Nudists 12 Xxx

Nudists 12 Xxx


Nudists 12 Xxx
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These young nudists are trying to break a world record. Photo: Caters
The nudists were aged between 18 and 40. Photo: Caters
They had a few rules including no staring. Photo: Caters
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A band of cheeky mini golfers believe they've beaten the world record for the most people playing the sport completely naked.
A group of 47 men and women shed their clothes and had a crack at the 36-par course in the Western Sydney suburb of Campbelltown on Sunday, and they smashed the previous record of 30.
Teed up by the Young Nudists of Australia, the event was held to challenge the stereotype that all nudists are old and grey.
"I think we definitely challenged some stereotypes with this event,” the event’s 32-year-old organiser Matt – who would only reveal his first name – said.
"I think the older, beach style events are tacky and worn. But my generation responds to social media driven, gimmicky events like this.
"The atmosphere was very jovial, there was lots of cheering and psych-out's. The course was pretty magnificent too."
Matt added that the attendees were aged between 18 and 40 and were 70 per cent male and 30 per cent female.
Staring and unsolicited cameras were forbidden at the world record attempt, while towels were compulsory for hygienic reasons.
Matt said he was initially drawn to the sense of freedom from nudism, but that it later become a thread in his social life.
But he still believes Australia has a long way to go when it comes to getting starkers.
"I was always drawn to the sense of freedom. It's very liberating. You learn to embrace yourself and be more comfortable in your body,” he said.
"Some people who get involved have body image issues, and it's a great way to overcome that. That's certainly something I have gotten out of it – but it's also a great way to meet new people.
"They call Australia the laidback country, but we can actually be quite prudish. I'm not sure nudism will ever be mainstream here."
Their daring golf game efforts are now being submitted to official Guinness World Record adjudicators in the hope of officially being named the most amount of people to play sport naked.
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