Nudist Body Paint

Nudist Body Paint


Nudist Body Paint
Bodypainting Day Parades The Nude And Painted From The Ferry Building To Pier 39 [NSFW]

On Sunday, October 23, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., a group of naked people covered in body paint gathered at the Ferry Building and paraded to Fisherman's Wharf, to scare and delight the tourists. Artists were on hand to paint peoples' bodies, and as the Facebook event explains , the theme is "Inner Beauty."
As Hoodline reports , this is the first time that Bodypainting Day has come to San Francisco after starting in New York in 2009. Artist Andy Golub tells the site that he and his models got kicked out of Times Square for wearing nothing but G-strings, and New York wouldn't formally condone the event until 2013.
74 people sid they were attending on the Facebook page, and Golub promises at least 50 people participating. The models have already been selected, though, so you can't just show up and strip down. [ Update: The event has now passed, but you can look for photos from it here .]
Meanwhile, local nudist activist Gypsy Taub has been waging an internal war against fellow activist and sometime mayoral candidate George Davis, and she and her three children will be staging an emergency protest at Bodypainting Day, which Davis helped organize. "The reason for the protest," Taub tells us in a release, "is that... George Davis... has been widely exposed in the last 6 months for sexually harassing my 15-year-old daughter Inti Gonzalez. She was about 11 years old when the sexual harassment began." Taub claims that Davis has repeatedly tried to spend time alone with her daughter, and allegedly asked her to marry him when she was 11.
Taub and her three children, Inti, Nebo, and Daniel, plan to protest the event in the nude, with a megaphone. (Taub's children have frequently joined their mom in nude protests .)
As Golub tells Hoodline, though, Davis has decided not to attend the event "because he never wanted it to be a distraction from all that Bodypainting Day is about, which is free artistic expression and human connection through art."
While nudity was banned in San Francisco starting in 2013, it is still allowed at permitted events like this one.
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Jay C. Barmann is a fiction writer and web editor who's lived in San Francisco for 20+ years.
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Updated | The heat this weekend in New York was so brutal that you might have thought about ditching your clothes entirely and slipping through the city au naturel .
For the men and women who took part in the second-annual NYC Bodypainting Day , that fantasy proved real. As the rain subsided on Saturday afternoon, about 100 models disrobed and got painted at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in the name of art and body acceptance. The painting went on for hours, as NYPD officers stood by and tourists gawked over the fences. Once it was finished, the models embarked on a naked march to the United Nations building.
The event is the brainchild of artist and body-painting icon Andy Golub, who says he got a permit from the parks department after spending years fighting the police for the right to paint fully nude people in public .
We spoke with a small portion of the models (and one of the artists) to figure out what motivates people to strip and get painted in a big public square.
How it feels to get painted: "It's kind of Zen. I just get to stand here. I'm her canvas today. It makes you feel beautiful, no matter what."
On her family's reaction: "My mom loves it! I post pictures on Facebook, and she tells all of her friends. My aunt 'likes' everything I put on there. They always send me articles whenever they see anything about body-paint. I'm like, 'Guys, I'm not going to be on TV. I'm not going to be on Skin Wars .'"
How she discovered body-painting: "My boyfriend of two years broke up with me. I was at home in Tennessee visiting my parents, and they had two canvases in the shed. I was depressed and I covered myself in paint and sang songs while I did it and that's how Princess Multivitamin [her nickname in the body-painting community] was born."
Why she gets painted in public: "Activism. I believe that nudity and sexuality don't have to go hand-in-hand. I think that the human body in its naked form is you. That's who you are. And it's a beautiful vehicle that houses our soul. And it's also about consent. I want my children to grow up in a world where their consent matters and where they can feel safe even if they're not wearing any clothes. And that's a big dream. I'll probably never see it happen."
Why she decided to get painted for the first time: "I'm an artist as well. I've been on both sides of the easel. I said that when the summer came around after this long and terrible winter I would do something a little more daring, and that's what this is."
What she like about Bodypainting Day: "It's very liberating to have people of all different sizes and ages. It's not a modeling contest. That's not what it's about."
What it feels like to be body-painted in public: "Great. I love it. There's not a better feeling than being naked."
How he first became interested: "I was nervous when I first started. I started out by doing naked yoga. I had a great teacher named Cindy. She taught me how to come out of my shell."
What it feels like to get painted: "I'd say it's like jumping in a cold pool. There's that first 10 seconds of shock, and then you're just kind of hanging out. With a friend. Who's painting a flower on your butt."
