Nudist And Naturist Movies

Nudist And Naturist Movies


Nudist And Naturist Movies



Sep 15, 2016
Updated: September 15th, 2016

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When naked bodies became an eyesore.
Ever since humanity learned to doodle on the walls of the caves it called home, we have been treated to depictions of sex and the human body in art. It is hardwired into our DNA to enjoy the sexual act, and it's nearly impossible to look away when we see it presented on screen.
Filmmakers who portray sex and nudity in their pictures walk a fine line: if you can justify the inclusion of bare skin, like the recent Palme d'Or winner Blue Is The Warmest Colour, a feature that chronicles the love affair between an underage student and her female teacher in graphic detail, then you have earned respectability while also appealing to the baser desires of moviegoers; however, if you fail to justify excessive amounts of nudity and sex in your feature, then you have crossed the line from being an artist to a purveyor of smut, like Zalman King.
For your consideration, I present a list of 9 films that crossed the line from art to smut and never looked back, movies that threw as much T & A at the screen as possible for the sake of it: 9 movies with way too much gratuitous sex and nudity.
A hilarious parody of musical biopics, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story skewered the tendency for biographical films about musicians to ignore the music and instead wallow in the excesses of the Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle. The film satirises the gratuitous nudity and sex this trope entails by showing the titular rock star, Dewey Cox, engaging in all manners of sexual excess, including orgies and wife swapping.
While it failed to recoup its budget at the box office, Walk Hard won over critics and strong word of mouth led to a cult following and significant DVD sales. The theatrical release contained more than its fair share of nudity, but the unrated version released on DVD, entitled The Unbearably Long Self-Indulgent Director's Cut, doubled down on the gratuitous nudity and sex, extending a scene of Dewey's band waking up after an orgy in a crowded room of naked people, depicting Dewey reveling in even more coitus and showing Dewey picking up one of the male members of his band.
The Unbearably Long Self-Indulgent Director's Cut crosses the line from showing abundant nudity to satirise the cliché of rock star excess in biopics to showing nudity for the sake of nudity and so finds itself as the first entry on our list.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.
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Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum.



Sep 15, 2016
Updated: September 15th, 2016

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More stories to check out before you go
When naked bodies became an eyesore.
Ever since humanity learned to doodle on the walls of the caves it called home, we have been treated to depictions of sex and the human body in art. It is hardwired into our DNA to enjoy the sexual act, and it's nearly impossible to look away when we see it presented on screen.
Filmmakers who portray sex and nudity in their pictures walk a fine line: if you can justify the inclusion of bare skin, like the recent Palme d'Or winner Blue Is The Warmest Colour, a feature that chronicles the love affair between an underage student and her female teacher in graphic detail, then you have earned respectability while also appealing to the baser desires of moviegoers; however, if you fail to justify excessive amounts of nudity and sex in your feature, then you have crossed the line from being an artist to a purveyor of smut, like Zalman King.
For your consideration, I present a list of 9 films that crossed the line from art to smut and never looked back, movies that threw as much T & A at the screen as possible for the sake of it: 9 movies with way too much gratuitous sex and nudity.
A hilarious parody of musical biopics, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story skewered the tendency for biographical films about musicians to ignore the music and instead wallow in the excesses of the Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle. The film satirises the gratuitous nudity and sex this trope entails by showing the titular rock star, Dewey Cox, engaging in all manners of sexual excess, including orgies and wife swapping.
While it failed to recoup its budget at the box office, Walk Hard won over critics and strong word of mouth led to a cult following and significant DVD sales. The theatrical release contained more than its fair share of nudity, but the unrated version released on DVD, entitled The Unbearably Long Self-Indulgent Director's Cut, doubled down on the gratuitous nudity and sex, extending a scene of Dewey's band waking up after an orgy in a crowded room of naked people, depicting Dewey reveling in even more coitus and showing Dewey picking up one of the male members of his band.
The Unbearably Long Self-Indulgent Director's Cut crosses the line from showing abundant nudity to satirise the cliché of rock star excess in biopics to showing nudity for the sake of nudity and so finds itself as the first entry on our list.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.
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10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Final Girls In Horror Movies

10 Horror Movies Where The American Dream Becomes A Nightmare

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18 Things You Somehow Missed In Reservoir Dogs

10 Documentaries More Terrifying Than Most Horror Films

10 Actors You Forgot Were In HUGE Movies

10 Greatest Opening Scenes In MCU History

10 Movie Endings That KILLED Franchises For Good

Harry Potter: Ranking Every Death Eater From Worst To Best

Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum.

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and you are at the set of my Allure cover shoot.
We just wanted very timeless photos,
and you know so many amazing pieces to choose from.
So, the inspiration on Heidi's look today
was kind of Patti Hanson half done.
There was an idea, concept that Norman wanted to do.
He wanted to create an iconic portrait
because trendy becomes out of fashion.
What Heidi brings is kind of comfortably bold
that just allows to really express yourself.
I think you just have to be comfortable in your skin.
You know I've never had a problem with my body
or I don't really care what people think.
we did a lot of nude pictures today, too.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Just a little bit of a texturizer on the end
I did it a brown and beautiful skin,
from top to bottom cause she was you know,
You can find a great moisturizer that you love
but I think food is the most important thing.
and your skin just looks great when it's hydrated
If there is one beauty product I can't live without,
to be honest I can live without all of them.
If I had to choose one it would be mascara.
But, I could live without it if I had to.
but it's only a piece on the bottom,
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