Nudist Guys

Nudist Guys


Nudist Guys
8424-A Santa Monica Blvd. #119
West Hollywood, CA 90069

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Enjoy swimming, hiking, camping, exploring, having fun and hanging out naked with men who enjoy the same.
Enjoy educational workshops, pool activities, mountain hiking, beautiful scenery, social hours, nightly entertainment, contests, dances and camaraderie. Hangout with men from around the world at these CMEN Gatherings in 2022 โ€“ 2023:
Hangout in Southern Californiaโ€™s scenic San Bernardino Mountains east of Big Bear, our largest gathering.
Enjoy the clothes free days of mid-summer in Californiaโ€™s scenic Sierra Foothills east of Auburn.
Celebrate the fall naturally in a scenic wooded environment at Whispering Oaks Retreat Center in Tennessee.
Enjoy all male naturist camaraderie year round at local CMEN social and recreational events, including pool parties, cocktail parties, potlucks and other events in Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Northern California and Arizona.
CMEN is an international social organization for gay, bisexual, and gay-sensitive men who enjoy nude social and recreational activities.
As naturists we enjoy being nude, preferably outdoors, for social and recreational activities. We enjoy the freedom of being without clothes whenever possible and practical.
CMEN events are private events for CMEN members in good standing. CMEN membership is open to all gay, bisexual, and gay-sensitive men without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, physical appearance, HIV status, or age (except that a member must be at least 21 years of age).

Sorry, the What's Hot/What's Not post was from me. I forgot to sign in...


(please excuse any sexual references below)

From a Yahoo Group I belong to:

I have been reading this very incredible thread and wanted to throw my two cents in as well. I am 34 years old, but had a different experience growing up that I wanted to share. All through Junior High and High school, nudity was not the "big thing" that it now seems to be. A lot fo guys said that in the mid to late 80's they didn't see much nudity...but for me it was a different story. I grew up in a affluent suburb of Dallas Texas, called Richardson, and nudity at home was no big thing. My father slept in the nude and would now and then walk around nude as long as my sister wasn't home. I remember even taking a shower with him once when I was 9, as we had just got done moving and we were all hot and sweaty and in a major hurry to get on the road. It was really my first close up time seeing a grown man naked. There was nothing to be ashamed of my Dad said, we are both guys. He was ex Air Force and was always telling anyone who would sit still long enough to listen, about his old Barracks buddies and their adventures. I realized I was gay very early in life (11 years old) and right after that I started sleeping naked, at the same time I stopped wearing underwear. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE underwear, especially looking at and playing with men in their underwear, but I just don't prefer to wear it personally. I do wear a jock or thong to the gym when I work out but have no qualms about stripping out of them in front of other guys to shower.

Back to High school....I had the usual gym classes for the first year of High school, and then did the swimming and diving thing my junior and senior years. Most of the guys wore speedos and and only 2 guys wore shorts. We all stripped after gym class and swimming, and would take our time showering and relaxing. Nudity just wasn't an issue and was never made fun of, and even when someone got a semi or full on erection, everyone just chuckled and passed it off. There was this one guy, Brett, in my swimming and diving team who was a DEFINITE shower!! He was 17 years old and had 9 cut inches SOFT! We actually made him measure it soft and hard which he gladly did one day to get us to stop messing with him about it! (In my Senior yearbook, there is a picture of him standing next to one of the ladders to the diving board in just his speedo and his bulge is extremely evident! No one caught it until AFTER the yearbook came out and there was nothing they could do about it!) Anyways, Brett didn't grow much more in length but he did get pretty damn thick. He used to hang out in the showers the longest and was always the last one out. I got the job of helping the female coach in charge of us put up the weights and workout equipment after the class was over so I soon ended up showering with him and a few other guys. It turns out that a few of them were jerking off in the shower and they didn't give a damn about me being there and watching, and even got me to start joining them, but that is another story for later! The shower in the "natorium" (fancy name for pool in a building of it's own lol) was set up with 4 shower columns in one big room, 6 shower heads per column. So when you took a shower you were always seeing someone naked no matter which way you turned.

Even in regular gym class everyone was required to take a shower after class, and everyone got nude. There was this one guy named Kelley who had 3 brothers also attending the same school at the same time as him (two were twins) and they were all very well built and advanced for their age. Very hairy young men, good size cock and balls and oh Kelley was one of my major jerkoff fantasies after sharing the giant open showers. The regular gym class showers were normal showers with the showerheads built in along the walls with only a foot or two seperating them from the next. Someone was always pointing out who missed washing off the soap of a body part (usually the back) and the coach's shower, was right across from ours, so we would always see them stripping and showering. They weren't allowed to shower with us but right across from us was ok?? Go figure!

