Nudists Family Open

Nudists Family Open


Nudists Family Open
Inside the famous hidden nudist resort where 50 people live in tents without clothes
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Spielplatz: Hertfordshire naturist resort in Bricket Wood detailed
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Around 50 people live in the gated residential community and resort hidden of Spielplatz, Hertfordshire, and Isabella McRae of HertsLivepaid a visit to see what's what
A famous hidden nudist resort still has the ability to shock when a man answers the door in the nude.
Tom Dyrer-Beers and his wife, Victoria are comfortable in their skin and especially when they visit well-know resort and residential community.
The hidden gated community of Spielplatz , Hertfordshire is a place where being starkers for no reason at all is normal.
Around 50 people who live there like allowing the wind to blow freely and all admit they are happier without clothes.
Isabella McRae of HertsLive reveals how she visited in a knitted dress and huge fluffy coat and felt like an outsider intruding on their world, not the other way around, although they never made her feel that way...
Tom welcomes me into their home, which looks like a small cabin on the outside but feels spacious and homely when I make my way through to their living room.
There are bookshelves and artwork stretching up to the ceiling, some of which Victoria, who is wearing a shawl and seems slightly shyer than her husband, had created herself.
"If we wore badges saying we were naturists or nudists on our shoulders," Tom, who is a member of the Board of Directors at Spielplatz, says, "we’d have to answer silly questions and be the brunt of intolerance a lot.
"So we tend to stay rather quiet. But among other naturists, it’s fantastic, because we just relate to each other without any problems."
Tom, who is from Pennsylvania, first found an interest in naturism when he started modelling for life drawing classes.
He felt some trepidation the first time, as was expected because it was unfamiliar. But almost immediately, posing in the nude felt natural. He started talking to the artists afterwards and realised that this was a world he wanted to explore.
Tom continued modelling, and Victoria attended one of those life drawing classes. An artist, Victoria has been drawing bodies since she was 16 and she is very comfortable with the human form. Yet she wasn’t so confident with her own body, and it was Tom who slowly piqued her interest in naturism.
"Tom is so passionate about it," Victoria says. "I think it took me a bit longer because society doesn’t see it as a normal thing.
As a woman, society makes you so body aware. When you become a naturist, you realise that’s all irrelevant. It’s amazing."
"You realise that bodies go through different stages. This idea of the ‘body beautiful’ is ridiculous.
"It makes a mockery of it. I just wish that other people could see that. Lots of people don’t have the right idea about places like this. I just don’t understand it.
"When you see people with no clothes on, it's like: 'Oh, that's that.' You have to concentrate on who they are as a person, and that is what becomes the most important thing.
"There's no clothes to say where you are in society, or what group you belong to. It's just you as a person."
Tom adds: "The problem is, people do not see enough naked bodies, de-sexualised naked bodies, particularly as children and teenagers.
"If that were to become more normal, then so many of the concerns would melt away.
"But it’s a long haul for that to become more normal because you’re overcoming decades’ worth of unnecessary concern.
"If you get used to seeing people as they are, it’s a whole different story."
Tom had read about Spielplatz, which was founded in 1929 by Charles and Dorothy Macaskie and is the UK’s longest running naturist resort.
It is also the only residential naturist community in the country, where nudists live together, although there are plenty more in Europe.
In 1957 the documentary series Out of Step on ITV , the investigative reporter Dan Farson visited Spielplatz and interviewed Charles and Dorothy and their daughter Iseult.
It is believed the programme was the first showing of a naked woman on British television.
"When Victoria and I met," Tom explains, "I said: 'Let's go and experience this.' So we came in a very wet and rainy February, and visited and stayed in one of the cabins just up the way.
"And though there wasn't much niceness about the weather , there were some very nice people.
"We thought, well, maybe we'll take the advice and we need to come back when it's warmer.
"And we did that. And we noticed at the time that this property was starting to be built. And I said to Victoria: 'We might really want to consider this."
Asked about how their families and friends have reacted to their move to Spielplatz, Victoria says: "They think it's a beautiful place, but they wouldn't want to be naturists.
They think it's perfect for me. But they wouldn't want to be naturists and that's absolutely fine."
Spielplatz is the German word for 'playground', and it was established by naturists as a place of retreat. Even now, when the site is closed to visitors for the cold winter months, there are signs of its bustling life.
There is a clubhouse, which is the hub for social gatherings, a children’s playground, hot tubs and a swimming pool, a basketball court and camping grounds.
"As a community," Tom says, "there is a real spirit of wanting to be here, getting together, just enjoying social nudity.
"It’s a real cult of sunshine when it's out, which is lovely. And of course, that's physically really good for you as well."
The gated community feels off the beaten track, but it is just minutes from the M25 and not far from either St Albans or Watford
But Tom and Victoria say that few people seem to have heard about Spielplatz in the local area, in spite of it being so famous in the naturist community.
"I would say that, as far as we are aware, anyone who knows about it is curious or accepting," Tom says.
"There are a surprising number of residents in Bricket Wood who have no idea that it is here. But that is about to change."
British Naturists, a members organisation for naturists, has taken over the property next to Spielplatz.
The site has been a members’ club for as long as Spielplatz has existed, but its activity was in decline.
It is being redeveloped in the hope that it will become a hub for naturists in the London area.
"There's so much history here that's under-appreciated," Tom adds.
"It used to be that parliamentarians from the 30s, 40s and 50s came up here regularly as a way to escape the press and just relax and enjoy themselves.
"George Bernard Shaw was a visitor and wrote about his experiences here. All kinds of things have taken place that have been slowly lost over the decades.
"Back in the 50s, there would be several hundreds of people here camping and experiencing [naturism] on a warm summer day."
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3:27AM Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
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More stories to check out before you go
A teenage girl has appealed to the internet for help, as she questions her dad’s insane rules about her nudity in their family home.
Over the years, it’s become obvious to Lily* that her father doesn’t seem to respect her privacy at all.
For starters, he usually doesn’t knock when he wants to come into her room and so has walked in when she’s changing several times to ask a question.
The father-of-two also comes into the bathroom at least once a month while his 18-year-old daughter is showering.
“It’s a sliding glass door with no shower curtain so he sees me naked,” Lily wrote on Reddit .
“I told him I’m not comfortable with him seeing me naked.
“I lock the door while showering now. He called me a prude for not letting him in today while I was showering.”

