Nudes Without Face

Nudes Without Face


Nudes Without Face

drawings graphic arts sculptures photos paintings prints woodcut
70% of Nudes in The Smithsonian are of Women

Out of those drawings, 37% are Faceless.

There is a common trend within drawn minimal and abstract nudes to create figures without faces. What is so minimal about this art then? The face is removed to be "minimal" yet the breasts remain.

Marguerite Zorach

Lily Cushing

Louise Nevelson

Alice Pike Barney

Jane "in vain" Winkelman

Louise Cox

23 of the 623 nude drawings were created by these women and 91.3% of them have faces.

Removing the face from the figure leaves no way to identify a person, leaving them as just a body, just an object.

the act of treating people as if they are objects, without rights or feelings of their own

hey I've always been rlly insecure about showing my face in pictures and i often find it hard to sell nudes without showing my face. Is anybody interested in buying through paypal or recommend sites?
Where can I sell nudes (pussy and tit pics) without showing my face (I AM 21)?
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Home > Sexuality > Where can I sell nudes (pussy and tit pics) without showing my face (I AM 21)?
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Guys, what do u think about women who photoshop their whole body and face?
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I'm gonna be honest I'm not sure how many people would be interested in buying pics with no face. There's a bunch of other girls selling pics with their face on it so... I don't know you might be disappointed with the results.
Only fans. I’m not a simp, so I’m not paying to see your uninteresting body.
fair enough, but "uninteresting" is a little harsh
Not trying to be mran but darn... That's kinda yikes... You can get a normal job and keep your dignity
Girl no, don't sell your nudes. Treat yourself better.
Well, why would anybody buy nudes when you have Pornhub?
I mean.. for me, nudes are only special if they come from a person that I feel connection towards. But then... most likely it is mutual and then neither of us has to pay.
You know people can see that stuff for free

