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Ohio woman accused of live-streaming rape on Periscope 01:00
Story highlights Marina Alexeevna Lonina accused of live-streaming rape on Periscope video app Prosecutor: Raymond Boyd Gates allegedly raped 17-year-old at Columbus home Attorney says Lonina maintains her innocence; Gates doesn't have lawyer
Marina Alexeevna Lonina, 18, is accused of using the app to live-stream video while an acquaintance, Raymond Boyd Gates, 29, allegedly committed the rape at a home in Columbus on February 27, the prosecutor said in a statement .
The two were indicted Wednesday on multiple charges, including kidnapping, rape, sexual battery and pandering sexually oriented material involving a minor, the prosecutor said.
Woman live streams drunk driving on Periscope. 01:51
In addition, Lonina was indicted on charges of illegal use of a minor in nude-oriented material or performance, the statement said. She also is accused of taking nude photographs of the young woman on February 26, according to the prosecutor.
Attorney Roger Soroka said Lonina will be arraigned Friday.
"She maintains her innocence in the matter," Soroka said.
Gates does not have a lawyer at this time, O'Brien said.
"The victim and the two defendants were socializing and at some point in the evening it is alleged that Gates forced sexual intercourse with the victim and Lonina started Periscoping (live-streaming in real time) the sexual assault," the prosecutor's statement said.
Authorities were contacted after a friend of Lonina's from out of state watched the live stream, the statement said.
Is Periscope the future of news? 04:38
If convicted, Lonina and Gates could each face sentences of more than 40 years, O'Brien said in the statement.
Representatives for Twitter and Periscope declined to comment on the case.
Twitter has had issues with harassment in the past.
In 2014, Twitter said it would revamp its user-protection policies after Zelda Williams, the daughter of comedian Robin Williams, was run off of the social site by abuse in the wake of her father's suicide .
"We will not tolerate abuse of this nature on Twitter," Del Harvey, Twitter's vice president of trust and safety, said in a statement at the time.
Periscope's guidelines ban graphic content.
© 2022 Cable News Network. A Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All Rights Reserved. CNN Sans ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network.
Updated 2209 GMT (0609 HKT) April 15, 2016
(CNN) An Ohio woman has been accused of live-streaming the rape of a 17-year-old friend on the Twitter-owned video app Periscope, according to Franklin County prosecutor Ron O'Brien.




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Photo illustration by Lisa Larson-Walker. Photo by Clem Onojeghuo/Unsplash.
Every social media network has its underbelly, and the one on Periscope, Twitter’s live-video app, might be uglier than most: On any given day, users appear to flock to broadcasts from minors and encourage them to engage in sexual and inappropriate behavior. Worried Periscope users have been ringing the alarm for more than a year , and Twitter has reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy against child exploitation after reporters have followed up. But if the company has been working any harder to enforce that policy, its efforts don’t appear to have scrubbed out the grime.
Last month, a tipster described to me how some Periscope users were routinely pursuing children who had logged on to the platform to play games like truth or dare with others. It took pseudonym-cloaked commenters less than six minutes to persuade a girl, broadcasting with a friend and playing truth or dare on a public forum recently, to lift her shirt and show her breast. “Fully out,” typed one user, right before the girl revealed herself. “But with shirt up…” instructed another, before the girl did it again. The girls, both of whom had braces and appeared to be younger than 18, said they loved to roller-skate, mentioned their homeroom class, and said they didn’t know what an “underboob” was after being asked to show some. It’s not clear whether the users directing the girls were also minors or were adults. But whatever the age of the commenters, their behavior was in violation of Periscope’s standards, which bars users from engaging in sexual acts and “directing inappropriate comments to minors in a broadcast.”
In another alarming video, a pair of girls who described themselves as sisters (one said she was 14, and the other appeared to be several years younger) were asked to show their bras and their underwear and pressured by multiple commenters to continue to strip. “Dare y’all to play rock, paper, scissors, and loser has to flash,” said one viewer, after both girls had already shown their underwear.
Launched in 2015, Periscope makes it easy for anyone to start a broadcast that others can watch live and send comments to the broadcaster while he or she is filming. Commenters can also send broadcasters hearts to show that they’re enjoying the live content. As you Periscope, you can see the comments and hearts in response to your stream. There is also a private stream function, which is only available to users who follow each other. In incidents like the ones described above, commenters routinely ask the young broadcaster to follow them, perhaps hoping to engage in a private video stream.
Although concerned Periscope users have been alerting the company that some people were using its app to coax children into inappropriate behavior for more than a year—and in July, the BBC even aired an investigation into how users on Periscope were pressuring children with sexually explicit messages—children and teenagers can still be swamped with requests from viewers to do things like take off their shirts and pants, show their underwear, show their feet, kiss other kids, do handstands, and answer lewd questions. In other words, it’s clear the company hasn’t figured out how to solve the problem. In response to the BBC’s reporting, Periscope said, “We have a strong content moderation policy and encourage viewers to report comments they feel are abusive. We have zero tolerance for any form of child sexual exploitation.”