Want to join the family? Sign up to the Kidspot newsletter for more stories like this

When Lily questioned her dad about why he felt the need to walk into the room while she was naked, he tried to justify his actions.
As Lily listened in complete shock, her dad outlined the following four reasons why his behaviour was OK:
After that Lily was lost for words, unsure exactly how she should respond – so she turned to Reddit for some advice.
Overall, nearly 500 Redditors came to Lily’s aid, reassuring her that she had done nothing wrong and that her dad had definitely crossed the line.
“I’m a huge advocate for normalising many things in families such as kissing or hugging but this is too far because you didn’t consent and it’s creepy your dad is upset,” one concerned person said.
There were also several dads who chimed into the discussion, sharing how they have approached the nudity issue with their own daughters.
One father, with one and three-year-old girls, said that he planned to stop bathing around five years old.
Another said he would be waiting until his daughters told him they were “uncomfortable” – which is something he’s already spoken to them about.
“As soon as that happens then I’ll stop. It’s totally creepy to push your kids to let you see them naked when they’ve expressed discomfort,” he added.

This article originally appeared on Kidspot and was reproduced here with permission

The father of two children fighting for life in hospital after a house fire that killed their mother has been identified as a top tennis coach.
A system “held together by Band-Aids for years” is forcing workers to quit “in droves”. Now they’re taking action.
A person claiming to be a Knox Grammar staff member has defended the school and answered questions in the wake of the sickening group chat scandal.

3:27AM Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by VIP
More stories to check out before you go
A teenage girl has appealed to the internet for help, as she questions her dad’s insane rules about her nudity in their family home.
Over the years, it’s become obvious to Lily* that her father doesn’t seem to respect her privacy at all.
For starters, he usually doesn’t knock when he wants to come into her room and so has walked in when she’s changing several times to ask a question.
The father-of-two also comes into the bathroom at least once a month while his 18-year-old daughter is showering.
“It’s a sliding glass door with no shower curtain so he sees me naked,” Lily wrote on Reddit .
“I told him I’m not comfortable with him seeing me naked.
“I lock the door while showering now. He called me a prude for not letting him in today while I was showering.”