When i turned 11 I met Andy and he and I started hanging out and he introduced me to the wonders or being with another guy. Andy was a freak amongst men, over 10 cut thick inches, hairy and just plain amazing! I kept looking down at my tiny hairless dick wondering when it was going to get as big as his......BOY was I setting myself up for future disappointment lol It all started with Andy asking me if I ever jerked off....Didn't even know what that meant until he showed me. My father didn't believe in telling me ANYTHING about the birds and bees until I was 18! The first few times I did it, I had the orgasm which felt great but didn't ejaculate. That would come no pun intended! Anyways, Any also introduced me to blowjobs and he taught me to be VERY good at it and for that I will ALWAYS be gratefull to him! Hell I didn't know that it was hard to take that big of a dick, it all just seemed so natural for me. He and I played 4 - 5 times a week, in my room, at his house, at the creek, the lake, at school, everywhere we could. We would go down to the creek and strip off our clothes and leave them with our bikes and go swimming and hiking and never even thought about being caught. I still to this day go hiking naked when I get the chance. Andy always begged me to let him fuck me but there was NO way I was going to let him shove that monster up my ass!! He finally got mad at me and stopped hanging around for a few years, but we played around more after we turned 18. I had many other friends throughout High school that I used to jerk off with and even started having full on sex with. No one made any "Queer" or "Fag" jokes as the guys I usually messed around with were either football players or swim team members, and they tend to protect their "buddies" I got to experience being a top and a bottom then and it was pretty damn great!

Once I moved out on my own, I never wore clothes when I was at home, unless was having friends over and didn't want to offend them. Now, when I come home, the clothes are the first thing to come off and I stay naked for the rest of the time. I have 2 roommates and both know I sleep naked and they know if they come in my room I am going to be naked. They come in and hang out all the time and it doesn't bother them. I even have this rule, if any of our friends want to stay the night in my bed, they have to sleep nude as well.
You would be surprised how many of them actually do it!

I currently live in Nashville, TN. and always see str8 guys in short shorts, no shirt, speedo's or baggy pants with no boxers on underneath. Even though I am now smack dab in a notch in the "Bible Belt" it doesn't seem that most guys here give a damn and actually enjoy showing off what they have!

As for the size issue about being large and small, I reached 5 inches while in high school, and only average thickness. After realizing I would never be as big as Andy I learned HOW to use it along with everything else I had. I agree with Evan, and like him, I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and see a lot of men in the nude and see a LOT of erections. a good majority of my clients are str8 guys ranging from college age to business professionals, and the range in cock size it not as varied as I expected. The majority of they guys fall into the average category and the very few who are above average really talk about how they wish they weren't so damn big! 98% of my clients, both gay and str8 also prefer being totally nude during the massages and don't even want to be covered by the sheet or towel.

Yes guys are becoming more and more body conscious, due to the incessant advertising that practically states that if you don't have a washboard abdomen and are cut and rippling everywhere with 0% bodyfat, then you are worthless..... I wholeheartedly disagree with

I have seen both sides of that coin. I went from that ripped guy, 28" waist, 54" chest, massive legs, to being EXTREMELY overweight due to a major back injury from a very bad car accident. I gained over 200lbs after my accident and have lost 155 of it so far. I know I will never get back down to a 28" waist, (still have the broad chest and shoulders and the legs) but my outlook on life is this......I am the same man I was before the accident, I just look a bit different. I have grown over 2 inches in height (now 6' 4" and interestingly enough, gained an inch and a half on my dick AFTER the accident.....I was 21 at the time of the accident, so that was confusing to me as I thought I was done growing in the dick department. I gained a little in the thickness dept. as well but not much. So I now sit at a very comfortable 6.5" and am HAPPY with it!

I am and always will be fully comfortable being nude in front of other men and am not embarrassed that I don't have a huge swaying cock like Ken Ryker or Kevin Dean. Not gonna EVER happen so why waste my time worrying about it. I guess what I am trying to say is the average guy compares himself to the guys they see in pornos and in the pictures that hit their screen.....You just can't do this!! The reason they ARE in porn is because they DO have such big dicks! Enjoy what you have!! Share it with others, don't be afraid! If more guys start seeing other guys with normal sized dicks then maybe they wouldn't be so afraid to show theirs off or think that what they have is something to be embarrassed about! I have been with guys with very large dicks and been with guys with small to average sized dicks and let me share this with you......Most guys with huge dicks, can't do much with them!! I have been damned near fucked to death by guys who are average and smaller! Just be yourself and enjoy yourself and what you have to offer!!

Sorry guys I didn't mean to go on forever but just wanted to throw my bit in on this thread!

Thanks for reading this and feel free to e-mail me if ya want to talk more!


So, fellow freeballers, what do YOU think about this? What was it like when you were growing up? Was size important to you or to the guys around you?

How comfortable are you today with nudity? With being around other naked guys?

Take care, stay bare!

Orlando, FL

Moderator for << also on Board of (Naked)

When I was growing up in the 1950s & 60s communal nudity was common and routine. I learn to swim with a dozen other naked boys at the local YMCA. Swimsuits were not even allowed in the Y pool. At summer camp no-one had swimsuits- we 'skinnydipped' in the lake. At school gym class everyone showered together. Communal showers and toilets were the norm in college and the military. Same-sex nudity was just taken for granted in those days.

So why has it become a taboo thing now? I think there are a number of reasons, but the 'gay rights' movement certainly is a major factor. When I was a kid homosexuality wasn't talked about in public. Most kids didn't even know such a thing existed. I had heard of it but thought it was extremely rare- something you only read about in psychology books.

When the gay-rights movement broke out in the 1970s people were shocked to learn how common homosexuality actually was. Today every kid in America knows about homosexuality so now being naked in front of other boys takes on sexual connotations that didn't exist thirty years ago.
Very good post Toby. There is something satisfying about being nude with your friends, and I don't mean in a sexual way, but in a community way. It's hard to put in words- sort of a honesty, a lack of pretence. Like- this is who we are- accept us as we are- for we are all in this together.

It is sad that this seems to have been lost in recent years and nudity is now more associated with sex than camaraderie.
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