Is her family cool with it? "They're fine. They know who I am. It's not a huge surprise to anyone. My dad always says that I'm kind of a grown-up flower child. I'm happy he got the grown-up part, anyways."
On her career when not being body-painted: "I'm an office administrator. So I'm clothed usually in that job."
What it feels like to be body-painted: "It's the excitement of the artistic experience, being involved in something where I really feel like [her painter] is seeing my spirit and he's painting it on my body and we have this really unique opportunity to connect in the artistic process. As a dancer and a writer, it's a really exciting experience. It helps me connect with my spirit."
Why she likes it: "I am a naturalist, if you will. I think that in and of itself allows us to be free. I think we spend a lot of time trying on different identities, different outfits, just trying to hide who we really are. This is such an opportunity to be seen."
On her family's reaction: "They don't really understand it. At the same time, I'm also the free spirit of the family. I teach yoga, and I teach dance. And I help run an artistic program at an arts and healing center."
VANN GODFREY (the artist painting Miller)
How he became interested in painting people's bodies: "It goes way back to when I was in college. I recently had a chance to look back at some of the work I did in college. Even though it was watercolor on paper, it was figurative drawing with very bright color, very broad gestural strokes on top of a pencil rendering of a model. My watercolor instructor didn't really understand what I was doing. I didn't, at that point in time. I was on a collision course with body-painting before I technically knew that body-painting existed as an art form."
Why he loves body-painting: "It's one of the few visual art forms that is social. It's a unique collaboration between artists and models. This is not just artwork that I'm producing. This is me working with her as a person. This is me working with her as a spirit. And letting that influence affect not only the visual brush strokes that I am putting on her, but also, once my painting process is done, she is going to carry this artwork throughout the rest of the day and move it and display it and interact with it and other people. No other art form really enables that."
What it feels like to get painted: "It feels nice. On a hot day like this, there's kind of a nice, cool feeling to it."
How he describes the colors he's wearing: "I'm kind of working in opposite to my co-model, John. We're sharing the same artist. She decided to just flip our colors. I guess it has something to do with nature, since he has a sun on him?"
On his non-body-painting life: "I just graduated from college. I got a music degree. I'm currently working at a renaissance faire upstate."
On her first body-painting experience: "My first time was in a private photo shoot with just a photographer and a model. It was awesome. I love being naked. I love being nude. I love being natural."
Why does she like it so much? "Without clothes, I have no masks on. What you see is what you get. There's just no hiding me."
On the colors she's wearing: "I can tell you about the design. It is a lotus flower. It's basically about rebirth. Obviously the flower comes up from my womb, so to speak. I'm birthing a new generation, a new awakening."
Update: This post has been updated to reflect a change in Princess Multivitamin's name.
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Published: 11:40 BST, 31 July 2017 | Updated: 13:10 BST, 31 July 2017
From a vibrant coral reef to an other-worldly demon, these are just some of the breathtaking designs on display at the annual World Bodypainting Festival.
The three-day festival, which is celebrating its 20th year, saw some 30,000 spectators descend on Klagenfurt, in Austria, to admire the stunning works of art painted on the human canvases. 
Artists from 50 nations around the world gathered this weekend to show off their skills in a series of contests, including brush and sponge, ultraviolet effects, airbrush and special effects.  
Those brave enough to have their skin decorated had to wait up to six hours to have every inch of their body covered in the dazzling and meticulous designs.
Here FEMAIL rounds up some of the best offerings on display yesterday...
Vibrant: An otherworldly demon, left, and a brightly-coloured jester, right, went head-to-head in the annual competition
Under the sea: Bodypainting artist Jeany Fearon came up with this creative way to represent her home country of Australia
Psychedelic: A birthday cupcake formed the centrepiece of this design, left. Right, a grotesque take on the Queen of Hearts
More is more: Flower (left) and feathered headdresses (right) add even more drama to these extraordinary body paint designs
Rising from the ashes: This model was given a flame-coloured design by bodypainting artist Irina Shmeleva from Russia
Maximum drama: A Dutch artist created this regal design, left, while a Norweigen artist painted this underwater goddess
Tropical dream: The bodypainted model is supported by two assistants as she strikes a pose for the camera
Strike a pose: A design for the city of Rimini, left. Right, a high fashion concept with Louboutin shoes and a magazine cover
Underwater creature: Pink, blue and gold embellishments add an alien touch to this aquatic theme
Hat's off to you! A china pattern comes to life in this design, left. Right, a bodypaint artist from Guadaloupe created this, right
Fierce: Lions serve as the inspiration from this unusual creation by artist Alexandra Rijke from The Netherlands
Go to specsavers, there is at least one male model...
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