Want to join the family? Sign up to the Kidspot newsletter for more stories like this

When Lily questioned her dad about why he felt the need to walk into the room while she was naked, he tried to justify his actions.
As Lily listened in complete shock, her dad outlined the following four reasons why his behaviour was OK:
After that Lily was lost for words, unsure exactly how she should respond – so she turned to Reddit for some advice.
Overall, nearly 500 Redditors came to Lily’s aid, reassuring her that she had done nothing wrong and that her dad had definitely crossed the line.
“I’m a huge advocate for normalising many things in families such as kissing or hugging but this is too far because you didn’t consent and it’s creepy your dad is upset,” one concerned person said.
There were also several dads who chimed into the discussion, sharing how they have approached the nudity issue with their own daughters.
One father, with one and three-year-old girls, said that he planned to stop bathing around five years old.
Another said he would be waiting until his daughters told him they were “uncomfortable” – which is something he’s already spoken to them about.
“As soon as that happens then I’ll stop. It’s totally creepy to push your kids to let you see them naked when they’ve expressed discomfort,” he added.

This article originally appeared on Kidspot and was reproduced here with permission

The father of two children fighting for life in hospital after a house fire that killed their mother has been identified as a top tennis coach.
A system “held together by Band-Aids for years” is forcing workers to quit “in droves”. Now they’re taking action.
A person claiming to be a Knox Grammar staff member has defended the school and answered questions in the wake of the sickening group chat scandal.

Part of HuffPost Parenting. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
I have no qualms walking around in the buff in front of my daughters. And they do the same with me. We even take showers together if we´re pressed for time. My girls are now 14 and 11, but we've taken baths together since they were born.
Founder of, author and speaker
Jul 28, 2015, 06:08 PM EDT | Updated Dec 6, 2017
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I have no qualms walking around in the buff in front of my daughters. And they do the same with me. We even take showers together if we´re pressed for time. My girls are now 14 and 11, but we've taken baths together since they were born.
I was raised in a country (Spain) where nudity in beaches and pools is normal.
This doesn´t mean we'd do it just anywhere. Now that we're a blended family and because we live in the U.S., I tell my girls to cover up when walking around the house, and of course I do the same. There is such a thing as common sense. If I were with my father-in-law or with my husband's employer, of course I would wear a top.
Otherwise, I'm happy to report my girls and I are comfortable enough with our bodies that, given the chance, we´ll quickly undress and enjoy a wonderful sense of freedom. If we had the chance to lounge around in a beach in Europe we'd be quite comfortable going topless. Heck, I even sleep naked if I can.
In Spain you can see toddlers running around the beach naked and nobody bats an eye. Girls don't wear bikini tops until they really need to, for support, and maybe not even then. Are there oglers and rapists behind a bush ready to pounce? Well no, not really. I mean, I´m sure men look, but when there are so many breasts to gaze at, it´s just not that big of a deal.
The human body is a beautiful thing, and yes, there is a time and place for everything. But breastfeeding in public or baring your breasts at the beach doesn´t need to be sexualized. In Scandinavia families hang out together, naked, in the sauna or the jacuzzi.
Photo: My daughter at 5, feeling carefree at the beach © Lorraine C. Ladish
My eldest was very aware of this difference between Spain and the United States even as a little girl. So up until she started puberty, she wore her hair in a bob and went to the beach or the pool wearing boy´s swimming trunks. Most of the time she'd be mistaken for a boy, but sometimes people asked. I would say, yeah, she's a girl. Or maybe she'd answer herself. She was, of course, as flat-chested as a boy. This deal of wearing swimming trunks all came about after she was told at four years old, to wear a top at a public pool. At four!
I remember asking the pool manager why my daughter had to cover up because she didn´t even have breasts! He said it was a rule. Well, unless you find a way around it, when in Rome. Well, I'm glad my daughter did find a way around it: boy's swimming trunks. For that, I'm proud of her.
What´s your take on nudity around your children?
This post originally appeared on BabyCenter en español .
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