Nudist Family Photo Video

Nudist Family Photo Video


Nudist Family Photo Video

Diane Arbus

Family beauty contest at a nudist camp , 1965
36.5 x 38 cm. (14.4 x 15 in.)

Diane Arbus

(American, 1923–1971)

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Jock Sturges #Photographe #Artiste #Charme #Incontournable

Jock Sturges, né en 1947 à New York, est un photographe américain. Il est connu surtout pour ses nus pris dans des environnements naturistes.

Jock Sturges vit actuellement à Seattle. La magie du travail de Jock Sturges réside dans sa vision épurée d'une beauté simple, sans astuce ni trucage.

Sturges ne cherche ni à choquer ni à provoquer. Il retranscrit la beauté de ses modèles dans leur entité, tels qu'ils sont en réalité. La nudité de Jock Sturges révèle une authenticité originelle en faisant réellement tomber les masques.

Diplômé d’Etudes Secondaires en 1966, Jock Sturges s’engage dans la US Navy pour quatre ans. Basé au Japon, il travaille au Chiffre en tant qu’Agent spécialisé dans les transmissions Russes. En 1970, il part étudier au Malboro College (sud du Vermont) où il collabore avec deux psychologues et le photographe Richard Benson sur une discipline hybride mélant psychologie sensorielle et photographie. Sturges passe un Master Degree (MFA) au San Francisco Art Institute en 1985 et résidera dans cette ville pendant vingt et un ans.

Jock Sturges gagne sa vie l’été en photographiant les yachts et les enfants « de bonne famille » à Newport, Rhode Island. Il travaille pendant un an pour Richard Benson en tant qu’imprimeur et imprimera quelques travaux de Atget, Paul Strand, Gary Winogrand et Lisette Model en autres… C’est en 1972 qu’il commence à perfectionner son art à la chambre et découvre les techniques artistiques qui deviendront l’oeuvre de sa vie. Aujourd’hui Sturges effectue la majeure partie de ses productions en France (Montalivet). Récemment entré dans le monde de la mode, il reste néanmoins fidèle aux techniques du fine art qui lui sont propres; une expérience qu’il considère comme « engageante ». Ce travail aboutit à des parutions dans l’Uomo Vogue, Japan Vogue, Rebel, POP, Arena Homme Plus...


The Last Day of Summer. Aperture, New York, 1992. Préface by Jayne Ann Phillips. 7ème édition Américaine, 2ème Allemande et 1ère Japonaise.

Radiant Identities. Aperture, New York, 1994. Préface by Elisabeth Beverly; épilogue by A.D. Coleman. 6ème édition AmŽricaine.

Evolution of Grace. Gakken Books, Tokyo, Japon, 1994.

Jock Sturges. Scalo, Zurich, Switzerland en collaboration avec le Frankfurt Museum of Modern Art, 1996. 1ères éditions Anglaises, Allemande et Française.

Jock Sturges : New York 1996-2000. Scalo, Zurich, 2000


La magie du travail de Jock Sturges réside dans sa vision épurée d’une beauté simple, sans astuce ni trucage. Sturges ne cherche ni à choquer ni à provoquer. Il retranscrit la beauté de ses modèles dans leur entité, tels qu’ils sont en réalité.


L’oeuvre de Sturges est centrée autour de deux éléments fondamentaux : la nudité et l’adolescence. C’est avec une rare sensibilité et la maîtrise d’une technique époustouflante qu’il parvient à faire jaillir de ces jeunes modèles leur sexualité naissante tout en évitant le voyeurisme et la perversité qu’on lui attribuera par erreur. En effet, en 1990 le FBI jugeant le travail de Sturges comme une atteinte à la pudeur accuse l’artiste de pornographie infantile et saisit son atelier de San Francisco. La Justice classera le dossier sans suite après plus d’un an d’investigations. Puis dans le milieu des années 90 une association puritaine américaine bloque la distribution de ses livres. Malgré tout Sturges recevra le plus grand soutien du monde artistique et de nombreux citoyens américains dans ces moments houleux de sa carrière.


La nudité chez Sturges révèle une authenticité originelle en faisant réellement tomber les masques, contrairement à certaines oeuvres où elle n’est que rajoutée en vue d’un effet de mise en scène. Ici le naturel prévaut sur le fabriqué : pas de maquillage ni de comédie. Ses cinq livres, The Last Day of Summer (1991), Radiant Idantities (1994), Evolutions of Grace (1994), Jock Sturges (1996) et Jock Sturges : New York 1996-2000 (2000), ont été de grands succès car ils sont tous empreints d’une sincérité poignante.

