup and imploded and tore me up. I was severely injured.

The doctor saved everything but over a period of time the nerves gave me some problems and I had aches in my testicles all the time. When I was in the military service they tried doing a varicose vein removal but that didn't help, it just made matters worse. They thought I was suffering from varicose veins. So after leaving the service I had them removed. And that removed that little problem but I still had the nerve sensations in the penis which woke me up at night. So I could get erect, but it was painful.

So I talked with my urologist and he said the only treatment for that was to make it numb, which is very dangerous because if you make something like that numb then you don't know if it's infected for some reason. Or remove it, but to do that he needs to cover his ass and asked for a psychological evaluation. And my own doctor is a professor at Nova Southeastern University here in. She is the most brilliant doctor I've ever met. So, I asked her about this problem and she was very forthright and said "well, we'll have to treat you". She didn't consider it something that was wrong with me, she said "we have to investigate." I went to see a psychiatrist and he spent a good 90 minutes with me and said "yes, I have just the person that can work with you." So the psychologist did a battery of personality tests and said "you're perfectly fine, your only problem is that you've got these physical problems which work on your nerves." And I said "yeah." And he said "it also works with your personality" because I'm a gay submissive and I always have been and it wasn't working right. So in order to to fix it I worked toward a goal of having things removed. And that was it. I'm working in a positive way to solve my own personal problem.

But was castration something you were contemplating prior to the injury?

Yes. For whatever reason I was always embarrassed by the size of what I had. It didn't fit my personality.

Do you remember when you the fantasy to remove your testicles first occurred?

I had a baby face in high school, there was one of these bullies and he said "you have a man's equipment but you're still a boy" and he squeezed my balls in the shower. He was on the football team, I was on the soccer team showering together and he said "you shouldn't have such big equipment" so he squeezed my balls and at that point it was just a fantasy for me. So how about getting rid of them for some reason?

When did it go from fantasy to aspiration?

It became a fetish thing where I would do sort of more self destructive things with them like putting rubber bands around them and needles through the balls and whatnot. It's a progression which a lot of guys go through. It's something that works on them and they say "Well, how about if we just have them off? Then I won't be bothered by this constant urge to hurt them". And this is where a psychologist gets into the dysphoria. It's very difficult to distinguish whether it's a dislike for something or instead you're working towards something else. I always thought when I was on the beach—I was also on the swim team—and we had Speedos, it was difficult to pack everything in frankly. I would be embarrassed and everybody was looking and here I am and I've got the biggest package and I'm not the biggest guy and I got a whole lot of looks from everybody.

I had a big dick, it got damaged and I was a bottom. I didn't want to use it, I got pushed into using it, I had to take all sorts of medications and was tired of being somebody else's tool.

Broadly speaking, how can someone know that being a nullo is something they actually want to go through with as opposed to something they fantasize about?

That's something really for a psychologist to answer, but in talking to all the guys that I've been talking with, they try to come up with all sorts of different rationalizations to justify it. In my case, my medical situation really didn't justify it because I was just uncomfortable with what I had. It wasn't medically necessary. But I felt that I would be much more comfortable having the issues of having the sensation but not being able to use it well. It was something like a guy having a useless appendage and it's something he has to carry around, and it becomes baggage after a while.

If someone starts/botches the process on their own, what would you recommend they do? Should people use a cover story to avoid getting in trouble?

No. Go to the emergency room. Today, they have been exposed to a lot more of the literature out there than they were 20 years ago. They're not going to be institutionalized. I mean years ago they used to institutionalize guys that were gay.

How would you say the breakdown is between gay and straight men for nullos?

I would have to say it's mostly gays. I don't know of a straight guy who became a nullo.

You had said in a previous interview that for castrations it's about a two to one for gay to straight men that decide to do it.

I've heard of a couple of straight guys who decided that they were making too many babies so they had their balls off so they could take testosterone and continue. I know quite a few bodybuilders both gay and straight whose testes have shrunk because of the steroids they are taking which are bad for their health. So they got castrated and now they're on medically injected testosterone which is good for them. It's not as harmful as oral steroids are or some of the other shit that they're pumping into themselves.

How would you recommend people do their penectomy and castration?

In the last couple of years, my friend Mack from San Francisco ran into Dr. Crane from Brownstein & Crane and he met him, and I don't know how the two of them had the discussion, and then I had a phone interview with Dr. Crane and I explained my situation with him and now Dr. Crane is no longer doing just transgender type of procedures but [also] genital modifications.

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