Al Bello

Alfred Gescheidt

Andreas Feininger

Andrew H. Walker

Ansel Adams

Art Wolfe

Art Zelin


Bert Hardy


Brent Stirton

Chaloner Woods

Dan Kitwood

David Redfern

Earl Leaf

Eastcott Momatiuk

Ed Freeman

Erich Auerbach

Fin Costello

George Rose

Gjon Mili

Gordon Parks

Herve Gloaguen

Ivan Dmitri

Jack Robinson

John Moore

Juj Winn

Malte Mueller

Martin Puddy

Martyn Goodacre

Massimo Colombo

Slim Aarons

Reg Lancaster

Roland Shainidze


Silvie Otte

Streeter Lecka

Thurston Hopkins

Tom Kelley

William Lovelace

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Naked Female, Female Breast, No Face
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I Can’t Take a Cute Nude to Save My Life, so I Asked Boudoir Photographers for Help
How to Take Hotter Nudes 101: A Manifesto
Photo by bombuscreative / Graphic by Zackary Angeline
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2. The coy, “I’m just lying in bed” pose:
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3. The semi-erotic, closed-eye pose:
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4. The artsy, “admire the curves of my body” standing pose:
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5. The equally artsy, “admire the curves of my body” lying down pose:
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6. The “oh don’t mind me touching my lip” pose:
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7. The elbows up, arched back pose:
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9. The “about to rip my clothes off” pose:
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10. The zoomed-out butt appreciation pose:
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11. The very zoomed-in butt appreciation pose:
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At SELF, Lindsey has specialized in culture, love, and sex, but also written about health, food, fitness, and beauty. Prior to SELF, Lindsey wrote about fashion and entertainment for NYLON and Mashable .
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In many areas, I crave consistency. I like when the subway comes on time and how my hair will be reliably perfect on the third day since my last wash . But one area where I’m disappointingly consistent is in my abysmal failure to take a sexy selfie . Whether I’m standing in front of my bathroom mirror, lying on my bed, or sneaking a quick nip shot in a bathroom stall at a bar, it never goes well.
Sometimes the lighting is dim or the camera lens on my phone is dirty. Other times, I can't convince my face and body to do something sexy at the same time. The result is always a weirdly cropped, uncomfortable-looking photo that I'd rather delete than send to anyone else. And that sort of defeats the purpose of a nude selfie—at least, the ones I'm taking.
Instead of continuing to suffer from my chronic inability to take a hot nude, I turned to the experts: three New York City-area boudoir photographers who set, light, and shoot sexy photos as their actual jobs. Then I did an IRL boudoir shoot with one of them. Emerging from this session a bit wiser and with a much more convincing sultry bottom lip bite, I took everything I learned and applied it to my DIY “nudes” (which, for the purposes of this article, are not nude at all). Here’s literally everything I learned about how to take sexier nudes.
Disclaimer: There are, of course, no official “rules.”
I chatted with Irina Mednik of French Kiss Boudoir Photography , Elizabeth Beskin of 5th Avenue Digital , and Evgenia Ribinik of Evgenia Ribinik Boudoir Photography to get the lowdown on boudoir photography.
For the record, there’s an obvious difference between boudoir photos and nude selfies; one is the product of high-quality equipment and a professional photographer ’s keen eye, and the other is a product of, well, a naked bod and a cell phone. Still, the photographers gave me a lot of advice I didn’t know I needed, and I got something of a crash course in the art of nude photography.
Their first lesson: Mood matters, as much as any pose or facial expression. This shocked me. I’ve always been one to run to the nearest mirror and snap a quick pic—throwing caution, mental preparation, and lighting concerns to the metaphorical wind. No longer. According to my boudoir gurus, I should put some serious thought into wardrobe, lighting, scenery, and ~setting the mood~.
Their second lesson: When it comes to poses and facial expressions, less is more. I have a hard time getting my face to behave when I’m posing for pictures—nude or not—but all three photographers encouraged me to chill . The same goes for posing. Beskin told me that some of the most beautiful boudoir shots are those that capture natural, imperfect moments—because they capture the kind of authentic intimacy you share with your partner on a regular basis.
Something all three photographers mentioned was that a lot of the “magic” of a boudoir session happens on-set—in the communication between photographer and model. I’m the kind of person who learns by doing, so I thought I’d give the whole boudoir thing a shot and (hopefully) walk away with a few observations I could apply to my own nudes.
Full disclosure: Ribinik provided me with the session and the photos for free as part of this story—which I’m immensely grateful for. Normally, a boudoir shoot with a professional can run you around $900.
To prepare for my professional photoshoot, I made a moodboard—something Mednik had suggested in our interview.
Laugh away, but the moodboard helped me figure out what I wanted my nudes to look like. It also helped me find photo inspiration, see what poses I liked, and compile lingerie I was into.
For the record, I would've happily included an image of my moodboard (it's mostly butt photos, because apparently I'm a huge fan of derrieres), but photo rights issues prevent me from doing so. So you'll just have to imagine all the sexy boudoir butt pics that inspired my shoot.
Clothed nude photos?! An oxymoron of the highest order! But all three photographers assured me clothed—or like, partially clothed—photos were standard in boudoir. Since going full birthday suit can be a little awkward, they recommended I start with a more covered-up look (say, my partner's button-down or a cozy sweater over my favorite bra) and gradually strip down to my skivvies.
Beskin even suggested I select my outfits ahead of time and lay them out in the order I plan to wear them. (She warned that corsets and other tight garments can leave marks on the skin, so I should wear those last. I’m not sophisticated enough to own a corset, but, you know, noted.)
My gurus informed me that many clients buy new lingerie before a shoot, but I don’t have the budget for that, so I stuck with what I already owned. I brought a couple bras, three pairs of underwear, a bodysuit, and a button-down with me to the shoot, and Ribinik helped me assemble looks from there.
And I got some pretty dramatic hair and makeup done for the occasion.
Standard boudoir shoots involve about an hour of Victoria’s Secret -inspired hair and makeup. This gives clients a second to get in the zone before, you know, taking their clothes off. And the photographers suggested I incorporate something similar— hair and makeup , sexy music, a glass (or two) of wine —into my own nude selfie shoots. I don't have much of a problem being naked around people (just ask my poor, poor roommates), but even I thought this period of mental preparation sounded like a good idea.
On set, Ribinik opted for a Lana Del Rey -based soundtrack, and her makeup artist took her time making me look picture-perfect. I ended up looking like a straight-up doll—a look I appreciated for the professional shoot but would never have the patience (or skill) to recreate on my own.
Then I did the whole nude (and semi-nude) modeling thing. And honestly, it was easier than I expected.
While Ribinik's makeup artist worked her magic, Ribinik walked me through the fundamentals of boudoir scenery—which is basically just that you want to pose in a clean, well-lit, ideally luxurious-looking room. (The swanky Manhattan hotel room we were shooting in seemed to fit the bill.)
Though it was raining out, she explained she'd be keeping the lights off. Apparently, natural light—even if it's dim—is better than artificial light, because it can lend a soft, sensual vibe to your photos. Ribinik recommended posing in a window-filled room, like the one we were in, whenever possible.
Before I knew it, my two hours of get-to-know-you talk were up, and it was time to get naked. Thankfully, Ribinik knew what she wanted from each shot, and she confidently directed me from pose to pose—telling me where to put my arms, how to tilt my head, and when to really push my butt out.
I'd usually take my nudes on my bed or in my bathroom, but Ribinik made use of everything from the couch to the wall. I quickly realized how easy it can be to get creative with posing and scenery, and I tried to make mental notes of everything I was experiencing.
Before long, the moment of truth arrived: Would this effort I exerted to educate myself on how to take hot nudes actually result in hotter nudes? I whipped out the notes app on my phone, tried my best to recall everything I’d learned from my shoot with Ribinik, and got to work.
My first move was to revisit the photos from my shoot with Ribinik and to recreate some of the poses on my own (see my attempts below, complete with fun names from yours truly). I also drew inspiration from my moodboard, though that mostly helped me get in the nude photo taking mood.
When it came to doing, well, pretty much anything else the photographers had taught me to do, I failed. Abjectly. The monster that is laziness reared its ugly head, and I paid little attention to lighting, scenery, or getting in The Zone.
I took my nudes at night, so natural light wasn't an option. (I compromised and positioned myself near some not-so-natural light sources—namely, lamps. This mostly sufficed.) I also failed to clean my room before the shoot, which is downright embarrassi
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