Au delà des tabous et de la perversion des regards sur son oeuvre, Jock Sturges nous montre la Beauté Vraie, la Beauté Pure, la Beauté Nue…
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By Gavin Allen Updated: 19:28 BST, 27 January 2012
A student is counting the cost of cheap drinks promotions today after video of her dancing naked in an inflatable paddling pool at a nightclub went viral on the internet.
The university student - who MailOnline has chosen not to identify - woke up this morning to find that a 10-minute video of the incident at Oceana nightclub in Cardiff had been circulated widely on Twitter.
A student - who is not being identified by MailOnline - has been left embarrassed after a video of her stripping off in a nightclub went viral
Her behaviour is a classic example of Britain's binge-drinking culture - and the embarrassment it can cause.
And the speed with which her drunken antics went viral highlights the power of social media.
A one-minute version was available on YouTube and attracted more than 1,000 hits in less than 10 minutes. It has now been removed.
The 20-year-old took part in a wet T-shirt contest as part of the Missbehaviour event - billed as 'Cardiff's naughtiest night' - where vodka and other spirits cost just £1.75 for a double.
At the event, which boasts the cheapest drinks in Cardiff, bottles of lager and alcopops were on sale at £1.20. 
While other girls thought it enough to remove their tops, the student stripped off entirely and frolicked in the inflatable paddling pool.
With another reveller filming the 'contest' on a mobile phone, she leans over the edge of the pool plays for the cameras.
The Rihanna song S&M plays loudly in the background as men cheer and chant 'Off, off, off.'
As the student is exposing herself herself, the MC uses his microphone to shout: 'Get em 'off'.
The shame-faced student, who had clearly been drinking, used her Twitter account to send a message a day later which read: 'Yes I got drunk and yes I got naked.
'We all do things we regret and there is nothing I can do about it now!'
The embarrassed student later Tweeted that she had also lost her underwear, her earrings and had not been given £50 prize money for the wet T-shirt competition.
She was too embarrassed to comment when contacted to comment.
Student Luke Brown, 23, said: 'There was a lot of cheering going on and I looked around to see a naked girl in the paddling pool.
The student later posted this tweet of regret about the incident
'She seemed to be having a good time and everyone was reaching for their mobile phones to video her.
'I think the club staff stepped in to cover her up but I’ve seen one of the videos on twitter and it lasts for 10 minutes.
'Everyone had a lot to drink - I’ll bet she’s regretting it now.'
A spokesman for the Oceana club said: 'The night in question was a promoter event - this is where the event is put on and run by a third party.
'Oceana does not condone such behaviour.
The embarrassing antics took place at Oceana nightclub in Cardiff
'The Oceana door team dealt with the incident at the time and the clubs management has had the appropriate conversation with the promoter regarding this.'
The video of the student in the paddling pool has now been removed from YouTube.
Chris Sorek, from alcohol education charity Drinkaware, said: 'There's nothing wrong with enjoying a few drinks on a night out.
'But the digital world we live in means that people who have been drinking to excess can have their actions come back to haunt them online.
'What might appear fun when drunk can feel foolish and embarrassing in the cold light of day.
'Drinkaware research shows that over a third [38 per cent] of 18-24 year-olds admit to experiencing "cybershame" - regretting something they've posted online when drinking on a night out.
'And 47 per cent of those polled admit to un-tagging drunk photos of themselves they didn't want others to see.
'Thirty eight per cent also reported feeling embarrassed about seeing pictures of themselves online doing things they don't remember after a night of excessive drinking.'
He added: 'There are simple ways to prevent a night taking a turn for the worse and avoid seeing embarrassing posts and pictures splashed over the internet the next day. Eating a meal before drinking or when out and making every third drink a soft one can make the difference between having a good night or a bad one.'
The Prime Minister has demanded each unit of alcohol be sold for no less than 40p to 50p in Britain's supermarkets (picture posed by models)
Alcohol will be sold with a minimum price to deter binge drinking under plans ordered by David Cameron.
The Prime Minister has demanded each unit of alcohol be sold for no less than 40p to 50p in Britain’s supermarkets.
The proposals, which Mr Cameron wants included in an alcohol strategy paper to be published in February, will cost drinkers £700million a year.
The Prime Minister has repeatedly said he wants a minimum price to help tackle Britain’s obesity and binge drinking epidemic.
Government sources said he has overruled Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, who favoured a voluntary system for retailers, and is insisting that the basement price be imposed by law.
The scheme will mirror one introduced in Scotland, where the sale of alcohol below 45p a unit is banned.
It will be accompanied by a public health campaign on television to persuade people to moderate their alcohol intake. Extra tax revenue raised from the plans will be ploughed back into the NHS.
But the strategy paper has been delayed as a result of arguments in government about how to impose the change, which critics will challenge as a nanny state measure.
Government lawyers have warned that an attempt to impose legal restrictions on alcohol costs could fall foul of EU competition laws.
Home Secretary Theresa May, whose department deals with much of the fallout from binge drinking on Britain’s streets, wants to tax drink on the basis of alcoholic units.
The Department of Business has warned that forcing firms to charge a minimum price could be illegal.
There is also disagreement about whether the minimum price would just be imposed on cheap supermarket alcohol, or whether pubs would be targeted too. Some ministers are concerned that would hit responsible drinkers too.
Beer and lager is currently taxed at 18p a unit, compared with 19p a unit for wine and about 25p a unit for standard spirits. VAT, charged at 20 per cent, is also added.
A recent official study found that setting a minimum price of 30p per unit would prevent 300 deaths a year, 40p about 1,000 deaths, and 50p more than 2,000 premature deaths.
In August 2010, Mr Cameron said the cut-price drinks offers in supermarkets had turned town centres into the ‘Wild West’.
He said: ‘There is a problem with very cheap alcohol, alcohol being bought at convenience stores and supermarkets that people are using to what’s called "pre-load" before they go out. And this is a problem you just can’t ignore.
‘We’ve got a situation where in some supermarkets you can walk in and buy incredibly cheap drinks, a lot of which is high strength lager, which people are using to get off their heads before they even go out.’
Last year, the number of patients admitted to hospital for problems caused by drinking topped the one million mark for the first time.
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