It’s not that Periscope hasn’t done anything. On Nov. 27, about five months after the BBC report, Periscope rolled out an update to its reporting tool that allows users to flag potentially inappropriate content. The updated tool includes a category for “child safety,” as well as a way to flag “sexually inappropriate” comments by users talking to broadcasters on livestreams. In that announcement , Periscope said that since “the beginning of 2017, we have banned more than 36,000 accounts for engaging or attempting to engage inappropriately with minors.” This announcement, however, came in the form of a post on Medium (where Periscope only has 116 followers), which the company tweeted out five days after publishing it, after updating it to add details on the new reporting tools. In the app itself, there was no announcement or indication that the new feature existed that I’ve been able to find, suggesting that many Periscope users might be unaware of the updated reporting tool.
I contacted Periscope on Nov. 30 to ask about explicit interactions with minors on the platform and what the company is doing to solve the problem. In response, Periscope encouraged me to report any problematic videos found in the future and said that it has “a team that reviews each and every report and works as quickly as possible to remove content that violates our Community Guidelines .” I then asked about the size of the team, which Periscope said in its recent Medium post is expanding, and asked for more information about what else the company is doing about this kind of content. I haven’t heard back but will update this piece if I do. I also asked the Department of Justice if it was aware of and had taken any actions regarding this activity on Periscope. A spokeswoman said, “As a matter of policy, the U.S. Department of Justice generally neither confirms nor denies the existence of an investigation.”
In its Medium post Periscope did say that it’s “working to implement new technology” that is supposed to help detect accounts that are potentially violating the company’s policy and improve the reporting process—though at the moment, it’s not clear whether that software is running or the company is relying on user reporting alone. (When pressed on that question, Periscope did not respond.) Due to the live nature of the videos, it’s probably hard for Periscope to know exactly when a new one pops up that features a minor and attracts predatory commenters, though the platform has removed live broadcasts while they are happening in the past . “Unless they’ve got keywords down really tightly to know what constitutes a grooming message, … automated detection may be a little harder to do just via existing algorithmic tools,” Thomas Holt, a criminal justice professor at Michigan State University who specializes in computer crimes, told me. That means that having a reporting feature to help target accounts for removal is critically important, as is having staff to review the user reports. But, according to Holt, the efficacy of those reporting tools depends on how much users are even aware they exist. Kids might not even know when a pedophile is attempting to lure them into sexual acts, or even that it’s wrong and should be reported. And again, even a strong reporting regime clearly isn’t enough.
Videos of children being lured into sexual or inappropriate behavior on Periscope can rack up more than 1,000 views. The videos tend to follow a pattern: Once the stream starts, dozens of Periscope users flock into the comments, as if they had been alerted either on Periscope or via a separate forum outside of Periscope, suggesting some level of coordination. This type of swarming is common, according to Holt: “Multiple people will often start to send sexual requests, questions, or content in an attempt to exert a degree of social pressure on the person to respond to a request.” This makes the request seem more normal, Holt says, and can manipulate a child to respond to a sexual request to please the group.
One place within Periscope that had become a hive for this kind of misbehavior was the “First Scope” channel, which curated streams from people using the platform for the first time, according to Geoff Golberg, a former active Periscope user who has been vocal in calling attention to the problem of inappropriate behavior directed toward minors on the app. That channel was removed in November, months after Golberg sent emails to the company (which he tweeted out ) about the potential of minors being sexually exploited in the channel. *
While it’s good that Periscope is taking some degree of action, Holt says that the risk posed by virtually every social media platform—particularly ones that are more reliant on images than text, since text is easier to patrol with software—means it’s critically important for parents to understand what their kids are doing when they’re online, and to have conversations with them about what apps they use, what constitutes bad behavior, and how to report it. Periscope isn’t the only popular social media site struggling to moderate how kids use the app. Last month, the New York Times reported how the YouTube Kids app hosted and recommended videos with disturbing animations of characters killing themselves and committing other violent acts. On Periscope, though, the dangers are heightened because of the live, instant nature of the broadcasts, which can put a mob of predators in conversation with children before there’s time to intervene.
In many ways Periscope is a remarkable service, allowing anyone to share what they’re doing in real time with viewers around the world, whether it’s a confrontation with law enforcement or a hot-air balloon ride. But it also facilitates behavior that calls into question the utility of the entire enterprise—and how capable the company is of curbing that behavior effectively, either through moderation or software. Over at Alphabet, YouTube is attempting to fix the problems on YouTube Kids by hiring more moderators. Twitter and Periscope should do even more than that. The safety of some of its most vulnerable users is at stake.
*Correction, Dec. 18, 2017: This article originally misspelled Geoff Golberg’s last name. ( Return. )
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Users Looking for Child Pornography Are Gathering on Periscope, Twitter’s Forgotten Video Service Back to School Sales
As 2017 wheezes to its merciful end and the social media titans reckon with growing backlash, Twitter’s largely forgotten video streaming app Periscope has gained an insidious second life as a hub for seekers of child pornography. Gizmodo’s search of the platform over the course of a single afternoon uncovered dozens of accounts—50 in total—which appeared to be soliciting sexualized images of minors, or in the worst cases, depicting it themselves.
Acquired by Twitter before launch to compete with a similar app named Meerkat, Periscope allows users to broadcast live videos—such as on-the-ground views of newsworthy events—which can then be shared and rewatched at a later date. Seamless integration with Twitter helped it debut in 2015 as one of the top 25 app downloads, according to analytics service App Annie. Though it’s better off than Meerkat, which shuttered late last year, Periscope has plummeted to the 968th most downloaded app as of December 12th.
The presence of bad actors using a derelict platform to traffic in child pornography is almost less surprising than the brazenness of their methods in doing so. 22 of the users spotted by Gizmodo opted for names which did little to hide their intent, with handles like “lovechildrin,” “girlpreteen,” or “addmegroupsCPplease.” (CP—sometimes further obfuscated as “cheese pizza”—is a well-worn shorthand for “child pornography”.) Slightly subtler accounts merely included bios like “Love Little Girls the younger the better” or “j’aime les jeune filles” (which means exactly what you think it does.)
Though Periscope claims to have “zero tolerance for any form of child sexual exploitation,” the images used as avatars by some users tell another story. Of the 50 accounts found by Gizmodo, nine displayed the genitalia of prepubescent girls, and six more depicted sexual penetration featuring what appeared to be minors.
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Many users that seem to reference a desire to share or view child pornography use their accounts’ bio section to ask for admission to private groups—a feature on Periscope where, as the name suggests, sets of users can broadcast only to each other—which explains why the profiles of these users, some of which claimed over 4,000 followers, all displayed a broadcast count of zero. The same is true of adult porn streamers who sometimes amass followings in excess of 100,000 despite sexual acts, legal or illegal, being explicitly prohibited by Periscope’s content guidelines , and whose videos are often recorded and reuploaded to forums like Reddit’s r/Open_Boobs. The most upvoted post in that community (which is dedicated to “info/media on Periscope chicks”) is titled “ DO NOT FUCKING POST UNDERAGE GIRLS IN HERE .”
Though not counted towards broadcast numbers, private videos can be rewatched later in the same way that public videos can be on Periscope, unless they are deleted at some point after the broadcast ends. If deleted, Periscope declined to quantify how long content is stored on Periscope’s servers. (Gizmodo, it should be said, did not join or attempt to join such private groups for obvious legal reasons and can’t state conclusively that pornography featuring minors is being shared within them. We did, however, attempt to contact users among the 50 accounts who provided an email address, though none replied to a request for comment.)
Coexisting on Periscope alongside these users are, worryingly, accounts operated by actual children. Though the platform’s user discovery tools are limited, several of these accounts followed users whose broadcasts featured or consisted solely of innocent broadcasts of young children involved in everyday activities. As Slate reported recently, predators have been known to leverage the app’s live chat functions to encourage underage users to perform sexually exploitative acts like removing their clothing during a broadcast.
Periscope added minimal functionality last year that allows chat comments to be flagged as spam or abuse, but that system relies on other users in the chat to verify a comment is harmful. No option of any kind exists to flag accounts as violating platform guidelines—or US law, for that matter. If such an option existed, it isn’t clear who would even handle the reports. A LinkedIn search for Periscope turned up no employees whose job title reflected user safety or content moderation.
A Twitter spokesperson told Gizmodo that “when a broadcast is reported, it is reviewed by a member of our teams who are available 24/7,” but declined to specify what “teams” existed and how many people comprised them. A Periscope post from late November addressing the sexual exploitation of children on the platform refers only to content moderation by a “committed team,” singular.
Gizmodo alerted Twitter to ongoing issues with child exploitation on Periscope, providing a series of questions as well as a list of accounts seemingly seeking child pornography, all but one of which have since been banned. Their response is reproduced below:
Thanks for reaching out. We recently shared an update on our safety efforts here .
All content on Periscope must follow the community guidelines . Anyone can report a live or replay broadcast; this article has more details on how to report a broadcast. When a broadcast is reported, it is reviewed by a member of our teams who are available 24/7.
We do not have additional numbers to share regarding the app or our team, but happy to help with any other questions
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